
2 Reviews
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state and crap is more like it
20 November 2002
Another over-stylized wash. Can you say "trying too hard"? Mamet, please, lighten up, slow down, and tell a story. And let your talented actors utilize their talents. This film feels like one long trailer, much in the same way that "The Royal Tennenbaums" felt. In fact, they both have alot in common; great talent, mediocre script, horrible pacing, and stilted/forced acting. This is a superficial, trite movie with little redeeming value. I expect far more with a cast so strong. Shame on you Mamet.
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hitchcockesque tragedy
18 March 2002
highly underrated. spacey provides a top notch performance, as does the rest of the cast. there is a solid chemistry between all the players which far outshadows any scripting weakness. this is a very good film, with several plot twists and great pacing.
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