
11 Reviews
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Obliterated (2023)
A wild ride
20 December 2023
Somehow found this little gem whilst searching through programmes to watch, and it turned out far better than I expected.

Yes, it is crazy and mad in places, but it is an excellently directed and acted piece of sheer entertainment, don't expect to watch a totally believable action packed adventure, but relax and enjoy the crazy action.

The cast is excellent, with each character portrayed to perfection, each with their own totally individual ways.

If you happen to be a prude, or don't like to watch bad language, then turn away, but if you don't mind, you will have a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Would love to have a second series made, but let's see what Netflix decide, they should really go ahead and make it!
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Slowly going downhill!
17 December 2023
Have just finished season 6 of The Crown, and have to say it was the most ridiculous season of all.

Whilst I enjoyed the first few series of The Crown (and I am certainly not a royalist), which was brilliantly filmed and well-acted, with some of the cast bearing a close resemblance to the actual characters, it seems that when the series was moving more to the more modern times, it started to get more and more removed from reality.

In the last few seasons, the dialogue was clearly the figment of someone's imagination, with the final season being totally ridiculous, as to be almost unwatchable, the only reason I didn't stop watching, was to be able to have an honest opinion.

As a production, brilliant in the beginning, again the same for historical information, as for being close to factual I don't know, perhaps is should have stopped a few series earlier.
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The Good Cop (2018)
Excellent series
5 December 2023
Somehow I found this series on Netflix, and decided to give it a go, I was a little sceptical, as some American drama / comedy series are just over the top and not funny.

However, I was totally wrong, the series is fantastic, so well scripted, and all the cast, especially the main two (Tony Danza and Josh Groban) gelled perfectly, I haven't laughed out aloud so much for a long time.

The New York scenes / background is great and in perfect character with the series.

How Netflix decided to cancel such a brilliant series is unfathomable, as series like this are few and far between, it certainly deserved to continue.
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Napoleon (2023)
Don't be put off by negative reviews
30 November 2023
When I went to see the film yesterday, I was not sure what to expect, after having glanced at the reviews, some of which were quite negative.

I found the film both fascinating and interesting, and it certainly captivated me for the duration, not once did I think - hope this ends soon.

The cast was very good, as was the storyline, although I can't vouch for the historical authenticity, the battle scenes were breathtaking as was the filming.

You have to decide for yourself, but go and see it, and make your mind up yourself!

One small criticism was the Americanization, but this was maybe only me.
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The Reckoning (2023)
Brutal at times, but compelling viewing!
22 October 2023
Another excellent series from the BBC, surprising as they were complicit in the coverup.

Jimmy Savile was a vile predator, who successfully hid behind a perfectly crafted façade of television personality and fund raiser, it is unbelievable that he fooled so many people, including the BBC, politicians, police and royalty, which shows so many of these people were unbelievably naive.

It should also be remembered that his sidekick in the beginning was Ray Teret, a convicted abuser, probably easily led by Savile, who eventually was imprisoned and died there.

Steve Coogan played such a brilliant and convincing part, the voice detail was really amazing.

Overall, a harrowing series, but one that needs to be watched, why Savile was not stripped of his honors, shows how much he was integrated with the establishment.
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Navalny (2022)
The story of a very courageous man!
15 March 2023
This is a very powerful documentary about the poisoning of Alexei Navalny in 2020 by a seemingly Russian state sponsored assassination squad, it is a miracle, and a degree of luck that Navalny survived.

It is gripping from start to finish as it starts from when he was poisoned, until he voluntarily returned to Russia.

One of the most amazing parts, is around half way through, where using a sting operation, he was able to get an almost detailed description from one of the poisoners as to how it happened, unfortunately for that person, he has not been seen since, probably because he showed what a ruthless person Putin really is.

The film shows an exceptionally brave and courageous man, standing up for his principles, against one of the most dictatorial leaders in the world, and is now languishing somewhere in a Russian prison in probably most awful conditions.

This is a story that needs to be seen, and for the world to know about.
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Was expecting better!
12 March 2023
Having enjoyed the previous Luther series, I was expecting more than the film delivered.

The beginning started well, but it gradually slipped into more and more ridiculous situations, that it became farcical, Luther is a strong character, but seriously let down by poor scriptwriting and scenarios.

There was some good filming around London, as of course London has some spectacular sights, and some of the drone shots were especially good.

If only the writers could have been more thoughtful and imaginative, rather than going down the fantasy road, the film could have been far better, the last 30 minutes or so were just plain stupid!

The Luther series has been generally excellent, so why go down this patch, it could have been so much better, maybe even 6 stars is too much!
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Was expecting far more!
10 March 2023
I was eagerly awaiting Netflix's "MH370 the plane that disappeared" only to be left confused after almost 3 hours in 3 parts.

They offered three possible scenarios to explain the tragedy, with all three leaving more questions than answers, the main investigators were less than plausible, with some very wild conspiracy theories.

It seems clear that somebody somewhere knows more than they are saying, and a possible government/governments coverup is certainly possible, it is virtually unbelievable that in these times, a modern aircraft can totally disappear without trace.

Unfortunately Netflix's semi documentary did nothing to help, all it did was to sow more confusion in peoples minds.
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The Gold (2023–2024)
Well done drama series
14 February 2023
As a television drama series, The Gold was very well done, well-acted, and a reasonable story line, but this is a fictional story, very loosely based on fact.

These are not nice, warm-hearted criminals, who would never hurt anyone outside their community, they are hardened, vicious and violent career criminals, who will stop at nothing in their way, it is very important to remember that.

The series makes compulsive viewing, but it is wrong to convey them as nice people, they are simply horrible people, who should not have publicity, it is a pity that the series did not portray them as such, and a pity it is not so factual.

However, despite all this, it is worth watching.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Brilliant old-style British spy series!
27 January 2023
Slow Horses is an old-style British spy series based in London, with a brilliant cast, headed by Gary Oldman, who plays Jackson Lamb, a rough and ready boss, smoking, drinking, no nonsense talking and swearing a lot, but everything fits the storyline perfectly, the other cast members blend in perfectly, and each one builds into the character as the series develops.

The series has everything, suspense, intrigue, action, together with some great comedy moments, just listen carefully, the script is so good, or maybe use subtitles to get the most from it.

I watched the 1st series very quickly, and then binged on the 2nd, cannot wait for the 3rd series to come along, as this is one of the best series of its type that I have watched, I wouldn't easily give a programme 10/10, but this absolutely deserves it.

Now I will look at the books, as I have never heard of them before.
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The biggest load of bilge I have had to watch!
17 December 2022
If this is the quality of Netflix productions, I will be a long gone customer, I managed to watch 4 episodes, but no more.

The whole series is about two flawed, self-centred, egotistical non-events, who have been paid a phenomenal amount of money for this series, it centres around their make believe world, where they are the two main characters, and nobody else is relevant, it is hard to see anything positive about the series, I had difficulty in not falling asleep.

The main theme throughout, is how hard done they have been, how racist the UK is, despite in the beginning they were made so welcome, and everything imaginable was thrown at them.

They both come across as having serious mental issues that cloud any clear judgement.
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