
9 Reviews
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The Reaping (2007)
27 April 2008
The reaping was kind of a quiet thriller. It was well acted, well scripted, and the imagery was breathtaking. One of the things you have to worry about with thriller/horror films nowadays is that they'll be overdone. This movie wasn't overdone in the least. The characters were believable. The story, although overall interesting, wasn't original. We had a lot of elements that have been used tirelessly in the past such as the good guy they play off as being the bad guy (big surprise), the haunting, beautiful little child, the patchwork of flashbacks and the faithless heroine. These are all very general and typical things of movies in the 21st century. However, I think the imagery and the overall depth of the story pushes past all that. Taking biblical tales and putting them on film is bold and bound to draw peoples' interest, and you won't be disappointed. Your interest will be held throughout the film as it runs neither too fast or too slow. It's definitely a movie worth watching, and even if you don't appreciate the storyline or the acting, you can't deny the beautiful scenery and camera angles make it worth watching.
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1408 (2007)
A Psychological Joyride
31 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
1408 was a solid, conclusive film. It succeeded in being a great psychological thriller because it veered into much more intelligent and introspective scenes than your run-of-the-mill films like Saw or Hostel. This isn't a movie seething with blood and gore, but even more to its credit than that is the fact that it also doesn't try too hard NOT to be within the same genre as those gore-horror movies, so the outcome isn't overdone to the point of being tacky and pitifully "artsy." You won't find any shaky camera scenes or other overstated camera tricks thrown in here. This is a wonderful homage to purer times; back when we still had to use our imaginations when watching movies. Unfortunately we live in a day and age where most films spell everything out for you so you are spoonfed a mediocre story that basically does all the thinking for you...this film lets you think. It lets you understand the very basic bits of information (i.e. that the room is basically driving this man mad), but the chills, thrills, and spine-tingling moments are all perpetuated by your OWN sense of paranoia and your own sense of fear, rather than going along with situations that have already been dictated to you.

As for the story; it was enjoyable. Not stunningly original, but stylish and still fresh. You will get the feeling at various times throughout the movie that you have seen certain things before; and certainly they are standards of several classic Stephen King stories, but I think of that more as Stephen King's personal trademark rather than the writers resting on their laurels by adding touches that have worked well in the past. I wasn't impressed with the underlying story of Mike's past, particularly his daughter coming back to haunt him. I felt like it was thrown in to add something touching, but it detracted from the feel of the movie rather than adding the bit of humanity I suspect was its purpose. Overall, it was a chilling, excellently told film. The story itself in not a new one; but John Cusack's perfect performance, a good story that didn't veer off and lose you with too much new age imagery, and an expertly creepy feel set off by a truly bone chilling soundtrack was the perfect mix. Truth be told, if I was sleeping alone tonight, I would be lying awake and more than a little uneasy about being alone in the dark...especially with a clock radio by the bed. And I don't consider myself a person who gets rattled easily. Mission accomplished. Highly recommend.
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The Number 23 (2007)
Profoundly Unnerving
29 January 2008
I was immediately interested in the basic plot of this movie; a man who is obsessed with the number 23 because it is somehow connected to every part of his life. I had no idea what I was going into when I started watching it, but I wasn't expecting much. The commercials I'd seen for it seemed typical of the generic mystery-thriller that are a dime a dozen these days. I'm not too proud to admit I was absolutely, 100% wrong.

This film has taken quite a bit of heat for being "predictable", but even if you DO end up guessing how it will end and dismissing it as predictable, I think you simply can't think outside the box. One of the things I realized in retrospect after watching this film was that throughout it, I didn't care how it would end. I didn't think about it. The storytelling, superb performances, and the general setup that was established within the first 20 minutes was so real and engrossing that I actually felt like I was a part of the story rather than a casual observer. It draws you in and makes you a part of the dark, grimy world of Walter Sparrow. This is not a film anyone should sit through if they are shallow enough to only care about the ending. The thing that makes this a great piece of film is that throughout it, you KNOW that something isn't quite right with Walter Sparrow. You can see that from the very first scene in the movie, so clearly the writer had never intended the ending to come as a big shock. I think they succeeded perfectly in making a movie where you breathe the character's breath, walk in their footsteps, and feel their frustration. THAT is what makes The Number 23 so heart-stopping and suspenseful. You don't watch it from the comfort of your living watch it from the eyes of a paranoid, obsessed, unhinged man whose life is spiraling out of control. THAT is what makes this movie brilliant. Anyone who criticizes this film for being predictable is just not able to grasp that there really is something much deeper going on then just two hours of action and a cookie-cutter ending. The writer of the film obviously intended to do something original and he pulled it off flawlessly.
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A visual feast
28 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While I have not seen the original version, I do not see why there are so many negative comments about this film. True, the story is thin, but it is irresistible. I think people try to read more into it than what is actually there, and therefor miss the delightfully subtle plot altogether. Yes, the acting is bland and lackluster...these people ARE SUPPOSED to be dull and lackluster, they are more or less feminist zombies, meant to appall us with their total lack of human emotion. This is a huge part of the story, NOT bad acting. In fact, if these characters appalled us as much as they did, then I would call them fantastic actors as they pulled it off flawlessly. You're not supposed to like them, people! The story did not fascinate me nearly as much as the imagery, however. The scenes were breathtaking set in a summery location that was meant to be far removed from civilization and succeeded. When watching this film, I was sucked in, completely able to believe the isolated surroundings, adding to the feeling of complete aloneness. The area was beautiful albeit disturbing.

This was by no means a life changing movie, but it was a good and solid one. The director chose a path for this film and did not stray from it which is something I cannot say for most directors today who are hellbent on making a film that veers off into twenty directions and leaves more questions than answers. This film was simple and stayed consistent all the way to the finish, though I was left wondering exactly what the young girl with braids and the accident at the beginning had to do with the story. With as many times as they recapped it in Edward's memory I was sure it would go somewhere. No matter, I wasn't disappointed with The Wicker Man. It is always a feat to have only one solid (stable) character in a film and not have it be lifeless. Films with Nicholas Cage are never lifeless as he brings a presence on screen that is believable and likable.

Overall, it was a good, solid film. Nothing that knocked my socks off, but it left some gorgeous imagery in my head and as a writer, the visuals in this movie were believable enough to leave me feeling inspired. Perhaps the plot could have been a bit thicker, but I applaud it for not succumbing to America's blatant refusal to enjoy any film without non-stop action and things being blown up. This is a cluster of a movie meant to be be enjoyed by intelligent people who can use their imagination a little more than the stereotypical moviegoer.
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What a Mess
3 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This piece was highly disappointing; even for a fictional representation of a true Hollywood crime. I was excited to see this picture because I'm interested in the Black Dahlia case. Even as a fictional medium, I was sure Brian De Palma would have a surefire hit with this one, but it fizzled, and hard.

Firstly, the set is sepia-toned and overdone. The campy 1940's noir look would have been effective if it had been a little less obvious. There was no point in watching this film where it felt like I wasn't just watching a bunch of actors on a set. With the exception of Miss Mia Kirshner who was phenomenal as Elizabeth Short, the acting was horrendous. Hilary Swank in particular was horrible as a promiscuous rich bitch with an annoying, haphazard fake accent. Another annoying thing is that everyone had a cigarette lit in every single scene as if to emphasize it was hip to be smoker back then. Something that was notable but overdone.

Secondly, and most importantly, this wasn't a movie about Elizabeth Short. The Black Dahlia case seemed to be a more of a side-story than anything else as the film focuses around the two cops and their personal troubles. Any mention of Elizabeth Short seemed thrown in at the last minute and didn't make much sense. It might have been a decent movie if they'd left out the Elizabeth Short case least then I wouldn't have had to sit patiently through the whole mess of bad dialogue waiting for them to blow the murder case wide open when it was clear that very little of the film actually had anything to do with its title character.

If you are looking for a good murder mystery or are interested in the Black Dahlia case at all, you will be sorely disappointed by this movie. It's tacky, overdone, and badly acted. They should have either stuck to a film about Elizabeth Short's murder or excluded her altogether, because the end result was a mess. You're left confused and bewildered. Why, all the sudden at the very end, was Bucky disturbed by the vision of Betty Short's mutilated corpse? The entire film played down her role so much that the end wasn't effective and you wondered why Bucky was suddenly so disturbed about a case that was now closed and that the film had successfully played down to a mere side story.
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The Libertine (2004)
Interesting but Disappointing
3 March 2007
When I sat down to watch this film, I had preconceived notions that this would be a masterpiece. Maybe that was the problem. Johnny Depp has proved himself as perhaps the most versatile actor and I have never been disappointed with one of his roles. The problem I had with The Libertine was not his acting, but that of actress Samantha Morton. Her acting seemed arrogant and hollow; as if she never once threw herself into the role and it showed. The chemistry between Johnny and Samantha was again hollow. I often found myself annoyed with obvious lack of interest in the character she played. I understand that a lot of it was that she PLAYED a bad actress initially, so maybe I'm wrong and she was just a little too convincing. Either way, I thought her character was shallow and annoying and it ruined an already lackluster film.

On a good note, The Libertine did achieve a seedy, gritty, underbelly feel to it that was absolutely necessary. Johnny Depp was believable, because even though Rochester was absolutely insufferable, he had heart. Johnny Depp brought that out in a way that no other actor could: he made a despicable character almost likable.

The film itself, however, bored me. I had expected to be shocked when I watched it and even though the shock did come; it seemed like it was too little too late and I found myself sitting impatiently through a mediocre dialogue waiting for something to happen. This movie should have been explosively sexual; and yet it seemed that the director was too careful not to shock audiences with perverse scenes that should have been a given. This is a film about an intensely perverse man, but the scenes never gave you much to go on in that department. I mean, the end is screaming at you to look at the damage Syphillis has done to him, but the script meticulously filtered out all the scenes that help you to understand how this fate enveloped him in the first place.

The end was a delightfully frightening shock, but as I said, there wasn't enough follow-through in the film to make it as climactic as it should have been. The shock kind of came out nowhere and was disappointing. All in all though, I thought Samantha Morton ruined this movie. She never made an impact and the chemistry between Samantha and Johnny was frosty and forced.
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Casanova (2005)
Sweet, fun and lighthearted
16 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I went into watching this film fully aware it was meant to be a comedy, and knowing such, I didn't put stock into its historical accuracy like so many other viewers and critics seem to have. It was a fun movie; not a piece that was meant to be overly stimulating, so it's best not to go into watching it with the idea that it's going to be something it wasn't meant to be. With that said, it was a gem. It's a solid comedy that relies on traditional means of getting laughs. The antics are often silly but you can't argue with the shining result. It serves its purpose: you finish watching it with a smile on your face and the cast is tried and true enough to deliver a flawless performance.

My only gripe is that the cast does seem a bit typecast. Heath Ledger played a very similar role in A Knight's Tale, and Oliver Platt has played remarkably like roles in films such as The Three Musketeers. Nevertheless, that doesn't detract from the overall attractiveness of this film. Each actor gives their character a certain been-there charm that I doubt could be matched by any other actor. Also, I don't know how others might have felt, but the basic plot outline seemed a little weak. The actors were incredible enough to cover it up, but I thought Casanova's pursuit of Francesca was lacking a bit. He didn't seem to have to work overly hard to win her love which was the whole plot of the movie. A great cast and hilarious side-stories saved this movie from being simply mediocre for that reason. It certainly wouldn't have hurt if the film had delved more into the psyche of Casanova himself, but even without that it was a movie worth seeing and it will make you laugh. Heath Ledger simply triumphs in comedy and paired with the ever-serious Jeremy Irons, the result is a riot. Even if you're not into historical comedies, there's no way you can't appreciate the gorgeous cast and truly stunning visuals. Venice in the 1700's was captured beautifully and added a romance to the background of the film that made the end result that much more appealing.
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Death Note (2006–2007)
Clever, Slick, and Suspenseful
6 January 2007
This is anime at its best. I'm fairly new to the world of anime, but I have to say from what I've seen that Death Note goes above and beyond your typical run-of-the-mill action based anime. Whereas a lot of anime strategically relies on action packed battles and fights, Death Note is a refreshing change of pace. It's slick, clever, and witty with the eccentric "L" heading the investigation. It's a constant game of cat and mouse as the lead investigator and the suspected "Kira" or "Killer" always seem to be one step ahead of one another. The two brilliant minds constantly outwit each other. The plot is complex but easily laid out for you and the story is remarkably intelligent and inventive. All the while you're watching you think, "Wow, this can't possibly get any deeper," but each new episode proves you wrong. What I like the most is that this is very, very complex material but it's flawlessly and easily presented so each new development in the case comes as an excited shock.

This is great stuff and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who might be looking for a change of pace in anime. It's not for everyone, of course since it's more of an intellectual thriller and not so much an action fantasy, but anyone who can appreciate the mental challenge of following along with this suspenseful battle of wits will be in heaven with Death Note.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
A Fresh new genre of Sci-Fi.
6 January 2007
I'll be the first to admit I'm no die-hard fan of Science fiction, so when I sat down to watch BSG with my fiancé, I was less than thrilled and not expecting much by way of entertainment. I was wrong and I can't say how glad I am to have given it a chance. BSG has proved itself to be an excellent epic, arching story that draws you in almost immediately.

If you are expecting a Star Wars or Star Trek knockoff, you'll either be disappointed or pleasantly surprised. The characters are believable to the point where you actually forget you're watching a TV show. Even though you might disagree with or even come to resent some of their actions and decisions throughout the story, you can identify with what they're going through every step of the way. BSG offers something that most other forms of science fiction lack: heart and humanity. It isn't a bunch of alien species flying on a space ship. They are human and their own sense of right and wrong is often challenged on this show, which gives it a very unique edge.

Also this show has an almost anime-ish quality in the fact that it not only portrays the hopes and dreams of the human military; it also helps you to identify with their enemies: the Cylons. This makes the impact of BSG that much more intense. Each episode is fast-paced and gripping, never lacking in adventure and action. Also, the use of proper space physics in the flight scenes is worth an honorable mention. This is a show that pays great attention to detail and not only does it entertain you; it will really make you think. Trying to guess what's coming is only one part of the excitement. I recommend this highly to anyone and not just science fiction buffs. It has everything from epic battles and high tech machinery to romance and quite touching moments.
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