
21 Reviews
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The Wrong Teacher (2018 TV Movie)
Just mind boggling nonsense
6 September 2023
It was so chaotic, I couldn't stop watching as I debated on quitting during the first 15 minutes. What a JOKE, so cliche with the most ridiculous dialogue and plot. What an awful unlikeable cast, no one knew how to act, it was absolutely horrendous. As a teacher, I saw how ridiculous those admin conversations about the leaked video were, how unrealistic. It just kept getting worse and worse by the minute. So I continued to watch, daring the movie to outdo itself and by any chance get even worse and without a doubt, it continued to amaze me. I sat there with several mosquito bites (I'm allergic) that made it difficult to move and I had nothing else to do as I could barely walk away to turn if off. It was like slow torturous death, 30 minutes in, I accepted that I would finish the movie, perhaps how painful it was to watch might've made me bites seem less painful. It worked, so I gave it 1 star.

The scene on the desk was a little too much on her part, could it have been filmed less of her legs in fetal position? Yes I think so. Yikes. So cringey and awkward to watch.

Also the scene where she goes to his old school and asks for history, "I don't know YOU, but we're busy around here." It killed me. I'll take 10 mosquito bites over this any day.
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Such a trashy train wreck
27 July 2023
I'm appalled at this movie, so unnecessarily trashy. Not tastefully done at all. I've never been a fan of Jennifer Lawrence but I've heard this movie was good and I was hoping it would change my mind about her. But she is just AWFUL, for someone who's won Academy Awards, how would she agree to do this movie? So trashy and in bad taste, just yuck. I mean running completely nude to beat up some teens? What did I watch? I stopped watching half-way through, didn't care enough to finish the movie.

This child they put in the movie is apparently going to Princeton? I'm sure he will regret this movie one day.

Do better Hollywood. 0/10, save your brain cells.
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No Good Deed (I) (2014)
Not as intriguing as it could have been
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I expected way more from Idris Elba and Taraji..It lacked common sense. I was asking WHy throughout the entire movie. WHY would someone who went to NYU law school allow a random stranger in her house? Shouldn't she have been smarter? Also, her reactions were so unrealistic, she seemed too calm throughout, considering the circumstances - her own life and her children's lives were in danger!

It wasn't thrilling AT ALL where it should've been. Maybe a few instances throughout were exciting but alas, short lived thrills. I found myself getting bored throughout.

The idea was good, the execution was not. I liked the twist at the end, but I wish it was delved into a bit more..

Overall, expected way more but this didn't live up to it.
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Deadly Delusion (2017 TV Movie)
Haylie Duff is great in this!
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched for Haylie Duff and she did not disappoint! She perfectly portrayed the "delusional" Julia, she has me guessing until the very end. Every time you think she's imagining it, something happens and you think she might not be. It was very well done, I suspected everyone in the movie EXCEPT Shane. I thought the psychiatrist & real estate guy were creepy. I even suspected her friend Annie of being in on it and possibly getting her the house/job as a set-up. But I definitely didn't see the end coming.

Haylie did AMAZING, I love that she trusted herself and kept going with her instinct and she knew what she was seeing was REAL.

Scary to think this is based on a true story; I am glad this story was shared to remind others not to be so trusting..
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Play Dead (2022)
This gave me anxiety!
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really INTENSE! Bailee Madison is AMAZING in this, for those who said otherwise I am surprised! I was impressed by her ability to make this SO believable that I felt her fear, my heart was racing and it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. From the moment I saw the creepy coroner, I knew something was wrong and he is a great villain-very believable. Had I been in Chloe's shoes, I would've died! Definitely a good thriller, parts had me gasping and giving me anxiety lol

I didn't like the gorey scenes, very disturbing subject matter, but very good thriller! I recommend if you mind the gore and I'll probably have PTSD over these scenes lol.
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Love a cute Christmas movie
12 December 2022
SO happy to see Lindsay Lohan in a Christmas movie and hope she does more! I grew up watching Lindsay Lohan so this was quite comforting for a cute Christmas movie! Yes, it was very predictable but still a great movie. The aesthetics were nice and I enjoyed the festive boughs of holly! Definitely great for getting in the Christmas spirit :)

I loved the relationship between Sierra and Alejandra, it was sweet and heartwarming to see the mother-in-law rooting for Jake's love after her lost daughter. That was touching and so sweet!

Hope we see more of Lindsay Lohan in Christmas movies, she is stunning!
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Taurus (2022)
MGK has a Presence unlike any other!
12 December 2022
Colton Baker is INCREDIBLE in this movie, he has an undeniable presence that is just so effortless and cool. Very rebel/rockstar vibes that was just so intriguing to watch. However, the movie was uneventful and kinda without any real plot. It just seemed like a day in the life of a drug addict rockstar. So if you don't mind that, it was a great watch! MGK really carried this movie with just his presence, he has this IDGAF attitude which is so intriguing with a bad boy, yet vulnerable side. Damn is he HOT when he's mad! Ok I'm done, 11/10 stars for MGK but movie-wise, maybe a 5/10, well acted and great scenes :)
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Greta (2018)
Probably the worst movie I've ever seen
2 November 2022
Just an absolute JOKE of a movie. The premise started out good, the girl finds a purse and returns it to the owner, who ends up being a psychopath but it was done all wrong!!! The psychopath lady was NOT terrifying at all, the scenes were boring. The stalking scenes were terribly bad, unbelievably awful. Oh god, don't even get me started on the god awful music that blared at the most inappropriate times..🙄 Every minute of this was torturous to sit through. Halfway through, I didn't want to watch anymore, but it was like a tragic train wreck. What on Earth did I just watch?! The best part was when it was over.
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Killer Advice (2021)
Could've been better..
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started strong, I really liked the direction the plot was headed. Of course, some scenarios were unrealistic and nobody would do that in real life! But somewhere at the end, it got a little too crazy! The knife wielding psych therapist calling out to the daughter hiding under her bed *smh. The end was laughably bad, ruined the entire movie.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Could've been better!
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was too slow at times. I'm not the biggest Ben Affleck fan, I feel like there wasn't any good acting at all on his end. I did enjoy the twist at the end though, definitely didn't think she was going to end up being so psycho!
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Adams and Oldman are incredible!
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Amy Adams did an incredible job! She's believable as the patient and I almost believed she was delusional & had made up everything.

Red herrings were amazing in this; Gary Oldmans characters came off unhinged & I did suspect him from the start. Her tenant was also a suspect, given his history but that would've been too easy to guess.

I never would've guessed Ethan, he wasn't a good villain but he tried, I guess.

Overall, great acting from Adams and Oldman, as expected! I haven't read the book so I am only judging the movie!
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Could've done better!
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't connect with the movie. Right at the beginning, thought it was weird that it started with a couple that didn't get along. Staying together after cheating? Sorry but they didn't help in getting the audience to connect with the cast.

Some scenes were done well. The scene where Ashley Greene thinks someone is in the house with her and jumps out the window was suspenseful. However, that was never explained well.

Near the end, Otto was so unnecessarily creepy, I just closed my eyes. His actions were weak so they made up for it by making him look really disturbing.

Anyways, atleast it wasn't a gorey mess.
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Home Again (2017)
Refreshing and cute!
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the breakup, I loved how there wasn't any major drama/hatred between the exes. The ex-husband didn't do anything bad enough to be hated and Reese was just moving on. In the end, everyone stayed friends, which was refreshing!

LOVED Harry, the actor who played him is super cute! The 3 guys were super lovable and adorable, loved their relationships!

Overall a cute movie, great job from the actors as well. The little girl will go places for sure!
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Don't Breathe (2016)
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie reminded me a bit of Hush, but rather then the deaf woman, there is a blind man and he is PSYCHO! At the beginning, felt bad for the old man, how he watched his daughters home videos as he fell asleep and it makes you want to side with him. However, you ALSO feel bad for Rocky and how she wants to get out. So it was a little back and forth, but it turns out this old man is a crazy killer. Every minute of it is suspenseful and exciting, so many close calls! It makes you feel as if you're in the house with them.

Only part I didn't like was the disturbing impregnating scene, which was bizarre and unnecessary. Also, the dog pissed me off!
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Disturbia (2007)
Intense but predictable
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was clever and well thought out that Kale was on house arrest, that gives the police less of a reason to believe what he says. Also interesting that the police is his teachers cousin, which plays into the unfair treatment. This made the story more thrilling!

The girlfriend was a little cliche & lacked some real talent but Shia definitely carried the movie almost on his own! Turner was very creepy, which made it obvious he was the killer from the start.

It was predictable but a few times, the directors made it seem like it was just Kales overactive imagination and that Turner wasn't the killer. However, every time this happened, Turner had the creepiest stare, which made me stick to my belief that he was somehow guilty anyways.

Overall, good but predictable!
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Unhinged psychopath was creepy!
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Crowe did an amazing job as the unhinged killer, definitely reminded me a bit of the Joker. The mom and son are also very believable and a great duo!

The movie doesn't waste any time and gets straight to the chaos, which doesn't leave a dull moment. Some of what happens was a little unrealistic, how is EVERY police in the city busy with one accident?

Still wish there was some more said about his life story, seemed to lack some character development on his sort, what made him snap?
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Nicole Kidman is INCREDIBLE!
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My main reason for the rating is Kidman's INCREDIBLE acting, she carried the entire movie on her own. She was believable and really brought you into her mind and how is was struggling to find her truth. It really kept the viewers interested in what the ending would be!

The other scenes could've been more intense, I felt that Firth would a bit scarier with the psychiatrist or Claire but it was only a little intense towards the end as she gets away.

Also, Ben and Adam were the least believable characters in the movie. I didn't feel any chemistry between them and it just made the ending really awkward.
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Expected so much better!
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was really hoping to LOVE this movie, I had looked forward to watching it since Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorites. However, I was disappointed in the ending! She left her small town, followed her dreams and must've had a reason for leaving her husband BUT she ends up throwing it all away to start where back at the beginning.

Melanie's fiance was kind, caring and very understanding. He didn't judge her for her past and agreed to give up the big NYC wedding for a small-town Alabama wedding but she left him at the altar for someone she loved a long time ago. I think this movie failed to recognize that people can grow up and change and want different adventures in life rather than return to the hillbilly town and be a nobody again. Disappointed in the ending, the rest of it wasn't too enjoyable either.
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Serendipity (2001)
14 July 2021
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The movie seemed unrealistic and pointless to me. If they strangers had met and fallen in love, why purse their love again so many years later after being happily engaged? During the time that they waited for "destiny" to bring them together, why couldn't they have went looking for each other sooner? Seems pathetic to me to have the leave your fiance at the altar.

I did appreciate the fact that destiny was such a big theme throughout but they definitely could've done better with the timing of things.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Expected more of a thrill!
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Megan Fox did great in this movie! In the beginning, it reminded me alot of Hush, I expected a little more thrill. The intruders were terrible, ruined the whole vibe of the movie, seemed almost comedic that they continued to argue throughout the movie. Would've been more if it had been a more serious/mysterious type of character who had her stranded in the lakehouse handcuffed to her dead husband.

Every close-call with the intruder ended in a disappearing act on Megan's part. It happened so often that you KNEW she was safe and it ruined the thrill of her getting caught.

Overall, not a bad movie, but I expected more of a thrill.
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Could've done better with this amazing cast!
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was interesting to watch. I think Leto was the main reason I watched the movie, he shows up an hour through and doesn't have an interesting part in the movie so that was disappointing. Denzel did okay, but Rami definitely stole the show. Definitely better than I expected, he played the detective part well, carried himself with admirable confidence and so it was interesting to see how the ending broke him. It goes to show that even the most confident detectives can break in this line of work.

Overall, I expected better from a movie that was so hyped up but it was okay.
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