
22 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
Epic Sci-Fi At Its Very Best!
25 April 2024
Don't worry if you've never played any of the numerous Fallout games that there have been over the years. The team who made this series have got you covered with some great back story flashbacks. If you are a fan of the games then I suspect you might fall in love with this series like I did.

No spoilers here - just a simple review. The plot is based around survivors of "The Great War" which pretty much ended civilisation for those not selected to be "saved" in one of dozens if not hundreds of underground bunkers. This is their story seen from various different character perspectives.

The visual effects are right up there with the very best and you could well believe that you are actually looking at post-apocalyptic America! Various landmarks such as LAX airport appear and the visuals take your breath away. Absolutely fantastic. The scenery is awesome and there are nods to the game everywhere from the Pip Boy wrist terminals to the guns, armour and the pre-war cars and Americana. Well done for keeping us gamers happy.

Oh and the music. It's like Diamond City Radio on the big screen.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Spectacular & Epic Storytelling
21 March 2024
This is more like 10 short movies rather than a television series. Beautifully filmed in some stunning scenery. Japan is a very beautiful country on the small or big screen.

I can vaguely remember the original television series when I was growing up but I can't recall if it was actually any good. This version of the same book is a bit of a slow burner and yes there are subtitles. Lots of subtitles. I guess 90% of the dialogue is Japanese which is great for and obviously authentic but be warned you will be reading quite a lot of dialogue.

No plot spoilers here so you'll just have to go and watch it for yourself. If you like films like The Last Samurai or The Seven Samurai then I think you'll love this. Epic storytelling for the small screen at its very best.
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Mediocre At Best
19 March 2024
I am a big Star Wars fan but this is a little bit lightweight for me.

I was initially thrilled that EM was reprising this iconic role but the storyline really is a bit fluffy and offers nothing to the whole Obi-Wan/Vader dynamic. In fact we are probably better off having left things at the end of Revenge Of The Sith. This series has just stunk up the room as far as the overall story is concerned.

While The Mandolorian adds to the Star Wars story this is like a really terrible spin off that should never have made it to the small screen.

I really wanted to like it but I just didn't. The plot is weak and leaves us with more questions than answers, the biggest one being "Why bother?"!
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Bloody Brilliant!!!
14 March 2024
If you were a fan of the original movie of the same name then I think you'll like this too.

Also from Guy Ritchie this mini series follows the story from the other side of the coin - the posh lot with big houses and *#¥* cash! When Edward's father dies following an accident he unexpectedly inherits the entire estate along with the title and an unexpected weed farm under the dairy! This is as much of the plot as I can say without spoiling the ride so just go with the flow!

There is plenty of crossing and double crossing as the story unfolds and the tone is the same as the movie with plenty of laugh out loud moments as well as some naughty gangster violence.

The script is superb and all the actors play their roles to perfection. I really hope we get a second series but I fear this may be one and done as GR has quite a lot on his plate at the moment.?
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Late To The Snow & Ice Party!!
24 January 2024
Well I missed this first time around but persistent nagging by family & friends made me jump right in!

I guess a lot of people will have seen the Cohen brothers movie of the same name so will be familiar with the snowy Minnesota landscape & funny accents?! Well this is like an extended version of the movie with lots of really bizarre but interesting characters doing lots of really bizarre but interesting things! Martin Freeman is excellent as the main character and most of the plot swirls around him (no spoilers here). Billy Bob Thornton is superb as the mysterious protagonist in the story and his understated yet still extremely dangerous travelling hitman is one of the all time great tv baddies!

Set in deep winter with snow and ice and wind everywhere you really do start to feel the chill while watching this! So far it's a great story and I can't wait to see where this goes.
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World At War Lite!
9 December 2023
I have watched a great many documentary series on WW2 & also read a great deal on the subject. Far from being an expert on the matter I do however enjoy watching new material so thought I'd give this long awaited series a try.

The colourisation is pretty well done. It does look a bit off sometimes but generally it holds up nicely. Much of the footage you may well have seen before but it's all knitted together extremely well and while not exactly on the epic scale of World At War it does cover the basics quite well. That being said there are a few historical inaccuracys that don't detract from the overall retelling of such a monumental period in our history.

This isn't a "deep dive" into the causes and consequences of the war - it's far too short to do that. It is a good overview of some of the key moments of the war retold by some of the people who were there. Some of these survivors stories are utterly heartbreaking, particularly the young Jewish girl who survived a Nazi labour camp.

Now let's talk about the elephant in the room!!! You may well have read a number of reviews on here criticising the choice and style of the narrator. In my opinion John Boyega does a fine job with his succinct and matter of fact style. Ok so it's not Sir Lawrence Olivier but then who is? The script is straight forward and his delivery is perfectly ok. It certainly doesn't spoil it for me and some reviewers would do better to examine their own shortcomings based upon some of their comments.

If you like WW2 documentaries that aren't too "deep" and tell the tale that needed telling then give this a watch. If you want to know every tiny historic detail then watch the World At War. 👍
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Pretty Good So Far... 🙏
15 November 2023
At the time of writing we only have the first three episodes to wet our appetite but despite a fairly slow start this is demonstrating some promise! 🤞

We pick up our story towards the end of the American Civil War with Bass seen with the confederate army! The tide of the war is turning in favour of the union so Bass accompanies his master back home to Texas. There is a little "disagreement" over a card game and pretty soon Bass is on the move again - no spoilers here.

Eventually we see Bass enlisted to help a deputy track down a wanted man and although things don't go quite to plan Bass is recruited to be a Deputy US Marshall for the state of Arkansas. And so it begins...

David Oyelowo plays Bass and does so with a strong and quiet dignity and is very well cast. There are some great supporting roles from Donald Sutherland to Dennis Quaid as well as Bass' family. As you'd expect from a Taylor Sheridan show there is plenty of beautiful scenery on screen as well as an excellent musical score. I believe this was originally penned as an 1883 spin off and they are very similar in style and story pacing.

New episodes drop every Sunday so hopefully this series will continue to develop and grow as it rolls along but so far so good.
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More Gun-Fu!!!🤗
25 October 2023
So JW4 pretty much continues from where JW3 left off. The Continental Hotel is destroyed by the High Table and our new baddie, The Marquis, rears his head!

No spoilers here - just more great gun-fu which if you love the John Wick movies should make you very happy! Plenty of set piece gun & sword play once again. Yes the violence is completely over the top but that's the whole point of these movies right?

From New York to Osaka and over to Paris for the grand finale. This genre is made for Keanu to strut his stuff and it's great fun as always. Winston is back and plays a more integral part in this plot. Cain is a great addition to the characters as is "Nobody" and his pet dog. Again, no spoilers here so you'll just have to see for yourself!

The fight choreography is fantastic as always and there is plenty of it. Beautiful backdrops abound and JW4 fits in very nicely with the three previous films. 🤗

Can't wait for JW5?!?!
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
24 September 2023
I first watched this without realising that it was another Taylor Sheridan film. 😳It was only when I watched the credits that I saw his name pop up and I immediately watched it for a second time.

No spoilers here. This is the story of two brothers who face having their recently deceased mothers homestead repossessed by the bank. Chris Pine's character wants to ensure the property remains in the family for his sons to inherit (oil has recently been discovered on it) but they don't have the money to cover what the bank says they owe. Solution, Rob the same chain of banks that want to foreclose on the homestead to get the money to pay off the bank!!! Brilliant!

Jeff Bridges and Gil Birmingham play a couple of Texas Rangers who are hot on the heels of our bank robbers! Bridges easily steals every scene he is in as expected and this is one of his best characters in years!

The story unfolds at a good pace with the beautiful Texas scenery on full display. The casting is spot on and you end up rooting for the good guys - we all hate foreclosing bankers right?

A great story and highly recommended. 👍
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Guns, Assassins And Room Service!
24 September 2023
If you like the John Wick films then this is for you.

This is the back story for the iconic hotel seen in the JW films, the "neutral ground" Continental. As you'd expect there is plenty of gun-fu with great camera work and a stonking soundtrack to boot. Mel Gibson was a surprise but he pretty much steals every scene that he is in which is great.

We are only 3 episodes in at the time of writing so no spoilers here. So far it is an enjoyable romp with heaps of OTT violence and a healthy dose of sex which I wasn't expecting! I am really hoping that a young John Wick will make an appearance but since this is set in the 1970s I suspect that he may be a little young to be checking in just yet! 😳

Sit back and enjoy while we wait for the next John Wick movie to appear.
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Taboo (2017)
Absolutely Fantastic!!!
20 September 2023
So period drama e.g. The Mayor Of Casterbridge and Pride & Prejudice... blah blah blah! Old fashioned language and boring, stodgy characters. No thanks.

Now Taboo is indeed a period drama, set in London circa 1814. Yes there are lots of people wearing strange clothes and speaking in old fashioned English but there is also guns and knives and violence and sex and swearing-lots of swearing! And it's dark. Very dark.

Tom Hardy plays our hero returning from Africa where he was assumed to be dead. His father has just passed away and his timely return sees him inherit his fathers estate along with a small strip of land on another continent (no spoilers here). This greatly upsets the board of the "honourable" East India Company which soon sets about trying to gain control of the land by any means possible!

Tom Hardy is superb as Delaney. Dark and mysterious and very dangerous to his enemies, some meeting an unfortunate end at his hands. Johnathan Pryce is fantastic as Sir Stuart, the head of the aforementioned East India Company and he pretty much steals every scene in which he appears.

The story is compelling and complicated and unfolds as the series romps along with some tremendous cameos along the way.

Highly recommended 👍
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Pure Nostalgia!
3 September 2023
If you're of a certain age then you might view the Jordan Era of the NBA as the golden years of basketball. Maybe you were a Magic Johnson fan or Larry Bird? Whoever you supported basketball bloomed in the 80s & 90s and The Last Dance is the story of the Chicago Bulls all conquering team from this era.

All the background is explained in wonderfully conducted modern day interviews with most of the protagonists making themselves available. The friction between Phil Jackson and the management/ownership of the Bulls was something I had completely forgotten over time and is an eye opener to say the least!

This is pure nostalgia. The game clips, the music and the old school commentary really help immerse you back in time. The various interactions between the team, good and bad, are a fantastic insight into the world of top level sportsmen. Throw in Denis Rodman and all his antics and this is a great little series that any avid Bulls fan will relish and enjoy.
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Lioness (2023– )
Pretty F##king Good!!!
22 August 2023
So some of us thought that Taylor Sheridan could only write about cowboys right? Wrong! Lioness is a great story primarily set in the world of espionage and the problems in the Middle East. Think Last Survivor, 12 Strong and American Sniper and you'll get the general idea. This quickly moves back to the homeland (USA) as plots and sub-plots unfold and we end up in San Antonio (cowboy hats again!!!). This starts to feel a little more like Jack Ryan than Yellowstone at this point but that's the journey we embark upon.

We start out with a little bit of back story set a few years earlier back in good old Oklahoma (Wild Bill Taylor had to have a couple more cowboy hats on show - it's the law!) where we meet one of our main characters living the predictable miserable life with a terrible other half and a menial job. Moving forwards to her literally stumbling into joining the USMC and we are up and running.

Our new Lioness is quickly recruited into a special operations unit and the real fun begins! Again, more Jack Ryan than anything else at this point but the story is compelling and should keep you engaged and entertained. The family sub-plot seems a little confusing but allows Sheridan to put some bones on the character arcs. There is some fantastic hair on show here as well.

No spoilers here. The plot romps forward at a pretty decent clip. As you'd expect from Mr Sheridan this is all shot with some spectacular scenery on display. There are a couple of cliches along the way but here we have a couple of strong female characters and the story .... well maybe you should just go and see for yourself.

Personally I think it is a great addition to a stable chock full of thoroughbreds already and it can most certainly hold its own. At the time of writing there are only two episodes remaining which have yet to be released but so far so very good!

Recommended 👍
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1883 (2021–2022)
A Must Watch For Yellowstone Fans!!
25 July 2023
If you love Yellowstone and you want a little back story to help fill in the blanks, then 1883 is definitely for you.

With a stellar cast including Sam Elliott and Tim McGraw this is the story of how the Duttons came to end up in beautiful Montana. Their wagon train is departing from Texas heading to the promised frontier land of Oregon, with a few unexpected stops along the way. Ultimately they only ever get as far as Montana but then we all knew this anyway. No spoilers here!

With beautiful and breathtaking scenery and a wonderful musical score this is another Taylor Sheridan masterpiece. The cast is fantastic and watch out for a stunning cameo by Billy Bob Thornton!

I really enjoyed this whole story and really wished there was more. Well, I guess there is always 1923 to watch...
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Yahoo! Cowboys Are Cool Again!!!
25 July 2023
Very late to the party with this one, partly as we didn't have Paramount + until fairly recently & partly as I wasn't entirely sure what the pretext to this show was. That being said I am so glad that I was able to catch up with this. 30 minutes into the pilot I knew this was going to be great. The cast, the writing, the music and the scenery. OMG the scenery! Montana is so beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking.

The story unfolds pretty steadily and flows along at a good pace. Each episode flys by so quickly and leaves you wanting more. Lots more. I binge watched Yellowstone at every available opportunity and before I knew it I was done! I cannot wait until the new episodes are released and I cannot recommend this enough.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Dreadful & Embarrassing!
21 July 2023
Look I know we are supposed to switch off our brains, sit back, eat popcorn & just enjoy this type of film but this was so awful it just made me angry that I had wasted my time even watching it!

Firstly the script is dreadful. Cliches abound at every turn - broken family. Dead wife. Rebellious daughter. Lame dialogue & a really, really dumb protagonist lion who clearly can't see in the dark & has no sense of smell! With razor sharp claws & a lethal bite if a lion as big as this one attacks you then you are not walking away! But not this lion! Oh no. He can fit his head under a car but forgets to use his considerable reach & if you hide in a tree eight feet up he can't see you or smell you! 🤷‍♂️

It's just ridiculous & lazy & you never engage with the characters on any level because they make stupid decisions & do stupid things! Not in a good "Scream" type of way - just plain stupid!

I'm not going to give anything away because I don't have to - if you have seen this type of movie before you will guess very quickly what is going to happen & how it will all end!

Do yourself a big favour & watch something else. There are much better movies out there. 👍
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
At Last A Decent Jack Ryan!!!
13 July 2023
Perhaps you've seen the previous blockbuster films with Jack Ryan being portrayed by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck & Chris Pine? All good efforts but in this made for television series John Krasinski is given room to develop the character and time to put some flesh on the bones. Tom Clancy has been dead for ten years now and while his stories are well written they are outdated as time rolls by. The prospect of the Cold War becoming a hot war has come and gone and the old Soviet Union has been broken up. Not withstanding what Putin is doing in Ukraine, it was time for Jack Ryan to move into the new millennium and with this series he has certainly done that!

With Jason Bourne & the "new" Daniel Craig James Bond the modern day spy or secret agent is alive & well & taking it in at the box office. The advantage of a television series is the extended running time to let the story develop & the characters grow. This series from Amazon Prime is very well written with plenty of plot twists & turns to keep you guessing & leaves you wanting more.

The ensemble cast are excellent & most of the characters have recurring roles throughout the now 4 seasons. There is enough action to keep things fast paced but also enough intrigue to & tension to make you want to binge watch! I blasted through the first series in a couple of days & was thrilled when season 2 was announced almost immediately.

No spoilers here! Just sit back & enjoy the ride. 👍
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Ozark (2017–2022)
24 May 2023
Well this was a nice surprise. I missed it upon release and it flew under the radar for a little while and then the word of mouth started so I jumped in!

Fantastic! Twists and turns all over the place with everyone double crossing everyone else! Violent at times which is to be expected given the subject matter but it all helps to set the scene and tell the story of a family forced to start again in a new home and with millions of dollars of cartel cash to launder!

The scenery is breathtaking and the cast are absolutely superb throughout. I watched this after Narcos Mexico wrapped and it is the perfect pick me up after that show finished. Highly recommended. 👍
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Dark But Intriguing...
14 May 2023
Wow this is bleak viewing but really well written throughout. Don't expect too many happy feel good moments with this one! It is gritty and dark but also riveting and superbly acted. This is the best I have ever seen Jeremy Renner. A great supporting cast too. Taylor Sheridan sure can write a great series. 👍

I watched all his "more famous" series including Yellowstone and 1883 & 1923 and really enjoyed them. Made me fall in love with the cowboy genre all over again. While waiting for new episodes to drop I binge watched Tulsa King and that was absolutely fantastic. Stallone nailed that one and it was also pretty great funny at times too. Now The Mayor Of Kingstown is the ying to Tulsa Kings yang! While one is funny and occasionally heartwarming this one is dark, gritty and a hard watch at times. However, extreme graphic violence not withstanding, TMOK is absolutely fantastic and I highly recommend giving it a watch.
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Rogue Heroes (2022–2024)
Great Fun!!!
31 October 2022
What do you get when you mix Peaky Blinders with The Dirty Dozen? SAS Rogue Heroes!! Is it a serious take on the negativity of war? Absolutely not! It is a booze fuelled romp showing how the SAS came to be. If you want historical accuracy combined with a stern voiceover then please go and watch the accompanying documentary series on the BBC.

I loved it from the word go. Irreverent and funny with the storyline moving right along at a good pace. Perfect casting with plenty of familiar faces who fill out their roles wonderfully. The period details of uniforms and the locations look authentic and are just perfect. No skimping on the budget here! The effects are very good.

A wonderful tale of daring-do with the right amount of comedy thrown in to take the edge off of it.

Stick with it-you won't be disappointed. 👍
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Sad & Disturbing.
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In 2022 in Britain we all know what a nasty, devious predator Savile was but hearing it from some of his victims is utterly heartbreaking.

It's was a very different era & predators like Savile & Stuart Hall used their celebrity status to get close to vulnerable people & take appalling advantage of them. At least Hall was caught, disgraced & imprisoned while he was still alive. Savile effectively got away with it right up until his death.

This documentary in two parts cover the rise of Savile in episode 1. It was hard to remember how universally popular this man was in the 70s & beyond. The first episode covers all of this with some excellent old clips, some of which make your skin crawl.

The second episode is where you start to hear first hand accounts of this man's evil behaviour. It is quite graphic & is not easy to watch. It is done simply & effectively to make it very clear that this man was a monster & it is such a shame that he died thinking he had got away with it all!

A solid & well put together documentary that reminds us how evil Savile was as a warning to all of us that trusted & respected this horribly evil man.
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Reacher (2022– )
Awesome!!! Can't wait for more seasons!!!
7 February 2022
Having been an avid reader of the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child and mildly upset about the casting of one Tom Cruise as the 6ft 5 inch 220 pound hero in the movies I was elated when I discovered Reacher on Prime!

Alan Ritchson nails the role of Reacher in both his physical size & his intimidating posture! At last a Reacher we can all believe in!

The story is fairly loyal to the first book in the series, The Killing Floor, and the 8 episodes format gives the story the time & space it needs to breathe & really simmer quite nicely. The cast of characters are allowed to develop & you can really immerse yourself into the plot line in the same way you can with the books. Ok so there is plenty of graphic violence but if you are watching Jack Reacher what else do you expect?

I am not going to spoil the plot for anyone coming into the story without having first read the book but I can wholeheartedly recommend giving this new bigger Reacher a watch - you won't be sorry!

Now let's all hope that Prime pick up a whole load more of the Jack Reacher books and turn them into more fantastic seasons that we can sit back & enjoy. Let's also hope that Alan Ritchson remains in the title role for as far as I am concerned...he is Reacher!
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