
3 Reviews
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
What Batwoman should have been.
20 May 2020
And no, I don't mean uplifting and comical. I mean solid, well-crafted, narrative and visually pleasing. This episode has a cinematography that could very well be featured in a movie. Still too early to tell anything about the plot, but I can already see which characters are going to be relevant based solely on the way they're framed when they show up. That's the director stating "Hey! Pay attention! This guy is about to do something!" Hard to tell if they used a double for the acrobatics, but if they didn't and that's actually the actress, then she an extra mark for that. The only "but" I give it, is that they essentially rebooted the JSA we've seen in Legends, Arrow and Flash, which opens the possibility of introducing a new Arrow, a new Flash, and new *everyone else*s, which is not something you do when you have another version of the same character already developed. A JSA show set in the 1960's would have been ten times better, without the plot devices of modern shows.
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Arrow: Green Arrow & the Canaries (2020)
Season 8, Episode 9
Take notes, Elizabeth Banks.
22 January 2020
This is how you make a Charlie's Angels remake. The one episode that's totally unrelated to Charlie's Angels, is more Charlie's Angels than the reboot! The three leads work great together, and Katherine McNamara can definitely stand on her own. Not sure if this is going to be a regular thing leading into the new spin-off, but, this lead? with this production? in this universe? definitely worthy. This is no longer the dark, gritty, hellish world of Oliver Queen's Arrow. It's still dark, it's still gritty, but Mia Smoak's Arrow looks like the punch first ask questions later type, so the baddies are gonna be cut short as they appear. Let's hope it doesn't derail into a new Batwoman situation.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
To boldly joke what nobody had joked before.
20 January 2020
Welcome to the era of the comedy space opera. First, Galaxy Quest. Then, The Orville. Now, Avenue 5. It takes all the ingredients proven effective by The Orville, and it sends them across the solar system, packed with everything that makes comedy: bickering couples, lousy engineering, annoying customer support, idiotic management and a professional crew who wishes a black hole would just spawn out of nowhere and swallow them all. If you liked The Love Boat back in the day, this is that brought over to the 21st century..... or whatever century the characters are in..... Hugh Laurie is always a treat when it comes to playing the lead character being annoyed by the cast, and boy, he is ANNOYED. If you want a glimpse of how society would be like in the future, for better or worse, watch both Orville and Avenue 5. You'll find yourself nodding at every joke.
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