
4 Reviews
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
Should have been better
10 April 2024
It was almost very good, but was let down by poor dialogue (perhaps it was the dubbing, which often didn't match the subtitles), drawn out scenes that came across as padding, and over-acting. Also, did no-one else notice that, despite it being set in 2029 with drones aplenty, fancy gadgets and walking, talking robots, they're driving around in 20 year old petrol powered cars! Maybe the budget didn't extend to the occasional EV, but it was a jarring note. I haven't got past episode 7 but it appears from other comments to have gone downhill in the last half of the series. Still not sure if I can be bothered sticking with it.

Update. Just watched the 9th episode and it's just too silly, with too many holes for me to keep watching. Apparently, it gets even worse in the remaining episodes. I won't give examples but there are many. Cya!
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Teen Drivel
12 July 2019
After 2 enjoyable seasons, I'm pulling the pin on ST - it's become a teen soap opera, cliched and predictable. Hello "Dark".
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Once Upon a Time: Swan Song (2015)
Season 5, Episode 11
Over it
15 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I won't spend too much time over this because after 5 seasons, I feel I've wasted enough time already. One scene that pretty well summed up where the show has descended to is where Emma and Hook have a confrontation, she with Excalibur in hand which is supposed to have power over him. He turns to smoke twice to evade her, then when she turns around a third time, "Henry" is standing there so she gives him the sword!!! It didn't occur to her that Hook would impersonate Henry? Why would she give the sword to Henry anyway? C grade writing and just ridiculous, and it seems the producers are just trying to string the show out for as long as they can. Se ya later, OUAT.
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The Ex-PM (2015–2017)
18 November 2015
I missed the first 5 episodes, so am only commenting on the last episode. With Shaun Micallef writing and starring, I was looking forward to seeing this. I've loved everything he's done, from Mad as Hell to Milo Kerrigan, so was ready to be entertained again.

I find it hard to believe that Shaun actually wrote this - it's laboured, obvious and downright silly at times, with none of the cleverness and wit he normally displays.

The acting is also terrible - I realise it's not meant to be taken seriously, but it comes across as just actors reading their lines.

Although I'm not mad as hell, I'm very disappointed.
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