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Code Black: Better Angels (2018)
Season 3, Episode 2
just skip this one!
21 January 2024
I agree with "scrubs did it better" (posted by abp-01663) . . . If I want to watch the cast of an hour-long drama burst into song and dance, I'll go back and re-watch a few episodes of Eli Stone.

I watch Code Black for the stories, and this nonsense was just an unwanted interruption.

I don't know if the writers were all down with the flu this week, so somebody had to find something to fill the empty space, but this was a disaster. I love Luis Guzmán (he's the reason I'm still watching Code Black) . . . But I don't need to see him dance.

Fast-forward through the ridiculousness, and there is a story hidden in there somewhere . . . You just have to look for it.

P. S. Am I the only one who's getting sick of the "Rob Lowe Show"?
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Hijack (2023)
Who's the real hostage?
26 September 2023
The bad reviews don't tell the whole story. It's so, so much worse than that . . . .

The making of this film clearly had two components:

(1) Come up with an interesting concept.

And they've done that - a hijacking in real time, minute by minute, for 7 hours. Brilliant, never done before!

Then there's the second component:

(2) Come up with ways to fill those 7 hours.

And this is where it goes sideways . . . 'cause 7 hours is a L-O-N-G time. And they try . . . A little of this, a little of that, add a new character here, a plot twist there. The problem is that, in the end, none of it matters, and none of it is interesting. But you, as the viewer, you're not going to give up, are you? 'Cause it's a brilliant concept, never been done before . . . So it's got to get better, right? You've just got to hang in there, and it'll get better . . . .

So now there are two sets of hostages: the ones on the plane, and you. And, at this point, the hostages on the plane have the better end of the bargain - at least, for them, it's exciting and, if worst comes to worst, maybe they'll get shot and put out of their misery. For you, there's no such reprieve. You either keep watching, or you walk away. But you've already invested three . . . No, four . . . Now, five hours. You can't walk away now, not after investing all that time . . . It's got to get better, right???

Be forewarned . . . It doesn't. It's seven hours of your life that you'll never get back. Walk away now, while you have the chance. And if you don't . . . Well, don't blame me. I tried to warn you.
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The Equalizer: Coal Black Soul (1987)
Season 2, Episode 19
Boring and predictable
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Boring and predictable. McCall fails to take any of the most basic precautions to protect a new paramour whose identity has been discovered by a serial killer with a vendetta against McCall. Shall we guess what happens next?

That said, Chris Elliott is, as always, absolutely delightful as the peeping tom, and Jihmi Kennedy is equally wonderful as McCall's chauffeur. Their appearances are the bright spots in what is otherwise a dismal hour of television, which plumbs to new depths in McCall's interactions with the utterly disinterested and uninspiring Lt. Elmer - played by Earl Hindman in his fourth and (thank goodness!) final appearance on the show.
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The Equalizer: Heartstrings (1986)
Season 2, Episode 11
Starring Edward Woodward & soon-to-be wife Michele
1 July 2023
Although not the most exciting episode, it was delightful to see Edward Woodward co-starring with soon-to-be wife Michele Dotrice. Although they were not yet married when this episode was filmed, they already a couple and had a daughter, born two years earlier.

Well, that's all I had to say, and I've no inclination to quote Robert Frost . . . Unless you really want me to.

I guess I can use the remaining empty space to point out the absurdity of the 600-word requirement for reviews. Few of us have that much to say, and even fewer of us are inclined to read that lengthy a review. So, perhaps it's time to rethink the new requirements . . . ?
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Doctor Doctor (2016–2021)
3 November 2022
I'd like to be able to identify when, exactly, this show went off the rails, but, in retrospect, that was likely well before the first episode ever aired. I should have realized from the start that it was unwatchable, but the lack of anything else to watch blinded me to the truth.

Most of the other reviews target Ajax as being so unlikable that his presence is fatal to every scene he's in. I disagree with that - I found his optimistic naivete quite enjoyable. That changed, however, at the beginning of season 3, when he transitioned from happiness to anger. Still immature as ever, but angry and combative instead of happy and smiling. Which means that now every one of the remaining characters is no more than an unlikable caricature of himself or herself.

I bailed in the middle of the first episode of season 3. But I encourage you to save yourself the torment: bail before you start!!!
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New "scramble" format is a AWFUL!!!
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The new "scramble" format allows teams to do the challenges in ANY order they want . . . And the result is an hour spent watch random teams perform random challenges with NO continuity-and NO suspense-whatsoever!

Is Team A ahead of Team B? Who knows, and who cares? The excitement of the race is watching the teams compete against each other . . . Help each other . . . Or sabotage each other! But when they're all running in different directions, trying to accomplish different tasks, what's the point of watching?

I guess this season's challenge was how to take an award-winning series and ruin it in one episode. I've watched every one of the prior 33 seasons and loved it . . . But if the next episode of Season 34 is anything like the first, it'll be the LAST episode I ever watch!!!

P. S. And I give the producers EXTRA negative points for eliminating the "non-elimination" legs! It was (almost) always heartwarming to see the underdog team get a 2nd chance . . . But never again! To cut costs (I assume), those episodes are gone forever.
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Would give it 0 out of 10 if possible!
4 August 2022
A cast of utterly unlikable characters - with the sole exception of the ex-husband, played by Paul McGann. And the mother is the worst - she has evidence that could possibly help the police confirm that the suspect they have in custody is in fact the killer, but that's not her responsibility - just let them muddle through on their own! She's irresponsible, irrational, and utterly undeserving of the viewer's sympathy. Yes, it's an excellent cast - all of whom would have been better off staying as far away from this miserable hack job of a soap opera as possible!

And, for Martin Clunes fans who want to see him in a dramatic role, watch Manhunt instead - it's excellent!
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Fourth episode is the best!
28 March 2022
I'd mostly agree the the dismal reviews , , , but for the following:

(1) the casting of deaf actress Sophie Leigh Stone as deaf coroner Ashley Wilton - which was absolutely brilliant! She's introduced right from the beginning of the first episode as deaf - she has to turn her hearing aid on to hear what's being said to her! But she mostly reads lips, and reminds the detectives of this at least once, when they turn their heads away during a video chat. Wish more shows were willing to think outside the box like this in doing their casting!

(2) Episode 4 ("A Chelsea Education") - First, unlike the first three episodes, which are populated by the most unlikable characters (it didn't matter who the murderer was - they were all dreadful!), the characters in this episode were, for the most part, quite likable. So this episode was, as a result, quite enjoyable to watch. Also, it was mostly filmed during the day-and not under cover of darkness-so I could actually see what was going on!

Apart from this, I found the first the first three episodes pretty miserable. No clues as to the killer's identity that might keep the viewer engaged . . . Just a lot of stumbling around from one utterly heinous character to the next. So, when the killer (and motive) are finally revealed . . . Well, who cares?

So, watch the beginning of episode 1, to be introduced to Sophie Stone as coroner, and then just skip to episode 4. You'll have seen everything worth watching.
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9-1-1: Panic (2021)
Season 5, Episode 1
Stick to what you're good at . . .
26 September 2021
Wish the rest of the hour had been as good as the first 60 seconds . . . What a complete waste of time! The courtroom scenes? A complete joke. As for rescues . . . Well, there was one (okay, maybe two), but nothing like what we've come to expect from the 9-1-1 franchise.

If you were fortunate enough to have missed this episode, don't go looking for it. If you're lucky, maybe next week will be better.
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Missing (2009–2010)
Don't waste your time!
11 August 2021
Ahhh, where to begin . . . The dreary characters? The uninspired story lines?

The three main characters are DS "MJ" Croft, DC Jason Doyle, and civilian Amy Garnett, all working in the Dover missing persons unit. MJ? Think Vera, but without the depth. Jason? Self-involved and incompetent, with the tact of a petulent 10-year old - and he NEVER gets any better. Finally, Amy - bright and attractive, she'd be the one highlight in the missing persons office . . . If it weren't for her penchant for office romances! Then there's the evil-tempered DCI, who shows up a few episodes in - can't have a British police procedural without the office politics! She adds NOTHING to the show. And, finally, when you're thinking it can't get any worse (and wondering why you've wasted so much time on this rubbish), they bring in arrogant DC Josh Kemplin for the final three episodes, making them all but unbearable to watch.

The one bright spot in all of this is Mark Wingett as radio show host Danny Hayworth. He steals every scene he's in and is delightful throughout.

Unfortunately, he's not enough to save the show - thank goodness the producers finally had the good sense to pull the plug. If you looking for a series about a British missing persons unit that's actually worth watching, try "Chasing Shadows," with Reece Shearsmith and Alex Kingston - engaging characters and exciting storylines. But good luck finding it - it was on both Britbox and Amazon, but now is nowhere to be found.
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Without You (2011–2012)
2 May 2021
An entire cast of utterly unlikable characters! One character after another is introduced . . . And each one worse than the last. That's almost three hours of my life gone that I'll never get back . . . Don't make the same mistake!!!
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The Rookie: True Crime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
Worst episode ever!
1 March 2021
LOVE "The Rookie" . . . but wish I'd just gone to bed early. If you're fortunate enough not to have watched this when it aired, do yourself a favor and don't.
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