
13 Reviews
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My Mister (2018)
Depressing but full of human nature.
30 September 2022
I read all the other reviews, many have 10s, I'm trying to like what I'm watching, but this is the most depressing melancholic sad distressing movie. The main character keeps getting stabbed in the back, the main female role gets punched, beaten, smashed up, and does nothing. From the beating on screen she must be in the hospital, the thug should be in jail, justice should prevail, but no, she's in the office the next day, a small cut on the lips, her eyes blue and black, no broken bones, it's life as usual.

The protagonist's wife is screwing his greatest enemy, the fool gets shouted at, dragged around, bullied, threatened and he takes it in his stride. He can't catch a break. He is such a patsy. You may say this is life, but we watch a tv series to feel good, justified, knowing the there is karma, this is good over evil, and these is this damn fool who can't see an elephant in front of him. His wife despise him, she reads him clearly, a slow burning emotion, seldom smile, always down, no wonder she is screwing another guy, to make it worse, the guy is the husband's worse enemy. He is so soft inside, when his brother wants to get revenge, beat up the other thug, he hugs him, stops him from going. What???? He is such a weakling, he infects other people stronger willed than him.

I hope I can make it to the end. This fool needs a break, he needs justice, he needs satisfaction, I hope I get to see that in future episodes.

3rd Oct, 2022

I made it to the end, wow. This is one gut wrenching K-drama. It explored the depths of human emotions, it's filled with the worse of human nature, the most evil to the best, kindest heart warming gestures.

Highly recommended to all K-drama fans. Stick to it, till the end and get a lesson in human characters from the deepest warmest feeling to the most despicable and monstrous deeds a human is capable.

I gave it a 5 initially after watching 5 episodes but changed to a 10 after completing the episodes. Give it a go.
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Carter (2022)
OMG! What a ride, put on your safety belt, enjoy....
10 August 2022
Korean movie industry has put Hollywood in it's back pocket. Korean drama movies, tv series have put Hollywood to shame on Human Interest stories. Hollywood's obsession on capes, flying people, wearing underwear outside, human birds, green giants, red amour, bows and arrows, huge hammers etc has totally lost their thread on what REALLY makes a movie great. Just out to Netflix and feast your eyes on their KD, action movies.

We are familiar with the KD fantastic shows, just when you think, well Korean movie companies are good only for rom-com, tear jerkers, comedy etc, they cannot match Hollywood's action movies, they cannot match matrix, fast and furious, jason bourne, James Bond, along comes Carter to change your mind.

OMG,, what can I say, this is one action movie to end all action movies. This is the gold standard for the whole world to compare. This Director is so good, he's a demi-god. He is obssessed with that one moving take, how does he do that? He takes a shot, and without a breakaway, he moves the camera, under cars, through windows, under tables, from one speeding car to another, ALL IN ONE take. Check it out and see what I mean. How? Korean CG is out of this world.

Non stop adrenaline rush. Non stop heart thumping action. So So good.
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Cheers to KD.
10 August 2022
Hollywood can take a lesson or two from KD.

If only they can put down the hammer, not use green man, take off their capes, spandex, not wear their underwear outside, not have wings, shoot arrows, wear red amour, then maybe just maybe they can match KD shows.

Hollywood has lost touch of any human interest story since that movie about meeting at the top of the Empire State building, not since Tom Hanks looks like an adolescent. The British also lost their edge in human interest story, since Jane Austin era.

Back to this show. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed another wonderful KD series. Since Soft Landing, KD shows have skyrocketed with fantastic shows, like It's ok not to be ok, that coffee shop guy, Business proposal, my first something something, sorry I can't remember those titles. I also fall behind on Korean actors names, their movies etc. Their names all sound the same to me, lol, also I can't tell if they are male or female from their names. That's my bad. Not like I can rattle off names of Hollywood stars dating back to Spencer Tracy, Audrey Hepburn, to Tom Hanks, Arnold, etc.

My only criticism is that when I was getting all worked up, enjoying a feast, having almost my fill, the show just cuts off. What? Uh? Please say there is a season 2. Imagine you're enjoying your meal, getting your palate all worked up, then the waiter comes and yanks your plate away. What????

So many loose ends. So many endings to close.

Help. Season Two.... pleeeeeeez....pleeez.
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Charly (2002)
A love story
25 April 2022
If this is not a 'Date Night' movie, nothing else is.

A typical romantic movie, touching all bases, boy meet girl, girl reject boy, boy jealous an eternal triangle, girl marries boy, girl get cancer, the here after.

So so many done it. Ryan O'Neal, a love story is the original .
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Thirty Nine (2022)
21 February 2022
I have never seen a line-up of reviews with tens in a row except for the snore-fest. But that's unfortunate.

Sometimes, not often, we find a gem in Netflix, these days the gems come most often from K-drama. This one, is surely a gem. From every angle, it shines, from the acting, from the script, from the story, from the dynamics of the three friends, from the human-interest, I think you get my meaning. Those three friends, the camaraderie,, the banter, the jesting, the kidding, the ribbing, everything about them rings so true and so perfect. You forget you are watching a movie, you feel like you are eavesdropping on these friends, the script, the lines are so well written, so natural, true to life, the way those girls bring the lines from pages to the story, is superb. This is exactly the way three close friends interact.

Hollywood has not given us anything close to this kind of spectacular human interaction movie in decades. The closes I can think of is Sleepless in Seattle. These day, Hollywood banks on their ace actors, Top Gun, Independence Day, Monkey men, action heroes, Marvel characters, Spiderman, Ironman, Batman, Superman, etc. When was the last time we had a movie from Hollywood that tug at our heart-strings, make us tear up? You get all these from K-dramas.

If you want an example, check this out, and don't wake up snore-fest from his sleep.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of reviews here, so I'll keep mine brief.

At first I thought this was going to be the usual techy type invisible man movie, like that Hollow Man. Then I got interested when Cecilia escaped from that narcissistic psychopath boyfriend, and he turned up dead, says his lawyer bro and leaves her lots of money. She is skeptical, it's all a hoax, blablabla, and she feels cornered, she breaks down, takes pills, she feels his tentacles, she feels trapped. You see what where I'm getting at? This is getting to the juicy part. So he faked his death, so he wants to torture her, he wants to torment her, how does he do it? Through her job? Her credit card? Her friends? Her media accounts?? See what I mean? Then comes the damn second act, and it falls all apart.

Whoever thought of that invisible suit should be banned from ever writing another script, should be stripped, tarred and feather, should be quartered by horses. The damn movie turned into the techy invisible suit that somehow Adrian or Tom managed to make? Buy? What? Was Adrian even a scientist? Did he work in a hi-tech lab, doing state-of-the-art research? Come on. Explain the suit, I dare you, Producers, writers, director.

That was a cop-out, plain and simple. I was heaving saliva dripping, there were so many ways this movie could gone, all wonder, but that invisible suit that Adrian, don't know how, somehow manage to get, make, buy, steal? Naah. Everything went South with that suit.

5 and I'm already generous. Somebody remind me not to go near this Producer.
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Heat (1995)
The Gold Standard of what an Action movie should be.
3 February 2022
The players could be the list of Academy Award winners. Everyone, at the top of their craft. Not a wasted minute even though it's three hours. The story, the people, some action, some human interest, and some romance. All in it's proper proportion and mix. It's 1995 but it could be 2022. It's that timeless, that good.

The Godfather team without Marlon Brando.
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The Falls (2021)
Beautiful little movie set in the current Covid situation.
3 February 2022
Mother and daughter relations tested in this stressful difficult times. The divorced father adds a further mix into this whirlpool. The teenage daughter was difficult at first but matures and grows up quickly when her mother fell ill from psychosis.

This is your movie if you're into emotional, family mix and tugging of heartstrings. Check it out if you make it to the last act, you'll feel a pleasant glow in your heart.
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Movie by the numbers.
2 February 2022
The 1 is for her tight t-shirts and gorgeous looks. The other1 is for the tight tight blue jeans and the nice back angle shots of her rear end. She don't have any other cloths to wear? Good stuff. That's the 2 rating. The others are zeros.

Movie by the numbers, let me explain. The Director has a checklist, where ticks off, ok, check for suspense, check for convoluted, overblown plot, check for Katie's sexy dressing and tight focus on her assets, check for meaningless, ridiculous surprises to throw off the viewer, blablabla. The end result, a slow, boring, done this, done that, kind of material.

Let me run one scenario by you. You check through the attic and suddenly a skeletal hand pops out. Then you don't call the cops, you sit on the stairs and play guessing game, who is the vic? How did he die? What connection has he in the plot of things... the skeletal remain is not reported to the cops, it's back to business.

If you are a fan of who-done-it, plot that makes sense, suspense that's not milked to the last drop, then give this a miss. Thank me later.
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Mother! (2017)
Is it Oscar time already?
26 January 2022
Of course the Director has to have a name like Darren Arofnovsky or something sounding like that. OF course it has to be an Art-House project from this Director. I bet he had a hard-on when Jennifer Lawrence signed on, an Oscar actress, wow. Then that Anthony Quinn look alike also jumped in, even his roar, over-the-top expression of love, anger, rage, also a lot like Anthony Quinn.

So, who shall I recommend this show to? It's arty, like the Europeanish shows in the 60s, a lot of emotions, tears, shouting, smashing. Sometimes I was thinking of Hitchkock during some scenes.

If you like that kind of show, lots of quiets, the suddenly shouts, and makes you say, wtf? Then this is for you. Check it out.
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Shocking, Powerful
18 January 2022
OMG, this is a whole new side of Sandra, never revealed. This movie is written for her, about her, and highlighted her.

This is one big juicy plump role. She truly brought the character to live. She should be nominated for an Oscar. She totally nailed the role with all her talent and charisma. She goes totally without makeup, laid herself bare, hang it all out, totally awesome.

This movie is one of the best featured in Netflix. Another movie that shocked me very nicely is, The Rhythm Section; featuring another actress, Blake Lively, an another breakout role. Both Sandra and Blake were famous for Romcom, sweet, and cute roles but their heart and soul into these two movies. Check them out.

The Unforgivable featuring the fantastic talent of Sandra Bullock.

The Rhythm Section featured Blake Lively.
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Taxi Driver (2021– )
12 January 2022
Super K-TV/movie. There are many K-productions, be it movie or TV, the quality, essence, product is of superlative level.

This Taxi Driver series tells of a clandestine, taxi company secret duty is to get the revenge on those who suffered pain, grief, fantastic emotional upheaval in the hands of monsters, evil beings in the world.

Examines the psychology of those seeking satisfaction from those monsters that harm them, and the repercussion on the lives of the victims.

The cases are true to life, eg school bullies that pound on the weak and mousy students, eg of a girl who is sexually exploited by her bf and the video shared in the net, eg worker in a company who is picked on to be humiliated and demean in front of other office workers. The list goes on and on.

This is like the Mission Impossible meets the Equalizer, meets the Punisher, meets John Wick, meets Daredevil. Lol. I think you get my meaning. Action packed, satisfying ends.

Check it out, You won't regret. You can thank me later.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Duncan Vizla vs John Wick
4 December 2021
Before there was John Wick there was Duncan Vizla. You send John Wick to kill the Boogieman, but you send Duncan Vizla to kill Joh Wick.

I gave it a 10 for the entertainment value. This is movie makes John Wick 1 to 4 look like a Disney Cinderella fantasy. This movie makes no appology about the violence, the dead, the torture, the bloody gore, the sex etc. This is a slam bang thank you ma'am hi octane ride.

The usual hitman-going-to-retire-but-the-evil-boss-says-no movie. Brut, the craze boss of this funeral arrangement company, wants our hitman hero dead, to pocket his retirement plan gratuity. Only problem is our hero has a different idea. After getting shot at, tortured with knives, screw drivers, cut in a million places, our superhero somehow escapes and seek revenge. Telling you more will mean spoilers alert.

Watch this for the poor enjoyment of the action. If John wicky stuff is your cup of coffee, check this out. Thank me later. BANG!!
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