
16 Reviews
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Class (2010 TV Movie)
Another Lousy Music Score
16 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gave it a 4/10. Would have got a 5.5/10 with a better music score. 50% or more of these Hallmark movies have horrible soundtrack that at time make me turn it off for that very purpose. Jodi Lynn O Keefe (Taylor Vaughn from She's All That) played a nice part as did the male lead. Couple of stars out of the past with Catherine Mary Stewart as the concern mother who has to drink because of her husband and Eric Roberts as the prick father. Kind of a story about a 28ish year old girl with a sickly son coming of age story with the help of the ale lead. Of course, they fall in love. Why wouldn't they? Its Hallmark. For the people who gave this a 10. Give me a break. What would you rate Casablanca? And this is as good???
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Colewell (2019)
Nice Movie
14 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nice very non action movie about a rural Americana post office closing and unwanted options given to the 35-year postmaster along with an unhappy community. Probably the first step to this town not being in existence down the road. I could very easily see this happening to my town of 700. The postmaster played wonderfully by Karen Allen is 65 years old and given the choice of transferring/moving to another town to keep her job or retirement. She begs for another 5 years but falls on deaf ears to the supervisors. Frankly, after 35 years and age 65 she should get a nice monthly social security check along with a decent federal pension. Money shouldn't be an issue. The issue obviously is resistance to change. At age 65 how many people want to pull up roots esp when being forced? The end did kinda suck a little. BTW, a nice secondary part played by Hannah Gross. Give the movie 5/10. Its not Plan 9 from Outer Space and not Casablanca. Right in the middle.
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Romantically Speaking (2015 TV Movie)
No Thanks
23 June 2024
I'm about thirty minutes in and no thanks. Another Hallmark movie ruined by the soundtrack. I did watch on commercial free PIXL. Can't imagine having to get through this with commercials also. For the person who gives this a 10, question for you. Where would you then put The Godfather and Casablanca? Would this rate with those? As with all most Hallmark movies its very white (with a token Black person thrown in) with perfect grooming, perfect homes with perfect lawns. Teri Polo has certainly made a post Focker career here. So, thirty minutes in I turned this off in favor of watching Terminator for the 38th time.
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Mending Fences (2009 TV Movie)
Another ruined by soundtrack
15 June 2024
This is another Hallmark/PIXL movie ruined by a lousy music score. These Hallmark soundtracks try to be spiritual and in most cases it fails. The story covers age gaps of three generation mother, daughter and granddaughter. Mother played by a laughingly gun toting Angie Dickenson in I believe her final role. Wish it could have been a better role. Her pulling out a handgun at a community meeting was way over done. The highlight, if any, was performance by the granddaughter played by Shanley Caswell. Laura Leighton also played a nice part. Problem was the story was simplistic which probably needed for a Hallmark audience. This gets 3/10 stars from me losing two stars for the music score. Whoever the composer was a BIG thumbs down which is 75% of all Hallmarks soundtracks.
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Age Gaps
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cute movie from 1985. Stars an adorable 39 year Sally Field playing a 33 year old who eventually decides to stretch a platonic relationship to something more. Her eventual goal was a 57 year old James Garner (playing 60), who in my opinion, seems miscast despite an Academy nomination. The a-hole ex husband shows up and tries for Sally (Emma) again but it's over. A 32 year old Anna Thomson plays 18 year old Wanda. You may remember Anna playing Darla in The Crow 8 or 9 years later. Very end of the movie Emma and Murphy can't resist and they head for the house. The reality is that beyond the movie this relationship probably doesn't work out but that's a different movie for another day. Ill give this a 5.5/10 overall and a 7/10 in the rom com genre.
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I'm grading on a curve
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Needs to be compared to other sci fi movie from the 1950's With "Thing from Another World" and "When the Earth Stood Still" being a 10/10 and "Plan 9 from Outer Space" being a 1/10, I guess I'd give this a 4/10. Of course, there's the dimwitted cops in almost every one of these. A wife Nancy (the 50 footer) who seems almost bipolar. She loves Harry then hates him. A very visible error mentioned in the goofs. The car with top down and the top up and then down again all within Harry's speedy return home. In closing, if you are OK with obvious low budget 50's sci fi you'll like it. If you had expectations then you won't.
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The Message (2020)
Turn Off 20 Minutes In
11 April 2024
Twenty minutes into this I turned it off in favor of 1987 Summer School. This is about a whiny feel sorry for me teen who misses her recently passed mother. She decides to go to camp for the summer instead of spending summer with aunt and her family, MMMMM! This movie definitely has Hallmark movie under tones along with the typical Hallmark terrible music soundtrack in the background. In looking at the scores its obvious whats going on. Some one gave ot a 1 and someone else felt they must then give a 10. I'm giving a 2 over a 1 only because I was grateful that Summer School was on at the same time.
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Love Comes Softly (2003 TV Movie)
Another lousy soundtrack
7 March 2024
This will be mostly a statement about Hallmark movies. What is it with these Hallmark movie soundtracks? How many Hallmark movies I turn off within 15 minutes because of the spiritual attempt at back ground music. This is no exception. I hung around until the husbands funeral and I'm out. Why? Mostly music. Plus an attempt at christian BS I could see coming. Almost every Hallmark movie has the same type blonde main character with the "handsome" co character. If the story is current then the main has a minority friend sub plot. Also all are the same guy gets girl then loses girl and gets girl back pattern.
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The Open Road (2009)
Not rewatchable
7 March 2024
Kate Mara was the best thing about this movie though her character smoked too much. As a healthcare professional myself gotta say the hospital would not have Mary Steenburgen's character taking up a room for that many days for something she could obviously be at home for especially that she would not do the procedure. And WHY? Were they driving the roads that they were. Should have been on main highway instead of back country roads. Cows, corn fields, trains, REALLY? The dialog between Timberlake and Bridges was weak and contrived. Generally, I could take or leave Kate Mara but she played a cute part here and didn't deserve the BS of the Timberlake character. Not a rewatchable movie.
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Neither great nor bad
5 March 2024
First, I'll watch anything with Sydney Sweeny or Jennnifer Lawrence.

Looking forward to Jens rom com. I did a 5.99 pay per view on Dish Network and that's about all it was worth. I was surprised after looking and seeing this had a 180 million dollar profit and with Sydney being a producer, good for her. I guess someone liked it. I give it 5/10. Average rom com. The nine year age difference between Sweeny and Powell showed. There are some cute moments. A biracial gay wedding is just the times we live in. So be it. Maybe the biggest star of the movie was Sydney Australia which I wish they would have showed more of. As long as one doesn't go in with high expectations, you're fine.
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The Northman (2022)
I actually paid for this
19 May 2022
Yes, I actually paid for this dump. Was on PPV for $20 for all day (if liked can watch again) so one afternoon decided to watch. I almost turned it off after first twenty minutes but decided,no, give it a chance. Well, I turned the channel (to It Happen One Night on TCM) after about 1 hour and 45 minutes of torture. There's gotta be half dozen scenes that take place during some nightime campfire ritual. The thinking their wolves scenes are ridiculously stupid. Theres couple scenes of Nordic fantasy fairytail mysticism or something. Basically overall a badly made all over the place revenge movie. Didn't realize there was no sun back then.. Very dark scenery therefore cinematography was not good. This is my opinion and I stand by it. The next day watched The Vikings with Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas on MGM channel was more entertaining.
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Won't win any Acadmies but....
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Found this one afternoon on Cinemax and decided to watch probably only because nothing else was on. While this isn't anywhere near an academy movie it was entertaining and a good watch. I would watch again. I would have given 7 stars but taking one away only because of the stupid scene near the end with the underwater dinosaur. Once in while there's a movie that is pretty good but just one scene worsens it. Similar to original Ghostbusters with the marshmellow man. 7 stars without the dinosaur. 6 with.
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Chasing a Dream (2009 TV Movie)
Miscast Big Time
21 February 2022
Not bad movie BUT a short chunky guy with legs that are foot and half long with a couple months of training DOES NOT run a under 4 mile. Just doesn't happen in the real world, not even close. Mathew Lawrence extremely miscast. Story not believable.
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Stoker (2013)
Was everyone else thinking same as me
4 February 2022
Just watched "Stoker" and was wondering if anyone else was taking "the Shadow of a Doubt" angle. I guess good minds think alike. This is obviously a much darker movie but similarities are evident. Good performances all around. I give it a 7/10.
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The Romantics (2010)
Don't bother
1 February 2022
Agree with everyone who graded this as a 3/10 or under. Good cast wasted. Katie Holmes was better in The Flys video. Seems like Malin Ackerman plays pretty much the same character in every movie. Anna Paquin was reserved. Duhamel boring. Don't waste your time.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Is Ray Dead?
17 January 2022
If any of you have seen the movie "Shane" the watcher wonders if Shane dies at the end as he rides his horse through a metaphorical graveyard with his head down. Appears to be the same here as Ray heads toward the light but nothing definite. Loved the series as a whole. The movie gave some closure but gotta believe some variation of Ray Donovan comes back. I give it two years.
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