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Batman vs Superman Review - Not bad but not great.
27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After just getting out from watching the new Batman vs Superman movie yesterday, here are my initial thoughts. The movie is not bad. Does that mean the movie is good? I'm not entirely sure. Probably. I would say I'd recommend people to watch it, more than I would not. I would also say I'd like to watch it again (maybe not in 3D) in case anything was missed, but I'll wait for the video release. It is interesting taken as a whole.

The Bad -

1. The pacing for the first 2/3 to 3/4 of the movie, going from scene to scene, character to character, motivation to motivation, with lack of any real action was almost a killer for me. It was just boring, and while I appreciate the topics being brought up, the way they were and how slowly things moved was draining. You never knew if it was a flashback scene, a dream sequence, anything. Obviously, you can figure it out, but the movie really was trying hard to be a Batman movie, no a Superman movie, no a Batman vs Superman movie, no a Batman and Superman vs Lex Luthor movie.

2. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. He didn't portray Lex Luthor. He portrayed some bizarre Riddler / Joker amalgam on Prozac that was indeed intelligent (he reminded me of Jim Carrey from Batman Forerver at times) and did put plans together, but the plans were a bit silly and not thought through. He wanted to kill Superman. But why? There was no motivation provided for that and why he acted so nutty other than he's nutty. Also, if his plan was to kill Superman, he could have found a much easier way to do so then planning to get Batman to fight Superman. Heck, lure Superman in by capturing Lois. Hit him with the kryptonite, and bam, nail him. Why did he need Batman? Well, because the movie is called Batman vs Superman. Plus, he created Doomsday with no plan on how to take him down after he killed Superman. In fact, Doomsday was going to kill him right away. Again, either that's just stupidity or he's crazy. Either way, it's not Lex Luthor. He is supposed to be the smartest guy in the DC Universe. He reminds me of a combination of the Kingpin and Doctor Doom. Cool, Calculating and not prone to error. Jesse Eisenberg was not Lex Luthor.

3. Henry Cavill as Superman. To no fault of the actor, but too often it seemed the only thing they had him do with look stoic and grim and hover. No humor, expressions. Nothing. He is a good actor. I know he is. Use him. I did like the final scene with him and Doomsday and his willingness to sacrifice himself.

4. The Batman vs Superman fight. The fight was cool. Short but cool, but totally not needed other than to fulfill the title. As soon as Lex told Superman he had Martha Kent and he wanted Superman to kill Batman to save her life, all Superman had to do was tell Batman right away he needed his help. Instead he tried one time in a half- hearted way, and then they both wasted so much time hitting each other. It was just a waste of time and energy. I thought a much better way to have Batman and Superman really fight would be for Lex to use either mind control or Red Kryptonite on Superman so Batman would be forced to tackle him. That I could believe. The motivations of Batman to fight here seemed petty, and Superman just as much.

The Good

1. Ben Affleck as Batman. I really liked him in this movie. I liked the Batsuit, him as Bruce Wayne and I thought his fighting style was good. Yes, he used guns, but it wasn't in some horrific fashion like the Punisher. Not exactly what I'd want but good. They just needed more of it. In fact, I'd have rather the three heroes not fought at all and just teamed up. More awesome Trinity action. I'd really like to see what he (Ben Affleck) could do if he wrote and directed his own standalone film.

2. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I thought she did a fantastic job in the limited amount of time she had. Really, there was not a huge reason for her to be there other than to interact with the other two, and help fight, but her passion for the part was apparent, and makes me happy to see the standalone movie for her coming out.

3. Doomsday and the last 1/3 to 1/4 of the movie. Apart from the reasons why he was created, which for me didn't make a lot of sense since Lex couldn't control the thing, I liked the character and the fighting at the end. The way they had things leading to other things was cool.

4. The music. It was loud, but like Man Of Steel, I really thought it did well from scene to scene.

5. The Batman vs Superman fight . The fight was not needed as I stated but to review the actual fight, it was a lot of fun.

6. The showings of The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. While I wish they'd do standalone movies for all the characters first and then a Justice League movie for character development, it was cool to see them being shown.

The indifferent

1. Zach Synder's direction. I loved 300 and Watchmen. I am not a huge Man Of Steel fan, but the consistent thing is his movies feel the same, love it or hate it.

Overall Rating – 6 out of 10
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Agent Carter (2015–2016)
6 January 2015
I really loved the two hour premiere. Loved the time setting, loved the spy plot, and loved the supporting cast (Edwin Jarvis is great!) Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter is just wonderful. Great actress, great role,and she is very easy on the eyes. I hope they bring in more Super Hero related items or characters too (Cap wasn't the only one). Perhaps smaller characters like the Human Torch and Toro, or the Sub-Mariner. Heck, maybe even the Winter Soldier. As long as they keep the theme essentially the same, and build on the world, the show is a winner for me.

Two Thumbs Up!

Looking forward to the next episode.. :)
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Very fun movie, and that's what it is supposed to be..
22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's weird, I read so many comments from "fans" butchering this movie, and it's it's pretty funny when I read these comments.

Folks - news flash!! There is no believability to this movie or the others, and there's not supposed to be! It's made to be a 50s type homage, and in that they did a great job.

Check out all the other Indy movies and see all the things that made NO SENSE, or could never happen.

How does he push 500 lb stone blocks? How can he move underneath a truck without any broken bones? How does an ark melt and blow up faces? How can he jump into a raft, fall hundreds of feet, land, and then land again in water..hundreds of feet later? Taking hearts from chests? How do knights live to be 500 yrs old and still protecting grails? Nothing is believable, but it makes it fun..

You go into these movies feeling like a kid, and thats how you enjoy them! It's nothing more than a fun movie where the good guy defeats the bad guy, with a lot of comedy mixed in.

I hope they make a fifth Indy!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Why do people always hate things? Give it a shot..
6 May 2007
OK, I have a lot of spider-man comics. I even have a tattoo of spider-man on my arm. It's safe to say I'm a pretty big fan. Even I admit there are plot holes in the new spidey flick, and a lot going on, but in all, it was a fun movie, and did what it was supposed to do, entertain you.

The Good -

1. CGI was incredible, especially the sandman forming for the first time. That was very neat.. 2. Humour - lots of it and from lots of different angles.. 3. Good action sequences for the most part.. 4. The dynamic between Peter and Harry. I like how that was done..

The Bad

1. Harry butler and his "revelation" was a bit silly.. 2. The alien costume that was very cool, but did not really flow like in the comics. Plus, Peter didn't need to have bangs just to let the viewers know he was bad..seemed silly..but his turn as a Wattabe brother was classic.. 3. I like Lowell as the Sandman.. :) (Wings fans?) 3. The bad guy teamup seemed forced. There's no reason for Sandman to go after Spiderman (his character seemed driven by needs for his daughter, not revenge..) with Venom. It would have made it more interesting if Venom had kidnapped the kid to make the Sandman fight Spider-Man and the police.. 4. Topher Grace is good as a little conniving Eddie Brock, but in the Comics, Venom is a huge guy, and it did not really fit.

All in all, I was happy with the results. I would give Spider-Man 1 an 8.0 rating as well to match this one, with Spider-Man 2 probably a little ahead of each..

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