
5 Reviews
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Best food, great guests
11 May 2024
I'm a vegetarian that wants to be vegan. I absolutely 100%. Appreciate the show that has vegan recipes throughout. I also think of myself as a good cook. And I really want to know how to make those cones that everyone love the crunch of so much because I love kimchi and I thought they looked amazing. I wish the cooking would have been a little bit more clear how to make them. I love rice and I love the little Korean bowls that you prepared for them pre. Show, obviously they pointed out. It would be better to have the rice than rather than after all of the other dishes.

Both guests were funny but I have to say nikki glazer was amazing. I feel like I related to everything she said and they were both funny. So I like the point your shoes off before you come in and putting slippers on. Because like Nikki. I am a little bit ashamed of my feet. I did not like the conversation about the dogs because dogs are gods in my house and any negativity around them is not appreciated.

I love the conversation about how David and Nikki never write anything down and they eyeball. I bought it because they're lazy not geniuses. It was the best thing ever because I think of myself as a genius but I'm also really lazy. And i've never written a recipe down or followed a recipe ever. And I've never written down anything for work. Except for a word to remind me of the hour long meeting that I had. And It's not because I'm a genius. It's because i'm lazy. That is incredibly relatible.

Getting back to the food those fried mushroomsweet and sour sauce looked amazing. By the way first time ever I heard a guest chewing was nikki getting some sauce on her rice before the avocado rice and it was adorable.

I wish it was explained more about the pear desserts. But it looked amazing while they were talking. I kept seeing the layers go in there and I thought it was amazing i would have to look up because it was so good. I think the guests and I were both surprised that the show was over because we were enjoying it so much.
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Food ok, guests amazing
11 May 2024
Jay is someone I've watched on s n l many times and thought he was talented. But I had no idea of his range, or the ability to adapt quickly to random things throne at him. I enjoy many of the comedians. He impersonated but thought his ability to switch between them so quickly and do them so well. Even aziz that he's never done before was amazing! I really appreciated him and lil John. Being willing to try things. Lil john said he didn't like some of the food but he still ate it anyway to be present for the show. Lil john brought some of his personal experiences and beliefs which were very interesting and fit right into the cooking of the show. They played off each other very well and j. Ay was just hilarious. I can't even tell you how much the guests made this show. I appreciate Dave cooking when he needs back surgery and he did some good things in the kitchen. But the guests made it so warm and interesting.
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Great conversation paired with Great cooking
5 April 2024
I really enjoy cooking shows, But I do think learning about the cooks and their inspiration Makes the meals even more enjoyable. Having guests on to ask questions and provide insight on not just the meal, But the context around the meal is a great concept.

It is made even better when the guests are able to talk about their own experiences with food and how it impacted their lives. I felt the show was fantastic with the guests opening up and providing a little humor as well.

I really hope the detailed recipes become very easy to find for those of us who Want To later on Go cook these things for ourselves. At first I was disappointed that it wasn't a cook A long show where I could follow the recipe while listening to the conversation. But then I realized my attention was so captured by the conversation I wouldn't have been able to follow a recipe anyway.

At the time I write this I've already watched all the episodes through the first vegetarian show. It has become Cant miss TV for me. As a vegetarian myself I really hope that even if every episode isn't all vegetarian that there's at least one course for me to replicate in each show. And I appreciate that on the vegetarian episode You mentioned that sometimes you can make an easy substitution to 1 of your meat recipes. I would appreciate if those options got thrown in when you're cooking meat sometimes.
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The food looked amazing
5 April 2024
As a vegetarian who loves to cook and watch cooking shows, it is great when chefs don't focus every course or show on meat. The food on this episode looked amazing!

Sarah's comment on the mushroom and chickpea broth really made me want to try it. The just egg washed dough dish looked fantastic and my partner insisted that I try to make it. I hope I can get the recipe. We love mushrooms and loved the idea David was thinking about a mushroom show!

JJ spent the whole show talking over everyone and bragging about his and his partner's cooking. It wasn't even informative as he could not describe recipes when asked.

I don't know how to rate this. I love Sarah and JJ in their performances, David's food was great, but this was not all that entertaining. The 1 question that got through from the internet had to be reasked because of JJ's self absorbed behavior.

Please do another vegetarian episode and have Sarah back so we can hear her sharp wit.
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Somebody Feed Phil: New York City (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not pizza
13 November 2021
I'm watching you look at the first pizza it's just bread and cheese there's nothing interesting about that pizza.

This is not good pizza it's just bread and cheese almost no topping.

NY not pizza.

I do love the Central Park bit. But the first restaurant and then the butcher shop just gross meat not especially cooked. The butcher shop in fact says they've stolen a sandwich from Harlem.

I do love the jollof rice bit.

Then the temple with the cafeteria in the basement seems amazing.

The Elaine May bet with the ice cream is fantastical.

Tracy Morgan is such a great person that the food you're having with them was not important.

Actually turns out to be a good episode without a good start.

I want Blue hill's vegetable sushi.

There needs to be more vegetarian cuisine, not food, cuisine.

I love what you did with your mom getting her matzo ball soup approved.
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