
8 Reviews
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Little Women (2019)
Failed to create and atmosphere of its own, messy
2 February 2020
It felt to me like this movie was searching for itself the whole time. It was inconsistent and felt like I was watching 2-3 different movies at once, and I don't mean the flashbacks. The atomoshere swinged all the time, making me not care for any of the characters or the story. It had some good parts, but non of them combined well with the other good parts... Random shots thrown here and there just like that. Also, few of the characters felt ABSOLUTELY out of time (say Amy), like 2019 teenagers dressed up in period clothing... it was unsettling to watch and further ruined this already messy movie. Saoirse Ronan though was great and did the best she could with was she was given. I'm giving this 6/10 because of good acting, but honestly it's no more than 4-5, almost as bad as a TV movie would be.
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After Louie (2017)
Why is this so underrated and unpopular?
9 November 2019
This is a pretty great A-list movie that in my opinion is super underrated. Seems like it didn't get any publicity AT ALL. I wonder why... Well, it's a simple story, a character study, but it I loved it. It has beautiful cinematography, very believable acting and it made me feel for the main character. And Zachary Booth is such a sweetheart... Nostalgic and very human and relatable, not just if you're a gay man. It makes you think about the meaning of life and death, relationships with your friends, growing older etc. Highly recommened if love a good moody film.
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Glass (2019)
Immense disappointment...
20 January 2019
I've been waiting for this movie for a long time. I loved Split, I liked Unbreakable a lot, both of them had a great concept and I was eager to see what's next. But man... Glass was badly written, inconsistent and utterly uninteresting. Some of it was so cringe worthy I couldn't even watch. Where do I begin... Sarah Paulson does not belong in a superhero movie, not even in a "different" one. She just doesn't, period. She was DULL, forced and not even pretty in this. James McAvoy was of course brilliant, no denying in that but his part was also poorly written and pointless 90% of the time. He was changing personalities way too fast with no purpose at all. I didn't feel or sympathize with any of them, they were just there to show us he can act that? Ok, not his fault of course. I am usually not a SLJ fan but his performance was flawless and probably the only thing I actually enjoyed... He IS the perfect Mr. Glass but this was not the movie for him... The kind of surreal-artsy setting/cinematography felt so out of place, fake and unnecessary to the story... The movie had NO ATMOSHPERE at all. It just felt like bits and pieces trying to fit all together... And Bruce Willis? Was he even in that? His presence and character were completely wasted...
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Dark City (1998)
Coming from 2018 - Very good, could have been GREAT.
10 December 2018
I loved this movie. The story, the atmosphere, how real and surreal it was in the same time.

What did not make it GREAT in the first place were the special effects. Yep, I know it's 2018 now and Marvel has raised the bar high... (You can't deny) BUT still... they could have skipped a lot of them at least if they could not make them better. They were all a big cringe for me.

Second come the villains - absolutely stereotypical, non-interesting, non-intriguing villains. The looks, the attitude, everything. Nothing to make them interesting or different, although the backstory had potential.

Third - I personally am not a fan of the actor in the main role, but I guess that's just me.

A really good movie, with the potential of a cult, but it just missed things. 8/10
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Haters gonna hate... but this is a cult movie.
13 May 2018
A movie that's gonna be remembered for many decades to come. Epic movie. Why are all the ONE STAR reviews most helpful? Are you kidding me? 10/10
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Brilliant movie, underrated Armie Hammer
18 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While CMBYN is clearly a brilliant and touching movie, I don't think there's anything I could say about the movie itself that has not been said already.

What I can add to all that is that Armie Hammer gives a great performance in it that was in my opinion underrated by both fans and critics. Maybe because Chalamet is so good it this too and he's a newcomer, I don't know.

Oliver is such a complex character, so ambivalent (I've not read the book though). He is both in love with Elio, but at the same time he sees himself as a mentor to him. He cares about Elio but at the same time he keeps his distance (even after they were together), and he feels like he's doing something wrong. He understands Elio's feelings but he is somehow past the age where he was able to feel such strong feelings himself, he's mature, he's over that already. Armie portrays all of that so effortlessly. His facial expressions say so much, in the right moments. He has just the right amount of confidence and handsomeness to be Oliver...
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I tried hard to like this...
25 February 2018
But I couldn't. It was... depressing? Boring, negative... what was the point of it? To show that people are people and people suck? Probably.

Dakota's character was... erm... repulsive? What were her motives at all?

All that being said, Ralph Fiennes was amazing, he did a really good job - his performance as well as cinematography were the only things worth watching this for. And I'm not sure if his character was supposed to be the "worst" among them, but to me they were all equally terrible. A pointless story really. Too many "why-s" and too many "no-s" ...
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Split (IX) (2016)
Best I've seen in a while...NEEDS a sequel - *Possible Spoilers*
1 July 2017
Cinematography, acting, interesting plot, pacing, atmosphere... it has it all. It is nearly perfect with no plot holes or glaring moments of stupidity, which is way too common thesedays. I would not categorize it as a thriller/horror only though - it has a pretty massive SCI-FI influence for me, especially the ending, but not just that.

Acting is perfect from James McAvoy, but then again I've been a fan of his for ages. Anya Taylor-Joy is mesmerizing, what a remarkable young lady.

It's the kind of movie with the kind of ending that screams for a sequеl. I loved how they connected it to Unbreakable, since I loved that one as well... and it totally made sense. If you're a Shyamalan fan, you should love this one.

It's an 8/10 for me - it could have been a little more intricate and intimate. But then again it would not have kept the PG-13 rating.
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