
5 Reviews
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3-d glasses don't give Warhol any depth.
20 July 2002
Andy Warhol produced it. I guess that makes it avant-garde or something.... anyway, whatever it was supposed to be, it definitely succeeded at being a sloppy, half-baked attempt to re-make/send-up/innovate an old story...and maybe give John Dallesandro a more legitimate way to make the rent for another month (Just kidding, J.D.! We love you!!!). However, where lots of films have succeeded on their "b" rating due to outrageous flaws, this film fell totally flat in everything it failed to do. It wasn't scary, it wasn't "deep", it wasn't sexy, it wasn't nearly as subversive or shocking as what John Watters was doing in 1973. It was basically a soulless splatter movie starring some funky-looking people unevenly acting on what appeared to be a prototype for the Rocky Horror set--but with an uglier housekeeper. On the up side, the 3-d effects in FfF were sort of cool..I guess..and the director did make some good use of pointy things and pink jello. But with a budget, tons of cool-looking sets and a big-name producer, this movie should have been better---or at least bad enough to remember.
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Heavy-Handed French melodrama
1 July 2002
Sorry, but historical accuracy, t & a and good sub-titles aren't enough. As a true-crime fan, I was intregued by this film's attempt to re-construct the lives of these two women as a way of trying to understand their crimes, but the heavy-handedness of the director combined with the sweaty, gross-out sexuality between the two sisters kind of spoiled it for me (There's a sex-scene combining incest, hairy armpits and crepes that I found utterly appalling). The "bad" characters were too overly bad, the "crazy" ones were overly crazy; by presenting this polarized view of life, the director robbed the film of exactly the ambiguity that made these crimes so shocking and difficult to understand. I do, however, give high marks to the scenes of the crimes themselves--which were effectivly shocking--and to the character of the maid's mother who was a multi-dimensional, interesting and surprising character.
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Xanadu (1980)
1 July 2002
I recently saw in in a theater, with an audience, and the peals of raucous laughter from the crowd didn't stop for 2 full hours. Tube socks with matching visors, peasant dress/leg-warmer/high-heel combo, gold kickers, cheezy animation, roller disco, bad acting, bad dancing, winged hair--and Gene Kelly acting like a LA sugar-Daddy with early alzheimers. Basically, the tackiest film ever made. This is a high-camp classic that has to be seen to be believed.
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Enough (I) (2002)
You too can look sexy when being brutalized!
24 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*Consider this your spoiler warning* The only reason to watch this film is to see J-Lo get the s--t beaten out of her. I know that's a very un-PC thing to say, but this film is such an offensively stylized, uncreative, unrealistic portrayal of the real-life drama of domestic violence--it's permissible to laugh at it. Dis I even need to warn readers of a spoiler for this completely formulaic film? Beautiful girl and Rich guy fall in love. Red flags are ignored. [BANG!] [POW!] [ZOWIE!] Beautiful girl gets icy-cool revenge using snazzy and oh-so-sexy martial arts moves. Film ends. Victim as Victorious. Bad Guy gets Hurt. And everybody looks FABULOUS throughout. Ok, so if you're into Jennifer Lopez and whats-his-name, you'll love this shallow, MTV-Style view of social drama. If you hate her like I do--well, you'll enjoy it for other reasons. But for God's sake, if you want to see a realistic, compelling and responsible drama about domestic violence as it actually occurs in real people's lives--please skip this one.
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Prom Night (1980)
The best teenage-slasher film EVER!
9 May 2002
Decapitation, slutty girls, hot-looking boys in tight pants, customized vans, teenage sex 'n drug use--all to a pounding disco beat. What more could you ask for from a horror movie??? This is a HOT HOT HOT film--one of the best of the genre, and as a time-machine of late 70's cheese it is priceless. Chock full of sophisticated, promiscuous, disco-dancing teens and their permissive, 70's style parents, Prom Night is as much a tribute to a fabulously decadent era as it is a showcase for delicious murder and mayhem. Check out the foxy young Jamie Lee Curtis fresh from "Halloween" fame, trip the light fantastic in one of the most outrageously tacky disco-dance scenes ever! You will want to watch this classic again and again.
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