
2 Reviews
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Sunshine (2007)
26 December 2007
Well well...I have to say this was the weirdest movie I've seen along time...That doesn't mean that this was a bad one, because it wasn't. The effects were great and the actors and the actresses were chosen well as they played their role as believable way as it could..but the main thing that made me give this movie only those 5 stars is that even I watched this movie trough from the first captures of the film till the end credits I didn't get the idea, the point of this film...I tried to, but I certainly didn't find it out. Okey, so I knew that this is about some station in the outer space and that the sun runs an important role...In my point of view the reason why they were there and what was their "mission" didn't reflect well enough to the watchers (in this case - mine), because I had to come here to make sure and find out what was initially the idea.. I also think that movie should tell clearly enough the storyline, without putting anybody to do some background info searching, to stay in the same level with the story.
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a touching one..
1 November 2007
I saw this movie today and I have to say, it was much much better than I expected it to be about couple of hours before going to see it. Personally I had some prejudice due to the language of it, but it did totally change my idea. The movie was in most cases surprisingly good with the great actor and actress performances. It was a story about a boy who had a dream and who did everything to reach it. This really touched me and as a film, which is based on a true story, it convinced me. A new school, psycho headmaster and a young boy who get known with a new teacher, a bit different one than the others and about fighting for the things even if they doesn't seem to work out. It showed how little things can make huge changes in many things, and how difference can sometimes cause difficult situations. Also I think the actor selections has succeeded perfectly. It really felt like you had been some person watching the episodes as an outsider when they happened. Before I spoil this movie with praises, I have to admit that there were some things and situations that didn't look and feel the one where the headmaster of the school beat Frits aka. Martin in front of the class, at the end of the movie. He really got beaten badly, but the only thing that it caused to him, was some blood coming from the nose when comparing that to the first beating in the beginning, when Frits got some stitches..well I guess every movie has it own faults..have to say, that if I someday somewhere find this DVD from the store, it's sure thing, that I take it with me.
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