
24 Reviews
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Just another group of LA friends that will never grow up!
17 June 2024
First of all, these people are far from kids, they are all ADULTS in their late 20s, although they do all act like children. Secondly, these 'kids' sadly have nothing going for them with all the opportunity in the world. Only one of them has a real job as a luxury real estate agent and seems to work hard to earn his own money. Another one is in school. The rest of them sit around and wait for an opportunity to call on them, jobs they are getting 100% because of who their parents are, not because they have any talent or drive.

The one girl who's dad is a billionaire real estate mogul actually talks about the big shoes she feels like she needs to fill, but does nothing at all to attempt to fill them. She 'designed' a couple pieces of ugly jewelery that say "fabulous", lucky for her her dad payed for the jewelry to be made and owns several department stores, and she doesnt even seem to attempt to get them in other stores, well because that would actually take work. She is so obnoxious and entitled it's gross and shes really the only one that is constantly bragging about and flaunting the money she has at her disposal. It's just sad that these 'kids' parents allow this leechy lifestyle to continue with their children, who are almost 30.

Anyways, the show is a lot like Vanderpump Rules, a bunch of 'friends' that drink a lot, shop a lot, vacation a lot and fight A LOT, which I just find so strange for people at their age. I realize only a small portion of their lives are being filmed and they air what's most dramatic, but I had a ton of friends growing up and I never, ever fought with any of them, nor did I ever backstab them (not to the degree these people do, ALL of them) and certainly don't now as an adult. On every reunion show, the cast on Vanderpump Rules swears that it is all real, everything we see actually happens without script but if this is true the way they treat each other as friends is just appalling, and the VPR cast is nearing and in their 40s! Maybe it's a Los Angeles thing.
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You couldn't pay me enough...
7 May 2024
Money to even step a foot in one of these houses, let alone go in there and clean them for hours, days even. It's so rancid and I'm sorry, unike Missy, I will judge. Blaming this kind of behavior on depression and 'accidently' letting things go is just unacceptable. Most people still work, go out, raise kids, and keep up their homes during episodes of severe depression. I'm one of those people. All these people have to do is take out the trash and go to the bathroom in the toilet and their homes wouldn't turn into this. There's no excuse to pissing and crapping on your floors, leaving your toilets full of feces, having TONS of just plain garbage in every square inch of your house. It's so beyond human behavior it blows my mind, and there is NO excuse for it. How hard is it really to take out the garbage? One lady had 20 ziplock bags of dirty cat litter just sitting ON HER BED. Like, you cleaned out the cat box, but you can't put the litter in the trash? Why?! People are disgusting. I bet most of these people dont even have jobs and just sit around in this filth 24-7, looking at it, smelling it, being OK with it! And btw- these people aren't hoarders, which I understand is a disease. They are people who have fallen into the depression abyss and don't get help for it and instead choose to just give up on life. It's not ok. And I hope none of them have kids living in these houses.

The show is too repetitive to tolerate beyond a few episodes. Every single episode these people repeat the same things over and over and over. It's super annoying and I dont have the patience for it. The only fun ones too watch were Josh and his girl anyways. Mommy Missy is just plain lazy. She talks about how proud she feels to be helping all her clients 'change their lives' but she doesn't do anything but stand over her kids while they bust their behinds or she's screeching and screaming over something she's afraid of. To the reviewer on here that says once you're the owner of an established business you don't work as hard, you're diluded. Especially in the service industry. Maybe you don't do as much of the grunt work, but you're certainly not just standing over your employees being a cheerleader. Nobody respects a boss that is lazy.

Anyways, I watched 3 episodes just because it's like a car crash I couldn't stop watching, but the repetitive nature of the show essentially turned me off. Besides, this just elevates my already great disappointment in mankind.
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Survivor (2000– )
12 April 2024
I've never been a die hard survivor fan but I have watched it here and there over the years. I can't believe anyone watches this show anymore. I just turned on season 45 and it's hilarious how pathetic this cast is. A grown man crying and passing out on the first episode. I think I counted 5 people claiming they were lawyers. One girl wants to go home after the first challenge because she wants a bed. Another guy because he has heartburn. I turned it off after the first episode and tried 44. Same thing. 43, same. CRAZY. Everyone just seems like a bunch of pansies. I love an underdog, but when everyone is the underdog whats the point? I dont want to watch a bunch of scrawny geeky boys and overweight middle aged women struggle to do challenges. The days of any sort of athletism, street smarts, entertainers seem to gone. Boston Rob, coach, even Philip were a joy to watch. No more. Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick to watching the all time best competition show on, The Challenge.
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Evil Lives Here (2016– )
Best TC show on TV!
9 April 2024
This is my favorite true crime show and I'm really surprised it doesn't have a higher rating. There are tc shows on that have all that filler porn star acting scenes that are rated higher than this one and that is shocking to me. I think people must be rating those for their comedy affect for the atrocious acting. Anyways this show doesn't contain that fluff that makes, to me, some tc shows unbearable to watch. Each show is led by a victim of somebody they were close to/lived with. Spouses, siblings, parents, children of the monsters of the world. Some of them are just heartwrenching, especially the ones with kids who have experienced severe abuse at the hands of a parent.
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Feels more like watching a porn
8 April 2024
Why do some of these true crime shows ruin themselves with the pornstar style acting scenes? Are these people directed to act this bad? This is almost unbearable to watch because aside from the narration it's basically just a fictional TV show with terrible actors and a few clips of a detective (real? It's hard to say) peppered in. This is bad in terms of a true crime shows, most of the stories I've seen on other better crime shows. It's definitely not Evil Lives Here, which is one of my favorites. You don't hear from any of the victims' family or friends. I don't know how this has an 8.2 rating. Must be people rating it as a comedy because the acting, which takes up 80% of each episode is laughably bad.
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A trial of buffoons
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not at all convinced that Chase killed the Mcstay family. He was literally shaking and crying at the end of his trial when he knew his defense team had screwed up and he would be found guilty. A heartless sociopath that could kill, slaughter with a mallet, 4 people, one who is his best friend and 2 that are tiny children doesn't act like that. And it just didn't look like crodile tears to me. It looked like genuine fear.

His defense team, if we can even call them a team, was atrocious. What would it have hurt to call the cell tower expert to the stand? Why would you as a defense attorney leave anything out that could help exonerate your client? Why did they not test the DNA on everything when Chase asked them to and assured them his DNA wouldn't be there? Why would a professional attorney 'lose his mind' for an entire month, post-poning the trial, pissing everyone off, and making a mockery of this poor mans trial? There was just so much wrong with his defense it was ludicrous that the judge couldn't see that and grant him a new trial. The prosecuting team was just as unprofessional, if not more. This was a witch hunt. They didn't look into any of the other shady characters in Joe's life.

Not only am I not convinced Chase did it, I am wholly convinced it was his brother Micheal. He refuses to check on them after several requests from their father because hes 'too busy' and doesn't turn them in as missing for 11 days, after Chase MAKES him?! Why does he show no concern that NOBODY has heard from them in 11 days? That's not how I would be acting if one of my sibs went missing. I would INSIST that something was wrong! And something he said to the officer during the initial search of their home made me immediately suspect of him. When he says he "hopes they just went off to Mexico and didn't tell anyone", and then THE SAME DAY they conveniently find the family truck at the Mexican border. And voila! They are, for the next 4 years, considered voluntarily missing in Mexico until the remains are found, so there was no investigation. I suspect Micheal was "too busy" because he was driving the truck to border! And why did the mom and him immediately clean the house, which I suspect was his idea, and he takes a computer that could have vital information on it after being warned by the officer that they shouldn't touch anything?? He had super sketchy answers when he went on stand too. The guy just looks and acts like a creep. The Kavanaugh dude was sketch too, but he couldn't have done this. For one he was too much of an idiot and obviously high. Also, It had to be someone Joe trusted and would never expect to be able to overpower him and his wife both at the same time.

This trial was BS. The attorneys on both sides BS. The cops BS. The judge BS. There was no justice here. Even if Chase did do it, he didn't get a fair trial, and isn't that what this country is supposed to provide? This could happen to anyone and we're paying these fools' salaries.

That's my opinion on the case, the documentary itself was good, and didn't seem bias either way. There was some repetition and filler, but it was mostly all pretty riveting information.
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The killer nanny: She definitely did it
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's such a bizarre statement by one review on here that 'the glaze-eyed stare' of the mother convinces them that she is the true murderer. Huh? I didn't see that, I saw grief. Even if she had a certain look, ask yourself, how would you 'look' as you listened to a girl lie about killing your child? Have you had to go through it? I don't believe for one second that either of these professional, ADULT parents did anything to harm their child. They were both doctors, probably worked long hours so any second spent with their children was probably a nothing but a blessing. Also, did you not see the 'look' on the nannies face the whole time? That smirk? Her laughing on stand? Ew.

I was a live-in nanny to 2 small girls when I was in my early 20s and it was HARD. I can remember how frustrating it was to me. I never did anything abusive or harmful to them, but I sure thought about smacking them from time to time. And I wasn't coming home at 2 am after partying all night and waking up 4 hrs later hung over like this girl. I wasn't on the verge of being fired and homeless. I didn't have a bad relationship with the parents. So I can imagine the thoughts I had sometimes were probably magnified in this nannys mind. The nanny did it. She pretty much admitted she did it! And even if the skull fracture was old, the nanny IMO caused the old skull fracture.

The verdict by the judge overturning her conviction was infuriating. While I don't think nanny intended to kill the baby, she did and should have been punished in some way. It was so disrespectful to the parents, the jurors, the baby.

The doc was good and straightforward as others have mentioned. It wasn't one-sided or bias either way, it tells both sides and let's you draw your own conclusion, which makes for a successful documentary. But this nanny got away with killing a 9 month old baby and this case had Casey Anthony vibes all over it.
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Did they really need to burn down his bar?
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Someone on here wrote a review on us, the 'Rotten Audience', claiming we're what's wrong with this movie because we don't appreciate a goid film when we see it. "Why did we watch it? Or continue to watch it?" they ask. I don't know about the rest of the so called 'rotten audience' but I watched it because it claimed to be a thriller with a "terrible situation" that happens. I thought maybe 1 of them would get sexually assaulted and maybe murder the guy. That didn't happen. Maybe 2 guys get into a fight over the girls and one murders the other? Nope. Perhaps the girls get into a fight and murder each other? You guessed it, it's a no. I waited, and watched, for something, ANYTHING to happen. It didn't.

Heres the REAL synopsis: 2 Canadian girls take a job as bartenders go at a remote mining town in Australia to earn some cash because they spent all their's on a booze cruise, they meet some drunk roudy men, take a trip to a watering hole, a mutually consensual make-out sesh, more drunk roudy men, one of the girls takes out an axe, then there's a snake, a Canadian birthday cake, and the drunk roudy men get into fight. Thats it. Oh, and the only terrible situation that happened was the 2 girls burnt down the bar owned by a man already struggling financially and emotionally while he was in the hospital 2 hours away after a bad fall. Which really only pissed me off as this poor man didn't do anything to them to deserve it. In fact he was the only man that wasn't trying to hop all over these girls and assault them. I would say these 2 girls were well deserved when the men in town were calling them the c-word. What a let-down of a movie.

It's boring, there is no character development so you don't care about the girls anyways, there's no climax, no plot even. Literally nothing happens and if you watch the movie waiting for it like I did you will be highly disappointed. The acting was good so 3 stars for that.
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How does this woman get work?
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This might have been a good show if the acting wasn't so bad. And the dialogue wasn't so bad. And the writing... and the music.... and.... pretty much everything... wasn't SO SO BAD!! This Shirley Henderson is an awful actress. She literally almost made me turn off Happy Valley in season 2 and I loved that show! Imagine watching her character for 4 hours straight and that's what you're getting when you watch this. She plays the EXACT same character in this production. A strange, creepy, obsessive lady who talks only in whisper and works at the grade school. While I've never seen her in anything else I can't imagine she can do much more or gets any better with any script. I looked her up on here IMDB and saw that she's in 118 movies and TV series and was totally shocked by that. Who is hiring this woman over 100 times with her atrocious acting 'skills'!? She's terrible, and terribly annoying!

Anyways, this isn't a great show. There's zero character development. They never dive into the background of the neighbor to explain why she acts the way they does. Why is she so obsessed with her neighbors? Why does she cover up the murder and take the blame for it? I see a lot of people bothered that the mom is back at work in just a few days after the death of her daughter, but I don't really find it to be that out of the ordinary. I work at a massive company that employs almost 200k people and we have really good benefits and even we only get 3 days of bereavement. These days people can't afford to just not go to work (at least in America). Besides, a lot of grieving people go back to work to take their mind off of what's going on in their personal lives. What I find the most odd is that this is a show centered around the kidnapping and murder of a child but there's not a single cop around. There's no investigation!

I watched the entire series to see where it was going to go, but I knew as soon as the brother was introduced it was going to be him that killed his sister. And it was going to be the neighbor that found out. It was just really predictable. But more than anything it's the acting in this that makes it a subpar tv series. And unfortunately the main is the worst of the worst!
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Panic 9-1-1 (2012–2022)
Could have been a good show
17 February 2024
Warning..... DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU ARE EPILEPTIC!!! It's unfortunate this very interesting show was completely ruined by the footage. The entire show is just constant lights flashing and manic scene changes. The only time it's not flashing is when its showing what is being said on the 9.1.1 call. It's like staring at a strobe light. It actually made me laugh reading one reviewer say they didn't notice it. And another reviewer who said it had great editing. It would have been a really good show but as another viewer stated it's totally unwatchable. I had had enough after the first episode. I was literally dizzy.
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Hypnotic (2023)
This is corny
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I hope this isn't the beginning of another all time great actor ruining his career and reputation signing up for incredibly bad scripts. Nic Cage, Bruce Willis... Ben Affleck? I don't know what would possess him to read this script and think this is anything but corny. Everybody with so many slow dramatic monolgues over-explaing it's concept on everything. It's just bad. People are 'hypnotized' into becoming killers. It's like a zombie movie without the ugly. Or the zombie appeal.

The movie jumps from one inconsistent plot twist after another that are inane and predictable. The ending is nonsensical, he hides his daughter away so that she can't be trained to be a hypnotic, yet she turns out to still be the most powerful hypnotic with no training, forcing all the bad guys to have the ultimate show down and gun each other down. And she's only about 11 years old. Yay good wins! Wait nope- then there's a completely different ending AFTER the credits roll (I only know this because I was preoccupied during the entire movie so when the movie was over I didn't turn it off right away). Evil wins! Did I just watch 2 movies in 1? Even the music is hackneyed and annoying.

I watched the movie through because I like Ben Affleck and William Fichter. But I didn't like it. At all. 1 star for Ben. 1 for William= 2 stars.

Don't fall in the trap Ben!
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A cute show, I thought
10 February 2024
Don't listen to all the negative reviews. They come from the same people that rate every reality tv show a 1, after only watching '1 episode', yet continue to watch reality tv and say how bad ot sucks. We get it, you dont like reality tv and you think its all scripted, but why then continue to watch it?

Anyways I thought this show was great. You're introduced to a lot of very unlikeable young adults, who turn into a lot of 'kids' that kinda melt your heart. I say kids because as you watch them grow you realize that they are still kids whom have parents that never forced them to grow up. I'm the mother of a pretty spoiled teen myself. Its interesting though to see the difference in attitudes between the 2 Brits, who are always happy and having fun, and the Americans, who are negative, angry, and play victim for a living.

The reason I really enjoyed this show is because a lot of these kids are actually entertaining and funny, which is something you dont often see in reality tv anymore. Take for instance the people cast in shows like Survivor and Big Brother, shows I used to like, but the casting has gotten attrocious over the years with people who have zero personality.

The only thing I didn't like about the show was the prize to one of them whom 'have grown the most'. So the people who had positive attitudes from the start had zero chance of winning. There's no reason any of these people deserved that prize over anyone else. It was biased and pointless and I think it took away from the narrative that this was about growth.

I would continue to watch future seasons.
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Another game show that entitles Americans
3 February 2024
Let me just say something right up front, all of this talk by these people about who deserves this money and who doesn't is straight up annoying. Nobody, and I mean nobody DESERVES free money. I don't care how sweet Brian is, how poor Julie grew up, how Nigerian Tolu is, or how single mother Simone is, none of these people DESERVE free money. It's so gross how entitled this country has become with all these game shows where people think they deserve free money more than other people. And how they talk about 'earning' it.

That being said, most of these people didn't even deserve to be on this show for a chance to earn free money, the women in particular. They were all crazy, angry, and vile. Lyndsey was the worst, Tolu and Winnie didnt trail too far behind her. Julie is the only one I ended up liking at all. And being the youngest girl on there she was the most mature and the kindest. I liked all of the guys except Bryce. I know he's young but when he waved his Gucci foot in Julie's face bragging about having to hide all his expensive gear somebody should have slapped him silly. God he was annoying. Gaspare was funny and the only one that brought any real entertainment.

The show was OK. I watched it.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Can we get a new SIO?
12 January 2024
I would give this an 8 if it wasn't for Gilian Anderson's character. She is so boring, no expression or change of mood ever (I dont think she smiles even once in all 17 episodes), and the monotone phone sex whisper she talks in throughout the ENTIRE show is so grating! And the pathetic chief obsessed with her acts like she's some extraordinary goddess, wanting to leave his wife and kids for her. His words to her "You have no idea the effect you have on men". Give me a break. If she were a real person she would be a 6 at best with a 1/10 personality.

This otherwise is a decent show. It's dark and goes very deep with its characters. I can see why many think it's too slow, especially for us Americans. The killer is known by police by early in the 2nd season, the rest of it is gathering evidence and capture. So, it is slow. I personally love British thrillers and their deep character development. It kept me engaged throughout, but it would have been better if Paul would have made Stella his 3rd victim and removed her from the show by episode 3. My God she is annoying.
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This is so absurd
20 December 2023
I only made it through 2 of the 4 episodes before deciding this is just so outlandish I couldn't continue to watch it. People don't commit suicide from being hypnotized. I understand these parents want somebody to blame other than their own children, and perhaps themselves (not saying these kids did it because of their parents, but people close to suicide victims tend to blame themselves), but claiming 1 or 2 hypnosis sessions were the cause is just a huge stretch. People are hypnotized ALL THE TIME, for different reasons, one of them being that it CAN be therapeutic, and their not going around committing suicide. Ever. And if they were, it would be illegal, or at least seriously frowned upon in the world of psychiatry.

It's tough being a teenager and things that adults think are small, teenagers think are the end of the world. I know SO MANY kids that committed suicide in high school its almost unfathomable. The youngest was 12. TWELVE! He was popular and had a ton of friends and nobody knew what provoked him to do it. I can think of more than 10 others in the 3 years I was in high school. Most of them, nobody saw it coming. Not friends, parents, teachers, no one. It happens. And so do fatal car accidents. The kid was 16, barely old enough to drive, coming home from a dentist appointment where he was probably hopped up on laughing gas and certainly anesthesia. This is ridiculous and I feel bad for the teacher getting this kind of backlash. Anybody who is watching this and buying into it is a moron.
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Not a shred of believability in this one
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a number of major plot absurdities. Its grasping at far-fetched straws to make content. First of all, in what world is a teenage child allowed to insert herself into a major crime scene just because her dad is a medical examiner? Even going so far as 'dusting' the crime scene herself. And then she goes on to actually steal evidence from the remains. Which is exactly why NOBODY that isn't part of an investigation is allowed behind the yellow tape! Its ridiculous.

Secondly, as a recovered drug addict myself I'll let it be known that it's not out of the question that a drug addict would shoot up drugs in their own dominant arm. In fact its quite common, as they lose the ability to use veins due to them collapsing and hardening. The inner arm is the easiest and safest place to deliver drugs so most addicts will learn to use their non-dominant hand on their dominant arm before they even move on to other parts of the body. So Ray's answer at 'rarely, if ever' is BS and there is no reason to suspect Bill was a victim of murder based solely on that. Her entire investigation (and the show as a whole) is based on this "fact", and it's just not true at all.

And another thing, why would any young woman be wandering around outside alone in the middle of nowhere and the dead of night in a blizzard after suspecting her boyfriend was just murdered out there? Wouldnt happen.

After not one, but two people died at a single retreat and the retreat went on, thats when i quit watching. This show is complete corn.

I watched 3 episodes so this gets 3 stars from me.
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Sprung (2022– )
So good!
21 September 2023
Let me just preface by saying I hate American sitcoms. I've tried, but never find any of them funny. I almost didnt even bother to try this, but I have a lot of time on my hands doing nothing at work and I'm running out of things to watch on every platform. Amazon has had some good (American) shows such as Catastrophe, and the recent Jury Duty, so I thought I'd at least try the first episode. I'm glad I did because I immediately knew this was gonna be a blast. This show is so good and it plays out a lot more like a British comedy, so If you're a fan of British comedy as I am, you will be truely pleased with this series. It's so funny, all of the characters are likeable and endearing. It's really hard to find anything good on TV these days so I didn't want this to end! I hope this isn't the end and it continues with a 2nd season!
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Siesta Key (2017– )
These people aren't actually friends.. are they?
5 May 2023
First of all, these kids are boring, boring, boring! Second, I've never seen a group of 'friends' treat each other with such a lack of consideration and respect, talk so much s**t about each other, and be just downright nasty to each other. They fight FAR more than they get along. They swap BFs/GFs like there's literally no other humans in Florida and have all slept with each other. Every one of the girls are jealous, insecure little bleach blond brats and every one of the guys are shady tools. This kid Alex that every girl has a thing for is not physically attractive in any way and has zero personality to boot. He talks in this slow monotone voice that could put a rock to sleep, and seems high as a kite all the time. I don't care how much money his parents have, you couldn't pay me to even go on a date with this dude, let alone put up with his BS. If he's the hottest thing in Siesta Key, FL they have some serious slim pickins! The only likeable character IMO is Chloe because she puts all of her whiny, entitled, disrespectful 'friends' right in the place they belong. I'll give this a 3 because I'm still watching it, but only because I have nothing to do half my workday but watch TV and I'm seriously running out of things to watch.
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The Undoing (2020– )
Cheese and cliche crackers
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series is cheesy, unbelievable, and has every cliche possible in a murder mystery. Everything is so over the top and melodramatic. Including the acting. Especially the acting.

First of all, why is there a media frenzy outside the school of a child who's mother has been murdered just the night before? When have you ever seen that in real life? What did the school have to do with anything?

Secondly, this guy is charged with murder before there is literally any evidence against him. He had an affair with her. Thats it. I am a major true crime fan and it takes a ton of evidence before a prosecutor will charge for a crime of murder. There's not a fingerprint, DNA, a murder weapon (until after charged), nothing. They dont even investigate the husband, or anyone else. In fact they have video of the Grace near the crime scene, just taking a stroll in front of Elenas apt in Harlem of all places for a wealthy woman to be walking the streets (oh the cliche irony) and they charge him. OK. That makes sense.

The condescending, self-righteous defense attorney, always nagging on the rich and their entitlements, OK pot/kettle how much is your high profile salary?

The victim having a child with him. The kiss between the wife and victim. The finding of the murder weapon during the trial. The headmaster always pestering the kid for basically just breathing. The long pauses in the courtroom. I could go on and on over the stupid, unlikely cliches that envelope this show.

This show is average at best, certainly not premium channel quality or worthy of its A list actors. A bad episode of Law and Order as someone else stated. Boring. Uneventful.
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The Con (II) (2020– )
Why Whoopi?
20 March 2023
While the show is interesting, Whoopi Goldberg couldn't have been a worse choice to narrate this. First of all, her voice is annoying. It's not for 'radio' so to speak. Second, this is like a true crime documentary series and she attempts to make funny, witty comments throughout. It's not funny. At all! I found myself rolling my eyes during every episode and nearly turning it off. But again, the stories are interesting, some a bit fascinating. But I wanted to watch a true crime doc, not a farse of one. Why on earth the producer of this chose to make a joke of awful things that happened to real people was in such bad taste IMO.
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Outlast (2023– )
Really tho?
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of the show Alone so I THOUGHT this would be a good watch. Until I realized that this is a competition with 'no rules' and a couple people on the show, 2 girls called Jill and Amber mainly, took full advantage of that fact. In episode 4 one team, already at their most vulnerable with only 2 people left out of 4, had their sleeping bags stolen by said Jill and Amber's team, which the 2 girls seemed to spearhead and their teammate Justin sought out. It was just nasty, uncalled for, and completely unprovoked. Then, in episode 5 these women went on to steal another man's stuff after EVERY member of his team had tapped out and he was flying SOLO! When he caught them, Jill stood at his camp trying to 'intimidate' him to leave the game, threatening him that she would stand there all night and take his things if he were to leave his camp for any reason (to get food, water, etc). I hope after this show they will get what's coming to them on the outside and get their #ss' beat. Jill, at one point pretended to have a soul when she killed a squirrel and cried over it. I'm done watching at this point and if any one of these 3 end up winning a cent of this money I have a feeling this show won't last long.
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11 Minutes (2022)
5 March 2023
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. I went through 8 tissues drenched in tears and snot. It is absolutely heartbreaking, moving, and very very well made. I don't watch the news so I only briefly heard about this shooting in passing and just thought 'oh another mass shooting.' I live in Seattle, I've never been to Vegas and I dont like country music so I was as far removed from the situation as one can get and really didn't give it a second thought. I didn't know the victim count, the shooters name, anything about it. But I love documentaries and true crime and I actually fell asleep watching a different one and woke up to this being on. I'm glad I did. This is a must watch. It is so eye-opening and actually maddening that this kind of stuff is happening so often in our country. At the end of the documentary it lists 117 mass shootings and their victims SINCE this one in the last 5 years. Yet gun laws remain the same and semi-auto guns are still being sold and shipped to the front door of anyone with an internet connection. It's never gonna stop and one day any one of us or our children could fall victim to this kind of monster. It's very very frightening.
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5 February 2023
Oh my this girl is sick. Laughable. This 'documentary' and it's story spun by a complete psychopath is such a joke. I watched it, like many, out of curiosity because back in the day this story, this trial, this woman fascinated me and angered every bone in me when she was acquitted. I couldn't resist. Now, she actually sickens me more than ever. Everything she says contradicts herself. Apparently she's been raped by everyone, but never turns anyone in, or even tells anyone until she thinks it will benefit her defense. Her stories of her Dad and brother raping her sound so made up, while fake crocodile tears flow. I'm not buying it for a second. She still lived with her dad and brother, as an adult, when this crime happened. Nobody at an adult age would chose to stay in the house of their predator, AND have their own young daughter there to potentially become a victim of such a pedophile. ANY woman with a daughter they love would do ANYTHING to keep their child safe from this, not put her in the arms of him, sleep in the room next to him, and leave her alone with him. She claims she always made sure her or her mother was around... how? She would disappear for days. How would she know who was home or what was going on there? Its all just such bs. She made it all up to victimize herself and villainize her family to cause reasonable doubt with her jury. And it worked. I feel sorry for her parents and her brother. When they can finally start to move on and out of this horrible spotlight, Casey pulls this crap. What an embarrassment. And everyone involved in this film should be ashamed, especially Casey. I can't believe somebody bankrolled her to make this BS. It's disgusting. I'm ashamed I watched it.

You're a compulsive liar Casey. Everybody that watches this is cringing inside. You're a killer, a cold-blooded monster who savagely snuffed out the life of your own daughter for a man. A man no longer in your life. Was it worth it? I hope you think about what you did every day for the rest of your life and agonize over it. You probably don't, because you clearly have no soul.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Why America??
23 January 2023
Do you insist on ripping off amazing, entertaining, hilarious British TV series? I'm American and I saw the British version of this show long before the US remake came out (I love British TV!). I watched one episode of the US version and it was almost word for word the same script. BUT... the difference is Americans cannot pull off British humor! They just can't. This is one show of MANY that us 'Yanks' have copied from the Brits and they all suck hard compared to the original (or so I would imagine, most US remakes I would never even attempt to watch). The Office, Coupling, The Inbetweeners, IT Crowd, Skins, Broadchurch (etc), all excellent British Programmes, spun into American crap remakes.

So America, just stop. I can't imagine how offended the Brits must get over this. You don't see them slaughtering any of our top famous shows (Friends, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc.)

I'm sure this isn't a bad show and doesn't deserve a 1. But it's definitely not a 10 either, because the original version far exceeds it. I know this review won't be of popular opinion, but this just doesn't work, it never does. For that reason every US remake will always, to me, be complete garbage. For all you down-voters of this review, watch the original British version. You'll see!
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