34 Reviews
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
23 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was told after season one and definitely halfway through season two it gets better and is well worth the wait.

Nope. I can't watch the end of season two or start season three.

I saw it was trying to be funny and sometimes it was but mostly I was just pushing down my rage at certain awful characters. I love the actors so I was hoping I could get past it but I can't and it's not worth the torture. Leslie Knope makes me crazy. She's so stupid and deluded and ruins the whole thing for me. Can't stand that sleezy Tom character either. He was gross. Couldn't cope with Mona-Lisa or Jean-Ralphio they were just so annoying. Thank goodness for April and Andy the real comic relief.
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As expected
18 August 2024
This was pretty much as expected. He seems like a great dude.

All I can really say is that as soon as these guys can afford it they should have a psychiatrist/psychologist travelling with them or accessible daily. For the whole lot of them travelling together as one can rub off on all the others. A lot of what he said concerned me for his mental health. He sounds like he's a big thinker from way back but add all that hype and pressure and he might crack. No doubt he makes that awesome music because of the struggles BUT let's avoid a curt cobain or the like. We know better so let's do better for these artists.
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Puff piece for murderers
14 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was literally just people that loved that couple putting them on a pedestal for over 11mins straight. Then throughout.

Eventually we hear from others who saw the signs of abuse. But still these people that loved them mostly still don't see them for what they were. They can't reconcile their experience with what was rumoured to of happened. They go on about the kids but where were they? These kids were visibly emaciated yet where were their self proclaimed village when they needed them. No way they were as close as the go on about.

Too many ways this shouldn't have been able to happen but repeatedly these kids were failed.

Six beautiful souls tortured and killed for these women's twisted evil minds pleasure.
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If you don't like tarentino you won't like this
19 July 2024
Acclaimed director, amazing cast- how could it go wrong?!

I had to force myself watch this twice and stay awake. I think Tarentino or whatever his name is is way over hyped. I've seen his movies before and enjoyed some but I don't get the cult following. Obviously he's not for everyone but damn people go crazy for this intense weirdo.

I was looking forward to the story that would be told here as I've lapped up all the true crime stuff and thought this'd be cool. It is cool. So cool it's not really a movie about what it is about. Go tarentino. Gotta make an overthinker intense fever dream in every movie.

The great casting choices were a little hard to enjoy as they weren't really focussed on except Brad Pit. His character and performance were the only thing I enjoyed.
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Challengers (2024)
Not a satisfying tennis movie or a satisfying sexy movie
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, if you want to make a sexy movie put sexy people in it.

Zendaya can't carry it for all of them.

Also, all I see in one of them is King Charles trying to get his guy/girl on which is nauseating.

To think he ever procreated is nauseating.

Starts off slow but eventually gets a better pace but by then you will constantly be asking yourself if you are in a flashback or not.

This is not an interesting tennis movie. Maybe tennis players would enjoy it but it's a glorified tennis movie just to carry the drama. There's only superficial involvement in tennis so it's not really satisfying that way either.

Could also be a drinking movie- drink every time someone goes to great lengths NOT to give a straight answer to something. Actually don't- you might die.
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NCIS: Sydney (2023– )
Watch only while scrolling your phone otherwise don't bother.
10 March 2024
If you are expecting an American style NCIS formatted series- don't.

Not sure if it's the general embarrassment over all the stereotypes (the characters and aussies).

There's no real charisma I this cast to carry the rest. Feels like cinematography tried to stay true to the formula but it is wasted on this show.

Plenty of pretty people and mysteries but it just felt like a B grade movie to me.

Too many of the characters annoyed me. Either trying to be "a socially challenged quirky computer genius" or "mysteriously miserable and grumpy forensic guy" or "Tough as nails hot boss chick" or "sexy black man agent" etc etc. Basically it's boring. All been done before.

If you forget the NCIS franchise exists and you like Australian stuff then you will probably be able to enjoy this.
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Embarrassing, boring and not an endearing character in sight
23 December 2023
Too slow to be that boring.

It's basically an episode of "Days of our lives" Aussie bush version.

Maybe this is a typical small Aussie bush town but damn did they have to live up to all out crappy stereotypes?! How embarrassing The alcoholism is at the centre. They'd have to all be drunk driving every day. Disgusting.

The cussing like it's normal. Classy.

Living in a town with so few people is asking for trouble. Not only are troubled people attracted to towns in the middle of nowhere but familiarity breeds contempt and it certainly did here. U won't like these "characters".

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Lead actor has zero charisma
9 November 2023
What a wasted opportunity. I enjoyed so much of it but Lucas Black ruined it for me. His accent, due to the uniqueness of it, although real sounds so fake. Terribly made up and forced. It made for a really looooooong movie. He sounded strange in the American setting but in Tokyo- ridiculous. I'd buy it if he made up for it with his acting but to quote someone on reddit "has the charisma of a wet blanket". Nor was he hot enough to be a main character in this. He didn't interest me enough to make me root for him like the other movies in the franchise. Luckily there's plenty of other f&f movies to watch.
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Hippopotamus (II) (2018)
Too slow for me
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the concept of the film but it's was hours before it got interesting then it ended not long after that so I was bored most of the time.

It was interesting but too many of the hints to twists were easily missed in the monotony and it made the ending too much effort to understand the (I'm sure) brilliance of.

Not sure what this kind of genre is but if u like relatively fast paced this is not for you.

They seem to jump all over the place with the scenes but it wasn't obvious just confusing. I like movies like that usually but it's nice for it to be very obvious.

Not sure how much was Stockholm syndrome but that's not cute.
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Fast X (2023)
Pretty much what you would expect
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even all the people that come back from the dead. Again and again it seems. Everyone has an agenda and drama to figure out again. It's pretty much the same old formula and there's no end of this franchise in sight. I used to love it but it's time to be done. Now everyones back in play this is going to draaaaaag on.

Did not like Jason Mamoa's character at all. He was a really good casting choice but the character was crap for the storyline. This character was consistently ridiculous when everyone else was serious. Supposed to be the biggest villain but he was a goofball that didn't balance that with the kind of menace that puts fear in you and let's you know they're not to be messed with. This guy was trying to kill them all one minute then painting nails of corpses with his ghost in pigtails in a bright pink robe acting like they're all having the best time. Painting corpses nails should have been creepy but it was just silly. You can see JM had fun though.

The ending was annoying. Nothing had come full circle and was packaged up satisfactorily.

Just a full on cliffhanger. Two if u sit through some credits.
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Jury Duty (2023)
Finally something new!
23 May 2023
I was so on board for this and I wasn't disappointed.

How they didn't crack up half the time I'll never know. I cannot keep a straight face like that.

It was really well done and I love that Ronald keeps them on their toes. They could only plan so much as they would have to see how he reacted as they threw things at him. It was a fun ride.

They show how it was done at the end and I loved seeing all that.

Most of all I fell in love with Ronald as the episodes went on but I wondered if he was a plant too as he was proving over and over that he was a really good dude. Perhaps too good to be true. Although I'm sure he was coming up with "but wait how did they ______!" for weeks.
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As boring and annoying as the book
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Forgot how stupid the book was till I watched this.

It is literally girls rushing trying to grow up like it's a good thing. Bras, boobs and periods SUCK but these girls are annoyingly obsessed.

There's some which religion to choose back and forth. She prays to god about stupid stuff and it has zero effect in her life. At the end she gets her period, is soooo excited then thanks god. Like that rounds out the whole film. Might be ok for tweens but honestly with the movies/series they put out now for tweens that are so salacious they probably won't like this. It's old, slow and set in the 70's so there's not much to relate to. The older generation might like it for the nostalgia but I'm one of them and I found it tedious and maddening.
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So Help Me Todd (2022–2024)
Silly and serious in a perfect balance
30 April 2023
This series is just what I needed. I love a good mystery but I'm over the mostly tragic ones.

So I find this the balance of silly/funny and serious/professional perfect. I am a big fan of Bones and Castle which I've watched to death and was happy to discover this.

I find all the characters endearing. I'm a big fan of anything Skylar Astin (Todd) does. I am the age of the adult children and can definitely relate to Todd. My favourite is their mum, Margaret. She continuously surprises me and I thought those days had passed. When I think she's going to zig she zags and I love her more for it. Where most tropes involved in these kind of series would have this smart, gorgeous, confident, powerful woman only dictating to everyone while being totally out of touch with the world as her only areas of existence and knowledge are her professional life and being a mum. This character has tons more to her than that! She's a woman of power, influence and skill yet she genuinely cares for those around her and has humility. It's refreshing for the lawyer template. Watching her navigate her relationships with her adult children and adapting and learning in her parenting is sweet. I think different generations can get something out of it. I guess I just love that u can see these characters growing instead of being one dimensional.

I'm hoping it becomes super popular so they give us more.
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Quantico (2015–2018)
30 March 2023
From the first few minutes I knew I would love this show. Beautiful people, interesting story and fast paced action. I quickly fell in love with the characters although I couldn't trust any of them.

I enjoyed how promising it looked. Then the constant flash backs/forward got tiring and confusing. I knew from the beginning I'd have to concentrate but the back and forward weren't clear enough to be fun. I spent too much time trying to make sure I didn't miss anything it felt like work not entertainment.

I'm hoping I have taken in enough to follow the story and not waste my time because I love it.
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15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sooooo slow- as these quirky "comedies" often are. I had read what the plot was and kept thinking it would all be worth it but it wasn't and gave up fifty two minutes in.

The Instagram/model couple are beyond boring and the only people we see for thirty eight minutes straight. What a waste of time. It doesn't make them at all more interesting.

Then we finally get on the boat and start meeting new people yay! But alas these characters have nothing to offer either.

In the absence of any real interesting or endearing characters it's taking waaaay too long to get to the interesting parts of the plot so I decided they would still be boring then so I gave up.
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Interesting concept but depressing execution
27 November 2022
WARNING: heavy on the suicide triggers!

This is NOT a romantic comedy as it seemed like from the trailer.

Or as u may expect from the lead actors histories.

Pete Davidson and Kaley Cuoco are some of my funny favourites but there wasn't any of that here. They can act- I'll give them that- but combined I thought it definitely would be funny.

I have depression which may taint my impressions and this movie was just dark and depressing to me. From the music to the settings to the storyline and the dialogue there was no levity just heaviness.

I see what they were trying to do but it didn't work from me.
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Spontaneous (II) (2020)
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After all the suspense there are no explanations or twists. Totally boringly anticlimactic.

The combustions just stop. They don't find out why. This movie had potential and I'm sure those that don't mind not having firm answers will like it but that's not what I watch movies for.

This promised mystery and delivered none of the satisfaction of discovering the mystery etc.
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Couldn't stay awake
24 June 2022
I've tried to watch this several times but unfortunately I kept falling asleep so I've given up. I'm now using it as background noise when I do want to sleep...
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Private Practice (2007–2013)
So glad I don't have a Sam in my life.
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot going on with this series. If u like watching middle aged people cheating on each other, rushing to get married, talking abortions while also being baby mad then u will love this.

I like the series well enough but I'm so done with Sam. He's a condescending selfish brat of a man disguised as a calm stable man.

I've watched him repeatedly chose himself while making the women in his life have to compromise. He's always gaslighting ppl in his super calm manner. The last straw was his repeated firm stance on not wanting to have any more children- which his partner accepts but has to go off birth control for her own reasons- then he whines like a 14yr old boy complaining about how much he dislikes the feel of condoms. He's awful. Just awful. Such a shame.
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Love these actresses/director but this was not for me
30 January 2022
I can't handle how slow "slow burn" movies are and how they don't sufficiently explain anything. I didn't know this was one of those movies and I tried to watch it. Halfway through I got bored. I like dialogue and clear revelations of the unknown all the way along. I read the reviews on here but I couldn't gauge wether it was worth watching to the end. Reviews were not making it sound worth it. I went to the internet and read the ending. I'm so glad I did because for me it wasn't worth it.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Short story long
7 December 2021
I didn't like the repetition in how it was told but it is a pretty basic story without it. I guess it was worth a shot but it's not for me.

It's hard to like many of the characters. The props and costumes were awesome.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Just what I needed
3 December 2021
I was looking for a new silly yet great comedy to make me laugh and this is it. It's weird, it's wacky and not so laden with drama it's depressing.

Brilliant casting for the alien.
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Not as exciting as trailer leads u to believe
26 October 2021
I was very excited for this movie. It was slow in the beginning which I didn't mind as I figured it was building. However, for me it never built to anything worth writing home about. I watched on but I was bored so I vagued in and out and evidently missed the "great" bits hat tie it all together. Still don't know the whole story (came on here to find out) or why it was supposed to be so good.

It had potential to be as exciting as the trailer showed but I guess they chose to be more "arty" with it which I never enjoy so...
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Another great movie in this franchise
13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this movie as much as the first two. Only thing I loathed was John Lithgow's painful attempted accent. I assume it was meant to be Australian (Fat Amy is an Aussie) but as an Aussie I couldn't be more disappointed- he didn't even try. Or if that was him trying then that's just not good enough from an actor of his calibre. Actually, every minute he was on screen hurt- my ears and eyes. So many other actors (Aussie ones- handsome AND talented) that would have added so much more genuine talent.
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Single Parents (2018–2020)
Great show except for Rory
3 October 2021
I found this series hilarious with crazy but loveable characters....except for one- Rory. This child character is demanding, bossy, dismissive, over the top dramatic, has an ego that knows no limit and all the characters pander to him as if he's being adorable or they're scared of him. This character spoils the series for me unfortunately.
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