
71 Reviews
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A 70s Classic for Some of Us
22 April 2024
I had already read many of the HB books as a kid. Two brothers, Frank and Joe Hardy, work on solving mysteries. Good, wholesome, books. As a kid, who wouldn't want to be like them?

This TV series has the same characters, Frank, Joe, Fenton (father), and Gertrude (aunt). But now it is many years later.

Frank was a bit smarter than Joe, Joe was more rambunctious, he loved chatting with the ladies. Both actors had their fan base. The girls would go nuts when Cassidy would sing.

The interaction between ND and HB didn't appear to be smooth. The addition of Nancy Drew's character/scripting with the HBs was a mistake, IMO. Her female character, possibly because of the feminist movement in the 70s, had to be rough, tough, argumentative, a control-freak, and her inter-personal skills were minimal. She had few good qualities, except for her "intelligence". Where the HBs would be good role models, ND was not. ND's team was ridiculous, Ned telling ND's father that he would "straighten her out" ... what misogynistic statement ... and in the 70s. Ned was a nit .. I have never read the ND books, so I have no idea of how consistent the books/series were.

I read the HB stories to my kids every night. They loved them. Sure, the books were unrealistic, but that is part of their charm.
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Death in Paradise: Stumped in Murder (2017)
Season 6, Episode 4
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have been watching DiP for a while, and have enjoyed it, even when they changed the DIs. I haven't seen the others yet. Both DI Poole and DI Goodman were great. They both had idiosyncrasies, which would be normal, and entertaining.

However the writers, so far, have written Humphrey to be increasing dull, opinionated, and proselytizing. He lost the character of Humph, what a shame.

Officer Myers' accent has somehow increased, stressing almost every word's last syllable. Why? It gets really annoying.

In this episode, Goodman decides that he is an expert in firearms after Cassell picks up a 9mm casing (which has a hole in it), stating it is a Supermax bullet, typically used in "automatic handguns", and "it feels like an execution". #1: a casing with a hole in it will not work right; #2: there is no such thing as a 9mm Supermax; #3: He didn't exam the casing at all, including its headstamp; #4: "automatic handguns" ... yes they do exist, but are not often used; #5: I thought "execution style" was upfront and personal, not from 6 meters away; #6: "I want that weapon found" ... it is an island, get real.

Goodman wouldn't know firearms at all, now he is an expert. That is an example of the writers' change in his character.

Goodman is no longer Humph, which is disappointing. Now he just makes speeches.
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Tipping Point (2012– )
Entertaining and Educational
25 February 2024
I think it is a very interesting show. It combines memory/intellect/experience with the physics of the machine. I find Ben to be are a very articulate and entertaining host. He admits that he has information wired into him. He is not pompous, he is cordial, and actually attempts to help the contestants in a very indirect way, all of them.

Reading the Reviews is very interested. So many opinions.

Sure, even I, an American, know the answers to some of the UK-specific questions. However, I don't have a clue about others. Brits not understanding the difference in dates between the Battle of Hastings, War of Independence, and WWI is atrocious. Or the Battle of Britain. It is a sorry state when I know more about the history of England/UK. However, Brits might know more about American history than I; and more than the common American that may not know where our States are located. Yea, some questions are very easy, others are not. It might be very easy to answer: "How many days are there in two fortnights, minus one fortnight, plus 3 days?" when we are sitting at home, it is different when there is a camera in your face. In Millionaire (US), one of the early questions, the colors of the US flag are "red, white, and ________". These easy questions must be to make some folks at home feel better.

As far as Ben (the host) in concerned, I don't undertand the negative reviews, including how he talks too fast. Even as an American I can understand his English perfectly, and he articulates very well, and certainly beyond the contestants. He adds content to the show, and is entertaining. He actually attempts to help the contestants in his own way. I am sometimes surprised how much Brits know about the US.

Overall, the Tipping Point is an entertaining and educational show. All contestants are very polite and support each other, something I don't often see. It makes perfect sense why Tipping Point has been produced for so many years. I also like Tenable, the Millionaire shows (all regions), The Chase (all regions), and The Missing Link (all regions)
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
23 February 2024
The previous seasons/episodes of True Detective (w/Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson) were awesome. I rate them an 8.

Season 4-5 (I rate as a 1-2) was with Jodie Foster and Kali Reis takes place in Alaska. It is a gynocentric film, almost every role with an over-emotional female ... every female has a problem ... not normal. The plot, episode 1, decides to bring in multiple murders, and uses them to enable folks to not follow the logic about either one, and snap in the flashbacks. The reason for the murders is ridiculous, all wrapped up in some silly paranormal aura. Shows the stupidity of the characters involved. There is nothing but a simple plot behind it all, all masked in a supernatural aura ... very simple writing, and terrible acting

I am surprised that Foster would participate in the series. I really thought that she had more intelligence in picking parts. Her part is either too hard or too wimpy ... she can't just be a human, male or female, always a problem. Useless. Reis, as another female cop, is just about as useless. All the other women are also in the same condition.

The women are portrayed as idiots, even the cops as the two leading characters.

Seasons 1-3 are the only seasons worth seeing. They have a better balance of realism, plot, supernatural aura, etc.

Seasons 4-5 are just riding the coattails of seasons 1-3, in name only, shameful. Terrible acting, bad plot.
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True Detective (2014– )
Hold on, Rating on the Entire Series??
23 February 2024
The True Detective (w/Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson) was awesome. I rate them an 8.

Season 4-5 (I rate as a 2) was with Jodie Foster and Kali Reis takes place in Alaska. It is a gynocentric film, almost every role with an over-emotional female ... every female has a problem ... not normal. The plot, episode 1, decides to bring in multiple murders, and uses them to enable folks to not follow the logic about either one. The reason for the murders is ridiculous, all wrapped up in some silly paranormal aura. Shows the stupidity of the characters involved.

I am surprised that Foster would participate in the series. I really thought that she had more intelligence in picking parts. Her part is either too hard or too wimpy ... she can't just be a human, male or female, always a problem. Useless. Reis, as another female cop, is just about as useless.

The women are portrayed as idiots, even the cops as the two leading characters

Seasons 1-3 are the only seasons worth seeing. It has a more better balance of realism, plot, supernatural aura, etc.

Seasons 4-5 are just riding the coattails of seasons 1-3, in name only, shameful.
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16 February 2024
This movie is very disappointing, especially considering the original, an hysterically, well-written, well-acted movie.

I simply have no idea why they attempted to remake an excellent movie with this. It wasn't even a sequel, it was a remake. Why? Americans couldn't understand British English/accents? The accents were part of the charm of the original.

So the plot is the same as the original, which, in the original, was hysterical. However, in this remake, the acting is terrible. Even Peter's acting, with the same actor (Peter Dinklage) was sub-par. He must have been disappointed.

Danny Glover is one of my favorite actors, especially from the Lethal Weapon movies. Even he couldn't improve the movie.

Chris Rock, awesome in Dogma as Rufus, terrible in this movie.

I have no idea of the reason for the remake, just a US-made remake of a very successful British movie.

I highly suggest watching the original instead. I am apparently not alone in my opinion. Disappointing.
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Monk (2002–2009)
Do not Binge Watch ... Your Head Will Explode
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent series.

However, Monk is an anal-retentive, selfish, self-centered, egotistical, neurotic, "intelligent" man.

If you watch more than one episode in a day, your head may explode, or become severely damaged.

No normal human could take Monk's behavior. They would probably scream, walk away, hit him, or worse. I am not condoning any violence.

Restricting watching only one episode per day/week is highly suggested, for your mental health.

If restricted, Monk is an awesome series. It is quite enjoyable, and intelligent. I have watched the series multiple times, it is that good, especially some episodes.
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Monk: Mr. Monk and the Bad Girlfriend (2007)
Season 6, Episode 4
Something Wrong
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Something is wrong with this episode.

Technically, a 12 gauge shotgun recoils considerably more, and would probably be loaded with buckshot with multiple "pellets" leaving multiple wounds, not one wound ,,, like from a slug. Forgetting the errors with firearms. Oh, Monk says "she knows how to use a shotgun". I don't want to break the secret world of shotgun shooting ... it is much easier to shoot a shotgun and hit your target at close range. However the recoil must be dealt with, and there wasn't any :-) .

It is a disappointing episode when the Captain's g/f is a lying/killing B. Poor Stottlemeyer. Really feel bad for him. Breaks his heart.

The illogic is why Fusco, the g/f, would do it. Except to break Stottlemeyer. Fusco's character is a wonderful lying B. What else is new? I would have preferred if the two should have developed ... a relationship ... boo to the writers.

Very interesting alibi.
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Bones: The Princess and the Pear (2009)
Season 4, Episode 15
Good Episode, Enjoyable
7 February 2024
"The (Vicodin) makes the furniture feel friendly". Great line.

Special Agent Perotta is a breath of fresh air. Smart, great expressions, understands American idiomatic expressions and nuances, and gorgeous ... and she is a much better match for Booth than Brennan.

Angela is her usual dramatic self, about protecting Brennan, but not caring about Brennan's opinion.

Apparently, the Comic-Con folks are very aggravated with the depiction of the event. I have no experience/knowledge with the events, so I will be silent. I did not think any offense was given, it appeared to me to be a wonderful experience.

Hodgins, in his usual specificity, shows us exactly where Bufo Americanus, in the DC area, lives. Kudos to the script writers to actually get the location of Windy Run Park correctly. Whether Bufo Americanus is there ... I wouldn't know :-) Hodgins continues to be the King of the Lab, and is always entertaining.

Perotta should be in more episodes. She is excellent. Coughlan is a good actress.

Brennan is, of course, threatened by another intelligent woman. Brennan has an enormous chip on her shoulder. Why the writers wrote her this way is absurd. Oh, she is experienced in sword play from her experiences in the Gugooga area of the Amazon. A double-edged sword is never handled on its edges, a single-edged can be handed on its opposite edge, like a broadsword. Sword-101. Brennan's character gets very tiring.

Sweets has a larger role, actually tries to help Brennan with her issues. Doesn't help, the writers are stuck.

Melancholy Fisher is back ... wonderful. Pair of Anguish. Hysterical.
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Bones: The Con Man in the Meth Lab (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Great Booth Story
6 February 2024
Great episode of the qualities of Booth protecting his younger brother, Jared. The bull-headed Brennan decides that Booth is the lesser man, until she finally confronts Jared. Shows how much Brennan's respect for Booth goes. Cam was the one to make sense out of the issue, from her past experience with Booth.

Brennan doesn't have that respect for Booth. That lingers in the entire series. Booth has ethics (although rather static), and Brennan has "logic". When dealing with "logic", humans do have a possibly predictable pattern, but she is oblivious. Later in the series, it gets worse.

For some unknown reason, in one of the last scenes, Booth is holding a shotgun (not his typical pistol) and pointing it at the sheriff who is holding onto a hostage. A shotgun would be loaded with 6+ pellets of buckshot that would rip both people apart. In addition, the cocking of a hammer is heard ... the shotgun has no external hammer to cock. Rather disappointing error in firearms which is par for the course. The sheriff's body was hit by multiple pellets ... while he was driving ... only his head would have been a target from the back windshield. Ridiculous.

And Brennan criticizing Booth for protecting his brother. Gynocentricism at its finest. Yes, of course, she is "logical".
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Bones: The Skull in the Sculpture (2008)
Season 4, Episode 8
What a Bunch of Horse Hockey
6 February 2024
Such a episode about Angela ... like we need another one.

Angela wants the truth ... not for the truth ... but to make her ex-lover innocent. She has the ethics of a stone.

That techno-babble about the difference in compression/tensile strengths from Angela? What a much of horse hockey. A car is crushed ... and people can perform such analysis?? Do people actually believe this? Angela? Anyone? Apparently, she is able, as an artist, to perform mathematical/physics magic out of nothing. I would like to see anyone try to perform such analysis.

Who pays for the Jeffersonian? In my experience, Involved in a local jury, the jury was instructed (by the judge) to forget what we see on TV. That I can believe. Horse hockey.

So many things about Angela in this episode ... oh, Angela is bi ... so let's make it all about that ... and Angela. At least Booth has support, mentioning his aunt ... good for him. Sweets does a good job.
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Bones: The Yanks in the U.K.: Parts 1 and 2 (2008)
Season 4, Episode 1
Amazing Reviews
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at the reviews, I am so amazed at the reaction of Brits with the two episodes. This was a typical Stupid American in London episode. I don't see how it could offend Brits, the Americans, especially Booth, was a Neanderthal.

Such unrealistic ideas, Booth being able to carry a gun, being necessary for the resolution of the cases, presumably because Scotland Yard requires his help ... Hysterical. Who would actually believe it? Again, the stupid American in London. This was a spoof.

Driving on the left was hysterical, but Booth's reaction is, of course, typical of Booth. I understand that when I go to the UK, I will not be driving. That doesn't mean that driving on the left or the right is bad ... it just means it is different. Booth was Booth, he cannot adapt, as mentioned by Brennan.

I saw nothing realistic in the episode, especially to use to criticize the Brits. Stupid Americans ... it is a stereotype.

Booth, however, even with his lack of flexibility, appreciates the Brits ... maybe for stereotypical reasons, but does so nonetheless.

Again, this is a gynocentric episode when it came to Angela, her ex-husband (Grayson), Cam, and Hodgins. The women have their rights, but the men (except Grayson, because he was "used" (like he didn't like it), have none. Angela can jump on Grayson, mounting him with clothes on, and give him a passionate kiss ... that is ok. Cam can sleep with the guy for her own desires, that is ok (it really is ... because he is Angela's "ex"). Angela reacts ... that is always ok ... typically self-centered, she is always correct. And the distrust starts.

The script writers have their own objectives, even when the circumstances are contrived. That is normal.

Brennan actually acts like a real human in this episode. That is a big advancement.
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Disappointed, Many Stereotypes. Over Dramatization
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have only watched one episode, so, perhaps, I should not rate the series yet.

I would not be surprised if all 11 contestants were actors ... mostly terrible ones. The stereotypes are introduced in the first episode: male homosexual, and angry black woman that must her defend her right to exist with every sentence because her parents were immigrants from Africa (unspecified country ... Africa is a continent with thousands of different languages/customs/etc.), an outgoing man (supposedly a cop) with always a show of his chest who is trying to get everyone to bond, a "cowboy" (always wearing a cowboy hat) with no accent, a soldier, others that aren't highlighters. The drama is fake. Most of the women are scripted as being dishonest, evil, nasties; the men are loyal.

I hope this series improves significantly.

Tolu (the African born in the US, with an enormous chip on her shoulder) has apparently received great praise and attention for her role, including negative ones. Like other reviewers have mentioned, she plays all "cards". For folks looking for this sort of drama, they should be very pleased. I, myself, deal with too many people of this type in real life, so I do not need any more of them.

The host, Brooke Baldwin, although stunning, appears to have no role whatsoever. Again, I hope this improves.
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25 December 2023
I saw this movie with my wife immediately after the original. The comparison is startlingly bad.

The original was amazing in its writing and acting. All actors, adults and kids, were believable and precious.

For me, this sequel was a poor attempt to make money after a phenomenal success by having Billingsley as the main character.

It would be impossible for a sequel to equal the perfect Christmas movie. The innocence/excellence of the original, with its perfect plot/acting/narration, that summed up the 50s beautifully ... with this depressing remake.

I am sure people might watch this film because of dear Ralphie.

This remake took on a major objective, and failed miserably. The movie was not entertaining in the least, even discounting any comparison.
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McHale's Navy (1962–1966)
Very Light-Hearted WWII Comedy, Too Light-Hearted at Times
3 December 2023
I used to like this series when I was a kid.

Watching it now brings about other issues, like the PT-73's officers and crew were just lazy goof-offs, completely disrespecting the USN. When hundreds of thousands of USN personnel were being killed/tortured/eaten, they were drinking and having a great time. Hogan's Heroes, a similarly humorous show, never lost sight of the atrocities of the Germans, and that there was a major war being fought. WWII was killing millions, the Japanese officers/soldiers/sailors were not civilized, McHale's Navy misses that small fact.

McHale (Borgnine) couldn't seem to be able to talk, only to yell. As mentioned by someone, Flynn and Conway ran the show. Conway was a great comedian, especially with Harvey Corman on the Carol Burnett show.

How can most of the crew of a PT boat in WWII be 35+? Doesn't make much sense. MacLeod as part of the crew? Poor casting.

He certainly fit better as the Captain on the Love Boat.
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Our Man Flint (1966)
What a Classic
30 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the age of Our Man Flint, Matt Helm (Dean Martin), 007 (Sean Connery, Roger Moore, etc.),. With all the stereotypes, with some of them spoofing them, like Flint and Helm, they were all very impressionable on a young male. Other versions of the same genre influenced friends' children.

I have always liked Coburn, McQueen. Connery, Lee Marvin, Bronson, Brosnan, Clint Eastwood., Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland, Denzel Washington, etc.

Coburn, a student of Bruce Lee, was his typical self in this movie. He was a highly proficient martial artist. This really was not important in this movie, but his personal attributes played a part in the movie. Although he is cocky in this movie (he is supposed to be), he doesn't boast seriously, although he could. He was a modest actor, and I enjoyed his movies. RIP.

Obviously, this is a spoof on the "real" spies, like 007, which were much more serious, but had that light-hearted touch of Connery, increased by Brosnan ... forget Craig.

"Purple Alert :-) . Flint always out-trumping this boss, knowing the exact number of seconds for a poison (not knowing which poison it was, its quantity, the victim's weight/metabolism) to kill the person . Hysterical. Add in the production inaccuracies (in the bar in Marseille, Flint uses his SILENCED pistol to scare off the patrons), it is an entertaining movie. The theatrical fencing scene was typical ... My fencing instructor in the first 10 minutes of the first lesson explained to us that fencing is not what you see in the movies; it is quick and deadly within seconds; no dramatic sweeping of the arm ... which would be followed by a killing plunge to the chest.

Of course Flint rescues all the scantily clad women. Flint did it in bulk, 007 only rescued one of two.

The movie, I hope, is intended to be a spoof.

Worth watching more than once.
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Matlock: The Suspect (1991)
Season 6, Episode 8
Great Episode
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't watched Matlock in ages, nor the Andy Griffith show.

Andy Griffith was always one of my favorite honest/hard-working/ethical actors. He never failed to admit he was wrong, to get some benefit out of a situation, and help others.

This episode is very interesting as there are two cases, possibly conflicting. He admits that he enjoys looking at women occasionally, and picked one case over another because of the defendant's looks.

The question of attorney/client privilege creates a conundrum.

I was so surprised to see who the judge was ... Helen Crump (Andy's girlfriend from the Andy Griffith show), Aneta Corsaut. It is amazing how may actors that were on the Andy Griffith show were involved in so many other series, movies, etc.

This episode was quite enjoyable.
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The Funniest Episode
21 November 2023
This is the funniest episode of Bones.

All happens around a funeral of Hank Reilly, a member of the Jeffersonian.

I have no desire to spoil the ending.

The stealing of the body was hysterical. All the members of the cast did a superb job in their assigned roles. The episode was not about any one of them, which was, in this case, more entertaining than some deep-dive/drama into who is having what problem with whom. None of that.

The funeral director. Kelvin Yu, did a fantastic and believable job.

The interaction between Booth, Bones, Dr. Amayo, and Sweets was awesome. Sweets shows his knowledge. Dr. Amayo to Bones/Booth: "You people should work on your small-talk skills"

Even the analysis of the death, and its circumstances, seemed almost credible, which is amazing for the Bones show.

I have watched this episode several times and never fail to laugh.

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Bones: The Hero in the Hold (2009)
Season 4, Episode 14
One of the Best
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderful episode about Booth, captured by the Gravedigger, trapped on the container of some sort, on a ship rigged for destruction by the US Navy. Apparently, the USN sinks ships for reefs, etc. ... IMO, very well written; multiple subtasks being performed. The loss of Booth's young Corporal Parker, killed in combat, after Booth attempted to save him. Booth and Parker attempting to get off ship, with Parker helping him. The resolution of Booth's past guilt. The team, including Jared, working together to save Booth. The difference/change in ideas, especially from Booth. The visit to Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) ... the thousands of headstones ... always staggering to see. The foreshadowing of future events :-)
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Bones: The Goop on the Girl (2009)
Season 5, Episode 10
Misplaced Ideas
20 November 2023
This episode is about a Santa Claus "blowing himself up", and about all the sentimentality of Christmas, but in a very forced manner.

I rarely would criticize Cam's character. She is one of the smartest, if not the smartest character, in the series ... and gorgeous. She acts like a self-centered, selfish, mother who only wants to have Christmas with her daughter, no matter what the ramifications are. That is not the idea of Christmas. If my daughter asked me to allow her to enjoy Christmas in her own way, I would allow it ... because I love her, support her, in her way and mine. Cam, when she acts like a mother, is atrocious. There was some episode when she writes the essays for her daughter to get into college. The character, Cam, was not written well with her role as a parent/mother, the character, like in reality, couldn't handle it.

The writers' idea of Christmas was overwhelming. Fortunately, there is more flexibility and genuine thought behind it in real life.

Booth is an ass and condemns a radio operator. Again, the writers just went crazy to state an opinion, but against their usual methods. Bones continues, as always, to not understand American idiomatic expressions, no surprise there.

Max was the smartest character in the episode. He appeared to be one to instill the qualities of Christmas.

The jokes about Zooey looking like Bones' sister was hysterical.

Too much information, as always, that is ridiculous. Someone, perhaps Daisy, mentions that the victim's bones were used as projectiles, after already been stated. Duh.

Not the best episode. The following one, The X in the File, was one of the best.
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Time Limit (1957)
Korea - The Forgotten War
12 November 2023
Great movie, all-star cast: Richard Widmark, Richard Basehart, Martin Balsam, Rip Torn, June Lockhart (Lost in Space, etc.), Dolores Michaels (BT/BB, a reference to her apparel).

I was first interested in the movie primarily because of its connection with the Korean War. A family member was heavily involved in it, fortunately not a POW, but promoted many times, Capt. -> Major -> Lt. Col., for his actions, including climbing the rocks to provide recoilless rifle support for his company. Even after being intimately involved in D-Day, he must have suffered what is now called PTSD, from Korea. He continued his duties in Vietnam, worked for the JCS (Pentagon), then switched careers to become a professor, teaching "youngsters", instead of killing them.

The acting and plot were realistic, and well done. It became an investigation for the truth. The words used for the confessions, etc. It became very interesting to watch. Cpl. Evans had ideas, which stirs the pot. Great speeches by Sgt. Baker, Cpl. Evans, Col. Edwards.

Awesome movie about choices we make in life, what some do to survive, what some do for moral reasons, what others do because they believe in something, and a combination of all the above.

I didn't think this movie would stir questions about humanity. But it definitely does ... and with an all-star cast.

"I am not condemning, nor condoning"

"Time Limit" ... end of the movie, the reason for the title.

Great movie.
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16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With Tom Poston and Robert Morley, I thought the movie would be more entertaining, and I could write a more positive review. Even the ending was terribly poor.

The movie is about an American car salesman (Tom Poston) being asked to accompany his flat-mate to the Brit's ancestral home. Of course, it is pouring rain, and, of course, Poston is dumped down the coal chute at the house's front door. This was an identical idea as in many movies, including The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, which was a much better movie, both in suspense and comedy.

Like in many movies, the two young women added to the esthetics.

Folks, of course, are being killed off one-by-one, like so many movies.

The end is terribly ridiculous, Poston is unable to free an innocent woman from a wooden closet, and is in search of clocks. Apparently, the murderer had a considerable source of dynamite, and the ability to make every clock in the house into timers for the blasting caps.

I am not sure whether this movie would even work for kids ...
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The Untouchables (1959–1963)
Easy to Get Absorbed in the Drama
15 October 2023
This series was about "The Untouchables", supposedly government officials, possibly for the ATF,that fought "corruption" during the days of Prohibition. It was the idea that it was impossible for them to be corrupted.

The idea/law of Prohibition, in itself, is preposterous, and only benefited the mobs.

However, this series is quite engaging, and one can get absorbed into the drama of fighting the mobs.

What quite surprised me was the impact this series had to the Italian/Sicilian communities. For Desi Arnaz to be threatened and for contracts to be placed on him is amazing. I did not think that the series was disparaging to Sicilians/Italians, only to those involved in crimes, which, of course, is not the same. I am glad that the contract on his life was rescinded.

The actors are those that were famous or became famous. Robert Stack was his usual great self (especially from Airplane!), and a great skeet shooter. There are so many other great actors.
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Interesting Mystery ... Olde with Class
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was "raised" with old (for me) mysteries like Charlie Chan (Toler, Winters, Oland), Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone, then Brett), Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Mr. Wong, etc.

The British lifestyle was always interesting ... never really knew what really existed during whatever timeframes discussed. Basil Rathbone SH's would purposely show the other section of society ... but I have no doubt that that was mostly incorrect.

This movie is about the British rich class, a wife and husband of class move into a house that turns out to be haunted, but with class. George Mason is the husband, Barbara Mullen as the wife. Margaret Lockwood as the companion, and main character. The house has a history.

I enjoyed watching the movie. George Mason is a great actor, and I really enjoyed his acting, and his character development ... which he did, or the movie would have been very disappointing. Unfortunately, not all the loose threads were tied up.

This isn't the haunted house movie for you if you are expecting scary scenes, affects, etc. However, for me, it was enjoyable.
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Black Magic (1944)
Entertaining Mystery
13 September 2023
Despite many more negative reviews, I rated this movie high.

When writing these reviews, I understand, for me at least, that it depends upon our mood at the time.

I watched CC and SH movies when I was a teenager, late at night. They are part of my "upbringing".

I liked the plot of this movie, it had the darkness of a seance, and secret passages (of course from the Prohibition days ... other movies will have them for the American Civil War, WWI, WWII). It also had several different "locales" used, such as the house, the streets of SF, police HQ, etc.)

Birmingham was more intelligent in this movie, which was an improvement. It is terrible that Blacks were depicted in such a derogatory way. There were several Whites in other movies that also were supposed to be humorous because of stupidity/drunkenness, but never as bad as Blacks. It shows much about society of that time.
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