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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
Fun and entertaining!
26 April 2024
This show is exactly as it sounds, fun and a bit corny. After being bombarded with far too many scifi/fantasy shows that are unnecessarily depressing and take themselves way too seriously, I am very thankful to have found this show.

First and foremost, this show is fun. It's relatively fast paced and never gets boring. The cast of characters is very well rounded, and each has their own dynamic personality. The writing is quite good I must say, everything flows naturally without being forced, while both taking care of the character development and storyline.

On the weaker points of this show... the acting is not going to win anyone an oscar to be honest, but they still do manage to create interesting captivating characters. The visual effects are okayish, but there are definitely other shows that do that part better. Then it can definitely be argued that the show is corny, but to me personally that is honestly a positive trait, because the show doesn't take itself too seriously, and embraces it own corniness in an endearing way. But if "corny" is your kryptonite, you should probably stay as far away from this show as possible.

But if you are just looking for some fun, and are not taking everything too seriously, I can strongly recommend this show. At the end of the day, it just works. The combination of story, atmosphere, setting and characters all complement each other to create a world that is entertaining for the viewers.

The characters are quite diverse, and all - including the female characters - are treated as whole people. Which is very refreshing to watch.

Most of all, this show has a lot of potential. For the younger actors to gain experience and grow into the characters, and for the worldbuilding to expand and become even richer. There is lots of room for more stories to be told.

My only real regret about this show is that there weren't more episodes, and I truly and sincerely hope that they will get a second season, since this is one of the most fun shows to come on Netflix in a while.
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Fallout (2024– )
Wanted to like it but I didn't
21 April 2024
Fallout is based on a video game that I have not played, and know nothing about, so I am probably not the target audience for this show. However, I do like scifi, and the premises sounded interesting, and it is, taking place in a post-apocalyptic world.

The show is decently done, and visually it looks good, the budget must be substantial. The acting is decent, and the show is a mixture of three themes, the 50s, cowboys and future-esque. It is interesting to see these mixed together, but at the same time they don't really properly mix, but just co-exist mostly separately.

The storytelling is very much from the school of video games, in the way that the characters are sort of introduced separately, then a lot of information is listed, and then they go on a quest. It didn't particularly appeal to me nor capture my attention, as a person who does not play a lot of video games. (Though The Last of Us was able to do this very successfully for non-gamers in my opinion.)

The characters are flat. The main character, Lucy, is kind of annoying and unrelatable, with her completely unrealistic naivite and blind optimism. She doesn't really feel like a whole character, but just some form of male fantasy. Maximus is even worse, he's so flat and without any character trades that he doesn't even manage to be annoying. The Ghoul has charisma, and is interesting, but doesn't get enough screentime to hold up the show on his own.

There are no interpersonal relationships formed really, in the first episodes of the show. It's just three separate characters, occasionally meeting but mostly just interacting and fighting with various NPCs, which is very boring to me, as a non-gamer. So it is very difficult to keep the attention.

Finally, for me, the absolute worst part is the soundtrack. It feels very forced, deliberate and pretencious. 50s songs are forced onto scenes where most of the time they make no sense, preventing me from falling into the story. Then the songs suddenly stop and the feel of the scene instantly changes (because it never fitted with the 50s music to begin with), making the storytelling very discontinuous, especially in relation to the feel of the story, and emotions conveyed in each scenes. The future-esque music that is used for fighting scenes and exciting storypoints is very slow and depressing, and does the opposite of making me engaged in this story. So overall the soundtrack is just very annoying and/or boring to me, overbearing to the point that it rips my attention away from the story. (An exception of this is Johnny Cash, obviously, as Johnny Cash is almost always a good choice). From what I hear, though, this is a fundamental part of the Fallout-verse, and the music has so much of a presence, and its own character (peraps too) independent from the tv show that I am sure some people will love it.

I admit this is written after only watching three episodes, so maybe it does get better. I just can't watch more of this show to find out.

Overall, this is not a bad show. It was just not for me (which is Ok) and is probably more catered to fans of Fallout, and video games in general.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Solid show with mass appeal
21 April 2024
Brooklyn 99 is probably one of the best sitcoms in recent years. It has very broad appeal, so I would not hesitate to recommend it to people in almost all age brackets, from different parts of society.

The strongest point of the series is a very broad range of good characters, and the interactions between them. The show really does not rely on 1-2 star characters, but the assebly as a whole. This means that there is a character for almost everyone to like. The flip side of that coin is that likely there is a character you might not like. For many it seems that character is Gina, which admittedly is objectively and deliberately annoying. But for me she has very good chemistry with many of the other characters, bringing out the best of them, and setting up funny situations. For me personally, I cannot stand Adrian Pimento as his comedy only consists of continuously yelling and deliberately hurting himself, which isn't a humour that appeals to me. But the point of it is, that even if there is a character you don't like, the spotlight is divided among so many that it hardly matters. Choosing a favorite character is actually hard, because so many of them are excellent. Though for me Captain Holt might stand out.

The show tackles many real issues, and does so well. However, it always gives a very quick comic relief the moment it hints at something serious, which is fine, since this is a sitcom after all, but it prevents it from being emotionally very deep.

The show manages to be actually consistantly funny throughout, with a couple of scenes that are simply hilarious (such as the backstreet boys scene, Diane Yeast infection and "Dude's got range"). There are other themes that are painfully not funny and I do my best to pretend don't exist, like Charles Boyles' creepy obsession with Rosa Diaz in season 1, and Gina's constant sexual harassment of Terry.

The show also didn't overstay its welcome. The last season is arguably the worst, but not bad, and the show ended at the right time. Finally, the best part. The absolutely best part about B99 is that it's thankfully not a mockumentary.
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Poor Things (2023)
Unique but not
27 January 2024
I have never seen a movie like this before which is positive, both because seeing new things is good and because seeing one movie like this is more than enough for me.

The visuals of this movie are something impressive, and it feels like this movie is done by cinephiles for cinephiles, and the love of the art form is evident. Several people whose opinions I trust have told me this was the best movie they had seen in years, so perhaps my expectations were too high.

Long story short, the movie simply did not reach me. The characters are all exaggerated caricatutes, where only Bella goes beyond being completely one dimentional. The movie is very theatrical, which made me wonder if I would have liked it more as a play.

The trope of infantalizing women to then s*xualize them is also just very worn out and tired. We have seen it all, "mature" women in young bodies, children in grown women bodies, evetything to justify and feed into the fantasy of s*xualising young girls. The trope of the "logical" and "happy" s*x worker is also something that we have seen many time, and nothing new was presented in this movie.

The movie is also just not funny, to me at least it wasn't nor the other people at the cinema with me, there were maybe two chuckles throughout the entire movie. The attempts at humor are very basic and trite (like falling down, hurting yourself or bluntly mentioning sex in a social setting). The quirkiness of the movie tries to sell the humor as clever, but it is not.

At the end of it all, the plot just felt shallow. There are namedrops of philosophy and ideology but nothing new is presented, nor a new spin or a new perspective put on anything. This is a simple girl discovers s*x, girl becomes a woman story, with unique visuals and a setup that is very interesting, but without exploring it in any fundamental way. The emotional storytelling is also a bit incoherent, e.g. Where Bella is usually quite unempathetic, but then suddenly turns absurdly empathetic, and where God is insanely protective, and then suddenly turns 180 in an unrealistic way.

Clearly this is a very unpopular opinion, as this movie has reached many hearts in a very unique way, but it did not reach mine. To me, it invoked no new thoughts, no new insights or intellectual perspectives, and after about an hour the quirkiness quickly lost its appeal. More impressive is that this movie invoked no emotional response from me at all, apart from boredom - even though I get very easily invested in almost all forms of art.

This is not necessarily a bad movie, some things were well done like the visuals and the acting was average. But based on my personal experience and my relief when this movie was finally over, I give it a 3/10.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Twists and Turns (and not much else)
4 January 2024
The concept of the show is interesting, a woman seeing a new video of her murdered husband. It is based on a book which I have not read.

Overall the show is quite binge worthy, twists at every turn, but it leaves very little substance behind.

The plot is okay, the characters are passable - but not more than that. There is no character that steals the scene (though Lily is a cutie), and the plot will not blow your mind but it was interesting enough to keep my attention.

Totally OK series, suitable for binge-watching and forgetting right after watching and sometimes that is all you need, so I give it 6/10.
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The Lost City (2022)
Predictable, low effort fun
21 November 2023
This movie is a relatively standard romantic comedy. It is amusing, and at times even funny, but not exactly groundbraking.

A romance author played by Sandra Bullock ends up on an adventure in the jungle, and is followed by the model posing on her book covers (Channing Tatum).

Truth to be told the script is shallow, and predictible, and the characters are as deep as a pizza box.

But this movie doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is, and it more or less works, although it doesn't leave much behind.

The show has some noticable appearances, like Daniel Radcliffe, and Brad Pitt who was very good. But the real star of the movie was Sandra Bullock, she just has the charm needed for these kind of movies - and she is quite good at physical comedy, and making the best out of mediocre script.

If you want to turn of your brain for a moment and go for some harmless fun - this is the movie for you.
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The Mentalist (2008–2015)
Golden Age of Procedurals
21 November 2023
Since Procedurals have very unfortunately run out of fashion, I have been rewatching older ones.

The Mentalist is as solid as procedurals go. The writing is good, the acting is good, and the concept is interesting, i.e. A former charlatan using his skills to help the police solve murders after a personal trauma.

The star of the show is without any doubt the mentalist himself, Patrick Jane, who could not have been better cast. Simon Baker does such an amazing job that it is nearly impossible to imagine anyone else in the part. The charm of this character is undeniable, and he is layered, extremely well written, and most of all interesting enough to keep the viewers glued to the screen.

His police partner, Teresa Lisbon, is a much more subtle character that regularly falls a bit in the shadow of Patrick Jane. When first watching the show it took me a few series to appreciate her character, but she too is very charming, in a more subtle grows-on-you kind of way. She is quietly strong, stubborn but flexible when needed, with a true calling for police work.

The rest of the characters are fine, and generally likeable, but objectively not as strong as the two main leads.

The show is well written, both in the one-episode cases as well as the overall arc. The quality of the show falls a bit in the last couple of seasons, which are not as good as the first 5 series or so.

By the time that the character Agent Kim Fischer appears, I would recommend casual viewers to stop watching. However, for fans of Jane&Lisbon, the rest of the series is still better than most TV out there, and the last episode is definitely worth the watch.

Overall, The Mentalist is a very solid show, with general appeal to almost all viewers who like procedurals. Safe recommendation.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Best Marriage in TV History
21 November 2023
I just finished re-watching this show, and it's even better than I remembered.

The concept of the show is quite surreal (zombies, casual murders, and lots of vomit), so it might not be for everyone. But if you are willing to dive into the absurdness of it all, you are in for a ride.

It's actually funny without being depressing, which is quite rare in these days. It is unique and original, and interesting, and so much fun. This show has an assembly of really well thought-out characters, where each has their own individual multi-dimensional personality. I really cannot think of a weak link when it comes to a character in this show.

Timothy Olyphant and Drew Barrymore do an absolutely phenominal job of playing a married couple, trying to get by under very absurd and unusual conditions. Their chemistry really manages to capture the day-to-day interaction between a married couple who genuinely love and like each other. Without any doubt one of the best marriages I ever saw on TV.

More than anything, the viewer can feel that the creators of this show put a lot of thought and heart into this show - and it is clear that they had fun while doing so.

Even years after it finished, this still remains the Netflix show I am the most upset was cancelled. If you don't mind a bit of absurdity, this show is a gem that you will be grateful to have watched.
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Bodies (2023)
Interesting idea that falls flat
5 November 2023
The idea of this show is intriguing, with quite some potential but it never really delivers.

The main problem is the characters, they are quite flat and uninteresting. They all seem 100% the product of their environment with no intrinsic traits of their own. Meaning if the character's lives were swapped they would behave exactly the same as the other person living that life before. Thd only modest exception of this is Charles Whiteman, which is the only one that made me remotely interested in him. None of the characters had even the slightest hint of a sense of humour, which also seems kind of unrealistic and not very human.

Even if personally I am not a fan of completely plot-driven series they do have their place. However, the plot of this one was bad. Everything was completely unbelievable and unrealistic - and here I am not including the issues related to time travel. As an example, the characters always figured out what they needed to know from the slightest, most obscure clues. Their first guesses were almost always the right ones. Overall the behavior of the characters was very unrealistic, given the situations they were in (e.g. Nothing Polly does makes any sense). Also, the walls of a bar not getting painted or changed in any way for over 80 years seems like a stretch (even if it's a dump).

Finally, the ending was just very lame. Everything about it was very unbelievable, for reasons listed above. Also... so many other things could have been tried without the final "twist" - but they didn't really try anything. And the last few seconds are supposedly supposed to be clever and cool, but they are not, it just seems completely pointless attempt to try to make a mysterious ending, but it fails.

Last but not least, the music was just completely over the top and continuously ruined the atmosphere. It was so overly melodramatic, and very slow in a way that was likely supposed to emphasize the mysteriousness of it all, but it magnified the boredom, making the show even more boring and depressing.

However, I did watch it all (even though the last episode was hard to finish), and the show is decently done from a visual perspective, and the acting is not bad (the actors just have very little to work with). Though I kind of wish I didn't finish it all, now it seems like a waste of time, so I give it 4/10.
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Fun young adult superhero show
5 November 2023
This is a show that puts its own spin on a common trope: Some young adults have to deal with supernatural abilities. In an overflowing sea of superhero content, it manages to have its own identity - a sort of Canadian twist on the Misfits.

First and foremost the show is bingeworthy fun, a bit silly and imperfect, but in a good way. The characters are interesting, and the acting and the writing is good enough for this kind of show.

I would definitely have watched a 2nd season, but objectively speaking one season was probably enough, and it works fine on its own.

Honestly, this show is a breath of fresh air, in an era when most shows take themselves way too seriously. So if you're up for a bit of a silly fun, I recommend to try it out!
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