
16 Reviews
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A good movie but not very true to the story
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If it was just a movie i would have given 8 stars but it was fairly untrue to the story or at least just left important parts out so i only gave 7 stars. The lowest rated movie ill watchnis a 6 and this is better than that. Many many inaccuracies to list but why not show moses and aaron before pharoh? Why not atixk to the timeline and let moses come back much older? Why not let him get seen killing the egyptian while defending a jew? These are just some simple things that would add legitimacy to the story that they just did wrong on purpose. So is it worth watching? Yes. Just dont expect it to follow the story we all know.
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Violent Night (2022)
Worst crime is that its not funny.
16 June 2023
You can be gross and irreverent as long as there some redeeming quality. This movie is gross, irreverent, vulgar and worse yet not funny nor even any good acting. I could tell in the first 5 minutes that it was going to suck but i stuck it out to about half way before throwing in the towel. It was just too bad to watch. The characters were over the top but not so much as to be a parody like clue or something. Stupid and predictable without any actual humor. The violence isnt done well either. A good guy gets punched and turns into the punch. They burn a guy for no reason. I dont recommend this one to anybody.
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Pretty terrible
3 August 2022
I didnt expect much but this didnt even reach that low bar. Really moronic plot. Bounced around trying to tie in bits of the game to make a plot but just came off juvenile and nonsensical. Skip on to something else if you value your time.
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Moonfall (2022)
Theres garbage and then there is this
19 June 2022
So this isnt a 1, more like a 1.8 or 2, but im trying to lower the score to save some poor soul the pain of watching this dumpster fire. Its like some chinese investors tried to take all the pieces of anerican action flicks and smoosh them together without rhought to dialog or a cohesive plot. Dialogue. So bad. Xonvenient plot devices everywhere. Product placement gallore. My 13 yr old liked it because stuff got blowed up but anyone with any semblance of what makes a good movie will hate it.
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Truth matters
7 June 2022
This movie matters because truth matters. The only answer that made any sense whatsoever was the last one and it was perfect. The left are fighting this war of words not because they believe the putrid, vile nonsense they continually spout, but to gain the upper hand in defining words. If they can change what words mean they have absolute control over whatever aspect of our lives they want. I hope people like Matt continue to hold their feet to the fire. Demand truth. Shine light on darkness and the cockroaches will scatter back to their lair.
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ARQ (2016)
Not a bad Net flick
5 June 2022
I had pretty low expectations having seen a few Netflix scifi dumpster fires. This obviously had a pretty low budget. No stars, very little cgi and all shot in a couple rooms but it was fun to watch. I would recommend it for a good 1.5 hr time killer. The ending is a little sucky but still a good watch.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Think Interstellar only the opposite
16 April 2022
As good as Interstellar was, Ad Astra is that bad. No character development. Just a weird sad trip to take care of problems dad caused. Terrible waste of a good 2 hours. Im sure it won plenty of awards because it was stupid.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
Meandering and slow for an apocalypse
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have never cheered for the bad guy so much. So why cant she read? Why does he fall for a junky half his age? How do they afford a freakin mansion? Why does any of that even matter? Its an apocalypse. I dont care about her drug addiction and i saw the endong coming about halfway through. I love the apocalypse genre and can watch some corny stuff but i just hated the heroine, alot.
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90 minutes of nothing happening
11 July 2021
Mr Phoenix is a great actor but you have to actually do something for it to be considered acting. He just walked around looking sad. They didnt even show him doing what he went to do. Wish i could get that time of my life back.
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So dumb
14 February 2021
The only reason for 4 stars instead of 1 is the CG was very good. The plot was just so dumb I couldnt bear to stay awake through it all. This has been done so many times. They really need to try something new. How a third installment got the green light is beyond me.
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The Village (2004)
6 February 2021
Excellent story telling and execution by a genius director and very talented cast. One of my favorite movies.
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Noah (2014)
Its like a beautiful pile of crap!
15 April 2020
The acting and cg are great but its not at all the actual story. So much was changed and added that it was just a mess of patched together plot points glued with nonsensical drama that was so far from the story of Noah it just ends ip being silly. 2 thumbs down.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Superb story telling and Biblical accuracy.
14 April 2020
While I believe everything in the Bible is true, not everything is written that took place during Jesus days. This series does an excellent job of weaving the story we are told with what was left out. Great writing and acting (other than Matthew). Looking forward to many more episodes.
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The Mule (2018)
Very disappointed Clint
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Im not sure what movie all the people rating this thing above a 2 watched but it wasnt the Mule i saw. I loved Gran Turino and Million Dollar Baby but this movie was not worthy of Mr Eastwood. Everything about it sucked: the acting,dialog, sappy plot. Everything was below sub par. The interaction with the bikers was stupid and pointless. The way the agent acted when arresting him and his daughters stupid joke at the trial just werent realistic and were awful. The main problem with the whole mess that i didnt realize until later is that Clint is trying to play a bumbling old carefree dude. Thats just not him. Of all the things that were wrong with this, that is what doomed it for me. Sorry but i wish i had those two hours back.
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A-X-L (2018)
Very tired plot
1 May 2019
If youve seen any "robot/alien meets lonely misunderstood kid" youve seen this one. Only twist is it has dirt bikes. Very predictable and riddled with plotholes. My 10 and 12 year old boys liked it. I guess that was the intended audience. It wasnt 38 yr old dads...
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How It Ends (2018)
So....what then?
4 February 2019
Well? How does it end? I was at about 5/10 before it ended but gave it 2/10 because it never did. The acting, plot and look were decent enough but the dialogue got pretty silly at times.
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