
18 Reviews
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Bonanza (1959–1973)
so sad,
27 February 2011
You know, I've only seen the episode Forever once! in this episode Hoss has been dead now for at LEAST a few weeks, why I find this so sad is that Pernell Roberts(Adam) didn't even come to the funeral, and you know there had to be one,you would think Pernel Roberts would have at least would have wanted to make an appearance at the funeral, Ill admit I missed seeing him in all the episodes, the man had no idea just how big of a legend Bonanza would become, I mean im a major fan of both Bonanza AND Gunsmoke, as far as im concerned there both tied at #1 in my book, im sorry guys I just don't get it and just don't understand why he didn't at least make a cameo guest starring appearance, its just so sad, I mean Hoss was loved! by all! to think Pernell Roberts(Adam) didn't care enough about his younger brother to make an appearance! not to mention Little Joes wedding!? Joe was doing what no other Cartright was never allowed to do! I just find it so sad and bizarre,
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the little rascals
5 February 2011
OK, so these kids aren't the originals, AND I HAVE seen the original show on t.v when I was a kid in the 70s, OK so the kids AND their parents weren't dressed in present day clothes, and OK I noticed Stymie, AND Buckweat in the same movie, which was something that didn't happen in the original except once, in an episode where they had a parent and kids party at school Mary Pickford I think was there , Stymie played Buckwheats dad, up TO AND since then the 2 never met, and OK I don't believe Alfalfa would have had that hair style in 1994, it worked in the 1930s original , but hey who am I, and I thought the kids car (the blur) was cool, but no I don't ever see them making a sequel, it was for the kids only, Michael Smith
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True Grit (1969)
very good movie
10 January 2011
I just read in the trivia that Elvis Presley was offerd the part of la boef, now that would have been something, unfortunately Tom Parker wanted Elvis to have top billing, man are you kidding?!!!!!!!! Elvis wouldn't have cared about being billed second to John Wayne, he would have been estatic, plum beside himself, Elvis would have considerd it an honor to be in a movie with John Wayne, everybody would have raised up and took notice if these two would have done the movie together, I FIRMLY believe it not only would have made Elvis even bigger but would have renewd his interest in making movies again, I know Elvis would have done a MUCH better job than what Glen Cambell did, it would have been far better for Elvis than Charro, man! to think True Grit; starring John Wayne, Elvis Presley WOW!
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Elvis (I) (1979 TV Movie)
good movie
16 November 2010
I saw this movie when I was 14, im 45 now the one thing I found out is in this movie Elvis brings his parents(Vernon and Gladis) to the home he just bought and excitedly tells his daddy that its called Graceland and he thinks hell keep that name!!! I have since learned thats not true, thats not the way it happened, actually Elvis was in Hollywood filming the early scenes of Loving You when Vernon and Gladis Presley found the house that was to be Graceland, Elvis had a break in filming and went back to Memphis and looked at the house and liked it, caurse it needed work done to it in his opinion but he went ahead and bought it, yes he kept the name Graceland but Vernon and Gladis were the ones that came across it!
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Batman (1943)
its different
27 October 2010
I've seen parts of Batman, (the 1943 version) wow and I've noticed the way DC is drawing him now! makes me wonder if theve gone back and doing Batman the way Lewis Wilson was built, the black bat on his chest and all, wow, ill admit there's no batmobile in this very first movie about the dynamic duo but hey ya cant have everything !laugh out loud! Dauglas Croft is pretty good as Robin, caurse in each incarnation hes always been more of the TEEN wonder than boy wonder! AND the way Lewis Wilson and Dauglas Croft actually take off there masks while still in costume! now thats something you only see them do in the comic books! but wow, Im impressed, as far as im concerned guys Lewis Wilson was the ultimate and definite Batman at least for that era!
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the swiss family robinsons
7 October 2010
I just downloaded this movie the other day, and really enjoyed this movie, it was good to see James Macarther(Hawaii 5-0 fame) I saw this once back in the 80s and only seen parts of it, but yesterday I got to see it all the way through, it is an awesome movie, the only spot I thought was a little cheesy was James Macarther and Tommy Kirk found the kid under the headband was a girl!!!!!1lololol I was dumb founded, I found myself talking to the t.v Hey guys you mean to tell me you just now figured that out?!!!!! I figured it out when her James& Tommy were running away from the Chinese pirates, going up the hill, I mean come on guys you cant see a woman when you see one???!!!!!!!!! and even THAT was hillariouse! I highly recommend Swiss family Robinson,Michael Smith
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love me tender
6 October 2010
I've seen this movie many many many times, and it is so good. would love to see this one AND King Creole colorized, WOW you have to admit that would be so cool, it would be like watching a movie ABOUT Elvis Presley with Elvis playing himself! especially this one, that or like watching a home movie of him with color and sound, im sorry guys I've seen what they did with Jailhouse Rock and WOWWWWWWlol! I also agree that if Elvis hadnt been involved with this movie it would have just went down as a B picture, it wouldn't have done well at the box office at all, and speaking of box office its a shame with all the fandom surrounding this picture at the time(56) its a wonder Elvis didn't at LEAST get an Oscar nomination! Michael Smith
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jailhouse rock
6 October 2010
I just down loaded the color version of this movie and well WOW!! I WILL admit though I knew about the goofs in the movie like guitarist Scotty Moore and the sunglasses behind Elvis as hes singing (Your so square baby I don't care) but in the color version your cant see Scotty almost at all in the long shots, but hey I was more intrigued with the color than the goofs, AND I also seen where someone is planning to remake Jailhouse Rock! wow! not sure it can or even should be done! I do think they probably should have made a sequel to the original, perhaps when Elvis was older like in the mid 70s show where he and Peggy had a daughter, and Vince was having trouble adapting to the music world sort of like Hunk had after he got out of prison! buut im an Elvis fan so hey! Michael Smith
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Family Matters: Do the Right Thing (1991)
Season 2, Episode 16
i love this show
26 July 2007
but all the episodes are excellent, in this episode i watched earlier today, i noticed when Steve and Eddie were in the living room that when Eddie was doing his push ups i saw a tattoo on his left elbow, which means Darious Mcrarry is much older in this episode then hes playing! I just cant get over Steve Urkel! he really is a virtual live action cartoon! and there's times i want to smack Carl and all the rest when they mistreat him, they have no idea just how much he loves these guys, hes gotten Eddie himself out of so many jams its not funny, like back 2 episodes ago when Eddie played pool with that hustler, making fun of Steve then having the gall to want his money1 I got so mad, well enough of that, at least this show ended with Steve and Loura preparing to get married! sign Michael Smith
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good episode
14 July 2007
I just watched this episode guys, and in it when Green Lantern is rescued bye the Flash i think it is, later when they all go to rescue Hawkman and the others, Superman goes in and tears up the room there in Green Lantern is outside yet when Superman gets in to the room where Hawkman is there's Green Lantern in there with them as if he was also captured, I don't think anyone thought about that at the time, its more of a goof than anything but its neat. I grew up watching The Superfriends all the way through the 80s when they changed it to Superpowers Team Galactic Guardians, awesome show for its time, pre- crisis DC comics. before Flash(Barry Allen ) was killed
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Loving You (1957)
very good movie
14 July 2007
Music wise you cant ask for better, and Elvis: acting is getting better, the dialogue is a bit corny in places but hey! this is 1957, what do ya expect, Lizabeth Scot , Wendel Corey especially Wendel Corey, this is Elvis; film but Corey steels the movie with his constant wise cracks and one liners, such as (Hey dog, you wanna go to longhorn with me?) and at the end (Lady maam, just call me Tex) I go into fits of laughter every time he says it, Wendel Corey was in The Rainmaker a year earlier, he was good, incidentally Elvis screen tested for that movie too, course he lost out but hey ya cant win em all! incidentally, guys i hope this isn't a spoiler more like a goof that was cleared up before the movie came out, in the Teddybear sequence its been said that it took 28 takes for Elvis to get it right!sign slapstck2000
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major disappointment
13 July 2007
I've seen this movie once, and only once! its a far cry from Bonanza, story line reminds me of a bad late 60s Elvis movie only worse! far worse! I noticed that the town looks oddly like the Gunsmoke set! and there's absolutely no background music, thats in a movie, it was so annoying, I don't recognize anybody here except Michael Landon in this very very very bad movie, its a wonder they didn't run Michael Landon out of town for this slop, Michael Landon is a very good actor, but he definitely could have done better, don't get me wrong, I think this movie should have been made, just not like this, makes me wonder if Sam Katzman directed this flick! sign slapstck2000
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awesome show
13 July 2007
I like them all, especially Michael Landon, hes been a part of our lives ever since Bonanaza premierd in 1959, and he played Little Joe Cartwright, and i watch all of the Little House shows as well, even though when it changed its title to little house, A New Begging! I think what they were trying to do was turn Laura and Almonzo into another Charles and Caroline and it didn't work! But I've been a Michael Landon fan all my life, I know hes dead now, but thanks Michael Landon for all the memories as both Little Joe Cartwright and as Charles Ingles, your fan forever, sign Michael Smith, a,k,a slapstck2000
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I agree with benign,
12 July 2007
This is just pure @#$%^&$#@ this is just AWFUULLLLLLLLL! This is one time Elvis should have been horse whipped with a live horse! my-god even the songs are horrible! I find my self throwing my hands up and over my face and saying, (oh Elvis! please! please stop just stop please stopppppp1 oh this is just awful, Now this is desperate, this is one of the most embarrassing Elvis movies, And yes I find myself wanting to find Tom Parker and report him as being an illegal immigrant, if just to get him away from Elvis! If Tom Parker likes these types of movies then why don't he star in them? just don't do this to Elvis!and the acting is actually as bad as watching a soap opera.AAAAAAAAAAAA!! slapstck2000
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Kid Galahad (1962)
Solid Rock and Roll
12 July 2007
At least music wise it is, King Of The Whole Wide World, I Got Lucky This is Living! man HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!! and Joan Blackman ain't bad looking either! vavava voom! caurse had Flaming Star been done differently I don't believe a lot of these movies would have been made, and its really too bad too. because as any and all Elvis fans have seen Elvis had the potential to be an awesome actor, and in this he is really good, and he has a few hard hitter stars to play up against, Gig Young, Lola Albright, and especially Charles Bronson. of whom they say acts Elvis off the screen when there together! But then Elvis raises that upper lip and takes back the movie, this is one of my favorite movies, it just shows Elvis just getting down! slapstck2000
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Nothing Wild about it
12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong Elvis is cool, so is Millie Perkins, Tuesday Weld and Hope Lange, but thats about it, this movie makes the classic mistake of having about 2 plots and about 2 or 3 subplots to many, any movie should only have one main plot and one sub plot and thats IT! but Wild In The Country commits that exact offense, thus throws the movie into fast forward in the first 10 minutes first Elvis is in a fight with his brother which is in real life good friend and body guard (Red West) we see Elvis in the court room answering for that cause were left thinking Elvis killed him, then Elvis goes to live with his uncle, who's daughter (Tuesday Weld ) has the hots for him!(Elvis that is)lol. and we find he already has a girlfriend (Millie Perkins) then there's Hope Lange the phychiatrist who eventually falls for Elvis, then Elvis has aspirations to be an author, he winds up going to college to be an author, ! wait a minute ! in this movie Elvis doesn't even have a high school diploma, and hes going to college???????! Shouldn't he get a GED first, see what i mean, this movie is that confusing, and don't get me started on him hitting and supposedly killing Gary Lockwood,WHEWWWWW slapstck2000
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Harum Scarum (1965)
On Harum Scarum
12 July 2007
I see where this movie could have really been good, i know i use to own it, the story line is so blasted lame and i do mean lame!!!!! and the songs are even lamer!! except maybe the song Who Am I!! and with it towards the end Elvis" lips aren't matching the recording! Sam Katsman definitely should have worked harder on directing this film, but can can you say about the man who was nicknamed the king of the quickies! I've read a lot about Sam Katsman, his work in the 30s and 40s. to bad he got his hands on Elvis huh. I firmly believe Elvis should have gotten a lot more involved with the scripts, maybe he would have cared a lot more about what direction his career was going. sign slapstck2000
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Flaming Star (1960)
for Flaming Star
12 July 2007
At least for its content, and people i am an Elvis fan, its been said that if this particular movie had been done differently that not only would Elvis have been seen as a serious actor but his movie career would have gone in another direction, yes I blame Tom Parker for miss managing Elvis, but I also blame Elvis, he was a big enough of a star he could have put his foot down and said no to some of these films he was in, and believe me guys Flaming Star definitely had the potential to be not just a classic western, but could have won Elvis an Oscar but so could have King Creole, that was also an awesome Elvis movie, I firmly believe an Oscar would have built Elvis" confidence and enthusiasm, sign slapstck2000
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