
7 Reviews
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Pandorum (2009)
It deserves more love than it gets, it's sci fi.
9 May 2024
It's better than the critiques have made it seem. The real star of the movie is its esthetic and tone. The actors do a fine job portraying their characters and at times at has some compelling energy. It shouldn't be compared to other major sci-fi but instead be seen as a love letter to the genre itself. It pulls from the greats and has its own stylized vision. Dont take it too serious, don't expect alien, or other classics, just enjoy the ride and have fun with it.

I think many people expected it to be something that it never intended to be and that's where the disappointment comes from. That's fine, but I hate to take that stand point. Go in with an open mind, grab some popcorn and give it a chance.

I think the real Pandorum is the amount of pandering people expect from their sci fi. It's sci fi... it's supposed to get weird.
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Civil War (I) (2024)
It doesn't take sides, it just serves as a reminder, war is hell.
24 April 2024
A truly immersive experience into what a civil war in an America could "feel" like. I was fortunate enough to enjoy an IMAX screening and a particular stand out of the film was the sound design. Civil War uses its surround sound space as I viral part of its story telling. The gunshots truly rock you and surround you, even the sound track has explosive moments that jar you and remind you that you are in a place of chaos and instability. The story is simple but profound, using the 3rd eye or journalism, doing its best to tell an unbiased perspective of the what the world looks like at its most biased... a civil war. See it on the biggest screen and the best sound system you can. Its not a call of duty campaign, its not saving private Ryan, its its own thing so clear your head of expectation and just take the ride.
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Visionary film making at its finest.
4 March 2024
Dune 2 is a rare gem of a film, in that it accomplishes to expand upon the immense scale of its predecessor, while also giving us a truly intimate connection with the trials of the characters within it. It's a technological marvel, breathing a much needed breath of fresh air to an industry that's been drowning in bloated budget action movies that fail to offer more than tired trends and tropes.

The sound design alone left me with goosebumps at times, hearing sounds that had textures I never knew were possible in cinema. It makes me hopefully for the future of the art that is cinema.

I left the theater feeling as I did as a kid, as if I had just witnessed something truly awe inspiring.
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This is Star Trek
13 July 2023
Amidst the flashing lights of warp drives, phasers and photon torpedos. Within the fantastic imagination of what life could be like among the stars. At the very core of what made Star Trek truly great, is it's ability to use Strange New Worlds as a mirror to the relevant trials we have faced and are currently facing, much closer to home. Ad Astra per Aspera, is a prime example of the type of story telling that has made Star Trek a cultural phenomenon. It unapologetically reminds us of the failings we have experienced as a society but not without giving us a reason to feel hope. A hope that no matter how many times we find ourselves collectively moving backwards. If those who are willing to stand against such hardships, choose to do so, we can and will find freedom among the stars.
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A Master class in the art of Film, not just Animation
20 June 2023
Every frame matters and this film proves that fact. The talented Cast and Crew have crafted an absolutely masterpiece. Visually stunning, beautifully paced and contains layered storytelling that addresses relevant conversations that resonate with a timeless need and a present urgency.

The writers and directors have somehow captured the pulse of both newer generations and the challenges of older generations trying to process their every changing worlds. This movie is more than just a comic book adaptation, it has therapeutic themes that both youth and their parents need to share, together.

Movies like this don't just entertain, they inspire.
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Nostalgia done right!
13 September 2022
Star Trek for me has always had its roots in sci-fi dinner theater. Your monster of the week, episodic adventures, riding on the backs of clever plot devices built from futuristic Utopianism and the challenging politics of its time. Strange New Worlds has everything that made me love TOS and TNG, even some of its more playful, even goofy moments. Truly endearing and a joy to watch.

Though it's season long arcs may feel a bit poorly paced at times. When TNG used to have 40+ episodes in a single season, the fact that they fit so much of the same emotion and tone, in just 10 well made episodes is pretty remarkable.
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The First great Blockbuster of the Summer!
28 May 2022
Top Gun: Maverick takes the classic formula set by its predecessor and finds a rarely achieved balance of fan services callbacks but introducing a timeless charm that is sure to age as well as the classic and its star.

Tom is Tom, he does his thing and at this point, he's a movie genre within himself. The action is beautiful and absolutely worth paying extra for the IMAX experience. Joseph Kosinski felt like the perfect Director for this and I can't imagine anyone doing any better.

This top tear team really put you in the cockpit for this one and its sure to inspire for generations to come.
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