
5 Reviews
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Wednesday: Woe What a Night (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
woe what a shame
23 May 2023
They could have made a show worth watching that would be refreshing an interesting, they came close but had to add in some political things here and there that are quite trendy in Hollywood nowadays, however your review will not be published here if you dare to speak the inconvenient truth. I tried and had my review not published, my older reviews taken down, and my user name changed without my approval... retaliation. Well back to this series , no expense was spared during the filming and the storyline is good too it's just little things thrown by writers that typical Hollywood types obviously like minded with those that run this site. Too bad for folks that watched the Addams family when they grew up because you won't find many similarities to this series at all so you will be most certainly disappointed if you were expecting more Addams family antics.
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Succession: The Munsters (2023)
Season 4, Episode 1
a bit dumbed down from previous seasons
22 May 2023
Still the same captivating show but first thing I noticed this season compared to previous seasons is that it seems as if they have replaced an abundance of big words with more profanity. Not that I have a problem with profanity because sometimes it's the best way to convey feelings or mood but there is certain scenes where every other word is f___. It's a bit much. Previous seasons included an abundance of words which many of us would pause the show to look up because they weren't in common folks vocabularies. I feel this made it interesting and taught us new words that we never heard before but now have become useful in our lives plus it gave a real sense of the elite class of people this show is about and how different they are from the rest of the 99 percenters . What was the problem with enlightening the viewers with 4 or 5 new words that can help us all sound a bit more educated all while being entertained with a captivating series we look forward to watching?
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Back from when Hollywood loved the USA
18 July 2022
Nowadays Hollywood and the actors hate America, but this is a good patriotic short film that is informative and a good bit of history on how things were done back then. Seeing Ronald Reagan that young is really awesome.
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Pootie Tang (2001)
wah da tay, sine your pitty on da runny kine
18 July 2022
If this doesn't make you laugh then you most certainly have had a lobotomy. I love the dirty D character , " mmmm , that's some fine dirt" Come on ! Where do you come up with something like that.
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The Car (1977)
great old movie
18 July 2022
This was back when people were smart enough to watch a movie where a little was left for your imagination to fill in. I love the sound effects when the car is doing someone in, it sounds like a crazed meat grinder and the horn is wonderfully haunting.
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