
18 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Atlas Shrugged... and So Did I: JLo Battles AI (and My Patience)!
7 September 2024
If you're gearing up for an action-packed, high-stakes war movie, ATLAS may not be the thrill ride you're hoping for. The film, headlined by the ever-glamorous Jennifer Lopez, promises a futuristic AI vs. Humanity showdown but ultimately feels like a mismatch of casting and concept.

Let's be real-JLo has wowed us in rom-coms and dramas, but in this gritty military sci-fi flick, her character's constant whining, crying, and struggle to rise to the occasion leaves much to be desired. The movie wants us to root for her as she stumbles through war zones, making us wonder why she's even there. Yes, the current "woke" push to show women in all roles is clear here, but watching Lopez's character grapple with weapons, strategy, and high-tech AI combat only amplifies her lack of fit for the role.

We're told from the start that AI has become the enemy, but the idea that an entire special forces unit is powerless against it feels implausible. Instead of watching seasoned soldiers tackle the problem, the film puts Lopez front and center, giving us more melodrama than military might. Sure, she's eventually crowned the hero, but by then, you're exhausted from all the tears and emotional breakdowns.

If you're looking for realism, strong performances, or a gripping sci-fi plot, ATLAS is not it. The special effects are cool, but the story is predictable, and the constant emotional outbursts detract from the action. At best, it's a misguided attempt at a "girl power" narrative, but at worst, it's a painful two-hour reminder that some genres just aren't for everyone.

Save your time, and maybe rewatch The Terminator instead if you're craving a solid AI-versus-humanity battle.
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If I would be the moon, I'd rebel too
24 December 2023
"Rebel Moon" is a film that, while visually striking in parts, struggles to deliver a compelling narrative. It's a movie you can watch selectively, enjoying the war sequences where the CGI and art direction shine. Yet, when it comes to the story, there's a lot left to be desired.

Firstly, it's hard to ignore what feels like another instance of Hollywood's recent trend: portraying female characters as unequivocally stronger, smarter, and more capable than their male counterparts. This approach, while intended to be empowering, often comes across as overdone and unrealistic, especially when female characters outmatch men who are physically much larger. It's perplexing to see this kind of narrative repeatedly green-lit, as it seems to feed into a stereotype rather than offer a nuanced portrayal of strength and capability.

The male characters, in contrast, are often portrayed as traitorous or too weak to fight, which seems like a missed opportunity to explore more diverse and complex character dynamics. This one-dimensional portrayal contributes to a feeling of disconnect from the story.

As for the plot itself, it treads familiar ground but fails to captivate. Although the film starts promisingly, it soon loses itself in an over-reliance on visual effects and hurried character development. The introductions of the protagonists feel forced rather than organic, detracting from the overall storytelling.

Comparing "Rebel Moon" to the storytelling mastery of the original "Star Wars" series highlights a significant decline in narrative artistry. One can't help but wonder how the story might have unfolded had it been crafted in the 1970s by someone like George Lucas, without the pervasive influence of modern trends.

In summary, "Rebel Moon" is a film that may appeal to Gen-Z indoctrination love.
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Entertaining and got me hooked
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Excitement ran high as I geared up for "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters," especially after being a fan of the movie franchise and catching a promising trailer. With the bar set by its big-screen predecessors, this TV adaptation came with some pretty high expectations. After a few episodes, I'd give it a solid 8/10.

The cinematography and CGI in "Monarch" is pretty impressive for a show, let's keep this in mind. Each scene is well put together, making it clear that they put thought into how it all looks. The storytelling, jumping between past and present, is a neat touch. It not only helps build up the characters but also gives the show its own TV vibe rather than feeling like a stretched-out movie.

Apple's casting choices brought in a diverse bunch with some potential. The central character, an American girl on a journey in Japan to find her father, adds a relatable angle. Sure, it's got that familiar setup of an entitled American abroad, but the way they're working with it makes you root for her and her mission to find her dad.

And surprise, surprise-Kurt Russell makes an entrance towards the end of Episode 2. It's a welcome addition and brings some quality back to the cast.

All in all, "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" is off to a good start. Looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
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The Menu (2022)
Unfortunately, a menu without the spice
23 January 2023
Overall excellent performance by Ralph Fiennes. The story makes the audience an exciting witness to an unusual dinner experience. Unfortunately, the menu must be more consistent with spicing up the story. It's hard to care for anyone in that room; it's boring to watch the individual stories of every guest unveiled to us, as nobody created a background arch. I would have shown more interest if I knew why these folks were in this room and why the plan had a special menu. Where are they coming from, why are they there, and why does the check invite them?

In some ways, I felt like I had been there, seen this, and heard it before. The menu is an underseasoned dinner without the magic promised.

It's sad when you start skipping parts because you are bored and just want to get to the story.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Ok at best
14 August 2022
Prey is a solid and entertaining flick that anyone will enjoy; the acting and CGI are on the better side, and I had fun watching it.

It's a different kind of predator that's not scary and won't leave you uncomfortable in your seat, moving back and forth to figure out what's next. I remember watching Predator 2 in the theaters; it was mindblowing back then. These modern adaptations are just missing that extra magic spice. Those times of great scriptwriting are almost gone.
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Spiderhead (2022)
No twists and turns. Just another flatliner
17 June 2022
The trailer seemed good. The actors are solid. The script started out good but felt flat after a while and never developed a meaningful story for the characters. Really did not care much after 30 min and started skipping forward here and there.
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Interceptor (2022)
Its bad, but Matthew Reilly 1st movie as a director
4 June 2022
It's a story on paper that sounds good however in the hands of a first time director it got butchered. Maybe the producers or too many chefs were the problem but as the other fellow reviewers mentioned its just bad overall. The acting, the dialog, the editing etc... It feels cheap.
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Deep in the Forest (I) (2021)
Waste of time
2 June 2022
The story started good but fell flat quickly. You will end up watching 90 min of scared democrats debating nonsense in a random house with no logic. Very sad that movies like this get funded.
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The Lost City (2022)
What happened to the storytellers in this world?
13 May 2022
There used to be real writers with imagination that came up with fantastic stories before the steaming services were born, not too long ago writers wrote brilliant novels or scripts. Nowadays these stories are flat, boring and unimaginative. Whoever funds these stupid movies need to be help accountable. This movie is awful.
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Moonfall (2022)
A Chinese production for the Chinese market?
12 February 2022
In some ways this movie and it's editing as well as poorly done CGI makes me wonder if the main goal was to wow the Chinese market. It has a Pacific Rim 2 feeling.

The movie definitely is poorly edited. The story is choppy and often just hair scratching told. However, some basic fun is left if you can look past the very obvious potholes.

Sad to see that it did not work out as previous blockbusters like ID, 2012, DoT, etc...
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The Guilty (2021)
The original worked.
3 October 2021
This remake of a 2018 foreign film is atrociously bad. The European culture works flawlessly with the story of the original. Although Jake's performance in the new adaptation is great, it lacks the reality of a 911 operator in the US. For me, the movie is just boring.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
The very best a human can be
28 August 2021
I did now what to expect. But this show has taken me by storm. Such beautiful uplifting can do attitude. Its what everyone should aspire to be. Plus the story develops as the show goes on.

Such great show. Wow.
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Whiplash (2014)
A masterpiece
31 July 2021
Brilliant story combined with real life drama giving us an unbelievable experience through the pain of becoming a great artist.
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Kill Switch (I) (2017)
What a terrible movie!
28 July 2021
It's like watching the corniest video game ever made that you can't even play. You just have to suffer through confusing cut scenes that offer no logical plot structure or reasonable dialogue.
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Limited by social pressure
7 March 2021
The original movie sprouted in a time where politically correctness did not exist and creative writers could do what they dreamed. The movie falls short because of the modern regulations movie or society demands. Otherwise it's a fun and entertaining movie by any means and you will enjoy it. Its fun to see the old crew coming back and trying to play something nice. Just please don't have high expectations or think it will be better than the OG.
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It has its moments
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its a bad written script yet occasional fun to see the over-the-top stupidity unfold. I think Nicolas Cage don't even has one line. Nothing makes sense, nothing has meaning, characters are there because the writer was most likely on LSD when wrote the script. You want to throw things at the TV, choke the actors but then you realize you just watched some free on soap2day. God thanks for that streaming site.
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Rambo III (1988)
Classic from the 80s
4 January 2021
Rambo is Rambo. He resides above the realm of reality and that's why we love him. Its the perfection of what men want to be when young. Its full of action, silly humor, great one liners, testosterone and how man should act. It played in a different time where US was training the Taliban and where the enemy was the bad russian, but that's part of life and history. Like I said, a classic Rambo movie.
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Painful 2h 31m of visual and auditable torture sprinkled with insults to your own intelligence.
26 December 2020
I don't know what went wrong with Patty Jenkins and this sequel. But it seems that allowing her to write the sequel led to an inevitable chain of unfortunate events. Maybe it's Hollywood and the entire man-hating culture and feminism that led WW84 demise or China's influence in buying major stakes in Hollywood production companies and changing scripts and characters to fit their own market. In any event, the movie feels like we are indoctrinated into a new world order where only women are powerful and men are weak bystanders. A lot of twisted nonsense and glorified dreams of a woman who doesn't live in reality. The initial mall scene is just badly acted, designed, written, and filmed. It sets the tone perfectly of what shall rain upon the viewer: Painful 2h 31m of visual and auditable torture sprinkled with insults to your own intelligence.

The first movie was great, good story, good special effects, and dialogs. As with the sequel of pacific rim, this part 2 is just a plain disaster and unbearable to watch. The over the top and poorly executed special effects indicate a lack of professionalism for VFX.

If you choose to do a sequel, do it like John Favreau with the Mandalorian 2, or James Cameron with T2. Christopher Nolan with Batman. Quentin Tarantino and Kill Bill. Or many other great ones before that gave a damn about the arts of making movies.
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