
2 Reviews
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Madrid Episode
14 September 2010
Suffice to say, that this is one of the best shows around these days... BUT this episode in particular really qualifies as "food porn" in the most literal sense of the expression. As the producers recently said:it's always a balance between cultural and gastronomical experiences. Focus here is certainly on the gastronomical side and i think it works very well. No other format on TV now pictures the effort people put into their work in a more honest way. The audience feels the love and devotion people put into what they want to do, what they excel at. And at the same time everyone that is shown seems not to have forgotten how to live. There is not one scene where you would not trade a lot to switch places with Anthony Bourdain and "thank you for these 40 minutes of joy" is all you can say.
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stunning, moving - unique
28 February 2002
having watched this movie 20 times, i still tend to switch off the tv afterwards and reflect on this unique movie. if movies are to show emotions then this is one of the very best there is. portman/reno give a fabulous performance always balancing between father+daughter relationship and lolita aspects. in strong contrast to this are the excellent action sequences and the tragic storyline links both very well.

really a movie to watch and enjoy!
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