Tipping Point (2012– )
Entertaining and Educational
25 February 2024
I think it is a very interesting show. It combines memory/intellect/experience with the physics of the machine. I find Ben to be are a very articulate and entertaining host. He admits that he has information wired into him. He is not pompous, he is cordial, and actually attempts to help the contestants in a very indirect way, all of them.

Reading the Reviews is very interested. So many opinions.

Sure, even I, an American, know the answers to some of the UK-specific questions. However, I don't have a clue about others. Brits not understanding the difference in dates between the Battle of Hastings, War of Independence, and WWI is atrocious. Or the Battle of Britain. It is a sorry state when I know more about the history of England/UK. However, Brits might know more about American history than I; and more than the common American that may not know where our States are located. Yea, some questions are very easy, others are not. It might be very easy to answer: "How many days are there in two fortnights, minus one fortnight, plus 3 days?" when we are sitting at home, it is different when there is a camera in your face. In Millionaire (US), one of the early questions, the colors of the US flag are "red, white, and ________". These easy questions must be to make some folks at home feel better.

As far as Ben (the host) in concerned, I don't undertand the negative reviews, including how he talks too fast. Even as an American I can understand his English perfectly, and he articulates very well, and certainly beyond the contestants. He adds content to the show, and is entertaining. He actually attempts to help the contestants in his own way. I am sometimes surprised how much Brits know about the US.

Overall, the Tipping Point is an entertaining and educational show. All contestants are very polite and support each other, something I don't often see. It makes perfect sense why Tipping Point has been produced for so many years. I also like Tenable, the Millionaire shows (all regions), The Chase (all regions), and The Missing Link (all regions)
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