
5 Reviews
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a temperate love
29 May 2003
at first, I thought this movie might just vulgar and erotic. because a beautiful white woman of upper class who hardly sleeps with her husband and a strong black gardener were likely to have immoral intimacy regarding of the situation. but it was totally my prejudice. this movie showed me the pure and mental love that disregards the color of the skin between a white and a black. they were very pure and cared for each other sincerely. I realized that their love was very temperate thing especially at the last scene the gardener left the town for his daughter and the woman saw them off to say goodbye. In spite of its sadness, due to their separation, their love might look more beautiful and pure.
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reflecting the culture of China and Japan.
5 April 2003
As a Korean, I am very surprised to see how well foreigners understand the special culture of Chinese and Japan.

The idea that some Buddhists established an legendary organization and trained a legendary assassin called "freeman" and whenever China was in trouble, the organization helped to avoid or overcome the trouble situations. so it was given respect by Chinese is to come from the traditional chivalry story of China. in fact, the movie "First of Legend" acted by "Jet li" has the same context with this. "Crying Freeman" also reflects the culture of Yakuza Organization in Japan well. for example, Yakuzas like to have a dragon tattooed upon their bodies and if the boss died, the successor married the boss' wife. and so on.

I felt as if I was seeing the movie produced by Chinese or Japanese. and I could enjoy it even more interestingly than other foreign movies.
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not visual but great
24 February 2003
Compared to "the return of the king", this second story has lack of fantastic things. "the return of the king" has fantastic and interesting story such as a fantastic novel. but this is seen as it's the war movie between humans and monsters. it was the almost whole story that humans who support Rohan empire including elves and a great number of monsters led by Saruman fought each other. there is almost neither the appearance of mysterious characters nor the new fantastic story.

But it's great in its visual effect. perhaps you might not see such a spectacular war in any other movies but this movie. the desperate scenes between about hundred of thousands monsters to occupy the castle and many warriors to keep it were very tense and nervous as much as I can't take my eyes off the movie screen. although this movie failed in story, the reason it could have many attendants may depend on the success of its visual effect.
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Sliver (1993)
one deficit
25 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER!!!!! I have one thing that I can not understand in plot. Baldwin's tape apparently appears that the murder who killed Naomi who is very similar to Stone is not Baldwin but Berenger. and Baldwin must know it through the tape. then, when he was suspected to a murder by Stone and Berenger intended to take the guilty to him why didn't he show the tape which can improve his innocence to his girlfriend? this movie gave me the stark image that have a unreasonable plot in order to just make audience confused who is a murder.
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Vidocq (2001)
it's a wonderful reverse.
25 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS!!!!!! Vidocq deplored the murder to show his face which is veiled by a mirror mask before he fell into the smelting furnace. as soon as he saw the murder's face, he released his hand and he died. after vidocq died, a man who is writing vidocq's autobiography and admires him appeared. he wanted to complete vidocq's autobiography which shows vidocq's whole life and find the murder who killed the vidocq. he chased vidocq's criminal investigation process up to the scene vidocq fought against and was killed by the murder. vidocq caught out that the three dead men contracted with the murder with the reservation that the murder gives them medicine which gives the permanent youth and they offer virgins to him. but although they offered the man eight virgins, they didn't get the medicine so they canceled the contract. and the murder killed them in order to prevent the secret from being revealed. vidocq went to the mirror factory which the murder had the worker made his mask. and he fought with the murder and was killed. the writer stood the very spot. and he concluded that it is impossible to find the murder because all witness are killed and the sentence vidocq was write down described to here. but vidocq was there with disguising himself. and vidocq appointed out who the murder is. surprisingly the murder was the writer. it was the writer's face that vidocq saw before he fell into the smelting furnace. vidocq nearly fell into it but fortunately he could save his life by entering the holl in it. he fabricated he was killed. and he waited the murder to come here which is the last spot which has all clues. and his thought was right. the murder chased vidocq's trace and killed all witness. he intended to veil his crime. the murder fought with vidocq again and he fall into the river pierced with glass. but vidocq couldn't find the murder's body. it means that the murder may be alive.
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