The Undoing (2020)
Cheese and cliche crackers
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series is cheesy, unbelievable, and has every cliche possible in a murder mystery. Everything is so over the top and melodramatic. Including the acting. Especially the acting.

First of all, why is there a media frenzy outside the school of a child who's mother has been murdered just the night before? When have you ever seen that in real life? What did the school have to do with anything?

Secondly, this guy is charged with murder before there is literally any evidence against him. He had an affair with her. Thats it. I am a major true crime fan and it takes a ton of evidence before a prosecutor will charge for a crime of murder. There's not a fingerprint, DNA, a murder weapon (until after charged), nothing. They dont even investigate the husband, or anyone else. In fact they have video of the Grace near the crime scene, just taking a stroll in front of Elenas apt in Harlem of all places for a wealthy woman to be walking the streets (oh the cliche irony) and they charge him. OK. That makes sense.

The condescending, self-righteous defense attorney, always nagging on the rich and their entitlements, OK pot/kettle how much is your high profile salary?

The victim having a child with him. The kiss between the wife and victim. The finding of the murder weapon during the trial. The headmaster always pestering the kid for basically just breathing. The long pauses in the courtroom. I could go on and on over the stupid, unlikely cliches that envelope this show.

This show is average at best, certainly not premium channel quality or worthy of its A list actors. A bad episode of Law and Order as someone else stated. Boring. Uneventful.
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