
5 Reviews
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It was weird in a good-ish way
30 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely a weird movie that is worth a watch, if you have a couple hours to kill. It was very well acted, particularly by Daniel Day Lewis. The plot was pretty expected, until it wasn't. Honestly, I love a good femme fatale, but this movie took it a little over the top. What I really didn't like was the husband's enjoyment of his wife making him sick. It felt so out-of-character for 2 hours of character building. It just didn't make sense for his character, who is neurotic, overly-controlling, and in love with his job to want to be sick and miss days of work. It kind of turned into a weird, fetish thing at the end. Didn't care for it.

But the movie was worth seeing and I would watch it again to maybe see what I missed the first time around.
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Arrogant psychologists who started the problem
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This entire documentary is just a bunch of arrogant doctors who prescribed Xanax complaining about the Xanax problem, some claiming it's because "the system is broken." Then the documentary focuses on marginalized people who grew up in primarily healthy households (assumed, the documentary didn't say otherwise for most individuals) who complain in circles for as long as possible to make this a full length movie. One of them says they have anxiety because of those evil Christians (of course.) Others have more serious problems and Xanax is apparently working for them.

I got about 45 minutes in and couldn't listen to another sob story before I turned it off. I would rather waste my time elsewhere.

Would have rather watched a documentary about the science and potential dangers of Xanax. Unfortunately, that's not what this was. There was practically no science or logic involved at all. It was all emotion based, as usual. So tired of it.
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Monster (2022– )
Good show. It lost me towards the end.
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I binged this show in two days! Very interesting story and the main actor made a fantasticly cringey person that made your skin crawl. I did enjoy seeing a bit of back story on some of the victims and even Dahmer himself. I especially felt awful about the young boy. What a horrible scene.

What lost me was the ending. The last few episodes just weren't up to par with the others. It became a social justice rant rather than really showing the fallout of what the victim's families were going through. I feel like if the show would have focused on the victims more, it would have been much better received.

Lastly, from my understanding, there were inaccuracies in the show. I remember being told that Jeffrey Dahmer became a different person in prison. I feel like a documentary drama should at least be accurate to the story. Otherwise, it's not a documentary, it's just a drama loosely based off of real events.
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Encanto (2021)
The same as all the other Disney movies
27 March 2022
This might be a shocker, but I was unimpressed with the animation. It kind of looked like Disney had reused a lot of the animation they had in previous movies but gave the characters different looks. Nothing original at all. Disney is starting to feel cookie cutter.

As far as the storyline, it didn't make a lot of sense and was overall predictable. They never explained why the main character didn't get a gift, or where the candle came from in the first place, and why she wasn't special enough to have her own room. Did the candle just play favorites? Just a lot of unanswered questions and plot holes.

The music was pretty good with a strong Latin feel which I liked. But there were too many songs where there could have been more/better storyline.

And the last point I didn't like was the scene where she went into Bruno's room, which she could barely get to without falling off of a cliff, but somehow made it out with no problems at all.
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Interesting but annoying
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The entire documentary was Salma victimizing herself. To an extent, I do feel bad that she was duped, but it was wayyy beyond being duped. She was part of everything terrible that happened. She didn't listen to any advice of her employees or family members when they tried to help and intervene. She would fire her employees if they spoke up. She totally abandoned them.

The real victims are the poor employees that had to work at Pure, tried to help her, and got fired for taking a stand and got money stolen from them.

The documentary has a clear goal of trying to make Salma look like the victim which frustrated me because I believe documentaries should be non-biased. The point of a documentary in my mind is to tell the facts and let the viewer decide.

Also, the title didn't make sense. It really had nothing to do with veganism.

But this documentary was interesting enough if you want to delve into the minds of narcissists.
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