
2 Reviews
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Unbelievably Bad
24 March 2024
I thought I would see what all the hype was about, so I set out with an open mind to watch the Top Gun sequel . I can not remember the last time I watched something so cringingly bad. It is just the cheesiest mind numbing junk, with the weakest plot, dialogue and characters that are one dimensional and who, as a viewer you could not care less about. There is absolutely nothing at all I can recommend about this piss poor ,banal, dire.inept, appallingly bad junk food film.

And people actually paid to watch this ridiculous film !!!

I waited until it came on TV, unfortunately that is two hours and 11 minutes of my life I won't get back. If I had paid to watch this junk I really would have been pissed off !!!!
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For entertainment barely
25 August 2023
Well what's to say, other than it's your usual TV paranormal nonsense. Music played too loud over what is supposedly a serious investigation. Annoying sound affects with knocks, taps and screams, usually surprise, surprise, when some spook is apparently knocking or tapping to get our attention !!! There is not even an attempt at setting some kind of mood or atmosphere., its more like a ghost train ride at the fun fair. Why won't someone make a real paranormal investigation TV program or at least attempt to instead of all this rubbish that they pedal as real and serious investigations. Even if you are not a believer, but nevertheless are interested in the paranormal, these sort of programs do nothing for the subject matter, apart from degrade it. The US programs are even worse, totally over the top and laughable. I have to say I do find the paranormal a fascinating subject but it is totally let down by silly, scripted and obviously " for entertainment purposes only " programs such as this.
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