
5 Reviews
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Up (2009)
Includes what may be arguably the most perfect 3 or 4 movie minutes ever
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
*WARNING -- SPOILERS (but not that give the plot point away)* In my estimation, the "silent film" snapshots showing Carl and Ellie's entire life, from marriage to her death, including and especially their sorrow at the loss of the baby, is one of the most perfect pieces of film I have ever seen, live action or animated.

When it is done, you feel you have lived their lives with them, loved, laughed and cried with them.

Simply amazing how much was shared in such a short time.

And it really established the framework for Carl in the rest of the movie.
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Fame (2009)
Not even a shadow of the original
19 April 2010
Somewhere, someone took an awful turn and decided that the original "Fame," a seminal work, wasn't good enough and made it into an episode of "Hannah Montana."

But this did confirm that dancing and singing have in fact gotten worse in 30 years. At best, 2009 has nothing new to offer.

The final insult is the "we worked so hard" in the 2009 version compared to the grandeur of "I sing the body electric." And the "African" drums are just a PC waste of everyone's time.

Millennial self-referential claptrap.

At best it is a sad shadow of what was before.

At worst it is the best the millennials have to offer.
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Good Eats (1999–2012)
Alton Brown rocks and rules!
29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As so many have noted, AB's unique approach to the entire cooking process is LOL funny and yet, very serious. The mixture of science (he explains exactly what is happening at the molecular level in many cases), practicality (what to use, how to prepare, what alternatives you can use), and dead-on accuracy (when you can relax rules, when you need to heed them exactly AND WHY), makes for 30 minutes that fly by faster than you can imagine.

If AB says something, you can take it to the bank. He has clearly done his homework and deep research. I think having the food anthropologist and other odd, arcane and important experts adds yet another dimension to a multi-dimensional show.

Lots of reviews have used the word "cynical" in describing his offbeat humor. May I suggest that "snarky" is a little closer. His humor really pokes fun at the Food Snobs (which he could be if he wanted to) and Foodies and the like. But it is always good-natured and clearly meant to illuminate, using humor as the lens.

Bottom line: This is far and away the best show on TV. A LOT of information packed into 30 minutes.

And Alton does a great job as Emcee(?) on Iron Chef America. He is just a Regular Joe with a lot (a TON) of specialized knowledge. Cooking or not, I would be happy to just grab a few brewskies with him and talk about anything -- even if not about cooking.
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The Bedroom Witch Project from Cloverfield
17 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I can only add to what everyone else said. This is a riff on the (then) original Blair Witch Project, seen from the bedroom of an unmarried couple, where the girl is such a ditz she can't even get him to commit after (we learn) 3 years.

The guy is supposedly a "day trader" -- anyone named a single "day trader" can't afford a room at the YMCA, much less a 4 (4!) bedroom house with a pool (why does a single guy buy a 4-BR house?)

The "hauntings" are so predictable and NOT scary, it isn't even funny. The fact they progress (sound like any shaky-cam movies you have seen, anyone? anyone?) from sounds to stuff moving to direct assault comes to no surprise to anyone.

Since this is set in 2006, any particular reason these idiots don't call TAPS from Ghost Hunters?? Even Most Haunted from across the pond would RUSH their British butts across the pond to see what would essentially be the Holy Grail of paranormal investigation.

Oh, did I forget to mention that all that is 10% of the movie and the rest is them unconvincingly arguing with each other?


1) People we don't care (in fact soon dislike) about get into a jam

2) People who are clearly stupid get into a jam and don't avail themselves of any help

3) Predictable escalating haunts

4) 90% of movie is meaningless filler

5) VERY unsatisfying payoff (regular ending or extra crispy -- take your pick).
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The Partridge Family (1970–1974)
The Partridge Family didn't compete w/Brady Bunch
12 October 2008
They were back to back. IIRC, it was Friday Night.

Now when I see them, I am amazed at how trite they were.

But I love hearing the music - many of the cuts are available on YouTube.

I think you can also get full episodes on Hulu.

Danny Bonaduce is now a commentator in the L.A. area and cleaned his act up in his young adulthood.

It is interesting that there is no info about the missing Chris. FWIU, the original Chris' mom was a typical "movie mom" and the producers kicked him out because of her.

Like most guys my age at that time, I had a crush on both Lauri Partridge and Marsha Brady.
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