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The Maid (2020)
Alright, but wasn't anything too special
21 September 2024
This is an alright supernatural horror movie that I have watched. The story is standard with a new maid noticing odd occurrences in the mansion she works at. It has your usual supernatural cliches you see in any movie and use cheap jump scares throughout. The mystery over the ghost maid is decently built up, and the reveal is pretty interesting. Unfortunately, they mostly use her for cheap jump scares and don't have a strong build-up towards her. But there are a couple of moments that have decent tension to it, and the music is pretty good on building up the atmosphere towards the movie. Later on, the movie becomes a slasher movie, which I won't spoiler on why it turns into a different genre, but it's executed decent on how it presented. Also, the movie is told in chapters, which is odd because the text just came out of nowhere and feels unnecessary. The characters themselves are fine, but aren't that big or interesting.

The Maid is an alright supernatural slasher movie that isn't anything big or interesting to remember about.
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500 MPH Storm (2013)
Don't expect anything good in this movie
18 September 2024
It really shows how these disaster movies keep getting made and still a bad movie. I don't know what to say anything positive with this movie other than some disaster scenes have a little suspense to it. Other than that the movie is what you expect from a made for TV disaster movie. Most of the movie either the family trying to flee the disaster or people trying to figure out how to stop this energy experiment. The movie is full of plot holes, repetitive scenes, bad acting, and a lot of boring scenes. And the movie has a lot of bad CGI to be found in it and it look like a made in a couple of days. They use the same type of locations and it get tiresome to look at.

500 MPH Storm is another movie that should not exist at all and is a wasted of time.
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Death Ship (1980)
Mediocre ghost ship movie
15 September 2024
This is a pretty weak movie that I have watched and wasn't impressed by it. It's a pretty creepy concept with a haunted freighter ship that has spirits on who died on it, and being trapped on it is terrifying. The opening does a pretty good job setting up the movie with the ship crashing into a cruise ship and having tension during it. Unfortunately, after the opening, things fall down. There's not that much happened in it with the characters boarding the boat, them exploring it, and one of them getting killed off one by one. I kind of felt they could have done more with its concept and given more details about it. But the movie itself isn't that enjoyable due to the pacing of the feeling of current parts of the movie and using cheap jump scares throughout. Also, the revealed itself isn't anything too big, but I could have gone more with it. And the climax itself is underwhelming. I have nothing to say about any of the characters because all of them are bland and boring. None of them have any development to them and are pretty boring throughout. One of them gets possessed later in the movie and does have some decent dialogue they say throughout. There's minimum effects to be found in this movie. The freighter ship itself looks pretty good with it being abandoned, and the design gives an eerie vibe to it on how long it has been out of sea for a very long time. Also, there's pretty good cinematography with the best view of the entire ship and the rooms it has in it. And the atmosphere is done pretty decently that have an unsettling vibe to it.

Death Ship is a mediocre supernatural horror movie that has a decent concept and great setting, but the execution isn't that enjoyable or fun to watch again.
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There is no point of watching this movie
15 September 2024
I really don't know why they keep making this type of movie. The whole arctic apocalypse happen before even the movie starts and it doesn't look any different compared to the poster. There is no suspense to be found in this movie because it happen pretty quickly and they mange to easily escape these disaster. The movie barely have a story to itself with the first half being parents trying to rescue their daughter and you can easily what happen in it. It doesn't do anything interesting at all and it dull throughout. The acting is really bland with stiff performance.

Arctic Apocalypse is a bland disaster movie that is not worth watching and is boring.
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It more like an anti-drug PSA
11 September 2024
This is the oddest Godzilla movie in the franchise. The movie is more of a environmental message movie on how people treat the seas and pollution, but I think it more of a anti-drug movie on the stuff that goes on. There is a lot of bizarre stuff like people wearing fish mask in one scene, the building gets destroy by Hedorah flying through it, and Godzilla flying for no reason, As for the actual plot, is mostly standard with characters discovering a new monster while Godzilla comes to fight against him. There is a lot of explanation on where Hedorah comes from which is interesting to learn even though it drags on. Also, there is some animated parts that comes out of none and feels added in. The fight scenes between Hedorah and Godzilla is pretty fun to watch and how does Hedorah fight back.

Hedorah is a interesting villain who is a big blob who reveal to be a alien later on in the movie. He has a interesting design to him and has different forms of him throughout the movie. Also, he has a couple of neat powers throughout the movie and is a memorable monster.

Godzilla vs. Hedorah is a bizarre type of movie that is overall a decent movie in the franchise.
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Break (2019)
Poor man version of Frozen
9 September 2024
There is so much you can do with this simple concept. The idea of people getting stuck gondola lift isn't a bad idea because its a place you don't want to get stuck in even though its similar to Frozen. There is a lot of factor on how dangerous it is with the freezing cold, extreme heights, and lack of material you need to survive. But the movie isn't thrilling or enjoyable at all. It's mostly due to how there is lack of suspense to be found in this movie and even when it try's, it poorly done. The movie is predictable on how its not easy for the characters to escape and who is the one who going to survive. There are also side plots that goes nowhere interesting and are generic. The cinematography looks pretty good on how it was handle and I do like the snowy atmosphere of the movie. But the soundtrack doesn't seem to fit the tone of this type of movie.

Break is one of those movies you best off not watching on how dull and mediocre the movie is.
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Robin Hood movie that has charm to it
7 September 2024
I have fun watching this parody of Robin Hood and is funny. The movie does a great job on being a parody of Robin Hood with random stuff that you don't expect and having a lighthearted tone to it. While some of the humor didn't age well, there is a couple of funny moments to be found in this movie. It's entertaining to turn off your brain and have fun with this movie throughout. The movie contains a lot of great performance by the actors who does a great job portraying the characters and giving them charm to them. Also, the movie contains pretty good action scenes that is both fun and pretty funny on how it was executed. There also a couple of songs in this movie that are pretty good, although its not a musical.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights is a fun movie that you need to just have fun with it.
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Forgettable foreign slasher movie that I watch.
4 September 2024
As for the first Philippine slasher movie that I have watched, this is a weak one. There's not that much to the story with a couple of friends going to shoot a short film on an island. It takes a very long time for the kills to happen because the movie mostly focuses on characters' drama. It's not a bad idea to have it because it can cause some development to the characters and their motive. But it is just the most generic stuff you see in any movies that isn't interesting enough to learn about. Also, the title is from a game they played called it, which is a form of truth and dare. It's interesting to learn about this take, but the results are pretty much the same type of drama. When it gets to the kills, there are some suspense to be found with the characters trying to survive against the killer, and some of them turn against each other. But the killer revealed it isn't that impressive, and the motive is rather weak. I didn't find any of these characters to be that interesting or good. Some of them do have drama between them and some development. They mostly play generic roles in this type of movie and aren't that good.

Bloody Crayons is a weak slasher movie that isn't enjoyable or good to remember about.
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Heatwave! (1974 TV Movie)
There is so much you can do with this simple concept
4 September 2024
I found this to be a plain disaster movie that I watched. There is so much that you can do to make a movie about a heatwave and the results is simple. It's mostly water shortage, running out of products, and people trying to leave the town. The movie doesn't have a main plot to itself other than a couple trying to survive this heatwave. It does a good job on how dangerous heatwave are due to lack of supplies and trying not to pass out during it. The characters themselves are rather bland and don't have that much to offer throughout the movie. And the is mostly stiff and not anything to outstanding. The movie itself somewhat have a climax that is different compared to other disaster movies that I seen, but its not anything to big.

Heatwave is one of those movies that have little to offer and is a forgettable film.
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Entertaining sequel to the first movie
2 September 2024
While the movie isn't great compared to the first movie, this one is pretty fun to watch. The story itself isn't that memorable at all because its rather generic. There also the relationship issue between Zorro and his lover which goes through the same tropes and is easily predictable on where it goes to. He also have a son in the movie who has some moments, but isn't a interesting character at all. Zorro has somewhat a new development on him trying to be a family members, but it never develop into it and barely focus on. The new villains are threating and contains pretty good performance by Rufus Sewell and Nick Chinlund, but Jacob McGivens has some comedic parts in the movie that are somewhat funny. It strongest aspect is the action scenes which are fun to watch and contains great choreography fight you see throughout the movie. As for the tone of the movie, it lacks the serious moments that is in the first movie and some parts are too goofy for this type of movie.

The Legend of Zorro is a fun sequel to watch throughout, but the first movie is better.
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Pretty good movie with a effective atmosphere
31 August 2024
This is an interesting type of movie that I have seen. The story is interesting, with medieval knights coming back as zombies and attack people. I like the backstory of them on who they were and the stuff they did before their death. It gets disturbing with their backstory and what they do to their victims, which gives off an unsettling vibe to it. I like the atmosphere of the movie with its isolated environment of the castle and the build-up towards the zombies coming up and attacking people. It also gets suspenseful with the characters trying to survive against them and how there's a lot of them you see. The scenes with the characters aren't that interesting and are the weakest parts of the movie. As for the climax, it definitely has good tension in it and is suspenseful. But the way the movie ends is rather anticlimactic. I found the characters to be the weakest part of the movie. Most of them aren't that interesting at all, and most try to solve the mystery over their friend death. They're either one-dimensional or really bland throughout. I found the special effects to be pretty decent in this movie. I do like each of the makeup effects on each of the zombies, which gives off an eerie vibe to them and the variety of them. The movie also contains decent practical gore effects to be found in this movie, even though the movie isn't that graphic at all. Also, one detail about the zombies is that they are blind due to their eyes being pecked out by birds, which is a disturbing detail to them.

Tombs of the Blind Dead is a pretty good movie that has an interesting idea and an effective atmosphere. It's definitely worth watching.
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The Lair (2022)
Good special effects, but overall a forgettable movie
28 August 2024
While the movie is enjoyable, it's just mostly forgettable for most of the time. There's barely any story in this movie because it is just the characters fighting against these half human and alien creatures. While there are some brief backstory of the creatures, they never go into deep with it or even explore it. Also, they show off them pretty early in the movie without any build-up towards it. Most of the scenes with the humans are boring and pretty dull because nothing interesting happens during it. Things get enjoyable when the aliens are attacking because it fun to watch them fight back against these things, and it have a b-movie vibe to it. The climax itself is suspenseful and enjoyable, but the way it ends is underwhelming. As I mentioned before, the characters are extremely boring and bland throughout. Most of them are one-dimensional and lack any development for them throughout. While some of them have backstories, they never build up those and feel really weak. The 2nd positive with the movie is the special effects themselves. I found the aliens' design to be pretty unique looking, but there isn't anything too special about them. The practical effects look great on the aliens, and the movie contains pretty graphic kills to be found on both the humans and aliens. I also like the underground facility the characters find, but they never explored it that much.

The Lair is a could have been an enjoyable action horror movie, but it falls apart due to it being mostly forgettable for most of the time.
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Reptilicus (1961)
The most boring monster movie that I watched
27 August 2024
I considered this the most boring giant monster movie that I have watched. Just like many monster movies from the past, it takes a while for the monster to show up which is not a bad idea. But the first part is boring with it mostly focus on expedition dialogue and one part feels like filler with that road trip scene. The characters are extremely boring and the dubbing is pretty bad. When it gets too the monster scenes, it doesn't get better. The monster barely does anything at all and the only attack is when he spits out acid from his mouth that feels like a after thought. Speaking of, the special effects looks like crappy on how things feel like it was added in like that acid spit and when he eats someone that looks awful looking. Most of the time he stands there or flee from the army. And the movie ends in a anticlimactic way.

Reptilicus isn't a bad monster and could have potential. But he barely does anything in the movie and his backstory is brief. The monster design doesn't look bad, but you can easily tell that he's a puppet on how cheap he looks. Even his movements is limited and basic. Also, the version I watched cut out the scenes where he can fly for some odd reason.

Reptilicus is a poor man version of Godzilla that might have some funny moments, but is overall a boring movie.
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Chupacabra vs. the Alamo (2013 TV Movie)
I have little to say about this movie
26 August 2024
While its far from the worst movies, this one is both boring and not that enjoyable. There barely any story to be found in this movie with it being a pack of Chupacabra attacking a city. The movie try to have a explanation on why they are there, but its brief and not that interesting. I don't remember that much in the movie other than the CGI Chupacabra that looks awful and looks like it belongs in a PlayStation 2 game. Most of the action is characters shooting at them and they are easily taken down with one shot which show that these aren't a greatest threat unless you have a long range weapon. Also, they are strong for some reason which the movie doesn't explained that part. The acting is both stiff and pretty bad on how it deliver. Other parts like the characters, the special effects, and the side plot aren't that interesting to talk about.

Chupacabra vs. The Alamo is a movie that is best avoid and forgotten.
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Geo-Disaster (2017 Video)
The poster is more interesting than the movie
25 August 2024
Do I need to say anything about this movie because its another bad TV disaster movie. There barely any story to be found in this movie and isn't that interesting at all. The first part spends mostly on the family trying to escape this one area that takes them a very long time to even get out. During the scenes the movie presented bad acting that is cringe and is not that convincing. Some parts of the movie feels pointless and question why they even have it in the first place like the old man character and the gang that they encounter. There is no suspense to be found in this movie because most of the disaster scenes happen pretty quickly and they randomly show up in parts of the movie. The characters are both annoying and bland that show no reason why we should root for them throughout the movie. And the movie ends in a anticlimactic way.

Geo-Disaster is not the worst movie that I watched, but is another crappy made for TV disaster movie that is a skip.
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Infested (2023)
Good foreign spider movie
24 August 2024
I found this to be a pretty good killer spider movie that I watched. The story isn't the strongest, with people getting attacked by spiders that keep coming. But the movie is built up pretty well with including the characters and the spiders reproducing, and more spiders come out. While the opening seems similar to Arachnophobia with the spider coming from a different country and killing one guy, it's much different compared to that movie. If you have arachnophobia, then this is not a movie for you. I never like bugs at all, and I creep out on how much spiders you see throughout the movie. The movie becomes suspenseful with the characters trying to survive against these spiders and how they can show up anywhere in the building. There's also a quarantine that happened with the characters' lock inside the building, but it never explained well if these spiders cause a serious infection or what makes them so big in the first place. The climax itself isn't anything too big, but it is fine for the most part. The characters themselves aren't really that bad, but none of them are that outstanding. Most of them play one trait in the movie and are one-dimensional throughout. I do like how we see them before the spiders attack to show who they are and their relationship between them. The movie use a lot of spiders in it, and they executed really well. It shows how dangerous these spider are on how many are there, what happened if someone get bitten by it, and the sizes they grow into. I also like the setting of a rundown apartment on how gritty the atmosphere is and is not a safe place to be trapped in.

Infested is a pretty good killer spider movie that isn't the best, but it is a worth watch if you don't have arachnophobia.
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Fail attempt on making a ridiculous horror comedy movie
20 August 2024
This is a pretty bad movie that is not enjoyable at all. The story is bizarre with a scientist who injected a man who turns him into a mutant rabbit. It could have worked for a cheesy horror movie, but the results are pretty bad. Also, it never explained why this scientist created this serum that turns people into mutated rabbits, and the version I watch doesn't have subtitles. Now, most of the movie is either the characters doing random tasks or the killer rabbit killing people for a current reason. The stuff that the characters do is mostly the same thing, and the humor gets pretty repetitive throughout. Even the revealed on what the British guys are hiding came out of nowhere and is forgotten. The stuff with the mutated rabbit is just him chasing random people and killing them. It's gets pretty tedious and isn't that enjoyable to watch. The ending is anticlimactic and pretty weak. I have nothing to say about the characters because all of them sucks and lack any interesting traits about them. Most of them are one-dimensional and lack any likeability to them. Even the humor from them is really bad and never got to me.

Bunny the Killer Rabbit is an unfunny horror comedy movie that is probably the worst that I have seen and is not worth watching.
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A lot of fun watching this movie
19 August 2024
I enjoyed watching this movie throughout. The story is good with the old Zorro decides to train the grown up kid that he met at the beginning in order for him to get revenge against the villains. It builds up pretty good with Alejandro Murrieta becoming the new Zorro and how he goes against the villains. I found it entertaining with the amount of action scenes that happen in the movie and the choreography is done really well. Antonio Banderas does a great job playing as the new Zorro who gave him a unique personality and bring him some depth. The other actors does a great job in the movie like Anthony Hopkins, Stuart Wilson, and. Matt Letscher. The movie does a great job with its tone on how they added in some comedic parts in it that works for this type of movie while keep balance from the serious part. Also, it is suspenseful during the action scenes and brings you on the seat with it.

The Mask of Zorro is a great movie that is both fun and entertaining throughout.
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Really great alien movie to the franchise
16 August 2024
I found this to be a great installment in the franchise. The story isn't the strongest with it being similar to the previous movies with a group going against the alien. There are a couple of plotlines in it, like Rook telling Andy over what to do and the reveal of it. But the movie is entertaining on how it pays homage to the alien franchise and tries to do its own things. I found the movie to be suspenseful with the characters trying to survive against the aliens and them coming up with plans to survive. It also does a great job of building up towards the aliens' appearance and fleshing out the characters. The climax itself is both suspenseful and unique on who is the final alien they go against. I found the characters to be done really well in this movie and contain great performances. The movie contains a lot of great practical effects to be found in it. I really like how they kept with the same alien design, and it looks great on how they kept it practical. Also, the facehuggers look great too on how they function and the work the filmmakers put into it. I also like the setting of the space station that looks amazing on the amount of details they put into it and the work they did to build the set. The movie contains pretty graphic death scenes that have great practical effects and also have chest bursting in it. There are also one more great practical effect in the movie, but no spoilers on what it is, but it looks impressive.

Alien: Romulus doesn't beat the first movie, but it is still a great and fun movie to watch.
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Jonah Hex (2010)
Good ideas, but needs more work on it
12 August 2024
While far from a bad superhero movie, it just mediocre. I know nothing on the character he based on, but I do like the idea with this guy with his disfigured face and his ability on talking to the dead for some reason. But he pretty underdeveloped since he already shown as a skillful sharpshooter and his grudge against Quentin Turnbull. I wish the character was more developed and interesting with his abilities and backstory. The story is your standard revenge plot with Jonah going against the one who killed his family and trying to save the Whitehouse. It's pretty predictable and goes through the tropes you see in any superhero movies out there. Also, there lack of suspense in the movie because Jonah easily taken down the enemies quickly with exception of one. That means the action scenes aren't that fun because it happen quickly and feel the same throughout. He does have some cool weapons, but he rarely used them at all. The acting itself is a mixed bag with Brolin does a pretty good job as Jonah, but Megan Fox does a poor job in her role.

Jonah Hex could been a underrated superhero movie, but it poorly executed and needs a rewrite.
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Stick with the real San Andreas movie
11 August 2024
This is the 2nd worst disaster movie that I have watched. I did not have fun watching this movie on how annoyed I was by the characters and this muddy plot. There too many plotlines that goes on in this movie that it feel muddy and keep changing throughout the movie. Each one of them is predictable and goes through the same tropes. Even some of it feel like filler like the bridge scene and some of them keep the characters from reaching their goal. There nothing interesting that happen in the movie that I even expect from the Asylum and the characters are more annoying on how they keep saying some useless stuff. The acting and CGI is what you expect from the Asylum, but here its worse compared to their other movies.

San Andreas is best avoid watching on how awful this movie is.
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I still trying to figured out what is this movie is trying to say
11 August 2024
This is a pretty bad found footage horror movie that I have seen, but it isn't the worst. It's interesting how the opening is different with a woman receiving a package that contains the footage. The actual story is standard with a group of people going to an abandoned prison to look for something. It's easily predictable and mostly uses cheap jump scares throughout. One interesting thing is that current characters are teleported to somewhere else, and I guess it reflects something that I don't know about. This is a mixed bag with current scenes that have decent tension to it, while some it outright ridiculous on how it was executed. There are some chilling moments in the movie, like one of the characters gets burned alive and one of the ghosts staring at the camera. But the movie isn't scary at all because it happened pretty quickly to have any tension to it. There's also them finding a strange girl who mostly does generic supernatural force towards the characters and saying rather generic things. I have nothing to say about the characters because all of them are extremely bland and aren't that likable at all. The movies don't give us a reason why we should feel for these characters, and they lack any development for them. And the acting is pretty bad in this movie. There's little to say about the special effects of the movie. Some of these ghosts have blank eyes to them, which looks rather generic looking but with expectation of one. Now, most of the found footage is done by characters wearing glasses cameras, which is an interesting concept for a found footage movie. Also, I want to point out that some of the sounds designed in the opening and one of the teleportation scenes are pretty bad.

616 Paranormal Incident is best forgotten because this movie is both bad and dull. It's not the worst one that I have seen, but I would not recommend checking out.
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Earthquake (2016)
Really well done drama disaster movie
10 August 2024
I found this to be a pretty well done drama disaster movie that I watched. The movie is more of a drama than a disaster movie since it more of an aftermath of the disaster. But I think it works by showing the damage the earthquake cause to a city and how it affects the people. It shows how this is a serious topic with the destroy city, people helping each others, losing love ones, and even looters. There are a couple of plotlines in the movie that works out well with the theme and how effective it is with the tone of the movie. The characters are mostly simple and have a simple arc to them. Also, the dubbing isn't that good. I found the music to be good, but it feel like they are reusing it throughout the movie. I want to mention the disaster scenes that looks pretty great on how realistic it looks and how terrifying it is to be in the same spot as the characters.

Earthquake is a great movie that does a great job on how it handles its tone.
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Wish (II) (2023)
I wish this movie was executed better
8 August 2024
This movie feels flat compared to other Disney movies out there. The story could have worked with it being an island where a sorcerer grant their wish. But the movie is poorly written on how things happen pretty quickly without any build-up towards it. I mean, Magnifico already told Asha how he doesn't grant a current type of person wish for obvious reasons, and you guess where the plot goes to. It feels like the movie needs to spend time building up these ideas to be effective because without it, it feels like the movie wants to get to the more interesting stuff. I also felt that they could include how some wishes should not be granted due to it being bad request or something else. The comedy itself feels like it only gets kids because I didn't find the movie to be funny. Also, there's a couple of references to previous Disney movies, which is clever. The characters aren't really that interesting at all and are poorly executed. Let's get to a positive with the movie that is the animation. The animation looks great on the details of the character animation and the setting itself. While it looks like nothing too big or interesting, it still looks great for an animated movie. Also, the art style looks like traditional animation that is computer animated, which executed pretty well. There are a total of 6 songs in the entire movie, and there is a mixed bag. My favorite song is This Wish, which I found catchy and the performance by Ariana DeBose, who has a great singing voice. As for the other songs, I'm a Stat and Welcome to Rosa's are pretty good and fit in with the movie. But the rest doesn't fit in well and feels too modern.

Wish could have worked, but it is poorly written and lacks a build-up towards it. But it does have great animation and some memorable songs.
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Under Paris (2024)
I think the sharks are the only likeable characters in the entire movie
7 August 2024
I found this to be an alright killer shark movie that I watch. The story is your standard shark movie with a couple of characters trying to figure out how to stop the shark from attacking more people. It's pretty predictable throughout, and it tries to include a lot of things in it but ends up being pointless. Like how Mika tried to save the shark in order to bring it back into the ocean, but that ended up a failure. Even the plot point with the triathlon is a cliche because they barrow it from Jaws with the mayor refusing to cancel it due to obvious reasons. It seems like any time they come up with a plan, it always end up a failure most of the time. The movie does have a couple of suspenseful moments with the catacombs scene and the climax of the movie. The ending itself is something that I didn't expect and have a downer to itself. One of the biggest problems is that the characters are extremely stupid and have no logic to be found in this movie. There are only two characters who have development to them, while the rest are clueless on what they are doing, like Mika and the mayor. I found the effects to be mostly fine, but nothing too big. The sharks themselves look decent with the CGI, who doesn't look that bad and has details on her. Probably the best effect comes at the climax of the movie, which is no spoiler. I always like disaster scenes in movies.

Under Paris does have some moments, but it falls down due to it borrowing from other shark movies and clueless characters.
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