
14 Reviews
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The Watchers (I) (2024)
It's not a bad movie, I actually liked it
6 June 2024
I enjoy movies with a good story and rich world-building. Although I'd rate this movie a 6/10, I still liked and enjoyed watching it. It's a thriller and mystery that kept me hooked as I wanted to uncover each mystery. The creatures were terrifying, I wouldn't want to come across one of those.

I do agree with some of the reviews that I found some of the characters odd, and no one normal would act the way they did if they were in such a situation.

One thing that could have made a big impact is adding a bit of romance at the end-you'll understand when you watch it. Overall, it's not a mind-blowing story, but I enjoyed it.
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I hope they make a whole franchise out of this horror movie
7 April 2024
Great protagonist? Check.

Scary location? Check.

Good story? Check.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from a movie with the word "exorcist" in the title. I was pleasantly surprised when it exceeded my expectations and gave my friends and me an enjoyable night of horror.

The story is good, it wasn't life changing, but it definitely gave me goosebumps once the plot twist unfolded. The movie is a breath of fresh air for possession type films.

Russell Crowe's performance is praiseworthy. Me and my friends instantly liked Father Gabriele's spunk. If there's a "cool mom" then he is definitely a "cool priest".

The film mentions that it is based on the real life story of Father Gabriele Amorth, which just added another round of goosebumps on my arms.

I know this is a horror movie, but the ending just made me feel good. I'm so excited for the sequel!

I like horror films with good stories and thats why I would recommend this to my family and friends!
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Exhuma (2024)
If you liked The Pope's Exorcist, you will like this one
27 March 2024
I believe it's better to go into this movie blind, so I will also be a bit vague with my review. The first part of the film can be a bit slow and plenty of dialogues. Those conversations really lay the groundwork for where the story's headed and give us a good sense of who the main characters are.

The music really sets the mood and keeps you hooked. Although the slower part doesn't stick around for too long, before you know it, you're fully absorbed in the movie, long before the halfway mark.

What I really enjoyed about the movie were the solid plot, well-developed characters, strong acting, and some genuinely scary moments. The ending was perfect and won't leave you feeling down like some other horror flicks. There are more things I liked, but I don't want to spoil anything. Overall, it's a great horror film to watch, even solo, as it's not as traumatizing as other Asian horror classics like "Shutter" or "The Grudge."
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A masterpiece. I hope they make film adaptations for all the Dune books
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film was so beautifully done. I could not count how many times I got the chills. Every scene was just so beautiful and powerful.

Austin Butler was phenomenal as Feyd-Rautha. I loved every scene when they were at Giedi Prime. They even thought about how the black sun would affect the planet, Giedi Prime. Denis is a genius filmmaker. Then Florence Pugh showed up on the screen, her performance was just how I pictured Princess Irulan would be like. Of course, the magnificent Rebecca Ferguson just took the spotlight everytime she was in a scene. Just her posters alone (as Lady Jessica) outside the cinema would give you chills.

Let's not forget Timothée Chalamet and his outstanding performance as Paul Atreides. His speech with the Fremen was one of the many scenes that gave me the chills.

I'm really hoping they finish the whole Dune franchise, because with Denis Villeneuve at the helm this would be one of the most popular franchises of all time!
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17 March 2024
The movie started with a few mysteries, but you'll be able to piece them together super fast. I liked the setting, vibe, and even the characters. I love watching anything that involves the sea, and 1900's time. This movie was a combination of both, and with horror in the mix, I'd say watching the movie was quite enjoyable. What I would have liked though was kept everything mysterious for longer, make the audience guess what it was the characters were dealing with. The ending was done with a sequel in mind. I liked the ending, and I'm probably going to watch the sequel too if they made it. I'm looking forward to what happens next.
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Enjoyable movie
17 March 2024
I like watching horror nowadays, and this one was horror with a mystery, and like any Poirot book/movies of course this too will come with a twist. I enjoyed the movie but unfortunately I guessed the twist too early. I did not guest the second twist, however, there were clear signs of what it was (if you watched the movie you'll know the "little detail" that I mean). I won't be saying spoilers here because I think for movies like this, it should be watched head on. The trailer also didn't give much away which was nice. Overall, the movie is enjoyable, it wasn't mind blowing but worth it if your are a mystery buff or even a horror buff.
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If you love trains, zombies, and kick-ass characters then don't go on living without watching this!
4 May 2023
Back when this show first launched, I watched the trailer and told myself to watch this at once. Unfortunately my busy schedule did not allow me. When I finally had the chance to watch it recently, I asked myself how could I not watch this sooner, when this anime was made for people like me!

The characters were amazing, each had their own knack for getting into trouble. Their personalities were relatable and entertaining. I specifically loved how they created Mumei, such a badass character!

The world-building is phenomenal. Who knew someone would create a world where trains, train stations, zombies, medieval Japan, and steampunk weapons, and when you combine them all together it turns into an astounding anime worth watching?

The animation was top-notch. Every scene was beautifully drawn, and the animated action was even more so.

I'm a sucker for romance, it was nice to see that in the show. It wasn't much, it wasn't forced, and it was highly probable.

I highly recommend this to people. Grab a good snack, sit back, and binge-watch the show. You will not regret it.
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The King (I) (2019)
Hoping for more Netflix movies like this one. Long live the King!
4 May 2023
I didn't watch the movie trailer, and the movie synopsis didn't tell me much about what I was getting into. I enjoyed the movie nonetheless.

The movie started a bit slow for me (especially since I did not know what I was getting into). But when the first fight scene started, I knew I was finally immersed in the movie.

The story may not be historically accurate, however, it was still an interesting ride. I like smart and cunning characters, maybe that's why I appreciated Timothée Chalamet even more in this one. His acting was superb. You could tell by his subtle movements, that his character is carefully thinking and trying to maneuver his way through medieval politics like a king.

The music matched the mood. There were plenty of beautifully shot scenes in this movie. And all of them had amazing music to further enhance the experience.

Watch the movie, and be enthralled by the performances of the cast.
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An innovative masterpiece
4 May 2023
I'm a fan of the Avatar world. James Cameron created such a beautiful and complex alien world. The movie intro was good, I think I wouldn't mind watching more about Jake's family. An additional half-hour perhaps?

We didn't go far story-wise in this movie. But seeing how it is a 5 part motion picture, I honestly do not mind. A masterpiece such as this franchise can take all the time they want. It actually feels relatable or mundane, to take the movie bit by bit. It's just like how it is in real life, no?

Amazing visuals as always. This movie made me miss the white sands and blue seas. I don't know how much time they spent to produce such marvelous effects, from the clear blue water to the texturized skins of the animals and the Na'vi. I'd say, only watch this in a good movie theater with awesome visuals. The movie is worth it.
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Great movie! Better than I expected
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first part of the film was a bit slow. But once the movie got rolling, it was easy to immerse yourself in this world.

The story is surprising. I thought the movie was all about gruesome murders. But the movie is so much more than that. It showed the lives of wicked characters. And how their stories were interweaved together through Tom Holland's character.

The acting of the cast members was great. Robert Pattinson was in this, which I was not expecting. His acting was great. I could not see him as anything but his wicked character. Tom's acting was outstanding. I could feel the sense of innocence and responsibility through Tom Holland's acting. The other cast did phenomenally in this movie too. Their frustrations, their sense of dread, and hopelessness could be felt through the screen.

I did not expect to be getting such an intricate and deep story from this movie. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to watch something long, dark, and well-thought-out story. Just like what I was feeling when I first decided to watch it.
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Surprisingly good - a must watch!
4 May 2023
When this movie first aired on TV years ago I did not know what I was getting myself into. I saw Adam Sandler and thought, "Oh this is going to be funny". Well, it did not disappoint.

The story was really good, honestly, I did not expect much. I thought it was just going to be one of those comedy movies that was all about the bad jokes. I was, fortunately, wrong. The scenes were beautifully made (and I'm talking about a comedy movie) and when it's all put together, it turned into a love story worth knowing.

The comedy was surprisingly good. This movie was one of the only movies that made me laugh out loud (hysterically laughing too). There was a scene that I would remember to this day because of how it made me laugh.

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore were also amazing actors in this. Drew was so beautiful too. I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't watched it already. It was a pleasant ride from start to finish, and the ending was an awesome bonus.
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Dune (2021)
A masterpiece
4 May 2023
I admit I did not know it was based on the books created by Frank Herbert before I watched Dune's movie trailer. I thought to myself, no wonder the story, world-building, and characters were all created so beautifully.

Knowing nothing about Dune, the story was a lot easier to follow than I expected it to be. The story was weaved so that the majority of the people would be able to comprehend it even if it was their first time watching it.

The music was out of this world. This movie and the following parts should definitely be experienced in a movie theater with a superior sound system, so you could fully immerse yourself in the world of Dune.

I recommend this to everyone I know.
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If you love the fantasy genre you will love this one
4 May 2023
When I first saw the trailer I knew it was a movie that I was going to watch. Chris Pine, fantasy, adventure, and magic? Take my money! Although when I finally decided to watch the movie, I have already forgotten the bits and pieces of scenes I watched in the trailer (which I prefer). I like watching a movie with no prior knowledge. Knowing it was in the fantasy genre was enough.

After watching the movie, I have to say it not only satisfied me as a moviegoer, but I also had a fun time watching the movie.

The comedy, action, and story were all just the right amount. The comedy was top-notch, I don't remember the last time I laughed at a fantasy movie.

The story was good. I couldn't even guess the plot twists, which I'm normally good at. I was so engrossed in the movie, that I didn't even try to guess. Daisy Head did superb acting. She embodied a strong female wizard so well. Her acting was memorable.

Overall I would recommend this movie to everyone who wants to have a lighthearted good time. Definitely not a waste of your time to watch. Triple thumbs up!
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Great plot, supporting characters were great, and conan was awesome
9 February 2023
I enjoyed this movie. I also liked how the supporting characters had a well-thought-out storyline. And it was pretty moving, I actually teared up in some parts (if you watched the movie you can guess which parts). I was also surprised they showed some 'pretty' intimate scenes. There wasn't much PDA in previous Conan movies or series. And I'm glad everything is evolving for better things. Showing the characters' intimacy toward one another is a step that is moving in the right direction for this franchise. I liked how the movies make it feel a little bit more grounded in reality by implementing death on certain characters. I know it's anime but it makes it a lot more interesting, and it will actually tug at hearts when there's realism involved. Definitely, a must-watch for Conan fans.
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