
12 Reviews
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Hell Is Empty (2021)
Totally Bosch
2 March 2022
As Shakespeare said; "Hell is empty and all devils are here". This beautifully crafted compact indie proves such a point. Ed (aka, Artist) and his coven of sister wives live together on an island in a shanty that is the perfect back drop for a Hierronymus Bosch like cult. They find a young woman the woods and take her back to the shanty for Artist as if she was a flower and for some unspoken reason the young woman goes with them. This bothered me because it was never explained why she went with them all willy nilly. Perhaps a part two of Hell Is Empty needs to be made. Even thou the characters aren't defined in depth, there is an acceptance one gets from being plopped into this grotesque situation and man was I glad to get back to my mundane life. Maybe that is why i watch such films.
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Mother! (2017)
The ending
2 March 2022
Darren Aronofsky has a way of depicting the worst of humanity that makes us realize we stay home. I actually knew some parents like the Ed Harris character. The ending is sooo horrific that you might start showing Rosmarys baby to 10 year olders.
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Cult classic that will live forever
20 July 2021
Oliver Twist-ian story of children trained and used to be clepto's.

With a giant who protects them.

We all would do well with a giant Ron Perlman protecting us.

The story is a fantasy mixed with weird euro humor.

This movie was pre steam punk, a genre that stole much of its styling from this movie and many others.

The soundtrack by Angelo Badalmenti is a must listen on its own. Angelo has worked alot with David Lynch creating haunting eeirie audio backdrops.

The costume design by Jean-Paul Gaultier is beyond wanting every sweater. Gaultier made the characters come to life with this collection.
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Colorist junkie dream
20 July 2021
The colors are so vibrant and scrumptious you feel like your mainlining color. Inspiring color combinations that can never be duplicated.

Sophia Coppola made some brave moves by adding modern music to this film and I suspect that it held this movie back from reviewers.

The story wasnt as strong as it could have been but it was a journey into a what could have gone through this young queens minds.

The actors could have been pushed and challenged emotionally.

This is a a visual movie, so sit back and get totally high off the color.
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Art direction was comic-a-licious
20 July 2021
This is not a review on the story.

I am reviewing the visuals here.

Set Decoration by Nicki Gardiner, Katie Sharrock, Lisa Thompson and Gena Vazquez brought to camera and created some of the most imaginative props I have ever seen in a film. Watch this with the sound off and make a wish list of all the things you wish you owned. Brillant job.

Production Designer Colin Gibsons now has a new fan in me.
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Se7en (1995)
Horrifyingly brillant
20 July 2021
I watch this movie every year and each year I learn something new about the characters and story.
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Girl Next (2021)
Surprising indie docu-horror
19 July 2021
If you where a fly on a wall for just one abduction case, this is what it might look like.

Despite all the fabulous face peeling schlocky gore, there is something realistic about this film. That 'something' needs to be shown and discussed more. This is a brave film.
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two movies for the price of one
19 July 2021
When a movie takes you on one ride then totally switches it up and becomes a whole other movie I call that

When I first watched this I thought it was going to be a typical seedy shoot them up Clooney film.

When it turned into a reptilian vampire film I thought, 'now here's a slice of life that I could easily imagine happening.

I laughed, I cried and peed my pants laughing some more. Robert Rodriguez's best film ever.
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Autumn Lights (2016)
bad acting
19 July 2021
Snorri Englibertsson, please read the scrip before you do another drab film like this. The G on G scene was so boring and humiliating to watch. Don't bother watching this one.
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Shocked me to the core
18 July 2021
For class we had to review a Pasolini film.

I picked Salo because I never watched it.

I was brought to tears because I know in my knowing of knowings that this kind of thing really happened to innocent young people during the times of Nazi Fascism.

I can handle gore but realistic sexual depravity is a bit much and there for needs to be addressed. Salo addresses the debauchery of power. In order to tackle these horrors we have to know what they are.

Its time for the people to finally confront rulers that govern humanity.

Glad I watched this and wish I didn't have to.
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I wanted to hate this.
18 July 2021
Director Akerlund takes a lot of liberties here , but I guess one has to when making a mainstream film. As a devotee to Death Metal I came to this film thinking it was going to be a trite story of these awful teenagers trying to be famous. But I was surprised at how unflinching the film was in showing the graphic killings and the inner conflict of the characters. The soundtrack was curious with its using Signor Ros.
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Keep your eye on Tony Stone
18 July 2021
Maybe I liked this film so much because it had a great soundtrack filled with Brian Eno, Old Mans Child, Popol Vu and Dimmu Borgir.

Maybe I liked it cause it dared to use bold Helvetic type to announce the chapters. Now other film makers use this style in advertising, music videos and cinema.

Perhaps I enjoyed watching a first time director boldly evolve while making a film.

Or maybe it was the deification scene that reminded me of my camping trips after eating too much dehydrated Chili.

Either way, I see promise from this film maker and will keep and eye on his next music videos and films in the same way people must have kept an eye on David Lynch after he made "Eraserhead". Not a perfect movie but you never forgot it and you knew this was a true artist to watch.

Don't give up (or in) Tony Stone.
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