
10 Reviews
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Dead Snow (2009)
dead snow is a good zombie gore fest!
13 March 2010
simple plot a group of college kids take trip to the snow.They end up shacked up in evil dead type of cabin. In this cabin is a old treasure chest and thus anger the zombies so anyway somewhat of a slow start when this zombie movie picks up tho its none stop zombie violence. now is dead snow one of the best zombie movies of the 00 decade maybe I think so this and flight of the living dead are great thats my opinion check it out a must see for zombie movie fans also some creative gore and a lot of the red stuff at the end part of the movie I wanted the blu ray of this but it was no where in my city that sucked I'm happy with the DVD tho very clear with great sound I recommend the DVD 2 dick set.
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Where has this sexploitation/exploitation movie been hiding??
3 November 2009
With that said I have never heard of this movie until a friend told me about it it is on com-cast right now as I write this review part of a on demand channel called impact its pretty cool it seems they have a lot of drive inn movies on this channel!So anyway the story is about dudes dropping dead in a California town the government call in will smith not of men in black fame thank god he was like maybe 5 or something when when this movie came out anyway.Lots of way ridiculous stuff going on in this movie the queen bees hump you to death and have black eyes and love huge black sunglasses LOL.This movie is almost perfect 70s exploitation I wish I owned it but someday I will on DVD its under the title graveyard tramps I'm sorry but that's an awesome name for a movie but I guess it does not really fit hear there not zombies come on the bee chick things with nice knockers!if your a fan of exploitation you need to see this I give it a solid 7 out of 10!!!!
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sorry but this is a zombie exploitation classic!
22 October 2009
Love this movie cheesy as hell gory as hell and I like the direction a lot the bad dub job Bruce Campbell voice in the movie lots of zombies and just great camp I think a lot of people just don't get it glade I did tho!Story well there is a zombie apocalypse and there is a crazy Jim Jones like cult that want to save the zombies rev Jones ha ha the character names are great to commander carpenter ramie Romero etc.For a super 8 movie its very impressive zombies look great and gore effects work very well also love the opening credits and soundtrack I need to find it if its available.If I was J.R Bookwalter I be proud its entertaining and the replay value is way high the movie runs only 78 minutes.The DVD by anchor bay is must buy!!!!
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FleshEater (1988)
flesh eater rocks!!!
22 October 2009
Now this is no night of the living dead but what it is its fun great zombiploitation if you will.Starts off with some young people on a hayride going to drink beer and have some fun.This tractor riding dude unearthed zombie bill hinzman than all hell breaks loose lots of gore nudity and sleaze exploitation for sure the DVD is wonderful media blasters do a great job with their product and this is a fin example.If your a fan of zombies exploitation and cheesy 80s cinema buy this!Also its a zombie movie that happens to be set on Halloween sweet and yes the movie is somewhat of a rip off of the original night of the living dead but who cares its exploitation and its mighty entertaining.
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The Hellcats (1968)
The hellcats is a classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 November 2007
This movie is one of the best bad movies ever I love this one.So over the top cheesiness you got to love the soundtrack its a 60s trippy/Beatles music or something like that!Also I hella dig the characters you got six pack, snake, zombie, and much more out their characters the dialog is cheese perfection you will chuckle a lot man they don't make movies like they did back then this movie is available threw BCI its apart of their Welcome to the grindhouse DVDs on the DVD is this one if course and another exploitation classic Chain Gang Women!!It looks like a lot of people hate this movie I think this movie is to fun to hate how can you not like this movie if your a fan of b-movies and exploitation check it out and don't listen to the haters this is the best movie on the bottom 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Boss Nigger (1974)
The Boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31 May 2007
I love it I saw the trailer on a DVD I have 42 street forever and had to get this its a great blaxploitation/exploitation movie the DVD sucks and hopefully someday someone will put out a proper DVD.The story is about two black bounty hunters that take over a whit town with out a sheriff .The white folks are not happy Fred Williamson's character as the boss rocks he is so the boss ni**ger I will not spoil this do find it and yes like I said the DVD is not good the transfer is just OK bad color not framed correctly its put in full frame and is taken from a VHS master and put on DVD I will say this tho with the bad transfer it does give you that grind house feel my score a 8 its funny as hell!!!!!!!!!
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Sexy erotic exploitation nights of the living dead!!!
19 May 2007
Oh yea this is a exploitation/zombie/euro trash classic I was wanting this on DVD for years alas I got it yesterday at the amazing Rasputin records in Berkley,CA anyway lots and lots of sex and sleaze I'm talking hardcore sex I have the rated x DVD lets say there is a scene that must be seen a chick has sex with a champaign bottle and uncorks it!Now lets talk about the zombies real quick their cool oldfashiond slow zombi 2 like zombies there is a good amount of zombi action.Also its dubbed so bad that you will be chuckling a lot so I am done talking about it now its time for you to find this and see it you wont forget it!!
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Sonny Chiba the Hero!!
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
That's right every man and woman hero its 1946 and the war is over. Japan is all messed up and so he defends the poor well kids anyway and a prostitute he fights and badly hurts two Americans and he is said to be put to death.The warden likes our hero tells him to leave Osaka,Japan.He does and starts up a dojo where he teaches show Lin karate anyway this is a great movie lots of fighting good acting and at times really sad and gory.Chibas character cuts off a bad guys balls dislocates allot of limbs his buby gits stabbed to death and a student/friend gets his arm cut off I have the movie in a 3 pack Lethal Chiba it includes this and The Executioner one and two if your a fan go get this DVD easy to find and its cheep at Best Buy only paid 16 bucks for it!!Let action begin!!!
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Rabid (1977)
Rabid good 70s Horror!!!
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I do like rabid it has a great opening boy and girl are on a motorcycle out for a joyride and they crash into a van!!!The girl Marilen Chambers(Rose) is badly injured and needs medical help and is taken to a near by Research hospital where they do a new kind of skin graft with a bad side affect she now has a new organ in her armpit!!!It needs human blood so its like a drug a dependency anyway her victims become rabid and go crazy!!!Now the middle part of the film is OK she does her thing and infects a few people the movie does have a good score and that is a plus I wish their was more infestation if this would have went more the zombie rout that be killer and it did not and the ending is disappointing not a great ending just a OK one finding roses dead bodied was very convincing tho great acting their.I say go check it out it is good but not great I have the DVD and as I write this it is on now my score6/10!!!
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Nightmare City Trash Classic!
31 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A very trashy zombie movie indeed.With running zombies before Dawn Of The Dead 2004.So anyway TV dude Dean Miller is to interview a scientist but when the plain lands the nightmare starts.Zombies run out of the plain killing anyone they see.TV dude Dean Miller finds his wife and try to survive and end up in a showdown with zombies in a amusement park She dies in a bad way by the way its funny tho.So if you like exploitation,horror,campy b-horror,eurotrash you will love this movie.Gun blasts to faces and heads ,lots of stabbing, eye violence, 80s TV aerobic dance off that gets interrupted by the zombies that needs to be seen so so cheesy,exploding TV's when throw at zombies,zombies that like breasts and much more. A B-movie,zombie horror film that you need to see if you have not yet grab a six pack and enjoy!!!!!
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