
32 Reviews
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Griselda (2024)
Love the narco shows and why
30 January 2024
Another piece of the Narco cinema. Man do I love these shows because they display the shadow of humanity. At least in this part of the world where I live. The shadow in other places takes on a different flavor particular to the culture. Making the Shadow a Hero is a pretty good storyline, and can be used as a therapeutic meeting between shadow and conscience being. That's why I enjoy these shows. We see around us today the shadows of drug addiction, political maniacs, and some who will bring with them the most evil of human imaginations. Griselda, the show, is the portrait of a Shadow being created to fight off other Shadows. The wonderful performance by the cast is always a bonus in the Narco series. They are real. Sofia ! Watching her transform into a female Narco queen is awesome. In comedy she's a slice of life, but in Griselda she brings more grain to the loaf.
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Laundry anyone ?
20 December 2023
Really, I'm beginning to think that these movies that are being produced by Politicians are fronts to launder money. Sure, the mind behind the dystopian future the left so dearly needs to push is scary, but the real victims are the the end. Always fun to watch Julia Robert's be her " It's Me, oh Meee, !" Although , if you can't connect to character or the fantasy plot then it falls flat and untransformed. No spoilers here as that would just describe someone's disturb dream from a bad plate of spaghetti. So, watch for yourself if you fall for being swindled of human nature's ability to have an intuition and able to debunk the Junk.
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The Take (2009)
Yike's , Hardy is wonderful
6 December 2023
This series is a bit hard to digest because of its harsh reality of criminality. You become a witness to a world we don't ever want to live in , and kinda feel like I should be calling the cops on the writers. I mean this in admiration. There are no masks for Tom Hardy who gives a magnificent performance as does Brian Cox. Again, in admiration, I would have thought some of the Brits might have called the Yard on the writers for breaking some Royal Rules on loving and living like a little bit normal ? The soundtrack is worthy to say the least .I'd say it's up there with the acting for how well the scenes emotion and music score fit so well. Anyways, No spoilers here.
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Way more than just a Sheridan
14 November 2023
Bass Reeves is way more than just a Sheridan production. Right away we are transported to a place and time which incorporates the opposites of good and evil so that they might work closely together in the harvesting of humanity. The Civil War continues now across the world repeating a similar incorporation of opposites to achieve their world view. I'm not completely sure, but nature seems to spill out a human or two who transcend everything around them in a search of truth and Justice. Bass Reeves is one of these people. I read about Bass Reeves almost 50 years ago. I won't give away any storyline, but this show is just phenomenal.
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12 November 2023
There are sometimes a movie so good you are soon back to the theater to see it again. Harold and Maude, Vanishing Point, Star wars, Indiana Jones and the lost Ark were a few of mine. (not counting old movies you can see at theatrical showings). With Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the black pearl, I couldn't wait to get someone to go see it again. Here's a movie that shows Disney at the top of their game with few holds barred. Older kids and adults can enjoy the play of good, the bad, and the ugly in a marvelous storyline of fantasy, adventure, and chivalry of a sort. Have yet to see another movie more than once since Pirates. All the rest of the franchise was great fun but not twice. Maybe Disney will someday find a script as awesome as the first and bring the one and only Captain Jack back into the fold. Accept no substitutes.
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
Angels at work
14 June 2023
I'm a big fan of Della Reese and hope to meet her on the other side. John Dyne would be a great angle to meet at the end, and Roma Downey is still with us so who knows, we may meet before we transform. Yes, I believe in Angels . The show does a pretty good job in some of Angels doings, but they avoid some properties Angels . They are transcendent of time and space. They know our lives. In the show they say they don't know what will happen but they do. Doesn't change God's decree that we have free will. They can help in decisions but you have to be willing to listen with heart and soul, not the Ego. No wings , but it's just fine to think in this way as the symbols are still some of the best depictions. They can help you enhance the undiluted particle of God within you and lead you to the many mansions.
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Can not critique
20 January 2023
As a Catholic I grew up going to church every Sunday, went to Catholic school, and received the sacraments . Not all the sacraments as some are for priesthood, marriage, and death. I could not go to see this movie as my heart could not take the suffering Christ endured at the hands of humanity. It's almost twenty years later and I still can't bear to watch the Passion of the Christ. It's a great movie from what I've heard from some who did see the film. To focus on the death of Christ is not what Jesus came here to impress upon all mankind. To announce the kingdom of heaven and the possibility of eternal life is why , I believe, he was given a life in the body. Most certainly I will see The Resurrection as it is the triumphant message of Christ and one which uplifts the heart in this somewhat dreary finite life. The show Chosen is an outstanding depiction of the life of Christ choosing his followers. I watch with all my heart, and I will watch Mel Gibsons part 2 with an open mind and heart when it comes to theaters. I hope you all will as well.
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Wow !
15 January 2023
I was surprised by this movie, the performances were wonderful. Ben Affleck really impressed on me ,once again , that he is a Great actor. I was a fan after 'The Town' ...a freaking masterpiece . He builds a special place in our heart with The Accountant ,and then builds that place into a island of stability in a world of insanity. He wasn't on my radar of great actors like Gary Oldman, but he sure is today. I'm a recovering alcoholic of ten years and we know he is one of us in this endeavor. God bless him for his courage in the limelight with this. Many actors are dead for keeping their secret addictions untreated. Hard for celebrities to have a personal life as well. As an Actor, he is of the highest quality. OK, he had some flops...who hasn't. For me, he's up there with Gary Oldman who I've loved since Sid and Nancy. The Accountant is one of his best, and he deserves a Wow.
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La La Land (2016)
9 January 2023
My heart is reborn and I want to dance and sing around the Santa Fe plaza in a bright colored pastel western outfit. This movie is a Monet in motion . I haven't been so moved by a film since The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Magnificent Fun ! Outstanding performances ! Compelled to spend 10 years just to learn to write a movie review just to do it Justice. 'My favorite musical' is not enough to say about how I felt after watching this. Can't believe my life was too busy to not have watched this in a theatre. Can't believe I wont watched this once a month for the rest of my life. Los Angeles is far from the dream life these days, but there was a time, and this movie captures the heart of a time imagined in heaven that is La La Land.
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Three Books in eternity
7 November 2022
Simply love this movie. The deep seated wonder of bridging Time forward and backwards will always light up the human mind. We can elevate and frame our own bridge across time, but this is achieved through a lifetime. HG Wells builds a Machine that can transcend time. How the thing is built doesn't seem to matter. As a kid watching this movie, the Time Machine was so cool looking that how it was built didn't matter. When the movie Premiered I was two years old. They played the movie every year on Family Classics throughout my childhood. Now when I watch the movie I'm thinking the Machine is the human Mind. Not so much a machine built with a seat, but an organic property of one's own Mind. HG Wells is wonderfully gifted in plumbing human existence in his time and ours which suggests he actually achieved time travel forward through his books. We all time travel when embraced by the unconscious, but the ego conscious is cutting bait on this ship and is unaware of the fish being caught. As we evolve on earth the possibility of time-mind travel increases. Physically? Maybe, but the Mind is evolving towards a bridge across time. The movie asks What three books would you take into eternity ? What are the three most important aspects of our existence?
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No way are there spoilers
15 October 2022
How can I review a movie without containing something of a spoiler ? Pretty darn easy with this movie. I wouldn't know where to start because I'm still forming opinions at it's end. Keep warping in and out of dimension and can't find the words. Sex dominates in this world of Sex, and everything that could possibly be an appendage to Sex. From a psychiatric view point you should be warned that this is a movie, with trained actors, and should not be attempted at home. Furthermore, do not dwell on the morbidity of unanswerable questions which have no purpose or solutions. Salvador Dali walks into Hell with a camera and the demons have to pose for the shot as they know he's doing a Documentary on the color red.
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History upside down
25 September 2022
The portrayal of humanity is not really in this movie. What is the attraction to watching this movie ? Because it portrays an obvious bogus narrative. A comedy for any Cheyenne or Navajo to watch as well as an eternal heartache. Hard to say what John Ford was going for in his last western, but the movie lacks integrity just as the Government of America did in this period of America. Monument Valley gives most any movie five stars, and Ford knows how to shoot it better than any. I've lived in the southwest most of my life and been to M Valley many times. The.problem with the narrative is the same problem we have today. That is , the slaughter of enemies and taking claim to everything around they can. Of course you have to make it look like your doing the just thing.
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Pinocchio (1940)
Disney original for sure
13 September 2022
As kids this movie amazed and shocked us boys and we loved it. Watched it some months ago with my granddaughter and singing the songs. She liked the Blue Fairy but otherwise it's a boy Disney. I think it deserves a ten for at least Disney's signature song. Keep your heart in your dreams is as simple a message can be, but to understand the message truly is to take the journey through chaos. The artwork is wonderful, especially in todays fabricated computerized weird art, and holds up much better through time. My favorite animated Disney movie even today. Mary Poppins is at the top for me. Of the new remakes I won't comment .
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The Old Man (2022– )
Great chemistry
25 July 2022
The chemistry between the younger and the older actors is great. The story is an interesting look into a dark side of light and it's resolve. Some issue with some of the plot and odd shots, but then I'm a couch critic. It's a nine star for The Old Man for reasons beyond my control.
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Oh no 7
21 June 2022
Piled a lot of obvious locations and gadgetry, kept an aging Bond, and dismantled the 007 franchise in this plot made for the Woke. No spoilers are needed but maybe a Warning. If you enjoyed the world of Bond in the past you'll not find any evolution plausible in this movie. Best to believe I never watched it. I never watched.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
One Word : Oldman
16 April 2022
Sid, Prick up your ears, Track 29, It took too long before he was noted as a Great actor. Love his character in Slow Horse, there's truth in the persona, and there's the proof of a master craftsman. Strong actors, and the story moves from slow to intriguing. Just love watching Oldman'swork.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
Cowbell for adults
8 April 2022
It's funny , even in the middle of serious criminality. The magnate of this show is Christopher Walking amongst a plethora of English actors. He adds the Cowbell this show would of lacked without him. The comedy I found fun and funny, and the drama I found to be a little unnerving do to some good acting. Stephen Merchant is great because he's Stephen Merchant. Jessica Gunning had me laughing more than anyone. She's a great comedic actor. There is to this show the opposites which makes the comedy and tragedy move like a rollercoaster. Adult only show of course.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Ok sci-fi
8 April 2022
The writing is goofy but the cinema is right on. Six stars for the visuals. The plot and characters don't matter in this universe I guess, but it's a fun bit of unnerving cosmic eye candy.
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Slow grueling colors
8 March 2022
3 stars for the whole thing. Predictable story, grim writing, disturbing cinema, and barely passable acting. Really want to give it a 1 for the predictable ride.
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Reacher (2022– )
Fun Reacher
5 February 2022
Enjoying this show . It's campy with a touch of Horror and a hero who is The computer who wore tennis shoes, or special forces boots. It's a fun ride so far.
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How did I miss this
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The performances are great. Gary Sinise gives life to Wallace that reminds one of Gary Oldman giving life to Sid Vicious. A mini series that you can watch easily in a sitting. Wallace is redeemed in the show although I believe Truth will require all politicians to pay the Faustian debt.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
2 stars for Canada.
3 October 2021
The writers should of been the actors in the show being shot . I love you writers ... Bang ! The plot is so discombobulated that the only fun in watching is making jokes about the characters reactions to ridiculous situations. When Tim says they're all going to die I thought - too late, you all died half way through the first season. I give it a 2 star rating for the background shots which are awesome Canada. You go Canada ! And don't let Hollywood dump drab shows on your beautiful land.
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Alter Ego (2021– )
Lazy money
24 September 2021
There isn't a minus star or even a zero star so it gets one. You have to wonder about the audience they're looking for ? The talentless populace of the earth ? Or does the media believe we are creepy creatures who need they're cgi magic to force the audience to eat this stuff ? There can be no spoilers to Lazy money.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Great show
10 September 2021
Love the characters as they just pop out of the picture and become real. You might not like them or want to hang out with any of them , maybe Rita, but the performances are top notch. Billy Bob at his finest. The stories are intriguing and I'm waiting impatiently for the next season.
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CODA (2021)
Magnificent movie
3 September 2021
Super voice among the Fishing folk. It's funny, heartwarming, and totally worth your time.
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