
2 Reviews
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Oh... so many things (not good) "Maid for Money"
19 April 2003
This is not J-Lo bashing! She's definitely still a hard-working, entertaining, and smart business woman, but with projects like this, she's not clearly marking her territory. She's sort of lost; confused, as if she hadn't finished reading her copy of "How to be Julia Roberts in 10 Easy Steps". Everything has been said about this film. It's funny. It's old. True indeed. Jennifer Lopez is not the best actress in Hollywood. The Cell? Enough? Angel Eyes? The Wedding Planner? The only thing I've ever enjoyed was Selena. Her hard work shows through because clearly she's trying to find that great role, (since Selena), but she only looks desperate trying to go around from being a child psychologist who enters dream worlds to solve murder mysteries, to being a single mother who's had "enough" of being on the run from her stalker husband so she takes her self-defense into her own hands, to playing a hard edged cop who comes from a violent family who meets some weirdo who intrigues/annoys her, to playing a role where her ethnicity has to be sooo big, where she plays a two dimensional cartoon character, where the laughs aren't so big, but the glossy superficial idea wins over blind idiots, stupid fans and cheesy, low expectation mainstream, eating out of Hollywood's hands (whatever it feeds they'll lick up) movie-goers. Now, "Maid in Manhattan". Oh, it's not complete crap. There is actual acting here. The supporting cast looks real. J. Lo isn't as bad as say, Madonna. But this movie does nothing. There's no chemistry between her and Fiennes. It's a long Norah Jones music video. It turns out sex IS at the center of romance after all. J. Lo is swept away at someone who hardly cracks a warm smile. She's supposed to be an invisible maid, but with curves like that, who can't see her? The comedy is dull, only enough for smiles. The movie plot recipe is recycled. Stereotypes run abound. When you have to rely on stereotypes, already you are asking for too much. You're lazy too develop your own unique characters. You ask the audience not to think; to challenge stereotypes. But you bring nothing new to the table. You only bring more of the same old, and even hurtful stereotypes. No challenges are made to make a person more than just being Latina, a single mother, a rich white man, a rich white diva bitch, maids, hotel help, etc. J. Lo is trying sooo hard! She's not the best actress. She's not the best singer. But she is a damned good entertainer and hard worker. Perhaps that great role will come along (again). Not that Lopez can and should only play Latina, Mediterranean, Italian, etc. roles, nor roles that call for ethnicity to be such an issue. Was Julia Roberts the white hooker in Pretty Woman? Why is Maria the Italian wedding planner? Oh, because planned weddings are only still practiced by ethnics right? Right. Plus, how does one cover up Lopez's brown? Come on, Hollywood! We gotta make her Italian or Latina or something. She's not White! Really? Why don't you just let the people decide? I have no issues with Lopez playing Marisa Ventura as a Latina in New York. They make no big deal out of it (except for Tucci's character). Oh, stereotype city!!!! In all, "Maid in Manhattan" was hardly made to express someone's artistic vision, share a great (unique would be asking for too much) story, or bring more exposure to the American Latin community, etc. NO, "Maid in Manhattan" was made for money. It banked. J. Lo gets to earn what she deserves in terms of how much she works and she'll keep improving her talents and looking for a great role. No doubts she will be great and try her best. We get to see more of her, getting better and better. All are happy.
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1 September 2001
I picked up this film at the video store. I was not bothered by its cheesy package design nor the even cheesier provided synopsis, designed to pull in curious viewers no doubt. Did it work? Maybe it did? I mean, I wanted to watch it, but I guess since Blockbuster was all out of "The Wedding Planner", I had no other choice. Kidding. BB'd never be out of that pearl! Alone on the shelf "SM" sat, so I wanted to dust it off and give it a fair shake. I wanted something that no one had seen before. I wanted to know that I was not alone in my views. I was identifying with what I knew about the film but only from reading the back. So I took it home and popped it in the VCR and began to become part of the world of these characters. Somewhere along the line, they led me astray and I was lost. Who are these people? What are the representing? Why are they there? Who are they? What are they fighting for? The characters are changing for the film? Reality is bending. It is an independent film. I dig indie films-I make 'em! That's not the problem-polish, smolish, I dig plot and interesting it shot for, but it fell short, I think. A lot of potential to say a lot and it tried but maybe too hard. All the world's problems? Big topic, that's a lot to shoot for, a lot to live up to. I'm not saying I could make a better film, (although I do have some ideas) but if we all we all watched it, maybe we could all make it better. Mistakes are great teachers! You learn from yourself!
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