
5 Reviews
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Squid Game (2021– )
Hang in there...
30 October 2021
Just about to start ep. 2. Just wanted to say some might be turned off at first but hang in there til about 45min into first episode, then it gets really interesting. Don't know if anyone else said this cuz I didn't want any accidental spoilers so didn't check any reviews first. Peace and happy flickin'.
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Nice one. Cute, quirky kid and his bear on the case!
9 February 2020
Nice film. This little guy(the actor) is really talented. Haven't seen him before but I'm sure I will again. lol

Have to say though, from a movie perspective, I found this little guy to be sooo cute! lol I mean really, man. lmao What a clever little rascal. The pace of the movie was pretty decent and the writing was on point in my opinion. overall a good film and enjoyable for kids and adults alike. BUUT! I gotta say, I couldn't help getting annoyed and agitated at how the mother was parenting and how the general adults treated his cute but disrespectul disposition and lack of discipline. Though this is a movie, this IS, unfortunately, how too many ppl raise their kids. They want to be friends instead of disciplinarians. I have no problem with nurturing their skills, encouraging those lil quirks and unique characteristics(which is absolutely the way to go in my opinion, because that is how we let them become who they truly are and reach their full potential). But the problem is usually parents forget to also maintain the parent/child dynamic. So sure, the child grows up all clever and sharp but what happens when these clever, smart people are confronted with adversity? You know when life does it's life thing. When they don't get their way? When they get outsmarted or cheated or disrespected or heartbroken? What lessons of self discipline, self constraint and taking the high road and being the bigger person and understanding that you, as the song says, can't always get what you want will come into play? THIS is why we have so many cold, self-centered in the world. Adults have no idea how to deal because they were neglected the simple basic lessons of life that help us all live together on this one rock as big/small as it is. Sure, it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of a non-issue, but that kind of thinking too, is why the world is like it is. Start teaching children EARLY about discipline. Not to mention I lost count how many times this little boy could have been in danger. Children need to know that they are not grown. The world is too dangerous and THAT is not cute. But anyway, like I said, as a movie? Nice one. I would definitely recommend but, ppl, DISCIPLINE your children and stop trying to be BFF's. You're parents. You don't need to be BFF's. They can't change who u are. You will be their parents forever. TEACHING! That is your number one job! They and the world will thank you for it. We have enough driven, smart, successful, morally bankrupt ppl in the world.
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Fracking horrible this is!
29 January 2020
What clown thought it was a good idea to put THAT much pressure on their low budget mediocre at best film as to blatantly rip off titles of two powerhouse franchises??? Even if it was the boss they should fire themselves.

That's like a brand new barely can sing artist just trying to get on the scene and deciding to call themselves Mike L. Jackson. lmao FOH smh
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Paradise Z (2020)
29 January 2020
Uh oh. Looks like Lionsgate is slipping. smh

Used to be a time where I didn't even need to look a movie up if it was released by Lionsgate. If you were in a sneak-peak and the Lionsgate logo popped up, you could sigh a lil relief cause you knew it was going to at very least be high quality. Umm....I won't be so trusting in the future when it comes to Lionsgate. Sucks tho. You know, kind of like when actors like Wesley Snipes and Steven Seagal started doing crap movies and you could no longer trust the name.
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The Movies That Made Us (2019–2021)
Who the heck is this for??
28 January 2020
Unbelievable. Who did this series? TMZ?? What the heck is up with the narration? It is extremely extremely annoying and corny as all hell. I mean, who do they think will watch this? 14year olds who have no clue about these movies and couldn't care less? Or maybe adults and young adults who are interested in the details of how some of their favorite movies were made?

The narration is just so annoying(pretty much like the corny TMZ video narrator-for all I know could be the same guy but the voice sounds different) and I am seriously fighting the urge to just turn it off. Stop "trying" to be funny and give us what we came for. Information on what it took to get the movie(s) done. If this was a course and this guy was an instructor, I would raise my hand and ask if there is anyone else who can teach this class that doesn't think they're just so funny when they are the exact opposite. No one came here for that!!! smdh anyway, whatever. If you don't mind some clown trying to do standup in the middle of your documentary then go ahead, good luck. pfft!
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