
9 Reviews
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(Unexpectedly?) Brilliant Writing
29 December 2015
Even though I've watched this more than 6 years after it came out, the solid writing and the well-timed comedic touches still felt as fresh. I assumed Mr. Ferrell had a team of writers contribute to the show while viewing it, but it turns out he has adopted the character so closely that the writing was all his. And he runs through it without a hitch in a well-choreographed, well-directed, and extremely well-acted play.

You're likely to enjoy it even when you don't usually like his movies. This is not a self-celebratory liberal bashing of George W. Bush at all. You may even sympathize with the guy for being put in a place that turned out to be more demanding than he possibly expected. Definitely worth checking it out...
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Breakaway (2011)
Very Canadian Low Budget Indie
21 July 2013
There are some real cruel reviews of this movie, interestingly many coming from the ethnic audience that it's supposed to have in its pocket. I don't think this movie deserves such harsh criticism. It's actually a very sweet movie with likable characters, including Russell Peters in a great supporting role. We get to enjoy a bit of the hockey thrill and watch the beautiful Camilla Belle. This movie was never supposed to be an Oscar contender. Even though you know how the story will end in the first couple of minutes into the movie, the uniquely Canadian atmosphere and the few side stories that support the plot make your time worth watching it.
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Orgazmo (1997)
A grand disappointment -- no wonder it was released so late to DVD
26 November 2006
Oh how I have sought this movie, based on word-of-mouth and my respect for the Trey-Parker duo... I've looked around in eBay for VHS copies, then decided to wait for the DVD to enjoy it better... And what a big disappointment at the end -- this is quite possible one of the worst movies I have watched ever. I've spent every minute of it telling myself: "Wait, I'm sure they'll show their brilliance in the next scene -- don't give up!" Ended up wasting two hours of my life... Don't even bother to seek this out of curiosity - it's moronic attempt at humor. The worst episode of South Park is better than this movie.

The storyline revolves around a young Mormon missionary named Joe Young (Trey Parker) knocking on the door of a house in Los Angeles where they're trying to make an adult movie with a super-hero plot ("Orgasmo" of the title). The director sends his thugs to kick Joe's ass for disrupting the movie, and in the act of defending himself Joe shines on the director's eyes as the man that can play the title character. It's all downhill from there...
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Natural acting in a realistic environment
27 September 2003
I did not expect this film to be this good. Not only was the story of a boy growing into manhood and finding love was different and interesting, the director was able to inject a real-life atmosphere into the cast and scenery. The dialogue was very natural and not forced at all. Excellent casting, excellent movie.
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this movie is a major waste of time
25 November 2002
When I saw the deleted scenes on the DVD, I couldn't believe my eyes! These guys don't know anything about editing; the scenes cut were the only ones that would tell the audience what was going on, explain why Amadala's visit to the Senate was important, show some character development, and point to the ambiguous role of the clone army. Instead, they left all kinds of junk and gave us a soulless movie. I am very disappointed, this is as bad as the first episode.
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If you could use some theraphy, you'll like it
25 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*** SPOILER-FREE *** I was a bit hesitant before going to see this movie; it looked very promising but some of the reviews (here) were more negative than I expected. In the end, this movie was an amazing experience, and I enjoyed every minute of it. If you are a normal person in a healthy relationship, I can see that you might have trouble connecting with the lives of the main characters, but if you are like the rest of us and could use some therapy, you will feel this movie touch you very deeply. The director doesn't linger with too many details, from the first scene, you're aware of the humanness of Barry Egan. You might feel sorry for him sometimes, but it's more likely that you'll identify with him instead. P.T. Anderson could have expanded more on who these people are and why they are unhappy, but the movie would become a logical setpiece, instead of the "flow of feelings" it is.

On a completely different note, I was also reminded at times of the movie -- "Crash" (David Cronenberg).
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Great Performances: Crazy for You (1999)
Season 28, Episode 2
Where is the DVD for this show?
6 October 2002
Excellent production; superb talent pool -- this was great; I only wish I was present at the actual theater. This has all the greatest Gershwin tunes in it: "Nice work if you can get it", "I've got music, who can ask for anything more", etc... I checked here to see if there was a DVD available, but doesn't seem like it. Now I'll check the PBS site to see if they have it available. This was shown as part of the Great Performances series, and is a recording of the New Jersey State Theater production.
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Signs (2002)
Huge plot gaps, but overall a stylish movie
2 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*** SPOILER-FREE *** I just finished watching the movie with a full-house audience, and I advice against this -- the movie will please you more if you watch it alone in a quiet theater, so you might want to wait for a few weeks for the crowds to dwindle.

I liked the movie; even the cheesy ending was more satisfying than that of "Unbreakable". However, I thought a lot of the things happening in the movie were not quite logical; after you watch it, you'll go:"but wouldn't they be doing this?" or "why would they be doing such-and-such if they could instead do ..." Also, Mel Gibson was not necessarily the best candidate for this role.
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bob newhart did this before...
19 April 2002
Really, this was a very pretentious movie, spending unbearably amounts of time on shots of inanimate objects, for the sake of being Lynch-ed. If it wasn't for the excellent Naomi Watts, I would have hated it, but it still stole almost three hours of my time. The DVD is especially horrible, with no chapter selections. It would have been a much better movie if the director could film it as a real mystery; instead, I had to suffer through what was basically the last episode of the Bob Newhart Show. Only 1 star, and that is solely for the scene where Betty is auditioning for the first time.
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