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The Flash: A New World, Part 4: Finale (2023)
Season 9, Episode 13
So Close Yet So Far
8 February 2024
This Episode had every thing.......believe me.

Perfect Zolomon, Savitar, Godspeed and Reverse Flash. Rick Cosnett was surprisingly good as Villain and a speedster too. The VFX was Great, the CGI fights were great and the fighting styles were befitting the Villains too. Barry was right on the track, the Flash back scenes were great too with right amount of Nostalgia B. U. T.

The tackling of the murderous speedsters were WAY OFF. Speedsters can be defeated by speedsters only, not even Batman can defeat speedsters and the team were mere mortals. Allegra, Blain, Khione and that lady didn't needed these much screen time.

Nora and Jay Garrick were great however, there should also be Wally, Jesse Quick and other SPEEDSTERS.....hell even Flash's time remnants should also be there.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Mr. H. O. Ward
22 July 2023
Since nobody is talking much about Howard let me talk about him a little bit.

1. Howard was a great protegé. Most of the time nepotism leds to incompatible successor. But Howard was a different breed. The dynamic duo- Chuck and Howard could single handedly wipe out Saul and the entire cartel.

2. Howard was never harsh on Jimmy. Maybe he was persuaded by Chuck to not give an office or the message room to Jimmy but still he loved him and had faith. Called him "Charlie Hustle".

3. He despite a minor turbulences always kept his calm and polite to everyone. Always looked for the bright side. He was truely the knight in shining armour.

4. CHUCK WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. Howard should had left Jimmy and Kimmy as lost cause. Howard deserved better.

"God picks the best flower first".
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Breaking Bad: One Minute (2010)
Season 3, Episode 7
DEAn Norris The ultimate Cop
25 April 2023
This was one of the longest and intense one minute ever.

The episode showed the begining of the Cat and Mouse chase that is gonna hook an entire century.

I never believed in Academy Awards so was not very surprised that Dean didn't recieved any.

Marie really showed how an actual family of a law enforcer feels the tension, the cold sweats and the occasional ptsd trigger from her partner.

The scene where Hank broke down to tears shows how even the "Ideal Man" the absolute package (Man with Brains, Brawn and Beauty) crumbles within the real crime world.

However, I think Jesse should have press charges and Hank's batch should be gone atleast He, Jesse, Gale and few others might had happy ending.
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Batman begins
17 November 2022
This is truely the origin story for questions like ,"Why superhero like Batman is required in Gotham?'' The insanity, the weird connection between the characters and Gotham really helps us understand why Batman doesn't kill.

This show have portrayed perfectly The Joker (without using the name *wink*) better than everywhere.... Realistic Joker, Maniac Joker, super-intelligent Joker and obviously the comic accurate one.

This show also made mediocre villains an A Class threat like Pyg, Riddler , Penguin, Fire Fly and all.

Hugo Strange was portrayed perfect. He was so notorious that sometimes I wanted him to see just suffer.

Characters like Ra's, Ivy and Bane was removed quickly (smart choice) because they were Hard-Core Batman villain.... Bruce Wayne is stronger than average people but still much weaker and untrained compared to Batman.

Now if I were to make continuity I would see Matt Reeve's Batman then The Nolanverse Triology to round up my entire experience.
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Dodged a bullet there
10 June 2022
During podcast when Penny says she earns twice than Leonard, he seems distressed. At first it might give the idea he didnt accepted this fact. Later on when he explains that as he studied in colleges and universities he collected gigantous "student" loans, which he is paying still in his 30's gives us the brief view of American education. Penny on the other hand dodged a bullet by going to a community college.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Scavenger Vortex (2013)
Season 7, Episode 3
The Good Riddler
23 May 2022
This episode really focuses on Raj's genius. Being an astrophysicist and a metro-sexual guy he could provide hard brain teaser both to the intellectual Sheldon Cooper and the street smart Penny with a Riddler patented unexpected ending. I dont know if it was intentional or not but just like Riddler's games it revealed a lot of unknown sides of known character. If Raj weren't good hearted Pasadena would be terrorized with the Riddler.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Bon Voyage Reaction (2013)
Season 6, Episode 24
A non toxic(non alcoholic) friendship begins
22 May 2022
Penny was the first girl to whom Raj had spoken with alcohol and discovered alcohol as the cure. Also Penny is the first girl with whom he speak without being intoxicated.

A good friendship indeed.
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A new era (Batman era) is going to begin
13 February 2022
First of mind blowing direction it's never occurred as Ben Mackenzie's directorial debut. Also this episodes fills many plot holes of Batman.....The main which is how Bruce Wayne overcame fear.
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Pictures getting clearer
23 January 2022
Upto this Gotham cleared many things as follows:- 1. The series clarifies why Batman is so important especially in Gotham.

2. Why Bruce is so mature??? Cos at a tender age he is introduced to punishments he didn't even commit the conspiracies to kill him. If he didn't mature up he would die.

3. Why Bruce has issues with relations and girls?? I mean which psycho introduces an 8 yr old to a HONEY TRAP cos at that age it's not lust that baits but friendship. Hence ruined the entire concept of love, warmth and friendship for the rest of his life.

4. Why Batman loves Gotham so much??? Cos Gotham loves him back!!! Alfred, Jim Gordon, the GCPD, even his nemesis be it Joker, Deadshot, Catwoman , Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul.... Everybody actually love and care for him.

5. Lastly if it's between Selina, Diana or Talia it will always be Selina. Diana or Talia may be the perfect compliment for Batman or Bruce Wayne but Selina was always there she was closer to him than his shadow.
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Stop Nerfing Constantine
27 December 2021
C'mon he is the creepiest and disgusting DC character ever (well Lucifer is classy tho). But this show just made him disgusting. He is like 50% of the first scene in Constantine series and now he is powerless!!!! That dude is like Batman of dark arts...Always have a contingency plan and gets by hook or crook.

I just loved the animation that's why this rating otherwise NO. I just watch this for Constantine.....No RIP Hunter, No Snart, No Firestorm,No more Ray and Nora.... Now if Constantine's gone there no more reason to stay here.
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Harley Quinn: The Final Joke (2020)
Season 1, Episode 13
Why Batman why??
31 May 2021
See the show was good enough with Harley and her crew I was really enjoying. But why was batman introduced(I am fed up of comical version of batman)??? Ok he is introduced no problem, failed!!! Still Ok, captured ok, humiliated....ooooo........kkkk but UNMASKED?!?! Well except batman who laughs(and superman) no one knew untill he wanted. C'mon you dont need to humiliate someone to proof another's greatness.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Swan Thong (2020)
Season 5, Episode 15
The cast was just perfect
19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sara finally used her blind training and foresight to defeat a GOD!!!!!!! But the last scene was completely stolen by NATE's dance fight and CONSTANTINE's show off. We need more NATE'S steel dance fight and CONSTANTINE'S tricks.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Hell No, Dolly! (2018)
Season 4, Episode 7
Ray Palmer got me again
15 March 2021
Hell yeah is no ones gonna talk about Ray Palmer??? Well Im dissapointed
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Atleast respect RIP s sacrifice
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
See last episode when RIP sacrificed himself I was very heart broken many of you even heard GIDDEON'S voice tremble too. Next ep no one is mourning about him. And really this episode didnt required feminisim like Hela or Ava the whole team could be wiped easily if Atom became a giant(to add more spice could wield the water totem and flooded them). Oh come on Wally West can defeat bigger army than that even Vixen didnt used her power. RIP was the only person in the show who gained something to lose it more even his life yet nobody understood him.
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