
30 Reviews
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Pollen (II) (2023)
Unauthentic, unrealistic trash
6 March 2024
I think this was written by a first year women's studies student, and not a good one. The main character is an extremely emotionally immature woman, who mistakes the work place for a mating habitat and proceeds to be taken advantage of by her stereotypical "bad-misogynist" boss. She has a fellow female co-worker who takes part in mocking her as if this is a middle school lunch room, rather than a professional work place. She then proceeds to confuse reality with horticulture, having dreams of plant monsters and a slew of non-scary attempts at being a horror film.

In the end, it's very sophomoric and not scary. If I was Miss Smith's eight grade drama teacher, I'd tell her to try harder and focus less on the made up stereotypes in her head, and more on making character real.

Yes, it's that bad; like an after school special that's not close to being special. Whoever writes this trash should be a gardener themselves, because movie making just doesn't suit you. That's not a glass ceiling, that's a concrete reinforced bunker. Find a new career.
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Warrior (2019–2023)
Ruined by season three and their "agenda"
5 March 2024
Seasons one and two were very well done. Chemistry between the two leads is obvious and they seemed more like brothers than friends. It showed a story of struggle, although a life of crime is hardly noble. This seems to be the current mantra of Hollyweird. Crime pays, well, until reality comes into play, then you go to prison, but I regress.

Now throw in season three. The Alphabet group takes over, and now it's a completely unrealistic, he/she/they/them/xe/xer, nonsensical cornucopia of men dancing in their underwear in a time period when NONE of that was neither acceptable or openly flaunted as this series depicts.

Sad that the writers felt the need to cater to made up history and dumb concepts to "satisfy" an insignificant group. The wine box middle-age divorcees are certainly beside themselves now, and no one is surprised Warrior is not renewed for a fourth season. Hope you're happy, idiots, another great series ruined by unnecessary Alphabet BS.

You've hit rock bottom, yet you continue to dig. Good riddance.
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Echo (2023–2024)
An angry girl that burns her own house to the ground
23 February 2024
I'm not sure who had the bright idea to cast this department store mannequin, but Alaqua Cox was a wooden, expressionless boring action figure if I ever saw one. Holy,bad casting Batman!

Brian Grossling has more expressions than her! With a permanent, angry scowl affixed her face, she proceeds to burn her own house down, betraying her adopted father (twice), leading the bad guys to her real family, she gives true meaning to the saying, common sense isn't common. So many bad decisions, it becomes laughable halfway through the series.

Now throw in the tough-guy Kingpin. Echo betrays him, then later shoots him in the face and he still come back to try and win her heart. Sorry, not at ALL believable. This guy would never have become a crime boss being so soft in the head. Later, Echo gets in his head, and I don't want to spoil it, but, it's pathetic Disney's attempt at another "Girl-Boss" fails spectacularly.

Three stars is More than generous and the only reason it's not two, is because honestly, the first episode was pretty decent. Too bad it nosedived from that point on.
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Encounters (2023)
Netflix crashes and burns...again
30 September 2023
Probably the most pointless UFO docudrama I've seen in a long time. Zero evidence, zero footage other than the recycled "gimbal" footage. For a topic that has been so popular and interesting; something that deserves further, SERIOUS, investigation and proper research, this was a amateurish (at best) lame duck attempt in what was a pointless series.

Honestly, it seemed more of an attempt to ridicule witnesses and make fun of their religious convictions, lack of education, or perception of lack of education, in order to indirectly dismiss them as crazy, zealots, or just dumb hicks. It was frankly disingenuous to listen to their accounts, which seemed honest and heartfelt, then flash to a clip of people wearing tin foil hats, selling ET -home home T-shirts and and talking about little green men in thick country accents.

We see what you did there, and viewers are not impressed. Disinformation, distraction, and a dumbing down of an important topic. Whether these are actual extraterrestrials, or in many cases, terrestrial technology used as surveillance that are part of US, China, or other countrys', spy or military equipment, this shouldn't be discussed in a manner that this series conducted.

Episode 1, crazy hillbillies; Episode 2, crazy environmentalists "protect the planet", sprinkled with interviews from children, which we all know are Super credible. Again, interview "uneducated" third-world countrymen/women.

Dull, pointless, distracting and every other adjective I can think of, for waste of time. It's garbage, and shame on Netflix for not bothering to review such garbage before putting on your network.
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Zero IQ Audience material
14 August 2023
If you are giving shows like this a 10/10 you clearly have low expectations. It's not that special, really.

First episode, girls carrying a metal pole through the mud. Wow! Oscar award winning material, people! Roll out the red carpet and book the hotel Dubai. Reviews on here talk as if this is cinema gold, when reality is, it's girls lifting "heavy" stuff. Four girls carried a 50 pound flag pole across the mud. The show is entertaining, but please, stop the overrating nonsense, you're embarrassing yourselves.

The challenges are interesting, but it quickly becomes a typical Korean drama fest. Overacting, unnecessary crying and shouting and turns from interesting, to straight up annoying.

Hard pass.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Funny, but so immaturely written with dismal CGI
12 August 2023
So, I know that hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on this film. How the CGI ended up so bad is beyond me. I swear the stuff I watched in the early 2000s was better. I don't understand how can spend so much and deliver so little. Now the story premise wasn't that bad, and it really did have some funny moments. This was quickly spoiled by over doing the comedy to the point where is started to get annoying. Naked jokes are funny once, dick jokes, the same. Repeating the same joke is really a sign of poor writing and a lack of mature imagination. It's sad.

Additionally, I'm not sure why the director felt that 18 year-old Flash needed to act like a four year-old. Eating like a toddler, food all over his face, jumping on he bed like his first sleepover. It was pathetic and embarrassing for the lead, frankly. I wanted to give this a higher rating, but the dumbing down and lazy directing, just makes it impossible to rate it above a 4.

The Marvel Universe it becoming a daycare center.
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Alone (2015– )
Lots of cheating in the last 3-4 seasons
9 August 2023
Sorry, but the last several seasons have what, frankly, amounts to cheating by many of the contestants.

You should be going into the competition +/- 10 of your original weight. One guy on season 10, right off the bat, brags about gaining 40lbs before going out.

So, basically, he can starve himself and hold out longer than other contestants who aren't disgusting fat slobs.

Sorry, this is cheating, pure and simple. It's not about how well you can survive anymore, but how much body fat can you store up to out last your fellow "survivalists " Honestly the producers needs to stop this nonsense, It cheapens the show and pretty much prevents a female contestant from EVER winning.
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Five Star Chef (2023– )
Disappointing and uninspiring.
6 August 2023
Unfortunately, I just couldn't like it. The menus were average most times and didn't focus on the flavors, just on concept, concept, concept. It was unimpressive. The winner was a bit of a one trick pony and final service menu was hypocritical at best. Funny how the lady judge, wanted a female to win, and the black judge, a black guy. Wow, surprise, surprise on the identity politics.

The final winner couldn't command a kitchen and heaven help them when they start running the restaurant for real. All I saw was average, youtube menus with constant blathering about 'my culture'! That will only get you so far and if you aren't versatile, you're gonna fall flat.

Another Netflix Hard Pass.
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Extraction II (2023)
If you are expection an oscar winning movie, you're stupid.
12 July 2023
It's an action movie people, if you are expecting Shawshank Redemption, Go watch Shawshank. If you are expecting Schindler's list, take your man-bun somewhere else.

It's about revenge, and laying waste to one's enemies. Sometimes pure action is all you want to be entertained and enjoy a good fight scene, or three.

I honestly found it better than the first one, although, honestly, it should have taken him longer than 8-9 months to recover. You could have made it a bit more realistic in that sense.

But then, you have Chris firing a mini gun at the hip, so what the hell. He's nearly superhuman, why not?

They did set it up for a pat three, which is fine by me. I'd love to see him kick some more butt.

For the snowflakes, Pokémon and Love Island are probably better options for you, judging by your complaints, you were obviously expecting too much, grow up.
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Wow, Megan is horrible.
12 February 2023
Megan says she's a comedian, but literally nothing that comes out of her mouth is funny. Super annoying with her fake facial expressions like she is trying so hard to be cringy. The female judge comes off as rude and a generally miserable person. She's very snide, and is generally unlikable.

I think with a better single host instead of two and one better judge, it could be watchable. Also, they need to give everyone a bit more time; 2 hours really isn't enough time. I would hope for a better season 2, but Netflix doesn't seem to do second seasons any more. At least they passed the weirdo factor.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Decent, but terrible dialogue.
31 January 2023
It's not bad, but the dialogue is so bad. One guy comes out at the beginning. "Hello everyone, I'm the strongest man in Korea!" Wow, ego much? One girl walks around to see who is prettier than her. Maximum cringe.

They do too many silly replays when they could have been showing more competitions. Some of the commentary is really unnecessary and takes away from the show. If there's a season two, they need to do a lot better.

Some of the events are really more about luck than skill.

Down voted for season 2.

Season two is terrible. This season claims to find out who is the most fit ACROSS RACES, yet 85% of the contestants are Korean...hmmm...racist much?

Some of the contestants are absolutely ridiculous and strictly for useless "entertainment " value. Peacock dancers, skateboarders, overweight actors, cos players, and "American" football player, mma players no one has heard of; more than half of the people chosen have zero chance of finishing the first challenge, so what the point? drag out the competition into 9 painful episodes!

Season two is a massive ego fest of show-offs and wannabe tik tok-ers. The show is simply another fake reality-game show, that quickly became unrealistic. My suggestion is to skip to the 9th episode.
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Pressure Cooker (2023– )
Jeana is everything wrong with the human race
13 January 2023
I honestly loved the cooking and it gave me several dishes I want to try out myself.

The rest was utter trash. Jeana is quite possibly the worst human on the planet, She introduces her self like she's super friendly, team player, and that whole intro was completely fake.

She lies, pits other cooks against each other, and is an all around #itch.

The finale as terrible. The winner, was definitely not the "winner", it was entirely based on who was friends with who.

Trash TV at its finest. FU Netflix, you suck again. More and more of your shows are like this senseless garbage. If there is a season 2, fire the writers and start from scratch.
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Skinamarink (2022)
Skinamarinl, Norweigian for Boring AF.
15 December 2022
The people that praise this movie are either the people who made this trash or high. This movies was over an hour of bad camera shots of the walls, ceiling, table lamps, and floor.

It's like a couple kids tried to do a Blair Witch style movie and forgot to make it scary.

I cannot fathom how people found this scary. Seeing Grandma naked is way more scary than this snore fest.

I read the reviews first, then watched and waited, with baited breath, for something scary. Like hoping to win the mega ball or that million dollar scratch ticket, I was sorely disappointed. If you find this scary, sleep with the lights on, don't go outside, ever, and never, ever interact with another human being. I've been more scared of Pokeman cartoons than this movie. Seriously, the scariest part were the legos on the floor, because stepping on those are horrible. This is not a horror movie, it's just horrible.
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Worse than the Point Break remake
13 December 2022
Wow, I thought Edgar Ramirez was terrible in the Point Break remake, he was even worse in this movie. Two movies equating to hot garbage, means it is time to find a new career, maybe selling solar panels.

This movie was unwatchable beyond 20 min. I figured it was either give up or suicide and I'm not ready to give up yet. I still have to trash Will Smith's new race baiting movie Emancipation. Another equally sh$t movie. Will and Edgar both need a good slapping after these two terrible movies. Two stars is being really generous. You get one extra star for the girl with the great fake boobies dancing on the car and for carrying a Chiappa Rino revolver.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Wait, it gets worse?
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 went downhill quick. Cliche after cliche, it was pretty sorry. The story got more ridiculous as it went along. I quit watching half way through. Holy crap, there's another season, a couple episodes in, same crap, same dumb story, bad acting and just stupid, really.

Bad cop chases girl through the woods, catches her and another unarmed person appears. What does he do? Hide behind other girl and scream "who the hell are you?" A real bad cop would have simply shot the both of them, because why not? He was going to kill the one girl anyway, now he just has to dig a slightly deeper hole for the both of them.

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.
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If you gave this a 10, shoot yourself
12 October 2022
I have to admit, I didn't watch this. I gave it the old college try, but after 15 min, depression set in, followed by regret, then the strong desire to drink coupled with thoughts of suicide.

That's how bad this movie was. I've seen movies with smaller budgets do better. Believe me, money wasn't the issue. You need a decent lead actor (box unchecked), A story that makes some sort of sense (box unchecked), a real producer, you know, one of them fancy college people (box unchecked), and maybe a plan. (box also unchecked) This movie didn't appear to have any of those. So many scenes in such a short period of time didn't make sense, it almost felt purposefully done. A weird disjointed "sex" scene. Crazy Bollywood ghost lady in the hallway, stereotypical black spec ops dude talking about getting laid as soon as he gets home. Whew, it got tiring real fast to the point where I simply had to turn it off. It seems Hollywood is churning out so much this garbage, I'm almost ready to do an Elvis Presley and put a bullet in the TV and take up knitting or quilt making.
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Point Break (2015)
We don't live off the grid, we live above it!
17 September 2022
Probably the most cringeworthy quote of the whole film. The original dead presidents were noble savages, although misguided and reckless. The new version is filled with a bunch of dopy, wanna be zen masters that live off some drunk rich guy. Patrick Swayze is probably spinning in his grave as we speak.

The scenery is beautiful and is basically the only redeeming quality of this film. Terrible plot, accompanied by terrible acting.

Worse, Johnny Utah's reboot is more wooden than a cigar store Indian. He more stone faced than Ryan Gossling. If he was really wood, he'd be the petrified version. I honestly can't believe I watched the whole thIng.
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Partner Track (2022)
Materialism at its best
26 August 2022
Superficial, narcissistic, greedy, and self absorbed. What's not to like, right?

Pretty much everything wrong with the world today is in this series. Hard pass.
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Love and blunder.
10 August 2022
Wow, someone tried way too hard to be funny. In doing so, you pretty much ruined the Thor franchise. This movie was just a sad attempt to make this into a kids show.

Liked Christian Bale, Russel Crowe was a bit of a clown. Having said that, this will probably go down in history as one of the worst Marvel Movies of all time. I say one of, because Disney still has room to F up more.
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tired of watching for ten minutes
31 July 2022
I got tired of watching 12 bad actors after the first 10 minutes. Sped up 20 minutes and it got worse. Sorry, it's worse the Gigli or the Home Alone reboot,...seriously.
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Expired (2022)
56 minutes in and I expired
12 June 2022
I watched it for almost and hour and I have no idea what's going on.

I've been more entertained by the American Horror Story Series and that is saying a lot.

There seems to be no describable plot, although there are rumor of one existing. If you don't get some semblance of a story almost a hour in, buh-bye.
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Top Gunner (2020)
No ejection seat.
7 June 2022
So my plane caught on fire and I'm not going to bother ejecting after seeing this movie.

Instead I've decided to ride this thing into the ground.

Goodbye cruel world.
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A slow burn of intrigue and sadness
13 April 2022
I've always had a strange like for Chris Pine. He has a charm and depth of a great actor; paired with Thandie Newton and it makes for an interesting and well ft chemistry.

If you like spy thrillers, this one's for you. It's not action packed, but drama and the tension, I think, is enough to hold viewers and the ending is a bit surprising and well done.
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Black Crab (2022)
Not bad, but lots of flaws
19 March 2022
Who gives these movies 10s? You must have a terrible attention span and a low IQ. It was Ok, with a mediocre story line that's good for cheap, mindless entertainment. By far, it's no Oscar winning 10 and these people that keep giving movies like this such high ratings are really dense.

Having said that, this is by far not Noomi's best film. Their set choreographer should be fired alone for letting her fire her weapon with the scope lens caps still on. Amateurs... My biggest gripe is the story doesn't explain ANY back story. Someone invaded Sweden and it doesn't explain any if it. I'm guessing the drug cartel is pissed Hunter Biden hasn't paid his dealer back for all the cocaine he snorted off that hooker's ass; now Sweden pays the price.

Thanks Brandon, The women's curling Team is dead because of you.

The scenery is at least nice. Noomi's team is kinda douchey, plus she fell for the old bait and switch, which is just bad writing and insulting to Swedes. Like in real life she wouldn't have the common sense to figure that out. If you've got nothing else to do on a Sunday night, this is the movie for you.
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The Hyperions (2022)
Was this a grindhouse movie?
17 March 2022
This was a bizarre, low budget, cringe fest. I was hoping for more as I like the Dailywire, but this was so goofy it was unappealing, I felt like I was watching a sophomore college theater project. Even the Hyperion badges were cheaply painted, nevermind the weird costumes, trash-can special effects, hair and makeup and frankly bad acting.

Sorry guys, but a swing and a big miss.
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