
32 Reviews
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Gangland Undercover (2015–2016)
I know from experience . .
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
That a lot of this show is BS. In the 70's I had dealings with 3 different biker gangs. We bought and sold "party goods in quantity" to each other. I was invited to, and attended, many parties and asked to join one group. I wasn't a fan of the gang mentality, so I declined politely. It was accepted without anger.

While some of the scenarios in this series could be "based" on reality, I am 99% positive it is exaggerated drama made for TV. Way too many things to point out that are absurd and not like real bikers. And the jail episode is ridiculous. NO ONE raises to the top of the prison ladder in 2 weeks EVER and a week in solitary is nothing! Yes, I speak from experience. I did 3 weeks once and all I got was bored and a sore throat from singing aloud to myself.

The show is entertaining but watch it with a huge helping of doubt. Even in the synopsis it says, "This drama series is a fictionalized retelling of the story of meth dealer-turned-ATF informant Charles Falco, who spent three years inside one of America's most dangerous motorcycle gangs, the Vagos".

Season 2 while also entertaining, I am sure is pure fiction. There is a reason the ending is so vague, and that is because they could not fake a mass ATF arrest of a biker gang. Way too easy to check it out.
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Hard to rate biker flick.
23 April 2024
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Angels from hell starts as a total cliche of every B biker movie from the 70's. The cops are redecks and ignorant. The Hippie group is so absurd as to be more clownish than real. The main character and gang leader rides a Honda, but the sound it makes is pure 2-cylinder Harley. The biker gang members are dim as a rock and have little or no thinking ability. The high points are, Arlene Martel as Ginger and Jack Starrett as sheriff Bingham. Somewhere along the storyline something unique happens. The antihero and lead actor Mike (Tom Stern) evolves into the bad guy and the sheriff turns out to be the good guy. Surprise!! This unforeseen twist could really have worked if the rest of the film was better. I gave it 4 stars for the movie +1 for Arlene Martel (quite the babe in her day) and +1 for the decent twist and ending. For a solid 6 stars. Worth suffering through the bad acting, weak plot, and ridiculous characters just to get the twist ending.
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Paul's Case (1980 TV Movie)
I read the story. .
7 April 2024
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I have not seen this film and probably never will. I read the original short story by Willa Cather in college and did 2 papers on it. One comparing the main character of this story, to the main character in Joyce Carol Oats great short, "Where are you going, where have you been". And another about the psychology of the story "Paul's Case". (I received A's for both :) ). In the story, Paul is narcissistic, whiny, self-centered and lazy. He steals the money to go on his self-indulgent excursion and when it all goes bad, he commits suicide. I actually saw this as ridding the world of a parasite. I believe some people like this in that Paul is portrayed as gay, making him (to some) a sort of anti-hero. But in the story he was nothing but a deluded, self-aggrandizing, burden to society and not deemed worthy of pity.
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The Passenger (III) (2023)
Excellent psychological thriller (Not Horror)
3 April 2024
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Wow, This movie deserves a much higher rating. The plot, the acting the direction are all superb. If you are not hooked within the first 5 minutes, you may be dead. A great character study of 2 broken people who have dealt with past trauma in completely opposite manners. It takes this entire roller coaster ride to realize, they both needed each other to bring closure to their pasts. And the solutions were just as opposite as the personalities. Forget the monster budget crap put out by mega companies. This is a true, gritty, well-done type of film that should be getting produced. One of those very rare gems that comes unexpectedly. Highly recommended.
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Am I the only one who noticed. .
16 February 2024
Am I the only one who noticed.. . . That the child's stuffed bear had no tail in the final scene at the beach? Making you consider if the reseat was flawed or maybe jus to show that it really was a reset... or maybe something else entirely. Any way, it was a cool idea even if vey few noticed it.

The Mandela Effect follows a man who becomes obsessed with facts and events that have been collectively misremembered by thousands of people. Believing the phenomena to be the symptom of something much larger, his obsession eventually leads him to question reality itself.

Pretty good low budget sci fi flick.
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Coyote (2017)
This is just garbage ...
6 February 2024
How on God's green earth did this film get 7 stars. In my 60+ years on this earth I can think of very few movies that were this bad. Bad plot, bad writing, bad acting, just plain BAD. DO NOT waste your time on this movie. I promise you will only come away with regrets.

Muggy heat, small-town bleakness, unspoken social problems, hierarchy fights. This is Tuzko town, somewhere in Hungary, nowadays. Here comes Misi who inherits his grandfather's house and his property. Misi is a disillusioned, frustrated, constantly refugee young man. He can't find his role in his life, his job and relationship. He starts to build and renovate the house with some men from the town, but it violates the local oligarch's interests. Hard struggle begins for the property, for the love and for the life.
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Thelma (2017)
Confirms one fact
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Modern teenagers are not mentally, spiritually or emotionally mature enough to handle college indoctrination. This is an example of why so many kids that attend college come out broken beyond repair.

Having just enrolled at a university in Oslo against her stern parents' will, the sheltered Biology freshman and devout Christian, Thelma, leaves for the first time the isolated Norwegian countryside, to start a new life away from home. Tangibly lonely, a casual conversation and one unexpected friendship with the beautiful fellow student, Anja, will broaden Thelma's hazy horizons; however, as the glacially alluring misfit wrestles with an onslaught of novel feelings, little by little, an unprecedented psychosomatic manifestation of repressed emotions start to take over.

What we learned. Thelma wants what Thelma wants and if killing your Father (who loves and cares about you, even after you killed your little brother) gets you there. That's what I'll do. And it takes 2 long drawn out hours of useless film to get to that point.
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Wicker Park (2004)
Major plot hole not mentioned
1 January 2024
Matthew Simon (Josh Hartnett) is a NYC advertising executive with beautiful girlfriend Rebecca Martin (Jessica Paré). Returning to Chicago, he thinks he sees his old girlfriend Lisa Parish (Diane Kruger) who disappeared one day. He reconnects with old friend Luke Stanford (Matthew Lillard) and goes in search for Lisa. He is surprised to find another woman (Rose Byrne) who claims to be Lisa. It turns out that she's Lisa's former neighbor and friend Alex Denver.

There are a LOT of inconsistencies already mentioned in this movie, so I will just point out the one not mentioned yet that bothered me.

How can a person be scheduled to arrive for a huge business deal in Japan and just never show up? Yes he originally called and said he would be a few days late but really! After several days, his company never questions why he didn't go. The foreign business doesn't seem to care that no one ever arrives. He just disappears and it's like, Oh well, it's all good, the multi million dollar deal will work itself out. OK!
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Weirdos (2021– )
Ok- but a bit over the top.
29 December 2023
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Charlotte, a plus-size teen girl is bullied by a group of teenagers in high school. She meets a new student, Sam, that helps her stand up for herself. This is a very predictable anti-bullying movie that one would expect to see in a classroom for mean kids, and it is enjoyable. However, the bullying is way over the top. This is the type of stuff that makes you think of "I don't like Mondays". And that the school faculty had zero idea this was going on is ridiculous. I know it is trying to make a point but a little realism is nice too. That they are all BFF's in the end is really just too fluffy to believe. And while the antagonists may, at some time in life, realize what A-holes they were, it would never happen so quickly and sincerely. Anyway, an ok movie to make a point and at under 1 hr., It has the right motivations if not the best writing.
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The Thaw (2009)
Back when global warming was . .
7 October 2023
As I write this review it is almost 2024. This movie was filmed in 2009, back when global warming was considered a threat. They have long since renamed it to climate change when all the GW predictions proved false. So, it is almost comical to see them preach the horrors to come like a group of Greta Thunberg wannabees. (yes I know it was before Greta). Anyway, If you can get past the now disproven fear tactics the movie is watchable. No it's not great but a good way to blow off 90 minutes. The outdated preaching is a good reminder of how propaganda can influence the herd if you are easily manipulated but, it is fiction/horror so I guess it is fitting. So watch if you want but truthfully, there are many better flicks to view.
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Fight to Survive (2023– )
Severely Flawed
1 October 2023
This show has NO strategy at all. It simply boils down to 1 thing, and that is, who is the biggest and strongest physically. In this first season the best survivalists had NO chance. It was simply who won the strength contests. It would save a lot of time and wasted energy to just put them in an MMA ring (no weight classes) and let them fight. Of course the two last remaining contestants had zero survival skills. Even though they had ALL the fishing and hunting gear, the only supply of fresh water, the fire stick, and EVERY tool. . the cooking pot, the machete, the canteen etc. The final 2 had no idea how to get food. But they were bigger and stronger than the rest, so one of them had to win. This is like a modern version of "Lord of the Flies". Complete with the bullying, the selfishness and self justification with a chunk of greed thrown in to make it less enjoyable. If watching a 6' 2" amazon woman, take on a 5' 2" woman that is, 70lbs lighter, in a strength contest is your idea of a fair show. This might be for you. The rules are pathetically lopsided and the gloating of the bullies made this unwatchable. I will pass next season.
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Dead Man's Gun (1997–1999)
Beyond my expectations.
20 July 2023
I love westerns and will watch almost anything of the genre, so I, was surprised to see this series produced by Henry Winkler. My expectations were not very high as I have seen so many mediocre to bad westerns on streaming TV. (along with many good ones). I was pleasantly surprised and by the 3rd episode was hooked. I like that each story is it's own with different characters and plots along with many known actors making appearances throughout the series, with the only steady being the "dead mans gun". If your a fan of westerns I think you will love this, and if your not, give it a try, I believe you will not regret it.
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HoneyBee (2016)
It earned this 3 star rating.
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is bad on so many levels. Acting, well they did OK for what they had to deal with. Plot, lame. No backing story at all. It had some suspense but nothing unpredictable or edge of your seat. By the time it actually gets going, the plot holes triple in size. When the stranger who has been hunting them for a long time (another vague part) appears to finally confront his nemesis. All he brings is a metal pipe. (really) oh my, he failed and got killed. Shocking! Then the overly used, twist ending. Our main character becomes the next honeybee. No one knows why. By then, I am sure no one cares. I gave this an extra star because 3 of the sons seemed so gay yet had female dates to the dance. LOL It was nice to not see PC propaganda for a change. Sadly, that was the only redeeming part to this flic.
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Ink Master (2012– )
Cool show but some problems. .
22 December 2021
I love the artwork/creativity but there is obviously some politics involved. Some artists are favored (usually women) over artists that are easily better. Ex) Tattoo baby season 3 should have been out long before Josh or Kyle but they kept her on till the finale for some unknown reason! If you can get past the often childish antics, some challenges that are useless and the sporadic favoritism, It's a pretty fun show.
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Starts good . . .
3 September 2021
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In the style of David Lynch this starts good and It grows. By episode three I was pretty much hooked. Although there are weak moments it easily kept my interest till the end. My only real problems were the ending and Lisa's (our main character) inability to do anything with foresight. Lisa going to the lair of the witch (Bolo) with no plan at all is just stupid. Escaping and bringing the only decent and selfless character (and her love interest) back with her was just ridiculously sloppy writing. Killing him off was like he was a red-shirt on a Star Trek episode was just moronic. Now, as this is a limited series, we expect a true ending. Nope- not here! The evil witch walks away unscathed and Lisa heads home. The ending pretty much ruined all the suspense built throughout the first 7 episodes, making all the deaths of her friends, lovers and acquaintances utterly meaningless. Really good concept. Decent acting. Fair execution, and writing. Poor, lazy ending.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
How could anyone think this is quality?
26 July 2021
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The show premise is pretty good (as the books were really enjoyable). But that's all the good. The plot gets jumbled, no back story, bad lighting, confusing costumes and as is the norm, PC crap killed it. In season 5- A semi major character has a casual, PG rated, gay sex scene with a stable hand he just met. Think reality, neither have bathed in forever, stables and workers in this period are filthy, smelly, rat infested disease holes and these "men" are putting things in place that have not seen water, soap or TP EVER!! Well I guess the LGBTQ+ bullies got their quota filled, but I got to vomit and write a review. : )
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
I'd like it a lot better if . . .
27 February 2021
I was 12 years old and had no concept of enjoyable characters, good writing and good acting. This seems to be the norm today. High rankings for sloppy shows with unlikable characters and a good dose of PC garbage. Guess I am just old enough to understand what makes a show good, great or just eh!.
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So much anger and hate!!
13 February 2021
No it is not a 10 star movie, but after seeing the dismal 4.7 I was sure it was given a lot of VERY low ratings by those who disagree with the content. It is actually a decent movie, good plot, acceptable acting and directing and entertaining. It also hits on a lot of truth as to how Christians are treated in a country that is increasingly becoming non-Christian. And, while the scenarios are exaggerated to make the point, (mostly Dean Cain and Kevin Sorbo's) There are many people in this country that behave like their characters to varying degrees. I would suggest, watch the movie, be open minded and realize, that other opinions beside your own may very well be valid. And if you can not do that. Try to understand that they still have the right to feel differently on a subject. If even that is beyond your abilities. . you may be a closed minded, ignorant, egotist.
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Real rating . . see below
31 January 2021
4 stars . . Starts unrealistic and continues throughout. Right off , this girl taking care of 2 kids (we aren't sure who's) and digging through a dumpster for food, has a $600 tattoo and smokes but no money, no job, and no food stamps or government help (this is obviously NOT America). We move on to 2+ hours of rap music, driving in a van and more unrealistic scenarios. I loved Kids, but this movie is pretty much garbage. It tries, and the actors are decent, but the message is not realistic.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
An honest review. .
11 January 2021
I have been a big MMA fan since the early 90's. So, I decided to give this a shot. This is really more a drama based around a fictitious family and co workers than MMA. Everyone is broken and confused. Pick your disfunction, drug addiction, prostitution, alcoholism, gangs, sexual identity disorder, nihilism, etc, etc. They are overly abundant in this fictional world. I found myself fast forwarding through a lot of the ridiculous drama in hopes of getting to the inside view of MMA. It was a long wait as the actual fighting and training really are a minor sub-plot. One high spot. The musical score is very good throughout. Also, cool to see some of the real MMA guest stars (ex, Kenny Florian) popping up on some episodes. In the end I was disappointed in the show as a whole. Too much disfunction and not enough MMA.
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Five stars is a realistic review.
5 January 2021
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The movie is done pretty well for the budget. The main character did a very good job and was believable. If not for the ridiculous ending it could be 6.5 or 7. That he would come back to save the skanky cougar was just stupid and completely ruined the entire movie. In all Acting 7, plot 6, ending 2.
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Wow . .
24 December 2020
If you like obnoxious, loud people, this is a good show for you. If you want a tattoo show about personal dramas and not any actual tattoos, this is for you. I watch pretty much every body ink show available to me. Ink Masters being my favorite. Black ink crew was so bad I only got through 3 episodes. The very small amount of tattooing shown was passable at best, but the show is really about unnecessary drama. Non of which is entertaining, just painful and embarrassing.
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The Drop (2014)
Best movie of 2014
11 November 2020
This is what a true bad-ass is. Quiet and unassuming, until pushed. Tom Hardy played this role to perfection. I understand that some people won't get it since it is not non-stop action and violent aggression (ex, John Wick, which I loved), but the rating of 7.1 is sadly lacking. You want good writing, acting and realism. Check out "The Drop".
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Dumb adults needed...
26 October 2020
This movie has it's scary moments. However, it's one of those movies where the adults are dumber than mud. They do everything the opposite of what anyone would do in real life. I got frustrated at the stupidity of every decision they made to the point where I almost shut it off. Could have been a decent horror story if the writers could make adults with an IQ over 18.
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Kristy (2014)
The Problem here was. .
25 July 2020
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While this movie is predictable it was fairly well acted and a good movie to pass time. My biggest problem was that no matter where "Kristie" ran to, or hid (even in a locked library), the killers were magically there. It was as if they could predict her every move before she even knew what it was. And all this on a college campus where she lived and was very familiar with while they had never even been on it once.
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