
23 Reviews
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The Silence (II) (2019)
3 November 2021
It is quite atmospheric & keeps going. There is not much of a story & no twists. The tractor scene is quite clever. Should've been running it 24/7.

The acting is mostly very good & nice cinematography also.

Not much of an ending. But not an annoying one either.

I'd give it 6 1/2 if I could.
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Bland & Rushed
21 October 2021
Not only is the dialogue stinted , since given the length of the film , truly bizarre.

But , it is not even faithful to the book in many scenes. Worstly, Liet-Kynes is changed gender to woman , for some ill-judged box-ticking exercise.

The music score is pretty awful & does nothing to elevate the experience

Not a film anyone would want to watch again.

Abysmal compared with Dune84 , A film which managed to have a beginning, middle & end. In a shorter length.

Not to mention superior score , set , costume & character actors.

Although acting is difficult to judge , since they had very little script to work with.
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Old Henry (2021)
What a joy , seeing a decent film for once.
15 October 2021
I can't remember seeing a better Western. & certainly none that had not 1 , but 2 twists.

I give it just around 9/10 . Because there is some plot holes - which could have been better done.

Many of us might have missed seeing something about the first scene. Where the man being chased gave away a clue as he rested on a rock.

Oscar character acting from the lead. But is not box ticking for one.
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suspenseful damp squib
12 October 2021
It is well acted , mysterious , atmospheric .

But ultimately let down at the ending - which doesn't answer anything.

With the feeling that ultimately not worth watching.
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well made , but...
4 October 2021
Could have been better.

The production, set ,acting are all first class.

I was hoping for something special to happen.

Maybe Allan Kardec to show up (The spirits Book author) , or the fathers concerned to come to the rescue.

To much left unresolved , as others have said.
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Wild Indian (2021)
Do not waste your time
13 September 2021
Although it's only hour & half , you will end up feeling that it was a waste of time.

The first two thirds are not to bad actually , with a plot, & nice enough filmwork/acting. But the last third fizzled out to nonsense , with a poor ending.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
downhill after first season
17 March 2021
CGI is what supports this series .

Couldn't care less for any of the characters after first season ;

They become degenerate , shooting people in the head for no good reason.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
poor second series
10 March 2021
I gave the first series 7

The second series has terrible script & overpowering music score. Set/CGI are good, but that doesn't save it. Shame it went downhill. The actors must have been questioning their lines every episode.

Th story-line makes no sense , they saved the worst for last , the finale was confused nonsense.

I wonder why they have no drones in the future. Would have gotten them out of quite a few predicaments.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Before you spend any time on a movie today.
3 January 2021
Read only the worst reviews ; they are the honest accounts.

This junk , although well acted , has no direction. The audio was poor quality - dialogue drowned out at times by seeming continuous foghorn droning. ( I think my TV speakers are now damaged beyond repair)

Whatever story it has , or had , seems to be left to the audience imagination , since the scriptwriter obviously failed to accomplish any plot.

waste of time is the verdict
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Pinocchio (2019)
dubbed english double enjoyment
26 December 2020
This is a very watchable & enjoyable film- where the English used in the dubbing gives an extra dimension of richness. It can be no accident as all the characters have this quality -which I find hard to describe other than elevating the film , which is at a high level anyway due to the set , costume /CGI etc.

Would watch again , unlike most films nowadays.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
good fo a laugh
9 December 2020
But don't get hooked , that's what shows like this are all about.

forget any plot , it's made up as they go along - until they run out of gas

so many plot holes

eg. not finding any guns , where every town must have plenty gun shops , not to mention all the cars , every other must have a gun in the glove compartment, or what about all the dead soldiers lying around , no weapons , no rifles or ammo there either..
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 9: The Marshal (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
final season
31 October 2020
This series will fizzle out by the end of this series , if this episode was anything to go by.

really slow lame plot .
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The Silencing (2020)
good enough for a 7
19 October 2020
I always go by the lowest reviews.

But for some reason this one is better than the average 6 is has so far ( 2020)

It's well acted & gripping till the end. Yes it has an end , so that's a plus in itself these days. You're never quite sure who the murderer is till near the ending even though you'd probably guess who it wasn't.The characters are down to earth & I don't think there are many plot holes.

Definitely worth a watch IMO ( not what I usually say)
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
yet another 'Lost'
11 September 2020
You can be sure this is another meandering series , with no thought where its going, but made up as they go along, & will eventually end in ridiculousness as they run out of ideas. & you will wonder why you wasted years watching it at all.

every episode is nothing but a hook to the next one.

gone are the days when series consisted of each episode being a mini story in itself
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Rawhide: Incident with an Executioner (1959)
Season 1, Episode 3
Surprising depth
16 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I once read a metaphysical story : 'Not To Narrow , Not To Deep ' by Richard Sale, It was made into a film called 'Strange Cargo'( a stranger title). As the episode unfolded, I pondered that the writer had also read that book; an otherworldly figure( in this case Duryea) , who seems to know the characters innermost secrets , causing much introspection , fear & some repentance in the group. All very engrossing & un-Western like episode - I had surprisingly heard that Rawhide contained such themes - which I why I started watching the series.

The similarities to the aforementioned book end when Durea himself is forced into confronting his own past by Gill at the end.

It's a bit rough around the edges in places , but all things considered Well worth a watch
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boring silly film
4 June 2020
The understated acting with dialogue delivered in monotone by every actor can't be anything other than intentional !

But as someone else commented here , the fact that you're not quite sure throughout is a failure of the film.

There is no comedy which would make sense for the presentation thus delivered , nor any horror.

It is just plain boring. Sure it's a feast for the eyes as far as set & colours go but not worth the effort ultimately.
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Anna (II) (2019)
farcical script
13 April 2020
I managed as far as the fight scene, her first hit, where it seemed like a matrix movie with men appearing one at a time seeming never ending. The script is laughable . it is more like comedy in places . do not wast your time. unless you're easily pleased.
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9 November 2019
For some reason skeptics & the scientific 'community' can't abide Tesla. How that is, I can not fathom. This movie is a perfect example of their disparagement of the great pioneer, far ahead of his time., too far.

Instead we have a story which doesn't tally with my understanding of events, or many others going by the posts.

The acting is very good tbf, & it's not overlong.
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Midsommar (2019)
overlong & poor ending
3 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You can tell a lot about how much thought went into the movie by its ending,

The film is far too long , although the cinematography /colours are very appealing.

There are some scenes which are a bit gratuitous like in Bone Tomahawk

As the film unravels it becomes apparent what the storyline is , although you are hoping for a twist which never arrives. Strangely engrossing most of the time - probably hoping for a surprise.

I would not recommend anyone to spend their time watching this film. I would not recommend it to anyone of a mental disposition, or anyone planning to visit Sweden.
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I Am Mother (2019)
The usual poor ending - as expected these days.
25 June 2019
Watchable film, whose ending doesn't quite spoil what went before, but leaves you wishing the script made more sense.
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Smallville: Gone (2004)
Season 4, Episode 2
more comedic series now
26 May 2019
The new character of Lois takes the show into a level of comedy, unfortunately. IMO
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Always trust the reviews
9 March 2019
And as you know, it's only the lowest reviewer ratings that you must read - probably more entertaining than the movie. Hollywood must outsource reviewing to specialized Sales companies these days. Every new pic is overwhelmingly 10/10 sometimes before it's even out on release.

This junk- Is it a comedy, or a thriller.

Neither it seems , more like a Superhero pic : The characters are invincible after all.

They will be handing out plastic toys to movie goers next
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Neither Thiller, nor Comedy
25 September 2018
Sure, you can skip over the glaring holes in the 'plot', wishing it will improve. It only get's worse , more comedic - not funny - but farcically bad. I gave it till episode 4

Usual BBC hype which they seem to excel in fake, these days.
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