
4 Reviews
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015 Video Game)
The most overrated game in existence
5 October 2023
I am a type of person that loves open world games with impactfull story, and I saw that the witcher 3 was being called a masterpiece and the greatest game of all time, so I bought it and gave it a try, and I can 100% say that it's not a masterpiece, it's hardly a amazing game, it's just a good game The game is slow paced and boring as hell, it got to the point where I would get frustrated from the Borden and the fact that I bought this game I thought that maybe im playing it wrong, maybe there is something wrong with me, I saw a few videos that said "how to enjoy witcher 3" and still it was boring and bad, so I searched and I found out that it's not only me that thinks this game is boring and overatted, Ik there are people that are going to say ( well the game is not for everyone) and I agree with you but a good game could make someone enjoy it, for example I hated soul games, the difficulty and the slow pace, but I decided to give elden ring a try and it amazed me and kept me playing for hours, even tho I hated soul games, elden ring was amazing In the witcher 3 it forces you to do side misions and other stuff to level up and it isn't even enjoyfull, but elden ring does force you to do other stuff to level up but they are immersive and fun unlike the witcher 3 Some other things The animations are realy cheap (ik they had a low budget but remember this game was realesd the same year as arkham knight, and that game has amazing combat and animations)

The combat sucks, literally, there is a slight difference between light attack and heavy attack and that is just the damage

The interactions are dumb and awkward as hell, talking with a stranger is like two robots talking, they just stand there and move there hands and answer eachother with delays(for example the random encounter with the woman that asks you to get her pan from the house)

Leveling up is boring because side misions are boring

SO MANY GODAMN BUGSSSS, due to some bugs I had to restart a mision sometimes, and sometimes I had to load a very old save just because the bugs made the game impossible to go through

Unfortunately people like me that had a negative comment about this game can't realy say their opinion because the witcher 3 fans are absolutely ridiculous, saying something bad about this game is exactly like the scene that the doom slayer enters hell through the portal and the entirety of demons are ready to attack him

Overall its a good/OK game and not in any world a masterpiece.
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Dead Space (2023 Video Game)
A true masterpiece
11 September 2023
I knew that dead space was a huge game in the past but due to the failure of dead space 3, the franchise died and got forgotten, but with this remake not only did it improve, but take dead space from amazing to a masterpiece game.

Before playing this game i wasn't into horror survival games but after playing this game I can pretty much say the horror survival video games got my attention.

This game is a must to play for the new audience that didn't play dead space back in the day because it's truely a amazing experience, it's also a must have for the old players because it offers new things but also being like the original, it's a game that when you play It you cant get off of it.

I hope they remake the other games aswell because the dead space franchise came back to life and showed every one that it can still rise to the top If you haven't played this game yet, what are you doing?buy it and enjoy it, its worth every single pennny.
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The Mist (2007)
19 August 2023
This movie has a lot of flaws :the directing, the acting and the overall pace but it's not boring and j Keeps you entertained for every minute of it, it perfectly gives you the mysterious and terrifying vibe, the horror is unbelievably good and scary, the most important question through out the movie that you ask yourself is :what will happen at the end?

And the ending.... This is the most shocking and traumatising ending in cinema history, I can say without the doubt that the "others" movie is number two in the most shocking ending but I must say this movie is number one and the end will haunt you for ever.

So should you watch this movie? Absolutely yes... This movie will open another world to cinema in your life.
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My honest review
19 August 2023
I tried to stay of the drama until the movie released, i found out about the drama after watching the film, and I am saying my opinion on this movie as a general cinema and spider man fan Flaws: The acting is very mid, the main actor tries so much and it isn't even good, the mj and gwen actors are not even acting they are straight up standing there and reading the very bad scripts and dialogues, the only good actors that were saying their role amazingly where the Harry osborn actor and the kid's mom(yes the mom, she played her role so much better than the other female actors in the short screen time she had) Even tho it is technically the shortest spider man film among the other films (ik it's not an official spider man film) but the movie is realy realy slow and hard to sit through, the film is realy slow paced and boring The photography is not good either, Ik they had a low budget and didn't have hight quality camera and equipment but cmon you Dont need a super camera to have good photography The directing is... Meh The writing is also... MEH the non_cgi action scenes where goofy and not enjoyable

Positive points : The cgi was very very impressive for a fan film and the cgi team nailed it, so sad that they had to leave the project early because of the drama's behind the scenes The costumes are... Just so so amazing and fantastic

Overall... Did it live up to the hype and the 2 years of waiting? Absolutely not.
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