
4 Reviews
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All Wrong (2017– )
Great Show
7 April 2017
I stumbled upon this series when I was checking out what new shows Vice was putting out on it's new web series page. I believe Blackpills is the production company that partnered with Vice to start online content. That being said, I thought this was a really enjoyable show. The acting was top notch, it was very funny, the characters are all relatable and the production quality is great. I was actually amazed by how good this was for such a small production. What is weird is that I like the short 11 minute episodes, but at the same time wish they were longer because I liked the show so much. I do hope they continue with another season though. What would be great is if HBO picked this up as a series, since they have a relationship with Vice.

Overall, I highly recommend checking the show out.
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Conan - A true classic and something that may never be imitated
29 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Conan is an extremely remarkable film. Many people feel that Arnold Schwarzeneggar is just a meat head and is incapable of making a truly authentic cinema masterpiece. This film proves exactly the opposite.

This film set the standards for swords and sorcery films. The combination of directing, script, and acting are what set this apart from other films of the same genre. John Milius was clearly the right person to direct this film. Arnold's performance is also exceptional and his acting in this film is among the top performances he has had. The rest of cast is exceptional as well and met the necessary standards for a film of this caliber. What makes this film so unique and great is that most of the actors are novices with exception to James Earl Jones, Rob Cobb, Mako, and Max Von Sydow. Although the experienced actors have limited rolls, they play important rolls and their performances help support the overall feel to the film. I like this movie because the main actors were all new and worked very hard to create an extremely distinct and true film.

For the era and time that this film was produced, the effects that the film had were outstanding. Although there was no CGI at this time, the production crew did a great job creating the giant snake and the transformation sequences with James Earl Jones. I think what made this film so unique was how it was done. I liked the fact that their was very little dialogue from the actors themselves and that the audience was mostly addressed through the voice-over of Mako. This gave the movie a feel that it was a grand story being told to the audience and that we were in essence being read an adult bedtime story.

It is extremely difficult to explain how great this film is on such a limiting platform, but I think that once this film is watched, it can then be understood how incredible it truly is.
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The names Garbage, complete garbage
15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Bond and have been since I was little. This film is probably the worst bond film i have ever seen, worse than Never say Never Again. The first problem is the script. This film was obviously put together quickly and seems as though it was purely made for monetary gain. The plot is non-existent and the film has no direction. Im sure Marc Forster is a good director, but this film proved otherwise for me. The opening car chase was excellent, but after it ends, the film takes a nose dive. I feel that Craig is an excellent actor, i have enjoyed many of his movies and he has true acting talent, and the same goes for Judi Dench. The acting in this film was excellent, the problem was purely directorial and script related. I was very disappointed with this film and i feel that most Bond fans will be also. I hope that the next bond film has better writers and i am very excited that Marc Forster has said he will not be back to direct the next film, this is a franchise that can do without him. I would love to see Martin Campbell come back and return the franchise to its rightful spot as he so marvelously did with Casino Royale and Goldeneye. I suggest waiting for this film to come out to rent, its definitely not worth the movie ticket cost or the paper they are printed on.
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The Reaping (2007)
Holy Garbage Accent
10 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As I sit here watching this movie I think to myself, why am I. Though i am not a huge Hilary Swank fan, i do acknowledge her talent. She deserved her two Oscars, but this film proves that no matter who the actor, they will always end up making some type of cliché Hollywood filth during their career. I read through many of the previous comments left on this movie and they claim this film has great CGI, well i strongly disagree. The CGI is for lack of better words, hot garbage. The individuals who claimed that this movie contained epic special effects are apparently blind. It is obvious that the production company spent most of its money on Hilary and not nearly enough on a better script, special effects, and actors who can pull off a southern accent. David Morrisey is otherwise a great actor and that can be seen in the movie The Other Boleyn girl. But as far as this movie is concerned, his southern accent is awful. One thing i can't stand is an actor from one country playing someone of a different and butchering the accent. I caught this movie right when his character enters the movie and immediately was disgusted. And for another cliché, dodge this movie like the plague, i implore you.
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