
13 Reviews
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Ghostwriter (2019– )
Sloppy and full of agenda
14 January 2024
The writing is sloppy, basic and average, even for a kids TV series. It's like they got the interns to throw it together in the afternoons.

It's difficult to judge the acting because they're kids, but acoss the board it's all very generic and average.

My 9 year old didn't sit and watch it fully like other shows or cartoons, and I wouldn't say any of the stories stayed with him, in fact if I asked him if he wanted the next one on he wasn't bothered at all so the show just became background noise.

The worse thing about it though, is the anti-white rhetoric in the show. I know this is a default setting for American writers these days to appear "inclusive" by basing white people and history, but I'm a kids show I think it's disgusting and only realised because my 9 year old asked me a question about something that was said.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Never got the credit it deserved.
5 February 2023
I recently rewatched Man of Steel and I think I, likeany others never gave it the credit it deserved.

In reality it came out in a time of glitzy marvel films that of their time held up well, Man of Steel and DC took a different approach and it's held up well with time and looks amazing.

Henry Cavill is an excellent Superman, he brings his own method to the table, a serious and strong portrayal that I really enjoy. The fight sequences are some of the very best, hard, fast and a display of power not seen before. Yes the film is long but it travels well and finishes strong and having first seen in 2013 and again 10 years later, it still looks incredibly good.
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The Mummy (2017)
Much better than either the critic reviews or users seem to give it credit for.
18 December 2022
I think people are being far too harsh on this film, probably over some weird loyalty to the Brendan Fraser film which really has no relevance here.

The film was really enjoyable, good story, great action and I thought it would open the door to new monster "universe" that would bring us some more films. It didn't really on pure jump scares, or ridiculous over the top CGI action sequences, there was a nice balance to the whole film and the story, although could have included a little bit more of the faux history depth still came across well. It didn't feel cheap or half done.

I genuinely think it was good watch and worth a go.
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Who is this film even for?
16 September 2022
I really don't know where to begin except, this is probably the worst film in the MCU.

Taika Waititi's take on Thor is one of a parody, a comedy along the lines of Scary Movie that has sunk to the depths of ridiculousness. How we have gone from Winter soldier, End Game, Civil War etc to this is a sheer embarrassment.

The "comedy" is all forced, misplaced and desperate. Taika's constant narration is narcissistic and they spent so much time on poor comedy, even squeezing in 6 year screaming goat vines as a repetitive joke, over any real substance the entire film feels empty.

I have no idea who this film is aimed at, because it misses every mark, neither funny enough to be an outright comedy, not exciting or riveting enough to be an action film, and so far removed from the source material it definitely can't be a comic book adaption, so what is it? If you like Guns and Roses, you might like the over use of their music for weight, but other than that, I take nothing from this shambles other than the mild annoyance of wasting 2 hours of my life.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
Bean lives on, sort of.
24 June 2022
It's was exactly what I expected and exactly what I wanted to see. Completely enjoyable, fun, simple comedy executed perfectly.

Rowan Atkinson does this so perfectly, from Bean, to Johnny English, to Trevor and the Bee.
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It's not what it was.
6 June 2022
I remember when it used to be a talent show, half the acts were terrible and we all had a good laugh.

But now, they don't have any "bad acts" because laughing at people is wrong. The acts that do get through are always accompanied by some woke message of acceptance, diversity, flag waving nonsense and it's painfully forced and boring. Coupled that with a panel of "judges" that include the utterly talentless Amanda Holden who had no place critiquing anyone.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
An absolute embarrassment
4 June 2022
Exactly what you'd expect, a story completely lost in woke politics and current social trends. It's painfully dull, unimaginative and poorly executed.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Treat it as a sitcom, not a mockumentary.
14 April 2022
American TV shows simply cannot do reality, or even pretend reality like the British version. You genuinely could have believed the original version was a real documentary, and the production company just stumbled across a very odd collection of people and David Brent.

The American version suffers from constantly trying to be funny, rather than just being funny. The script becomes completely unbelievable and they mostly step away from the mockumentary style, and just into a sitcom. It is a good sitcom though, for sure. It's very funny, enjoyable to watch and has some great moments.

Unfortunately, as like other American series, it was successful and went on for far too long, its success was it's downfall where the script was stretched on and on to cash in on the success. I felt it naturally came to an end at the end of season 5 but they dragged it out even after Steve Carell had left. Definitely worth a watch though.
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I thought it was a parady, but it's not.
28 February 2022
They shoehorned every woke, social justice, BLM cliché into this dreadful film they could in an attempt to drag it into the some sort of acceptable gore fest, but it failed miserably.

It relies on over the top gore to replace any substance, story or character building and the tick box exercise on current social trends was so painful to watch I felt like I'd be attacked physically.

I beg you not to waste your time watching this mess, it brings nothing to the table at all and everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves.
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Parasite (2019)
The most overrated film on IMBD
6 February 2022
Don't get me wrong, it's ok, but the critic and user reviews are truly astounding. It's spoken about like it's some marvel of cinema, when in reality is a mediocre story, heavily laden with obvious "social and financial injustice".

It'll pass an afternoon, it won't stay with you forever.
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More plot holes than Dutch cheese.
3 January 2022
Plot holes from start to finish, a total disregard and disrespect for the first 2 films and this desperate Hollywood "strong woman" thing is just getting embarrassing.

It was so forced, so obvious and a distraction from the already flawed story line.

I'm assuming it's meant to be a reimagining of the the first one, but you know, for the ladies, but in the storyline it slots in after Judgement Day and before the 3rd, so it effectively means the rest never happened now, which is confusing, as was the writing, character development and plot.

I only graces it with a 4 star because the special effects were good, and Arnie was in it.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Started well, starting to fade.
31 October 2021
Season 1 to 4 was good, especially the first 3. Funny, rude, interesting and all the episodes contributing to continued story, but being individual on their own.

Season 5 was a disjointed, unorganised and unfunny drawn out bondage joke. Nothing linked in, the final two were I think supposed to be a 2 part but I was basically uninterested.

Watch the first 4 series because they're great, ignore 5 and hope 6 picks up.
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Aquaman (2018)
A swing an another miss.
29 June 2021
Completely absurd storyline, character assassinations and "Black Manta" had the costume design, one liners and mannerisms of 90's Power Rangers baddy.

This cout have been excellent, it failed badly.
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