
9 Reviews
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Ignore the haters
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fourth film in the timeline and a true ending. I watched it never having read a review or spoiler and I'm glad I did. The film is a thoughtful follow up to the Halloween Kills' frenzy and blind panic in Haddonfield. It is set 4 years after Kills and picks up with Laurie and her granddaughter, both having made attempts to move on from the slaughter wrought by Michael Myers. Another main character is introduced and what unfolds is a study in the effects of evil and in my opinion, gives an incite into what may have caused the young Michael to snap, although of course, we will never fully know. But we do see the effects of hate and pressure effected onto a fragile mind. The film is brutal and gore-filled in places, but this isn't a slash-fest. It's a more balanced story and feels deliberately more controlled in terms of the frenzy we saw in Halloween Kills. The re-telling of the story from Halloween 2018 is better and more thought provoking than the dire "Michael never dies" outings that have since been cast aside. Watch this with an open mind, it is a more satisfying conclusion and gives the usual characters more depth.
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18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Should be re-titled "Toxic Masculinity", which is exactly what the plot is about. Instead it rides on the coat tails of Black Christmas and it's subsequent remakes. This version has no connection whatsoever to those films.

In short a bunch of fraternity guys worship a bust of a misogynist, get possessed by it and then proceed to kill as many female students as possible. There's no blood, only an oil like toxic substance (that'll be toxic masculinity then!). It's designed to be seen by a wider, non horror demographic.

I'm a feminist myself and I do think it's a great shame that this was made, as it's detrimental to the issue of toxic masculinity. It takes the idea to ridiculous levels, almost comedic infact.

Blumhouse do make some excellent films, this is not one of them.
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A wonderful trip back to childhood Christmas'
6 December 2020
This is one of my favourite ever Christmas programs. Robert Webb takes the viewer on a journey back to their childhood. Lots of fondly remembered toys are featured: Action Man, Spirograph, Meccano, Fuzzy Felt etc. For me, it genuinely made me feel like a kid again, seeing many of the toys of my youth. The narration by Robert is wonderful and adds to the warm glow of sentimentality throughout. By the end I was truly in the festive spirit. I'm really hoping it will be on again one day!
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Spine Chillers: The Red Room (1980)
Season 1, Episode 1
18 June 2020
I remember watching this and not being able to sleep afterwards. I seem to remember lots of parents complaining that it was "too scary for children"! Freddie Jones expertly delivers this ghost story. A man recalling his stay in a supposed haunted Red Room and his descent into absolute terror. Very believable to the series young audience. I rewatched it again recently for the first time since it was first aired on tv. It sent shivers down my spine again and I'm now 53! If you've never seen it, give yourself a scare.
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Almighty Thor (2011 TV Movie)
17 August 2019
The worst acting, story, special (?!) effects. Thor seems clueless throughout. The Hammer is clearly made of polystyrene and pvc and moves at the slightest touch. The CGI is clearly bargain- basement at best. Other than that it was fantastic.
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An Idiot Abroad: Karl Comes Home (2011)
Season 2, Episode 8
You're touching a lung!
10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nice end to the series, especially when Ricky and Steve spring a surprise prostate exam on Karl. I cry laughing whenever I see it. "That's high up, right, you're touching a lung!". Comedy gold
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The Comic Strip Presents: Bad News Tour (1983)
Season 1, Episode 4
We're not just another stupid heavy metal band
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Superb, mock fly-on-the-wall documentary about a disastrous metal band as they go on the road to a gig in Grantham. We meet the band; Vim, the leader, idolising Jimmy Paige. Colin, bass player trying to be super cool, but failing miserably. Spider Web, the manic drummer. Den Dennis, rhythm guitarist who can just about dress himself. All the characters are lovable and fun to watch as it all goes wrong. This is one of my all time favourite comic strip episodes.
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Leatherface (2017)
Better than expected
5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of the original movie, one of the original "video nasties". I wasn't sure what to expect if I'm honest, but got drawn into it quite quickly. The premise of the story is to explain the reasons why Leatherface became so horrific and twisted. The plot shows a young child, Jed, facing systematic abuse from his deranged family. Following the murder of a local cop's daughter he is taken to an institution, where his identity is changed. Jump forward a few years and we see a young nurse starting at the same institution. She meets a few very diverse and challenging characters, who escape, taking her hostage, wreaking death and destruction on the run. This ultimately leads to a confrontation with the pursuing scorned cop from the earlier third of the film. Due to Jed's identity being changed I found that I was guessing who might end up becoming Leatherface! Gore-lovers will love it, the movie pushes the boundaries a little in some scenes, but then it has to, to allow Leatherface's character to be explained.
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Funny Cow (2017)
Unflinching look at a dysfunctional era
5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of anything Paddy Considine. Funny Cow is tough going sometimes, but then it should be. The topics covered; dysfunctional family life, misogyny, domestic violence, racism, sexism are shown as they are/were. Maxine Peak carries the story, a survivor, aware even at a young age that things "aren't right". Alun Armstrong as the washed up tragi-comic oozes despair. There are some great cameos amid the bleak back-to-backs of the 70s north. Well worth a look if you like fins like Tyrannosaur or Dead Man's Shoes. A meaty, gritty, unflinching tale.
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