
12 Reviews
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This almost ruins the legacy of Veronica Mars
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This parody-like mess is a tragic and awful piece of the Veronica Mars universe. I don't know what Rob Thomas was thinking when he agreed to be a part of this travesty. Fans of the original TV show were given a great gift when the Veronica Mars movie was produced. We got what we couldn't thanks to the CW's untimely killing of a truly entertaining show - closure. But, trying to continue the story by focusing on Dick Casablancas in this form is tragic. I couldn't get passed the 4th episode. Whereas Veronica Mars was so intelligently written and incredibly brought to life with great acting and directing, Play it Again, Dick is just stupid and pitiful. They kill off Weevil and Duncan and call this entertainment? Rob Thomas should be ashamed of himself and this show should disappear and be forgotten even if another story about Veronica Mars is never made.
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Trust Me (2013)
Excellent Acting, Awful Story
6 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. I like Clark Gregg a lot and I think the story here was an interesting tale to tell. I give credit to all the actors especially Saxon Sharbino who delivered a very powerful performance. But this movie was so depressing, crude and left me with nothing positive to say about it. The story was not just sad, it was downright depressing and painful. I was left feeling like I got gut punched. Honestly, solid acting performances all around, but just an awful story.

Without giving too much away, the trailer gave me hopes of an underdog story that lifts your spirits. This movie is anything but that. I get that not all movies have to have a happy ending, but this whole film was anything but happy. There are way more gray clouds than silver linings in this thing. Good performances but depressing material.
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Super 8 (2011)
JJ Abrams Does It Again
17 June 2011
While I think Abrams is an excellent writer and producer, I believe his real gift is directing. Following up a masterful job on Star Trek, Abrams does it again with a whole different setting and story in Super 8.

I've seen some reviews of this movie that call it boring or slow. Well, if all you want is explosions and noise, Abrams isn't that kind of storyteller. This film lets you know its going to be about emotions, relationships and characters from the very opening and it doesn't stop there.

I'm also frustrated by some reviews about poor acting. I couldn't disagree more. I thought all of the acting was fantastic. Even some of the characters like the Kaznyks who barely had any lines nailed the emotion right every time. When it comes to the kids, I think they were all wonderfully acted but none better than Elle Fanning. Wow can that kid act. Her scene at the train station in their movie was a good first glimpse of her talent, but the scene where she confessed about her dad and Joe's mom's death was amazing. That's a lot of emotion for a teenager to show.

All in all, I felt this was an incredibly well done movie. If you want a Godzilla deal or a Michael Bay explosion-riddled mess, this isn't your movie. But if you like films that focus on characters and a well told story, go see Super 8. This is the kind of masterpiece Hollywood needs more of.
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Fantastic War Movie
16 March 2011
Absolutely intense! This movie had me sweating and I felt exhausted when it was over. Not a cheesy thing in the entire film which is rare theses days. The acting was top notch as was the directing and cinematography.

I've already seen a lot of people comparing this to Cloverfield, District 9 and Independence Day. Personally this isn't any of those films. I guess you could say there are some similarities to the aliens and vehicles of District 9. But, where I found District 9 overly depressing and the dialog way more graphic than necessary, I would take my 9 year old nephew to this. Also, comparisons to Cloverfield are ridiculous. Cloverfield rarely gave you a solid glimpse of everything because it was intended to be a hand-held camera the entire time. Battle: LA is not. Lastly, the comparison's to Independence Day, I think are a tribute to that film but this is nothing like that one. Independence Day was fine in it's own right. The fact that people compare this to that film rather than The Day the Earth Stood Still or War of the Worlds is a testament to how great of an alien invasion film Independence Day was. But, again, Battle: LA is not that.

Battle: LA is war movie. I heard Aaron Eckhart say that in a couple of interviews and he's right. This is not sci-fi, it's gritty, dramatic, intense and powerful. Eckhart pulls off his role fantastically. It's a shame the Oscars only look at movies that come out in December or are hokey boring crap rather that solid film-making because Battle: LA is an extremely well made movie. You forget about special effects and aliens and just focus on the desperation and sacrifice that these soldiers make. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys strong acting, great story-telling and an intense ride.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Great fun!
7 January 2011
I have to be honest, I had my hopes pretty high for this sequel. I enjoyed the original Tron as a kid and, while the special effects show their age when looking back on it, there's still something special about the original that stuck with me.

All that said, Tron: Legacy goes exactly where I would have wanted a sequel to go. Right off, the visual effects were fantastic. The Grid never looked better. While some purists complain about the atmosphere and weather that could not live inside a computer, I argue that this is fantasy, so why not play out to the fullest? As far as the story goes, it was well told, easy to follow and was a fun ride. The emotional side related to father and son was very well done. I have to say, though, that Olivia Wilde pretty much stole every scene she was in. After only seeing her in a couple of roles before, I was very impressed by her acting talents in this. Her sense of awe around Flynn was wonderful but it was that innocence and wonder that she pulled off that was so captivating. Her face in the final scene was pure wonder and was just fantastic.

All in all, this was a great fantasy picture that I would see again and again.
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Flashpoint (2008–2012)
One of the most intense hours on TV
2 August 2010
How this gets relegated to summers while crap like CSI:Miami is still on boggles my mind.

Flashpoint is a wonderfully acted and extremely well written show. The cast is a great mix of seasoned and fresh faces that are blended well into each story. And talk about stories - it never ceases to amaze me how deep and layered each episode is. Almost every case is more complicated than it looks and each episode is directed so well that you really feel emotionally attached to what's unfolding on screen.

As far as intensity goes, it doesn't get much better. Both Criminal Minds and Fringe are about as gripping as it gets and Flashpoint is right on par with both of those. Each episode draws you in with rich storytelling and brilliant acting that makes this one of the best all around shows on television.

Enrico Colantoni plays Greg Parker in such a way that he's everyone's dream boss. There isn't a person on his team who wouldn't do anything for him and that oozes out with each episode. And, with all do respect to Keifer Sutherland and Mark Harmon, Ed Lane is the coolest guy on television. Hugh Dillon puts such intensity into every emotion that makes Ed one of the toughest yet real characters you'll ever see.

I just hope more people start watching and CBS wises up and puts this on full-time. You have a captive audience, CBS, advertise this a little more and it'll be competing with NCIS for the top spot.
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This is more of what the History Channel should do
27 March 2010
I'm a big fan of the Gunny. R. Lee Ermey is a funny guy and I was so happy to see him on the History Channel again. I still miss Mail Call, so Lock and Load was a great opportunity to enjoy Gunny blowing stuff up again.

The show is very informative and really interesting. Some episodes like the one on Rockets showed some very old technology and provided some really great historical information. There's a lot of history in weaponry going back centuries and this show really displayed a lot of that. Everything from ancient devices to tomorrow's latest technology. I learned a lot watching this series and was thoroughly entertained. I only wish there were more.

This is what the History Channel needs more of. I don't mean to complain, but it just seems most of their new programming isn't historical at all. I mean where is the history in Pawn Stars and Ax Men? I just don't get it. The WWII in HD was great and I'm really looking forward to America: The Story of Us. In between, though, they need more shows like this.
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So much potential wasted
12 December 2003
In a word, this re-make, or re-envisioning or whatever you want to call it, was disappointing. There was so much potential with this story, with today's technology and with the actors, yet it was utterly wasted.

On the positive side, I appreciated the tie-ins to the original series. There were certain looks to elements like the pilot's helmets and the Vipers that were nice reminders of the original. Also, there was some very talented actors in this series. Starbuck and Adama both did excellent jobs and even Boltar was very convincing as the tormented and unwilling turncoat.

But tell me why, with all the computer graphics technology we have today, that the Cylons had to look like people? Seriously, that's the whole excitement with the original: the metal monsters with no heart and no conscience wanting to wipe-out the human race. Instead, they're made to be manipulative cyborgs who use sex to get what they want. Come on! On top of that, you never see them!

My other big complaint is the lack of action. Where are all the cool space battles? Where was the Colonial Fleet? Where were the dogfights between Cylons Fighters and Vipers. There were only two skirmishes that lasted all of ten minutes on screen. How disappointing.

Besides all of that, the plot seemed very disjointed and inconsistent. One minute the president is in charge, the next it's Adama. What was with the animosity between Starbuck and Col. Tigh? And I'm sorry, but the truth behind Adama's charge to find Earth was pathetic. I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet, but please, they could have handled that much better.

If you never saw the original series, you may like this. It is an interesting story on survival. But it was poorly woven together and the script wasted some very talented actors. My hat goes off to Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck), Edward James Olmos (Adama) and James Callis (Boltar) for carying the picture as best they could. But overall, it was a tragic waste of great potential.
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An Honest and Emotional Drama
29 May 2002
For those who want the quick opinion: Life as a House is movie that will grip your heart and suck you in to the story of dying man and his last desperate attempt to draw close to his estranged teenage son. It's a heartfelt drama that doesn't play games or beat around the bush. It's straightforward and compelling.

Kevin Kline is fantastic. I have always enjoyed his range of characters and his ability to adapt to any role. As George Monroe, Kline portrays a worn-out, regretful man looking to do something right with the last few months of his life. His frustrations are honest and his passion is remarkable. Every line he speaks will captivate you.

Hayden Christensen (Sam) shows that he has the talent that will make him a star. He plays the tormented and rebellious teenager with incredible poise and emotion. You truly feel he's living this character. His transformation into not only a likeable young man, but one with maturity and integrity is absolutely remarkable.

There were many powerful moments in this story. I really enjoyed Kristin Scott Thomas as Robin and she worked really well with both George and Sam. Her embrace with Sam at the end looked so real, you can't help but fight back a tear.

Because this film is honest about life and the frightening realities of it, this is not an easy story to swallow. That, in itself, makes this a truly powerful movie. And though this is hardly a "feel good" movie, it is a joy to see such amazing talent woven into such a powerful tale.
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A Very Fun Movie
29 May 2002
If you're looking for a movie that's just pure fun, rent Undercover Blues. This isn't a deep plot with a serious storyline, it's just an entertaining movie.

Jeff (Dennis Quaid) and Jane (Kathleen Turner) Blue are spies on maternity leave and vacationing in New Orleans. Despite their desire to live "normal lives", they get drawn into a case against an old nemesis while being tormented by a local mugger (Stanley Tucci).

The characters are purely entertaining and the actors look like they are truly having a good time. Dennis Quaid is so casual and relaxed no matter what the situation and Kathleen Turner compliments him so well you wonder why they didn't do more films together. Stanley Tucci truly steals the show as the hapless bully who just chose to pick on the wrong guy.

This movie is full of laughs and just plain fun. You'll be repeating the lines for days afterwards!
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Pretty Woman (1990)
A Fun Romantic Comedy
29 May 2002
When it comes to romantic comedies, in my opinion, Pretty Woman is the standard. Every other romantic comedy since then has tried to match the magic formula that made this film so much fun.

So, what is that formula? Well, first, I have to be honest: I like adventure movies. I like movies with a plot, with something to figure out, with a bad guy to beat and an exciting road to conclusion. That being said, here is why I like Pretty Woman and why I think it's the best of its genre: It's got a clever story, great actors and a director that brought them together.

This is the role that defined Julia Roberts' career and she performed it perfectly. Vivian is smart, but not too clever, funny, but not a clown and charming, but not stuffy. You can't help but love this character, and that's a true testament to the actress that portrays her.

Edward (Richard Gere) is the complete opposite. He is stuffy, aloof and overly serious. The fact that Vivian changes that in him is the charm of this film. She goes from a pauper to a princess and he goes from a prince to a person. That's the magic!

Gary Marshall brings the characters and story to life in such a way that you can't help but enjoy this movie. Even if romantic comedies aren't your thing, Pretty Woman is for everyone. Just as the Excorcist defines horror and Star Wars defines sci-fi, Pretty Woman defines the romantic comedy.
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A Chick Flick, but a warm movie
22 May 2002
Yes, it's a movie that women will appreciate more than men. With a feel similar to Steel Magnolias or other "chick flicks", this movie has a lot of dialog and little action.

BUT . . .

It's an honest, well-performed and warm story. I'm a guy, and I liked it. It wasn't my choice to see, but since it starred some very talented actresses like Ashley Judd and Natalie Portman, I didn't object. I'm glad I didn't. Both Judd and Portman are fantastic. I think they both know how to bring alive any role they touch. You truly see Novalee (Natalie Portman) grow up. She starts off as a child having a child and ends up as an adult acting like an adult. I'm impressed by her more everytime I see her.

Bottom line: this isn't a plot driven story, it's a character story. Acknowledging that, it's a very good character story. If you want something that's smart and emotional, you'll enjoy this film.
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