
124 Reviews
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April Snow (2005)
Unconvincing Puppet-like Contrivance
18 June 2024
A movie with such a theme needs to get at the heart of the viewer's unadulterated emotions, which this puppet-show sorely failed to do.

That the two would embark on such an affair needs to come across as a natural almost inevitable outcome given the circumstances and the bond they have formed. But nothing of the sort happened.

Instead, what we have is puppet-like acting, movements, badly stilted dialogue that's barely there - hence, it's totally unconvincing and laughable that the protagonists would have developed any real sense of bonding - not even a sense of a teenage crush, no less very complex adult ones when they barely speak nor discuss anything of real importance that would have naturally arise under the scenario.

The patronising 'muzak' the director choose to shove in to 'tell' viewers what to feel when that sort of emotion was never ever properly developed between the protagonists, given the stilted dialogue and acting, is outright amateurish and annoying. The nude scenes were just outright silly showing-off given the absent connection.

The movie theme had very real potential which was far from realised with this sort of puppet show. It doesn't make me want to watch anything else from this pretentious immature director.
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17 June 2024
Liked the 2021 take, and thought this 2024 one would bring it forward even better. So wrong. This one took so many steps back:

1. Boorishly annoying boring kid actors PLUS them being given way way way too much screen time. And then there's still the totally unnecessary and forgettable mum.

2. Why open with a short go-nowhere-ice-scene followed by a common too long car chase scene that was out-of-place and uninteresting ? ?

3. Should have opened with Dan Aykroyd ghost-reading scene that jumps into some immediate fun ghost busting, and immediately build on the 'frozen empire' theme. But noooo. Let's take the longest most tenuously boring path to get there, if at all.

4. Draggy, boringly rambling and unfocussed. Over an hour of bland nothing before somewhat interesting 'ghost-busting' occurs. Way too late.

5. Flat flat jokes. Painful to see Paul Rudd desperately trying to give the dud lines some life, but they are too frozen dead to try bring to life. Even Annie Potts looks and sounds bored with her role.

6. Original trio way way under-utilised.

7. Pointless dei-wokey throw-ins that should have been thrown out.

Taken together with the shockingly trashy 2016 take, this one does sound the death knell of another franchise - probably for the better - until someone actually competent comes along to do a proper 'revival'.
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Charming Enough, Over-Simplicity Forgiven
16 June 2024
If I were from Botswana, I'd probably find lotsa faults with this charming series - butchering of the language (since the leads and sone others are played by non-Africans), the culture & practices, the realism of the surroundings and folks, etc.

But being blind to all these, I can find comfort in this movieland charm of small town Africa/Botswana.

The 'mysteries' are non too complex, and the resolutions conveniently simplistic, but the humanity and likeable characters do allow this satisfied hippo to wallow happily in this artificial African pond.

All 7 episodes (YouTube) are recommended. Happy watch!
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Worse Than A Bad School Play
15 June 2024
Wow. Amazing there are directors and producers so blind to their own over-bloated 'dreams' they actually put money and effort to come up with such a laughably amateurish piece of contrived babble.

And then get people to put out the fake 10 stars. 👎👎👎

This is the type of cringy stuff a bunch of empty headed smarty-ass 16 year olds may put out as a school play and think it's soooo 'inspiring'.

Within 10 mins the amateurish nonsense is obvious. To give it a chance, I fast forwarded it 5-10 mins at a time. At every stop, it's the same cringy contrived nonsense. Nothing redeeming.

The acting is equally cringy bad, made even worse by horrendously pretentious dialogue, simplistic and blindly-grandiose beyond belief.

The few child actors fared much better probably because they had no idea the nonsense they were unwittingly inserted into.

Just NO.
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Village (2023)
A Worthy Watch
1 June 2024
This is definitely a far superior film from director Michihito Fujii compared to his later one, Parades (both currently on Netflix).

I watched Parades first, and found it contrived and empty, filled with common uninteresting cliches, with annoyingly patronising music that attempts to force the viewers emotions.

The Village, on the other hand, has properly developed characters, and more scenes that allow viewers to meaningfully breathe and imbibe them without shoving it down their throats with contrived dialogue and cliched demeaning musical scores, although there were still some - but at a more tolerable level.

For instance, the scene in Parades with the 'spirits' parading/walking around was laughably bad; while the scene in The Village with people silently parading with Noi masks on were impactfully done.

I am bemused how the same director could deliver films with such a contrast with the earlier one mature and nicely understated, while the later one amateurish and contrived.

Acting in The Village was also evenly good with both minor and major characters, whereas the acting abilities in Parades were very uneven amongst the actors.

Obviously I'd recommend The Village but not Parades.
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Breathe (I) (2017)
Vapid, Insipid, Uninspired, Don't Ring True
31 May 2024
Have a soft spot for such 'based on real life' movies, but unfortunately this one is yet another that's merely routine 'paint-by-the-numbers' affair.

The nice cinematography can't make up for the insipid and far from inspired script and direction. Like many, I did expect more from Serkis given his many innovative take on unusual roles as an actor.

Acting is competent and okay, though Garfield ridiculously looked coiffed, clean shaven, slim and healthy, simply fresh and bright as a daisy and just out for a nice jog for someone who's supposed to have been bedridden for months. And yes also speaks as clear as day with every consonant and vowel nicely in place - for someone who breathes with a tube and has for months lost the ability to speak? Just no.

The close involvement of the real-life couple's son is probably a significant damper on the whole affair - possibly by trying to (understandably) preserve the 'grace and perfection' of his parents, they ended up being more plastic screen mannequins mouthing simplistic cliches, rather than being believably troubled and inspired characters who speak authentically.

I do think Serkis does have it in him, but for this one he's barely skimming the surface and just didn't, possibly didn't dare, dig deeper into his talent and inspiration.

And for some strange reason, Serkis, despite being a seemingly precise actor, lets himself be rather careless even with obvious 'details' that should have been taken of, but were not.

Serkis - for your next directorial outing do just jump in and swim with all the creative and inspired might you do have, and stop toe-dipping along the waterline again.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Cameo-Filled Dingus That Could Have Fizz-Popped But Not Quite
30 May 2024
It's not half-bad and I'd have to say nice try at some absurdist satire though not quite getting there.

The fundamental issue it seems is that the folks involved can't seem to differentiate between 'good' satire and what's just plain pointless slapstick and unfortunately more seems to be slanted towards the latter.

Cameos can be good fun if they fit into the scheme of things, but quite often in Unfrosted unnecessary and mediocre scenes are included to fit in the cameos.

The good thing is those involved appear to have a good time doing it, and an average attempt was made to wring some humour out of 60s paraphernalia.

It's something I didn't mind seeing as some mindless enjoyment but wouldn't feel I'd have missed out if I didn't.
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Bodkin (2024– )
3 Episodes Max Would Have Made This Much Much Better
13 May 2024
Started off rather well, though with key characters either too whiny or just unlikeable, it wasn't a roaring start in any way.

It sails on fine enough and then by episode three one sighs knowingly that this is the sort of over-extended series that throw you too too many red herrings, many unnecessary and time-eating scenes that go nowhere.

And oh yes, we need to cater to the crazy woke folks with a totally unnecessary lesbian setup which of course again goes nowhere and fits nowhere in the plot structure (or over- structure).

And then comes the last episode -well, let's throw in every cliche, every kitchen sink, tap, and plumbing too. Yup. Carnival, Explosions, Ghost sheeted villains, and oh yes make all the baddies die at a go and leave all the innocents miraculously unblemished.

Wait wait. Make the whiny one do a stupid 'brave' act and let everyone forget the dire financial situation he's in which btw the over-stretched behemoth of a 'series' took pains and pains to set up.

Wait wait. Let's make the hardened one atone her past with a cringy visit to her old nunnery.

Wait wait. Let's top it all with a cherry-cringe, and make the overly meek one become the laughably over-brave and assertive lioness she's now become. Huh? 😂😂😂

Seems like no one can make a tightly well-written nicely shortened with little trimmings series anymore. Sigh.

Finally. Ok. Cinematography was good. Fullstop.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
7 Episodes of a One-Trick Pony? Gimmick Runs Very Dry Indeed
7 May 2024
If this was condensed into a tightly written 90 min movie where the protagonist don't make one ridiculous decision after another, it would have worked very well.

But here we have 7 episodes of repeated ridiculous decisions that's not funny, not revealing in any way, just another cringy boring stupidity, one after another.

Also, after two episodes of repeated Gadd's close-up tortured demeanour, that gimmick wears out very thin too.

So what's left? Nothing very much at all. It's a one dish meal, and once that's delivered, there's only ho-hum repetitive small talk to this 7 episode nothing evening.

Gadd - give this one-trick pony a break and let it go trotter off into the field of creativity a good long while before even thinking of saddling it up again. 😴
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So Much Meticulous Efforts Adding Up to So Little
1 May 2024
Feel bad for all the many people involved (except for the top honchos including Snyder and his adoring coterie) expending so much dedication and effort on all the huge and minute technical details only to be screwed over by ridiculously bad plotting and silly amateurish dialogues - a way sub-par screenplay in other words.

There was also a segment on the significant effort of actually growing wheat and then scheduling to shoot when it was ready for harvesting - BUT did it even mean anything at all to the final movie?? NO! NONE! Zilch!!

Did NOBODY have the good sense (am sure some did and were duly fired) to tell Snyder at least three key things (apart from many others):

1). He's a terribly BAD and terribly TACKY writer!! Don't do it! You have the money. PAY FOR PROPER WRITERS!!

2) LESS can indeed be MORE - eg. Having so many characters, no matter how unique they are, nor how well the special effects folks make each of them look, can actually bland-out a movie instead of making it more compelling. They take up too much time and crowd-out too many scenes and the whole movie becomes a parade of forgettable costume jewellery - none is actually compelling because there is no room for proper character development, and evtually none sticks.

3) A giant space craft building civilisation stealing grains from cart riding, scythe sweeping village farmers is a very very STUPID laughable plot - and a key plot point at that!!

If they can build giant space ships they will have efficient technology to produce food.

Even IF they have to steal grains for no good reason whatsoever, they would have the wisdom and means to enslave the strangely dumb and inexplicably backward farmers and provide them the technology to farm efficiently to produce more and faster and not use slow low yield 10th century earth methods.

This whole enterprise is yet another example of how money power and hubris can overcome common good sense to force-manufacture with huge effort something totally stupid and 'unusable'.

Snyder's coterie of yes-men and yes-women are as much to blame.

At least I hope all the dedicated (but choosingly and probably choicelessly 'blind') underlings and vendors were well paid for their valiant but near-pointless efforts as far as the final movie outcome is concerned. The huge abundance of negative reviews says it all.

This embarrassment is totally on Snyder and no other higher hierarchies as there were in his other movies.

That said, I do enjoy quite a number of Snyder's other movies - good enough to ignore the plot and scripting shortcomings. But Rebel Moon - just a big fat obvious mistake that should never have been allowed to happen.
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Tacky Overblown Poorly Scripted Space Opera Wannabe
1 May 2024
The opening narration itself is such a badly written jumble of incomprehensible nonsense, and with a voice narrator (I believe it's Anthony Hopkins) who's all wrong for it. Then the huge orange-y cheap looking "REBEL MOON" titling appeared - and that unfortunately well-characterise the next two hours.

If Snyder was trying hard for "style-over-substance" - there was neither.

'Dramatic' scenes ruined by bad plotting, tacky characterization, way over-bloated music and music-video-type scene setting.

Eg - the 'heroine' talking bout having murdered a child while naked in bed and then kiss kiss after? Really? Would be okay if it was a vile villain recalling it, but the heroine of your entire movie - just NO. And yes, throw in bad dialogue per the norm here to bring it down further.

Acting is uneven throughout - some actors were okay others were just not up to it, and throwing them in the same scenes just jars badly.

The plot if streamlined and skilfully trimmed could have worked fine, but not in its current frizz and hazy dazzle everywhere.

And cut out rubbishy things like 'grains' being the prize to fight over - beings with technology to build giant spacecrafts can easily have means to produce 'grains' without having to steal it from 'farmers'. And why even 'grains'? Huh?

Dialogue is so so alarmingly amateurish - given that this project would have the budget to hire at least average writers, it's perplexing. Perhaps Snyder did the dreadful deed himself - if so, DON'T ever again!!

A must watch for those interested in "What an Expensive Bad Space Opera Looks and Sounds Like".
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Parasyte: The Grey (2024– )
Destroyed By So Many Ridiculous Plot Points
13 April 2024
What a total waste!

This short series HAD potential but was utterly trashed by horrendous writing.

Flow of events ridiculously nonsensical. Inconsistencies are glaringly everywhere. The whole thing is just an idiotic mess.

Characters both human and parasytes make obvious illogical moves or non-moves over and over just to drag out more nonsense. Dialogue is poorly constructed and silly.

The main nonsense apart from so many others is there is no solid reason (except for a weak stupid excuse that has no basis whatsoever) why the half-parasyte need or want to aid humans other than the director wanting to force in without any rhyme or reason a 'sympathetic' character - which is just laughable.

The narrative keep pushing the fact that the parasytes ultimate aim is to survive. And they could all survive half-human or not. Why the meaningless conflict with that half-human???

The two Japanese movies some years ago were much much superior to this junk plotting.
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Ilo Ilo (2013)
For DICK STEEL "A Nutshell Review"
3 April 2024
An ImDb contributor nicknamed Dick Steel has for nine years (2004 to 2013) posted hundreds and hundreds of carefully written lengthy reviews with very generous scoring, 'his' final one being for Ilo Ilo (which you can find here).

I do not know why his reviews suddenly stopped here Sep 2013 when there were like one a day on average for nine years.

While I personally find 'his' ratings overly generous, I appreciate the very consistent dedication and effort 'he' put into writing each of the hundreds and hundreds of meticulous reviews.

It's been 11 years since 'he' suddenly stopped, Just want to pay a little tribute to this prolific generous contributor wherever 'he' is.

TQ & all the best!
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The Parades (2024)
Veer Towards Contrived Farce Rather Than Poignancy
3 April 2024
The concept had potential but the execution of it just doesn't work, and the movie we see unfortunately just becomes more and more of a contrived farce rather than achieve any sense of considered poignancy that was probably the intention.

It would have worked much much better if the characters were just alive and looking for their loved ones and deliverance rather than dead souls that ludicrously had to eat, smoke, drink, check into rooms, sleep on beds, ride motorbikes and hitch rides in vans to get around.... oh wait ... aren't those things live people do??

Making them dead doesn't add anything at all other than just another ridiculous pointless gimmick.

And zero reason of any sort - because there was conceivably none, other than just another nonsensical contrivance - that these vehicle riding souls can only 'parade' around silently once a month to seek out their loved ones ... and yes now they have to walk in droves ... why? Just silly nonsense which also has next to nothing to do with the movie's content despite being entitled "The Parades".

The subpar stony faced 'acting' by some of the actors didn't help any, coupled with bland meandering overly melodramatic scripting that doesn't work.

Characters also bafflingly change in their nature and motivation which actually caused them to lose identity and depth, and viewers soon care less and less about them.

There are also too many sub-plots none of which are naturally captivating enough ... resulting in an obvious paint-by-numbers amateurish attempt.

Throw in too constant patronising mellow muzak to 'guide' viewers how they should feel at oh so melodramatic moments is just off-putting yucky.

A try of sorts, but no, just immature and poorly executed. The writer and director seem to be more caught up with gimmicky ideas and melodramatic effects that they neither have the skills nor resources to execute properly, rather than making a compelling movie that viewers can immerse themselves in.
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Would have Worked If Not for the Slapstick Nonsense
12 March 2024
Too bad. Could have been a nice little dad-daughter touching comedy but it's badly ruined by the ridiculous nonsense the amateurish director chose to throw in.

The main actor could have been likeable if not for the ugly wig ugly dumpy lothario persona the viewers are supposed to buy.

The beginning though cliched was still a nice touch, until of course the slapstick garbage comes in.

As it is, it's a bland nothing. Really too bad the director was such an amateurish disaster.

As it is, it's a bland nothing. Really too bad the director was such an amateurish disaster.

As it is, it's a bland nothing. Really too bad the director was such an amateurish disaster.
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Another Laughably Bad and Silly Gangster Movie
2 March 2024
The pig, snake and pigeon are meant to represent ignorance, aversion and attachment, sometimes also referred to as the "three poisons".

The use of this lofty title is ridiculously laughable given the amateurish scripting and rubbishy plotting.

Had some hope this would be a good gangster action-drama. But within 10 minutes it's clear it's just another stupid showy nonsense filled with tonnes of senseless loopholes.

Even the 'dramatic' scenes are common and tacky, no better than cheap tv soap.

Watch this if you want to see guys 'realistically' bashing up one another just for the sake of it mixed in with doses of tacky badly written melodrama.

If you, like me, expect a tight well-written gangster action drama, then steer clear of this showy violent nothing puke.
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The Creator (2023)
Visually Strong, Acting Ok, Everything Else Garbage
12 February 2024
Always wondered why this movie did so badly at the box office. Within 20 mins in the answer becomes blatantly clear.

Many other reviewers have pointed out its laughably numerous and gross problems with its downright bad and stupid plotting, scripting, dialogue, scene setups, shameless stereotyping, constant screwups with old-tech/new-tech anomalies (jumping senselessly from one to the other).

It didn't go bad progressively - when it rots it really not only rots but do so in exponential leaps and bounds. When you think it can't be anymore worse it up it's own crap ante! 🤣🤣

What a foolish director-producer pairing to put in such good effort on the visuals to end up with such a pile of movie t**d!!

Unless you are curious like me or a visual effect enthusiast, else give this a total miss.
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Too Much Gangsta, Too Little Osage
7 February 2024
Scorsese just cannot overcome his roots in double-crossing gangster movies and here he delivers one more instead of a movie dealing with the historical situation and context of Indian Osage.

Too many elements of this overly long movie come directly from The Irishmen, Gangs of New York, Good Fellas, The Departed, etc. So much so that the significance of the Osage historical context is mainly buried and surfaces ornamentally only in the guise of the superficiality of Indian costumes and Indian looking characters.

After 3.5 hours, little is known of the Osage Indians, nor all of the many characters, as they only come on as stereotyped villains, buffoons, grubby hands, depressed victims, good lawmen, bad lawmen, etc. It is a movie filled with carefully thought out camera shots, gunshots, scenic scenes, characters talking vacuously in their stereotypical character patois and mannerisms - most of the white men of the gangsterish flavour, most of the Indians of typical Indian flavour and no one seems to have a real solid human identity that one can get immersed with.

I feel like I've just watched another long winded unoriginal gangster movie which merely BTW has Osage historical context as a backdrop.

Just doesn't cut it to be a movie of any significance despite its purported historical importance and good cinematography ... it will probably be remembered more for its unnecessary length rather than anything else.
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Old Fox (2023)
Should Have Been Taiwan's Oscar 2024 Entry
7 February 2024
Such a good movie yet Taiwan stupidly and perplexingly selected the entertaining but much common and much much inferior "Marry My Dead Body" (Netflix) for its Oscar entry which of course meant Taiwan was thrown out of even a nomination. How foolish!

Old Fox is a well-acted, nicely scripted drama that skilfully navigates the difficult pass between sappy melodrama and hard realism, filled with characters that are endearing, believable and relatable.

Just one essential criticism -> the last few minutes with the adult son was not only totally unnecessary, it caused the movie to veer distastefully into sappy mundanity leaving a sickly aftertaste of what could have been otherwise a pristine sparkly imprint. It's a lingering mark of doubt the director may have had in the strength of the movie that preceded, to want to add in such an amateurish appendage that could only - and did - diminish what had been built.

For some inexplicable reason, Old Fox seems to have fallen into a grey zone in the audience market despite it being a significantly better offering than 80% of what's out there.

For instance, mine is the first audience review on IMDb eventhough it's been out for a while, and I was only one of two audience in the theatre.

Go watch it. HIGHLY recommended!
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Good BUT Much Tighter Plotting Would Have Brought It To Great
6 February 2024
This is fundamentally a well-acted expository on human relationships and not a whodunnit like some might expect.

Near the ending I was very very afraid that there would be a ridiculous 'revealing twist' that would wreck the entire enterprise, but thankfully there isn't one.

A few key tighter plottings that would have made this a much much gripping and believable watch would include:

1) a narrative that significantly includes the POV of the prosecutor and his character's motivation beyond the obvious. As it is, he is just a 2-D bland dislikable mouthpiece - this voids the movie off a substantial relevant and meaningful dimension.

2) the key argument by the two protagonists over 'time' remains unrealistic and not substantive enough to truly flesh out their relationship's blight

3) the 'murder weapon' which is a truly important element of the prosecutor's murder premise is simply brushed off as 'not found' - given the physical 'crime' scene, it is simply not believable and more plotting effort should be placed on this - as it is, the prosecutor again just comes across as conveniently a loud incompetent show-offish buffoon.

4) for both the mother and son to hide things and then reveal it later was totally unconvincing as 'necessary' from their viewpoint, and is obviously just a tacky scripting device to create intrigue - instead it just creates an audience dumb down incredulity.

5) there is literally NOTHING in the narrative nor the courtroom to-and-fro that discuss why the husband, if he did commit suicide, chose a violent messy end - this makes no sense at all given his attentive concern for his son - and he damn well knew that violent end would result in a mess his son would see; further he has means to effect a less gory end if he wanted to. The entire script just remained silent on this important factor.

Still a good watch but it's a waste the plotting and scripting weren't made that much more tighter and believable to be a genuine masterpiece.
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Good Grief (IV) (2023)
Good Grief - Snowflakily Common and Boring
30 January 2024
Expected lots more from Dan Levy than this self-absorbed yawningly boring stuff.

The character that he plays is one I'd voluntarily stay a million measures from - a flaky empty soul that thinks misfortune is his sole domain that he can smear everyone around him with. Ditto the 'friends' that surround him.

Do humour, Dan. You are much better at that than this pretentious echo of common nothingness.

The character that he plays is one I'd voluntarily stay a million measures from - a flaky empty soul that thinks misfortune is his sole domain that he can smear everyone around him with. Ditto the 'friends' that surround him.

Do humour, Dan. You are much better at that than this pretentious echo of common nothingness.
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Bodies (2023)
From Intriguing to Cheapo Laughable Sci-fi
6 January 2024

The intriguing setup in Episode 1 and most of Episode 2 totally plateaus in Episode 3. By Episode 4 it's sliding into pretentious lalaland but with all the serious demeanour of the actors you could still force yourself to pretend it'll get better.

By Episode 6 till the end, the serious 'acting' just totally looks and sound like silly SNL caricatures where the actors pretend to act seriously on a totally laughably bad script and dialogue with a nonsensical plot.

I just forced myself to watch till the end of Episode 8 just for mirth and chuckles.

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Maestro (I) (2023)
Should be titled "The Bernsteins"
23 December 2023
Perplexing why Cooper would call the movie Maestro then go on to do a movie all about a Leonard and a Felicia, their children his friends, his gay relationships, Felicia's dealings with this, aging and death.

Leonard Bernstein the maestro is merely incidental, shown mainly by him conducting.

This odd choice of focus inevitably made the entire movie boring and bland, to some extent saved by the good cinematography and Cooper and Mulligan playing their characters to a T.

Leonard Bernstein is ultimately known for his musicianship and that's where the audience interest primarily lies. His love life, his family, his sexuality should be at most illuminating backdrops in the movie, but unfortunately they were mainly what the movie was about. We want to know of his development and frustration in his musical endeavours but the movie offers at best a passing lip service to this.

Watching a movie called Maestro and then getting barely anything about the maestro as a maestro makes the viewer feels cheated.

The family Bernstein is really not at all that interesting a subject for a movie. Wasted opportunity.
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Same Mistakes as Early Man
20 December 2023
Looks like the creators didn't learn anything from the failure of Early Man (2018). A successful family animation needs to engage folks of any and all ages - the first Chicken Run did to a good extent. This one didn't. Ditto Early Man.

Audiences want to see relatable settings, characters with soul, plots that are realistically challenging (not pointlessly ridiculous). So we end up with a colourful bland bright happy island commune ... overdone, unrelatable and boring. Then we get a silly super high tech robots and gadgets filled chicken farm/factory - huh? And football matches in prehistoric Early Man? Huh?

From the short documentary on 'the making of' its immediately clear the creators and team spent a massive 99% effort on the puppeting, the sets, the lighting, the movements, the look of things - which is fine, except, where's the effort on the story, the characters, the soul of the whole thing??

The director even laughed at how fun it was to give Ms Tweedy a glam look - but hello mister - did you ask yourself what the viewers want out of a once iconic scary evil character like her? A glam up look? Really?

It does seem all the people involved in this - many very competent in their area of specialty - was more focused on putting out their best on producing their area of specialty than making an animated movie that truly relates to the audience.

For instance so much technical deal and effort was made of Tweedy walking down glass steps - if the story and plotting was better it wouldn't have mattered if she was walking down milk carton cutouts with average lighting and a less smooth gait.

Do please spend more thought and effort on plotting and characters and audience impact, and less on the visual razzle dazzle.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Series That Made Sex Silly and Boring
28 November 2023
As many has pointed out, S1 was good, and S2 mostly good and then the absurdities rammed into S3, and S4 just let the s**t splatter everywhere.

Well, the same desperation for crude attention affects writers of many initially successful series. They run out of gold and start to throw in nonsensical glitter and fool's gold thinking viewers are blind to their rubbish.

The endless silly sex scenes in every episode just makes sex a common childish bore. Characters start to behave illogically, out of character and lose their arcs in lalaland. Pointless conundrums are chucked in just to fill up time which the writers no longer know how to meaningfully utilise.

Just another shame of a good start flushed down the proverbial s**thole. Yawn.
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