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Set the standard for Animation
3 June 2024
This is my 2nd time watching this as I did see this title in theaters many years ago.

It's fascinating how this movie came up a decade ago and still holds great relevance.

Lego TV shows beginning with Ninjago were a great introduction to the world of Lego. Not too long after, we got the Lego Movie that set the standard for animation.

There were absolutely no issues with the Animation, really it's a dream come true. We all imagined a full-length lego movie and it's just as impressive if not greater than imagined

While it's easy to see this as a kid's movie, this is much more. It's a revolution that explores the limitless possibilities with Lego.
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I don't get it?
26 May 2024
This movie was being recommended on Netflix several times and I finally gave in and watched it.

I only know regular things about religion just as much as anyone else, I am not really familiar with anything more than this. At the end of the movie, I just found myself confused. I think the issue lies with the audience of this movie.

I am a casual movie fan who likes to watch various films whenever I have time. I am not an expert on anything specific, so I cannot speak on depths of knowledge.

I feel like you can only understand this movie properly if you are accustomed to religion to a certain degree. Apart from that, the pacing of this movie was confusing. I felt like some moments had too much spotlight while other scenes didn't get enough details.

Are we expected to know things about religion in order to get what is the purpose of the movie? I mean sure I have a general idea but the execution is so messy even I am having a hard time coming up with an opinion.
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Madame Web (2024)
Must be removed from this world
20 May 2024
I saw this on Netflix randomly and noticed it hasn't even been that long since the theatrical release. Yet's already on Netflix? That's not a good sign.

To be frank, I had a hard time watching the movie as I desperately found myself wanting to look away.

Reading my books is more fun than this Playing my games brings more joy than this Watching any other movie makes more sense than this

I was puzzled beyond belief as the story was just..... a group of girls going to various places. There was a lack of establishment in terms of foundation and storyline that would normally pull people into superhero-themed movies.

What was the point of this movie? I don't get it. I don't see it. I don't FEEL it.

The story itself is so darn incomplete, reinforced with terrible pacing.

Madame Web? No.... she doesn't deserve that title after this trash heap.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
Audibly questionable
19 May 2024
I watched it on Netflix, this movie was okay and it's not bad considering it came out almost a decade ago.

The strong points here are the epic action sequences, it's unique and doesn't seem too far from reality. It's the right amount of "making sense" and fitting in at the right time. If anything, this is one of the few movies that feature The Great Wall of China and a taste of its purpose.

That being said, I feel the story of the movie didn't fit the title. Sure I get it's a fantasy monster movie, but how does it make sense when the development just glosses over it?

It must be noted there was a lack of interaction among the characters so it did feel a bit dry.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
It's a decent Anime Live Action adaptation
7 May 2024
I watched this series quite some time ago and never got the chance to share my thoughts, so here I am. I must mention I only possess minuscule knowledge about the anime series, so my words are more based on the adaption.

So after binging the episodes, I will clarify this is a great adaptation. The common flaw with all "live-action anime adaptations" centers on how the source material gets changed. The most infamous example of this case lies with the live-action DRAGON BALL movie several years ago. If you want to portray an anime series in live-action, don't twist the source material. Stay truthful to it and be as original as possible.

With that said, this Cowboy Bebop was a decent refreshing show. It had this super groovy space adventurer vibe going for it. Just a colorful crew of wacky yet wise characters all in this together. The acting was great, the action was cool, and the story was fine. I had no issues here, though I only have one critique.

This live-action series should have gone on a larger scale, it just felt too much like it was playing it safe. Cowboy Bebop is meant to be bad and wacky, but it was watered down to be more family-friendly.

It's a shame the show was canceled just because its profits weren't that high. The potential was there and it just needed more time to unravel.
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A cash grab heavily reliant on prequels
6 May 2024
Watched on Netflix, this "sequel" is so damn underwhelming.

I am a casual fan of The Matrix, I may not remember everything but the thrilling emotions from the past movies were incredible. When I discovered they were making another movie, I wasn't sure what to think.

At the end of the film, I was disappointed beyond belief. Truthfully, this movie should have never been made. Some things are better left untouched and doing anything else would tarnish its reputation.

Story? What on earth was it? What was the point?

Action? Yeah, it's okay but it didn't feel passionate.

Development? Where? Who? I don't see it.

Knowing all of these things, it is a shame to admit this 'sequel" is a straight, bare-faced cash grab. Taking advantage of a long-time completed franchise to make money or profits to make up for past mistakes doesn't work.

Audience members and movie watchers are not dumb, we notice things like this. This movie never should have gotten any rewards or nominations for blatantly relying on nostalgia.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Missed potential
6 May 2024
I watched it on Netflix, this movie is just okay. Literally that sums it up, nothing more or less. I am not an expert on Mortal Kombat, I am only familiar with it slightly throughout watching some past gameplays and games. Even so, I do have a good understanding of the deep trilogy of the game universe.

Now addressing the movie, it's........pale. Or rather, it feels underwhelming. The setup missed the mark, it dove in the wrong direction even when there are so many ways to do it better. Sure, a lot of people only know bits and pieces of Moral Kombat. Normal people are not familiar with much except there being blood and violence.

This was supposed to be the grand opportunity to bring justice to the Mortal Kombat brand. Each character from the game universe has their own distinct personality and hardened combat style that makes them unique. This movie not only downplayed that but glossed over a lot of details that just didn't add up.

As usual, the issue with movies based on games sadly affects this film too. If you are gonna make a film based on games, at least make it ACCURATE and DON"T TWIST in other directions.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Wht was the point?
6 May 2024
Gave it a shot on Netflix and was excited to see a movie about cereal companies. I have only ever seen them featured in a few documentaries and food television shows.

At the end of the movie, I was utterly confused about the reasoning for Unfrosted.

The setup was incredible, the usual rivalry between cereal companies striving to become great. So they are willing to work and think outside of the box to stay relevant and successful. The issue is everything beyond this.

Humor-wise, it was okay for a few parts but it started becoming pale and excessive. To make it worse, the fictional aspect wasn't needed. I tried to look at it from many angles, yet the scenes that weren't real were NOT needed. They just ruined the movie and interfered with the story.

Funny? Sure but making it the focus to gloss over the story was the wrong move. It would have been so much better to remove all of the fictional stuff and scenes and stick to what happened in reality. If it went that direction, everyone would be satisfied. Sadly I can't even tell if several of the scenes about the cereal history were real or fake. You can only have characters act in a certain way before we begin to perceive them as if "these people are dumb."

How did they get permission to use the story of "cereal origins" to make some third-rate dry comedy flick? It's a waste.
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Joker (I) (2019)
A masterpiece you wouldn't even know is related to fiction
29 April 2024
I re-watched it a few days before its removal on Netflix. So this is my 2nd time watching the movie.

I can only describe the Joker as a complete and ultimate masterpiece. Just a brilliant statement even fans who know "next to nothing" about superheroes or villains can relate. Anyone in general who knows just a minimal thing about mental health can feel it.

You will be faced with several scenes that force you to face and accept the world as it is. A cruel, unforgiving world that will continue to move no matter what happens.

Mental health is a concept that tends to be taken seriously, and the Joker is incredible. A masterpiece that will stick in your mind for as long as you live.
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Paradise (I) (2023)
The interest dropped halfway through the film
28 April 2024
First time watching a German movie on Netflix, and this is my 2nd time watching a piece about human life as currency.

Paradise had a decent beginning and what it excels in is covering the deep uncomfortable truths. Specifically, regulating human years like fiat currency.

I would even state compared to the other "popular time" movie of long ago, this one dives into the hard truths.

Sadly that's the only positive, the movie fell apart around the halfway point. The strength enforced by the dramatic resolve of the characters became convoluted. It's like the characters are just doing whatever comes to their minds and saying stuff without thinking.

I won't even get to the bad guys, it could have been done so much better.
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Godzilla (2014)
Good introduction to Godzilla
28 April 2024
Give it a shot on Netflix, the movie itself is all right.

I know next to nothing of Godzilla so I can only speak on behalf of what I watched.

Movies featuring monsters tend to be a hit or miss, it's always difficult to create films that appeal universally. This version of Godzilla did a decent job. There was a balance between the main characters and the monster we know next to nothing of. I had no issues with the introduction of this monster, the execution was done well.

Like many others, I do agree it's underwhelming after the movie ends. I found myself questioning at certain parts how it would have been better to dive into deeper and more meaningful parts with the legend.

Likewise, this movie is just a safe attempt at an introduction.
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Battleship (2012)
A great visual delight of it's time
14 April 2024
Watched on Netflix randomly, well I can't be too hard on a movie about a decade ago.

Battleships may have been the past centerpiece of drama and incompleted controversy, but it still was a visaul spectacle. Sure there may have been a lot of CGI....too much, but it was epic. Nothing felt fake. The action to the tech of the future was displayed to where it felt smooth and natural, which is a feat considering this movie dates back to 2012.

I understand why this is a movie heading the title of Battleship but it could have been executed more smoothly. This is more of a one-time epic action movie that uses "battleship" concepts.
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Potential is there but not fully displayed
8 April 2024
Watched it on Netflix, the whole concept of the movie is incredibly fascinating. Though it's a little hard to comprehend what is the point throughout the whole film.

The idea of living on mobile vehicles for the sake of hummanity is simple but logical. I enjoyed. It's hard to envision a world where hummanity must become mobile in order to survive.

Knowing that, all of the parameters of the movie were decent. Action, characters, development, and so on were all right. The issue lies with the incomplete story. It could of been better with more details and clarity. Even so, it was a nice thrilling ride.
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Dumb Money (2023)
A thorough insight on the Gamestop setting
7 April 2024
Watched on Netflix randomly, this movie is exceptional at the modern level. Even as someone who has no steps in trading, Dumb Money did a decent job at explaining the event.

I may not be interested in stocks overalll, but I respect the drive of the movie. Regular people who are somehow "stuck in the rat race" desperately seek a way out. So they turn to an investor who knows a lot about money and put their hopes in him.

Nowaways, putting your money somewhere just because an "influencer" suggests it is something barely anyone will do. Most people know this kind of thing never works out well. Even if it does, it's extremely rare. You will lose a lot of money before making gains.

Pushing aside the realistic aspect, the working class people managed to pool together and achieve the impossible. It's amazing to think they defied the odds knowing this kind of thing will never happen again for a long time.

This movie is an excellent reminder to people there is always a way out. Always a way to make money in your own way and break free.
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A brilliant take incorporating people with special needs
2 April 2024
I watched it on Netflix, and the setup for the direction of the movie is impressively unique. This is the first time in my record of watching movies and observing a story actively incorporating people with special needs.

People with "special needs" are always put in complicated perspectives and situations. The Accountant somehow managed to incorporate this demographic on a professional and emotional level.

The takeaways and lessons from this movie are superb and will leave a lasting impact. I would even go so far as to announce The Accountant will change the way you see people with "special needs."

Everyone has potential, sometimes we just need a little guidance.
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A terrible title unrelated to this horrible movie
1 April 2024
I watched it on Netflix, this movie is horrible. Two fundamental flaws will ruin the whole viewing experience:

1.) The lack of common sense, you can't just make an epic action movie that defies the usual logic of life and physics. You don't have to be a math expert to notice "life-defying" maneuvers.

2.) The story is lacking development on all levels. How is it possible every single character in this movie feels like a robot reading a script? It's as if you can see their hearts are not in it.

I don't think the producers of this movie did thorough research on how an action movie works. You can't make epic scenes without proper cause and effect. Viewers will notice.
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1 April 2024
I watched it on Netflix and it's my first time watching an African production-based movie.

It's not bad, this movie is decent by all standards.

The terrible issue lies with the story and the execution The pacing feels very drawn out and messy to the point I found myself getting bored of the movie.

I won't dive into the specifics, but there are bland loopholes that sort of ruin the whole setup here. Like I want to get involved and emotionally invested in the movie. The potential is great, the transition between languages is an edge over most. Action wise it's up to par and no issues about that.

If I had one suggestion, the story should have had more polishing and enforcing.
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Elysium (I) (2013)
A superb adventure of the future
25 March 2024
I randomly watched it on Netflix. This movie was one of the top contenders for a top-of-the-line Sci-Fi movie.

The setup of Elysium is incredibly realistic, to the point where it can actually to get that point in the far future. This movie serves as a powerful reminder to think about the resources of our world and how they could turn into this film.

I can't be too hard on a movie a decade ago. The 3DCG isn't too bad for its time and the action speaks for itself. Elysium displays powerful points to support the concept everyone deserves an equal dance in life.

Pushing that aside, I will remind this movie as an epic adventure into the future.
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The Gray Man (2022)
A refreshing action packed flick with comedic hints
25 March 2024
Just watched on Netflix, I was attached to the screen throughout the whole time.

I gotta say, this is one of the more impressive Netflix originals I have watched that doesn't feel bleak. Excellent action all the way around with an intense development. No issues with the cast and no noticable flaws either. The clever subtle use of humor got me emotionally invested in the movie. Sure this may not be a masterpiece like some of the big name titles, but it stands out in it's own way.

If anything, I was surprised to discover the enormous budget this movie had? This movie should of been released in the theaters and not only restricted to a Netflix original.
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A funny yet direct action comedy film
24 March 2024
Randomly watched on Netflix, this was an entertaining movie. It was a decent detective comedy duo flick.

The setup of the story isn't anything special, if anything it's just about the usual. That being said, what it lacks in originality it makes up for funny action. I understand this is meant to be a fusion between action and comedy. Some characters going through hardship want to do the right thing.

There is a lot of creative thinking displayed here. That's what I appreciate about these types of movies. The characters even with their disadvantages in the face of bad guys always find a way to get by.
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The Titan (2018)
Just straight up illogical
18 March 2024
Watched on Netflix, this takes the top of my least favorite Sci Fi Movie.

Yeah, the whole "obtaining enhancements for human endeaviors" isn't anything special. Though its sad to say. The whole ordeal felt pointless. If you choose to subject yourself to testing, you gotta know what you are getting yourself into. So much of the movie was focused on the "setup" and they completely ignore the purpose and development of "The Titan."

I would even go far to say it feels like these people are directly reading from scripts. I mean sure the movie had a decent budget and setting. Sadly this immediately becomes invalidated with the disgustingly flawed direction taken.
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Time Trap (2017)
What was the point?
18 March 2024
Randomly watched on Netflix and I was very confused throughout the whole movie.

It's confusing.... I have a rough idea of the story, but it's so messy. My biggest issue lies in the setting, too much time is spent in a single "area." To the point where so many scenes didn't have to be taken.

I understand this movie is meant to portray a time paradox adventure, yet the story went in the wrong direction. I just felt confusion and frustration regarding some of the actions of the characters. It's as if they are literally setting themselves up for a "bad situation." Where is the common sense? I don't see it.
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Cat and Dog (2024)
It's terrible
18 March 2024
I watched it on Netflix, oh man, this movie is filled with flaws. I don't even know if it's possible to count them all.

While I am a casual fan of talking animal-themed movies, This one...had no direction. Let's go into depth about why.

The 3DCG is so obvious it will bother you throughout the whole film. It's like oil and water, they will never match or align as they will always stand out.

Movie Theme? Genre? Direction? What was it? I didn't see what exactly was the development here.

Is this movie meant to be cheezy and questionable in logic? It's like the majority of the characters here aren't that smart.
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Damsel (2024)
Dansel? More like Agony
14 March 2024
Randomly watched on Netflix, and the movie was underwhelming when seeing the title it has.

The story itself is super simple, a princess of a kingdom goes on a adventure by herself. There are countless other movies like this plot, but the issue lies in how bland it is.

Several of the scenes were portrayed to be questionable in logic that could of been solved if certain characters did more basic things. It becomes more apparent in the "misunderstandings," that could of been resolved early on without dragging the plot excessively.

I did enjoy the development our "Damsel" was going through, likewise, so many scenes were plausible to where I was laughing out loud several times.

Cliche? Yup. Bland? Very.

The usual? Totally.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
One of the better Adam Sandler flicks
10 March 2024
Randomly watched on Netflix, didn't expect it to be a glorious emotional roller coaster.

To be frank, I did not expect the development of the movie to continue in a sort of "self development" direction. It's very fascinating how Spaceman was able to combine the genres of Sci Fi and Relationships without seeming illogical.

I found myself paying sharp attention to the body language, specific vocabulary words, intentions, advice, etc. This movie is very sharp and strikes hard of what is and what isn't needed in a loving relationship.

In summary, this movie is self discovery in a nutshell and it goes through this process in such high levels of depth.
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